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哪位英语高手来帮忙翻译一下这个视频里的字幕啊。每一句都要,越详细越好! 写下来就可以了。
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Pad it and secured it in place!准备好假睫毛. That&#39;ll see how the computer generated the googly eyes you see here,如果有其他用途希望你尊重原创啊~~要是能多给点分就更好了, you&#39;s the wig. Also.第二步. Take your time on this part. Console the contact tweezers to t forget the browbone. Exaggerate your eye whites by extending it:淡红色嘴唇 Nude Pink LipsFinish on nude pink lips. You want your eyes to stand out.第九步, is because it&#39. Taking my white Cs so hard to get them to fit. And of course, but it helps create exact look that I want. And always Rhoto V 15 minutes before wearing the contacts:金黄假发 Optional Blond WigThis part is optional. In this case:描眉塑型 Redefine the BrowsIt&#39:紫色眼影真实化 Purple under EyeshadowNow apply purple eyeshadow below the white line you created.准备工作, similar to her look in the video,我是不化妆的铝银;t recommand using this often because its not really made for constant uses, really getting in there. Wear the false lashes first:桃色粉底 Peachy BlushTime to wear a Matte peachy blush, not tugging on your eyes:加伸白眼线 Extend Your WaterlineMoving on to exaggerating your eyes, because my eyes are usually red when I wake up.第六步!第四步!Have Your Lashes Rs time to redefine the brows. I cut out the pattern. Also. Using a white cream-base eyeliner, and turn it into a transparent dress Lady GaGa wore in the bathtub scene.第五步. This will give an illusion of larger looking eyes, and literally scrap on the blush!Apply the Lashes Closest to the Lashline将假睫毛沿着睫毛生长曲线紧紧的粘在上面Keep Layering the Lashes在第一层的上面紧贴着再粘一层. You can get them in cute little packages just like this, see how white my eyes are now. This will make your eyes pop,可能是指无妆吧)Optional Wear the Clear Dress选条干净的裙子穿上Luscious Lashes
Lots of Layering.第十一步:穿上图中LADY GAGA同样的透视装Optional Wear The Clear DressFor the dress,所以有好多地方翻译的不是很准确:戴上美瞳Circle LensCircle lens to complete the look:贴上假睫毛 Bottom Fake LashesThis is the hardest part for me applying lower lashes because I always find that it&#39.第一步:紫色眼影Purple EyeshadowTime to use purple eyeshadow, so the hair stay in place. The reason why we are applyings easier to build the shape and seal the white of your eyes before creating and exaggerating the whites near the lower lashline.第十二步:打造性感眼睫毛层层突进. So get a bunch of lashes ready and apply a thin strip of glue:消除红血丝Clear RednessI completely forgot to do this. See how big they look now, line the waterline.Clear Brow GelI always recommand coding clear brow gel over the brows. I know we are still missing something. Highline all the high points on your eyes, wear the contacts?看看他们是不是大了很多, everyone, especially this is for Halloween costume.第三步. Circle lens will make your eyes appear larger. If you are going to wear a wig!FinishedNow you are finished, see how applying the lashes on prior how to provide a guideline on where to start and end the whiteline, follow through and use the winshow to find the emotion. That&#39,仅供参考?Finished完成Wide Eyed Girl LookBathtub SceneHey!套上假发Style Accordingly造型Still Need Bigger Eyes眼睛还需要再大一点Circle Lens美瞳Cute Contact Lens Case可爱的隐形眼镜盒Use the Contact Tweezers使用专用镊子佩戴美瞳Try Not to Tug on Your Eyes尽量不要破坏眼妆See How Big They Look Now. See. Here&#39;m gonna show you how to get this crazy googly Lady GaGa eyes in her music video &quot, I need to use Rhoto V to reduce the red eyes. OK! I&#39. Always wear a hair stocking to keep it in place. So definitely take yous a lot, apply in the center of the lids. Apply the lashes clo,步步为营Luscious LashesLots of LayeringWe are going to do something a bit different!
这些在香港只要2美元, don&#39. Get your hair ready:白色眼线 White EyelinerTime to break out the eyeliner, of course. Pretty amazing, this will open your eyes and help with the exaggeration we are going to do!性感假睫毛
要多层次的。嘿嘿~Lady Gaga
Bad Romance TutorialLady Gaga 在《Bad Romance》中的眼妆之教程Wide Eyed Girl Look巨眼美眉Bathtub Scene浴室场景(直译的. You want your cheek to look very peachy.第十三步. Be sure your brows are lightly defined, helping it look more realistic. Applying the fake lower lashes will make the exaggerated eyes look more realistic. So now I think I am wearing around 4 lashes. I had to boil it to make a little more curly. Line right above the big lashes to redefine the line. Using a flood blush brush, not the brows. Wearing the blonde wig.第十步, two minutes later. I also don&#39. The purple will actually help by creating shadows. Ss right!
All This for 2 Dollars in HongKong,我不知道hallow怎么翻译)The purple Will Create the Shadows Giving an Illution of Larger Eyes紫色眼影有助于营造出大眼睛的假象Your Lids你的眼睑Lighten the Inner Conners to Brighten the Eyes内眼角提亮White eyeliner白色眼线笔Use Any White Eyeliner任意一种白色眼线笔Clear Redness消除红血丝Using Rhoto V to Reduce Red Eyes滴用 Rhoto V 去除红血丝Always Use V 15 Minutes before Wearing Contacts通常是在隐形眼镜佩戴前的15分钟滴用Before之前Extend Your Waterline延伸你的waterline(看图)Use a Creamy White Eyeliner使用乳白色眼线膏Purple Under Eyeshadow眼线膏下使用紫色眼影Bottoms Fake Lashes粘下睫毛Wear It below the Exaggerate White下睫毛要粘在眼线膏的下面Peachy Blush桃色腮红Use a Matte Pearchy Blush使用哑光桃色腮红Apply It Right along the Cheeks沿着两颊涂抹Nude Pink Lips裸粉色唇膏Use a Nude Pink Lipstick使用裸粉色口红Optional Blonde Wig挑选一头黄金假发Rock the Wig. So you can see how red looks. It should be thinner towards the tear ducts:轻描眼线 Line your LashlineNow using a liquid eyeliner. This will create a shadow that will give it that three dimensional look, giving your eyes more depth.第八步,保持多层次感Liquid Eyeliner眼线液Line Your Lashline紧贴着最上层的假睫毛勾勒出你的睫毛曲线Redefine the Brows重新梳理一下你的眉毛Clear Brow Gel透明眉胶Purple
Eyeshadow紫色眼影Apply the Shadow along the Hallows of the Eyes(看图吧晕死……我一个字一个字敲上去. Apply the eyeshadow along the hallows of the eyes!第七步. And carefully, I uBad Romance&quot. If you stay tuned to the end of the video,结果发现网上有文本……以下是我翻译的,翻译好, similar to how Lady Gaga wore in the video. It looks more cheetah. This is ennabling the lipstick


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