the destructors the pearl中文版版

the destructors 译文 BY GRAHAM GREENE_百度知道
the destructors 译文 BY GRAHAM GREENE
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At first glance,
looks like a bargain offering of little redeeming value. It’s a genuine pleasure to discover that the film (originally bearing the superior title ) is a competent Euro-thriller with two contrasting but equally laudable performances by
and . Director Robert Parrish works from a script by , delivering an occasionally clumsy film that benefits hugely from a charismatic lead in Caine and being shot on location in Paris, Marseille and beyond.The locations, in particular a seemingly abandoned train station, have an old-fashioned charm that makes the rote chase sequence stand out. Also notable are two excellent car chases that demonstrate that CGI may have incapacitated the genuine thrill of an experience stunt driver showing off. Quinn plays Steve Ventura, an American cop who’s stuck in a very personal prison behind a desk at a Parisian embassy.
- Mark Zhuravsky
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导演:罗伯特?帕里什 /
主演: / 安东尼?奎因 / 詹姆斯?梅森 / 莫里斯?罗奈特 / 亚历山德拉?斯图尔特 /
影片类型: / 剧情


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