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The Johns Hopkins University约翰-霍普金斯大学
时间: 14:04 来源:百度百科
约翰&霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University),简称霍普金斯大学,是一所位于马里兰州巴尔的摩市的著名研究型私立大学,经常被误认为是常春藤联盟的一员。霍普金斯大学尤以其医学、公共卫生、科学研究、国际关系及艺术等领域的卓越成就而闻名世界。该校的校友中,先后有33人获得诺贝尔奖。
  约翰&霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University)同 霍普金斯大学(JHU),是一所世界顶尖的私立大学,位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市。霍普金斯大学尤以其医学、公共卫生、科学研究、国际关系、文学、艺术以及众多应用科学研究领域的卓越成就而闻名世界。该校的校友中,先后有37人获得诺贝尔奖。根据美国国家科学基金会统计,在2007财政年约翰霍普金斯大学共从国家科学基金会、国家卫生研究院、国家航空航天局以及美国国防部获得超过15亿美元的科研经费,这使得它连续30年成为全美年科研经费最高的大学。截止至2008年有130名美国科学院、工程学院、医学院、文理学院院士就职于约翰霍普金斯大学。截止至2005年共有八位约翰霍普金斯大学的科研人员获得美国国家科学奖章。
霍普金斯大学的的标志性建筑Gilman Hall
  霍普金斯大学是全美第一所研究型大学,其目标为:&鼓励研究以及独立学者的进步,使得他们可以通过自己精湛的学识推动他们所追求的科学以及所生活的社会前进。& 霍普金斯大学的创始人希望抛弃美式学院的陈规旧制,打造一所专注于扩展知识、研究生教育和鼓励研究风气的新式研究型大学。仿照威廉&洪堡等人所倡导的以柏林洪堡大学为代表的德国大学模式,约翰霍普金斯大学是美国第一所以讨论班方式授课、第一所分专业录取本科生的大学,其理念和模式都对后来的美国大学产生了巨大的影响并为之纷纷效仿,其中的典型例子如芝加哥大学。
  大学的拉丁文校训为Veritas vos liberabit(真理必叫你们得以自由,出自《圣经&约翰福音》8:32)。大学校徽的正中央为橡树枝支撑的马里兰州建立者巴尔的摩领主的家族纹章,其上的书籍和地球象征着艺术和科学研究。霍普金斯大学的首任校长是Daniel Gilman。
  约翰斯霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University)在2011年美国新闻与世界报道(USNews)与高等教育研究机构(QS)联合发布的USNEW-QS2011世界大学排名中排名世界第16位。在
上海交大版的ARWU2011世界大学学术排名中排名世界第18位。在英国泰晤士高等教育增刊与汤姆森路透社联合发布的THES2012世界大学排名中排名世界第14位。在最新出炉的2012美国新闻与世界报道(U.S. News and World Report)全美最佳大学排行榜中,霍普金斯大学在&国家级大学&(National Universities)中位列第13,属于全美最优秀的大学之一。
  美国新闻与世界报道 全美(国家级大学)14
  美国新闻与世界报道 公共卫生1
  美国新闻与世界报道 研究医学2
  美国新闻与世界报道 历史学9
  美国新闻与世界报道 工学25
  美国新闻与世界报道 教育学7
  只有在MSE图书馆的六层两个地面,其余的是下,虽然建筑师设计的建设,使各个层次具有窗户和自然光。与传统的校园传说的位,说不准在校园内的结构可以比吉尔曼馆,最古老的教学大楼的设计符合高。没有任何书面的规则有关建筑物高度,但是,图书馆的设计,建筑和美学时,终于在20世纪60年代建成的理由选择。2008年12月,它宣布,将增加一个新的构造直接向库南的微型和小型企业。六和半层扩建将被命名为布罗迪学习共享的大学校长William R. Brody加入荣誉,将作为&协作学习空间&。该产品预计将在2012年完成。
  北京协和医学院(Peking Union Medical College,PUMC)是洛克菲勒基金会(旧又译:罗氏基金会)在中国最大、最著名,也是它最得意的一项投资,北京协和医学院从1915年起开始筹建,1916年选址动工,1921年举行落成典礼并正式命名。它将美国当时最先进的约翰斯&霍普金斯医学院的教学计划和办学经验移植到中国来,把培养高质量、高水平的医学人才作为办学宗旨,形成一整套独具特色且行之有效的教学制度和方法
  约翰霍普金斯大学Carey商学院的起源可以追溯到1909年,是全美最早开设商业研究生教育的机构之一。Carey商学院目前已经得到超过1.5亿美元的捐助,总部已在2010年迁入全新的Legg Mason金融中心。学院的教授绝大部分都有Wharton,Northwestern,MIT,Stanford这些超一流的学校的背景。
  ★Carey商学院授予学生商业学士学位(Bachelor of Science in Business)
  ★ 学生可选择以下6大专业方向:
  1.会计 (Accounting);
  2.金融 (Finance);
  3.信息系统 (Information Systems);
  4.管理 (Management);
  5.市场营销 (Marketing);
  6. 艺术设计管理(Design Leadership)
  工商管理硕士(MBA):包括Global MBA(特色项目),Executive MBA,医疗管理MBA,组织发展MBA等分支
  理学硕士(MS):包括金融硕士(MS in Finance)、信息系统硕士(MS in Information Systems)、市场营销硕士 (MS in Marketing)、房地产硕士(MS in Real Estate)(包括全职和兼职两种)
  双学位项目:MBA+ 公共卫生、护理学、生物技术、政府管理、工程等(硕士)
  Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) 尼采高级国际研究学院
  Carey Business School 凯瑞商学院
  Peabody Institute 皮博迪学院(霍普金斯大学音乐系)
  Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences 克里格文理学院
  G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering 怀廷工学院
  School of Education 教育学院
  霍姆伍德校区是大学最古老的校区。校园位于巴尔的摩市的北部,地处集小镇魅力与大都市活力于一身的查尔斯区,为大巴尔的摩都市圈的周末热门度假地。从该地坐火车去华盛顿特区只需1小时,去纽约不到3小时,步行可达附近众多名胜古迹。校址地名霍姆伍德原是《独立宣言》签名人之一的查尔斯&卡罗尔之子的庄园。整个校园占地面积140 英亩,四处古树环抱,绿草如茵。校内建筑以19世纪典型学院派风格的红砖建筑为主。校园里四通八达的小路把各幢大楼连成一片,宁静安谧,人文气息浓郁,素有巴尔的摩&精神首府&的雅称。
  Johns Hopkins Hospital 约翰霍普金斯医院
  Bloomberg School of Public Health 布隆伯格学院
  School of Medicine 医学院
  School of Nursing 护理学院
  Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) 约翰霍普金斯应用物理实验室
  普金斯校队的昵称为Blue Jays。霍普金斯的传统体育强项有曲棍球、棒球、足球、网球、篮球、游泳等。在众多的项目中,以曲棍球队的成绩最为出色。霍普金斯男子曲棍球队共44次夺得全国联赛锦标。霍普金斯与马里兰大学是曲棍球场上的老对手。自1899年以来,两队赛场上交锋达103次之多。
  每年四月举行的春季嘉年华(The Johns Hopkins Spring Fair)是霍普金斯大学的众多传统之一,也是巴尔的摩地区远近闻名的特色节目。从白天到黑夜,为期三天的嘉年华会将整个小镇变成一片欢乐的海洋。每年都有数以10万计的参观者从四面八方慕名而来,与霍普金斯大学的学生一起在游园、美食、歌舞表演中尽情狂欢。
  伍德罗&威尔逊- 美国总统
  斯皮罗&阿格纽- 美国副总统
  马德琳&奥尔布赖特- 美国国务卿
  保罗&沃尔福威茨- 前世界银行总裁,前美国国防部副部长
  Antonia Novello- 美国卫生部部长
  John J. Hamre- 美国国防部副部长,美国国际战略研究中心主任
  Jessica Einhorn- 美国国际战略研究中心主任,国会外交事务委员会主席,世界银行副行长
  布隆伯格- 纽约市市长
  Rudy Boschwitz- 美国参议员
  Rafael Hern&ndez Col&n- 波多黎各总督
  Michael Steele- 马里兰州副州长
  Timothy F. Geithner- 美国联邦储备银行行长
  R. Nicholas Burns- 美国驻北约和希腊大使
  Zeid Raad al Hussein- 约旦驻联合国大使
  Samuel Lewis- 前美国驻以色列大使, 1987年戴维营和谈美方首席代表
  Sir David Manning- 英国驻美国大使
  Ali Akbar Velayati- 伊朗外交部长
  王光亚 - 中华人民共和国国务院港澳事务办公室主任
  崔天凯 - 中华人民共和国外交部副部长
  Kweisi Mfume- NAACP主席
  Peter Beilenson- 马里兰州卫生部部长
  班达尔&本&苏丹- 沙特阿拉伯驻美国大使
  Umberto Vattani- 意大利驻欧盟大使
  Alger Hiss- 美国外交官,律师,苏联间谍
  约翰&华生- 心理学家,行为主义之父
  约翰&惠勒- 理论物理学泰斗
  约翰&杜威- 哲学家,心理学家,教育家,实用主义的集大成者
  Abel Wolman- 现代净水方法的发明人
  杜安&格拉韦林- 美国航天员
  William Foxwell Albright- 语言学家,死海古卷的鉴定者
  Sir William Osler- 现代医学奠基人之一
  John August Anderson- 天文学家,衍射光栅的发明人之一
  Michael Griffin- 美国国家航空航天局署长
  Kenneth H. Keller- 明尼苏达大学校长
  Jeong Hun Kim- 贝尔实验室主任
  Mike Muuss- 网络基础工具ping的作者
  Charles Lane Poor- 天文学家,因与爱因斯坦论战而闻名
  Solomon W. Golomb- 数学家,俄罗斯方块的发明人之一
  Frederick Jackson Turner- 历史学家,首次阐述美国历史中的&边疆意义&
  Thorstein Veblen- 经济学家,《有闲阶级论》作者
  钱致榕- 物理学家
  多莉&艾莫丝- 歌手
  John Astin- 演员,代表作《阿达一族》
  Russell Baker- 作家,普利策奖获得者,Masterpiece Theatre节目主持人
  John Barth- 小说家
  Wolf Blitzer- CNN新闻主播
  瑞秋&卡森- 环保人士,《寂静的春天》作者。
  张纯如- 《南京暴行:被遗忘的大屠杀》作者
  J.D. Considine- 音乐评论家
  Richard Ben Cramer- 记者,普利策奖得主
  Wes Craven- 导演和制片人
  Caleb Deschanel- 著名电影摄影师
  Mildred Dunnock- 电影和话剧演员
  Michele Kelemen- 美国国家公共电台资深记者
  Murray Kempton- 普利策奖得主
  David Lipsky- 滚石杂志主编,Absolutely American一书作者
  Daniel Menaker- Random House行政主编
  Walter Murch- 奥斯卡最佳电影制片人与音乐人
  Ben Neihart- 经典歌曲Hey,Joe,Burning Girl的作者
  P. J. O'Rourke- 记者,政治评论家
  Patricia Sabga- NBC News驻伦敦首席记者
  Gertrude Stein- 女权运动倡导者,作家
  Allen Wastler- CNN主编
  Basil White- 著名脱口秀演员
  Davey Johnson- 传奇职棒运动员,曾效力巴尔的摩金莺队
  布隆伯格- Bloomberg L.P.创办人,纽约市市长
  Allan Huston- 主席兼CEO
  彭明盛- IBM主席兼CEO
  Russ Smith- 纽约出版集团主席
  Rahmi Ko&- 全球500强,土耳其最大财团Ko& Holding创始人
  Matthew Polk- Polk Audio创始人
  David Schneiderman- The Village Voice(《村声》)周刊创始人
  Kozo Shimano- 禧玛诺集团总裁
  Robert S. Singer- 时装品牌 Abercrombie and Fitch总裁兼首席运营官
  Christopher Sullivan- Sullco Industries主席兼CEO
  Matthew Elizabeth Shomphe- Digital Rump主席兼CEO
  Daniel Shectman - 2011年诺贝尔化学奖
  Adam Riess - 2011年诺贝尔诺贝尔物理学奖
  Robert Edwards - 2010年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Carol Greider - 2009年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Andrew Fire - 2006年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Richard Axel - 2004年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Peter Agre - 2003年诺贝尔化学奖
  J.M. Coetzee - 2003年诺贝尔文学奖
  Riccardo Giacconi - 2002年诺贝尔物理学奖
  Paul Greengard - 2000年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Robert H. Mundell - 1999年诺贝尔经济学奖
  Jody Williams - 1997年诺贝尔和平奖
  Martin Rodbell - 1994年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Robert Fogel - 1993年诺贝尔经济学奖
  Merton H. Miller - 1990年诺贝尔经济学奖
  Sir Richard Stone - 1984年诺贝尔经济学奖
  Torsten Wiesel - 1981年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  David H. Hubel - 1981年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Hamilton O. Smith - 1978年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Daniel Nathans - 1978年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Christian B. Anfinsen - 1972年诺贝尔化学奖
  Simon Kuznets - 1971年诺贝尔经济学奖
  Lars Onsager - 1968年诺贝尔化学奖
  Haldan Keffer Hartline - 1967年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Francis Peyton Rous - 1966年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Maria Goeppert-Mayer- 1963年诺贝尔物理奖
  Vincent du Vigneaud - 1955年诺贝尔化学奖
  Herbert Spencer Gasser - 1944年诺贝尔生理学奖
  Joseph Erlanger - 1944年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Herbert Spencer Gasser - 1944年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Harold Clayton Urey - 1934年诺贝尔化学奖
  George Hoyt Whipple - 1934年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  George Richards Minot - 1934年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Thomas Hunt Morgan - 1933年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
  Nicholas Murray Butler - 1931年诺贝尔和平奖
  James Franck - 1925年诺贝尔物理奖
  Woodrow Wilson - 1919年诺贝尔和平奖
  陈能宽- 中国科学院院士,两弹一星国家元勋
  蒋树声- 民盟中央主席,南京大学校长
  朱民- 中国人民银行副行长
  施一公- 普林斯顿大学终身教授、清华大学教授/生命科学与医学研究院院长,结构生物学家
  戚寿南- 前中央大学医学院院长,医学家、医学教育家。中国现代内科医学的奠基人。
  谢元甫- 中国泌尿外科奠基人。
  王光亚 -中华人民共和国国务院港澳事务办公室主任 
  崔天凯- 中华人民共和国外交部副部长
  陈维昭- 台湾大学校长,医学家、教育学家
  陈鹤琴- 南京师范大学(前南京师范学院)校长,中国教育学会名誉会长
  汪敬熙- 第一届中央研究院院士,前联合国科学部主任,心理学家
  汤佩松- 两院院士(中央研究院院士、中国科学院院士),中科院植物所名誉所长,植物生理学家
  唐仲璋- 中国科学院院士,动物学家
  周炜良- 中央研究院院士,数学家,20世纪代数几何领域的主要人物之一。
  邵雪民- 联合国环境和能源专题委员会主席,联合国环境规划署驻华代表。
  王微- 土豆网CEO
  袁晨野- 著名男中音歌唱家,中央音乐学院教授。
  兹比格涅夫&布热津斯基- 美国国家安全顾问,
  Benjamin Carson- 神经医学家,美国总统自由勋章获得者,2008
  雅克&德里达- 法国哲学家,解构主义代表人物
  约翰&马克斯维尔&库切- 南非当代著名小说家,2003年诺贝尔文学奖得主。
  保罗&沃尔福威茨- 前世界银行总裁,前美国国防部副部长,尼采高级国际研究学院院长
  詹姆斯&法兰克- 诺贝尔物理奖,1925
  Riccardo Giacconi- 诺贝尔物理奖,2002,美国国家科学奖章得主,2003
  Maria Goeppert-Mayer- 诺贝尔物理奖,1963
  Michael Griffin- 美国国家航空航天局局长
  Steve H. Hanke- 经济学家,美国总统顾问,卡托研究所资深研究员
  Michael Griffin - 美国国家航空航天局局长
  Alice McDermott- 小说家,美国国家图书奖得主,1998
  Paul H. Nitze- 外交官,尼采高级国际研究学院创始人之一,冷战时期四届美国总统政策顾问
  Solomon H. Snyder- 美国国家科学奖章获得者,2003
  汉弥尔顿&史密斯- 诺贝尔医学奖,1978
  Sir Richard Stone- 诺贝尔经济学奖,1984
  克里斯琴&伯默尔&安芬森- 化学家,1972年诺贝尔化学奖
  彼得&阿格雷- 化学家,2003年诺贝尔化学奖
  Nicholas Murray Butler- 诺贝尔和平奖,1931
  约瑟夫&厄尔兰格- 诺贝尔医学奖,1944
  斯坦利&霍尔- 心理学先驱,克拉克大学首任校长
  Haldan Keffer Hartline- 诺贝尔医学奖,1967
  大卫&休伯尔- 诺贝尔医学奖,1971
  西蒙&史密斯&库兹涅茨- 诺贝尔经济学奖,1971
  默顿&米勒- 诺贝尔经济学奖,1990
  乔治&迈诺特- 诺贝尔医学奖,1934
  蒙代尔- 诺贝尔经济学奖,1999
  丹尼尔&那森斯- 诺贝尔医学奖,1978
  拉斯&昂萨格- 诺贝尔化学奖,1968
  &克莱顿&尤里- 诺贝尔化学奖,1934
  文森特&迪维尼奥- 诺贝尔化学奖,1955
  乔治&惠普尔- 诺贝尔医学奖,1934
  托斯坦&维厄瑟尔- 诺贝尔医学奖,1981
  Paul Smolensky- 认知科学家,《优选论》作者
  Herbert Baxter Adams- 历史学家,&政治科学&一词的发明者
  Richard Threlkeld Cox- 物理学家,发现考科斯定理
  Paul H. Emmett- 化学工程师,曼哈顿计划
  Richard Bett- 哲学家,美国哲学学会(APA)前主席
  法兰西斯&福山- 政治经济学家,《历史之终结与最后一人》一书之作者。
  William Foxwell Albright- 死海古卷的鉴定者,语言学与制陶学家
  Stanislav Grof- 心理学家,发展并完善了霍尔兰职业类型论
  查尔斯&桑德斯&皮尔士- 哲学家,逻辑学家,化学家
  Ira Remsen- 化学家,发现糖精
  Albert L. Lehninger- 生物化学家,多本生物化学经典教材的作者
  Victor A. McKusick- 《孟德尔人类遗传学》作者
  David B. Weishampel& 古生物学家,恐龙总目编者 2004
  艾茵&兰德- 源头和阿特拉斯摆脱重负作者
  William G. Cochran- 统计学家
  Henry Jones Ford- 政治科学家,记者
  Eckart Forster- 哲学家
  John Astin- 著名电视演员,代表作《阿达一族》
  Basil Lanneau Gildersleeve- 古典主义学者
  Stanislav Grof- 心理学家
  David Harvey(until 2001) - 地理学家
  汉斯-赫尔曼&霍普- 经济学家
  阿弗雷德&洛特卡- 数学家,统计学家
  William Montgomery- 哲学家
  Simon Newcomb- 天文学家,数学家
  Robert G. Parr- 理论化学家
  Ronald Paulson- 英语语言学家
  Aviel D. Rubin- 信息安全与保密性问题专家
  Henry Augustus Rowland- 物理学家
  James Mark Baldwin- 哲学家
  John Barth- 小说家
  Michael Williams- 哲学家
  詹姆斯&约瑟夫&西尔维斯特- 数学家
  Robert W. Wood- 实验物理学家
  尽管中文习惯上称其为约翰(John)霍普金斯大学,大学的正确英文拼法应为&约翰斯&霍普金斯大学&(The Johns Hopkins University)。Johns这一罕见的名字来自捐资人霍普金斯的曾祖母玛格丽特&约翰斯(Margaret Johns)的姓氏。这个姓氏被霍普金斯家族作为名字传承了下来。
Delta Omega Scholarship 三角洲欧米茄奖学金,护理学院全奖学金,
&&&&&&&& 入学要求
  本科: 高中毕业,高中平均成绩85分以上;硕士: 国内本科毕业,有学位,本科平均成绩80分以上
Johns Hopkins University Introduction
If one were to poll the 1,200 students in Johns Hopkins University&s most recently admitted class, virtually every individual would name a different reason for selecting Hopkins. Some would doubtlessly cite top-ranked programs and world-class faculty, while others might offer up the lush campus grounds, the startling variety of activities, or simply the &feel& of the place. Contrary to popular opinion, there isn&t only one select type of student who finds Hopkins fascinating. Similarly, there isn&t only one select type of student for whom Hopkins is an excellent fit. While the university continues to conduct leading work in the field of medicine, budding scientists and future physicians are not the only intellectuals best served by the unde in fact, prospective students do themselves an injustice by stopping there! With numerous well-respected (and highly ranked) programs in the Humanities, the Social Sciences, and Engineering, a Johns Hopkins education promises excellence in every discipline.
Founded in 1876 by railroad magnate and philanthropist Johns Hopkins, the institution was the first of its kind in the United States. Curiosity and independence were the watchwords for this new establishment, headlining a tradition of exploration and inquiry that continues even more strongly today. Material examples of this educational philosophy are evident in the university&s open curriculum, the availability of undergraduate research opportunity, and the amalgam of student organizations, ever in flux. This philosophy encourages students to take responsibility for their own education in a uniquely powerful way&those who are willing to ask questions and to dig deeply make the most of the Hopkins legacy.
The Campus
Hopkins undergraduates spend the majority of their four years on the Homewood Campus, a 140-acre swath of green in northern Baltimore City. Only three miles from the city center and tourist district, bordered by two busy thoroughfares, Homewood is an accessible, urban campus with a surprisingly rural feel. Georgian structures and fleets of sweeping marble stairs lend a collegial uniformity to the extensive, pedestrian grounds. Dotted with lampposts and a variety of flowering trees, the campus is an aesthetic triumph (and as such, is often a surprise to visitors expecting the raw, the gritty, or the hectic). Boasting a modest population of approximately 4,700 undergraduates, Homewood houses both the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering. Relatively compact departments and their corresponding faculty cohorts create an intimate learning environment, lending courses the air of a much smaller liberal arts college.
The Hopkins Umbrella
Still, don&t be fooled! New arrivals to Homewood will soon discover what locals have learned long ago: the &Hopkins umbrella& stretches far and wide, encompassing a good deal of Baltimore and the world beyond. Free shuttles run from Homewood to the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and the Bloomberg School of Public Health in East Baltimore, after making a stop at the Peabody Institute Conservatory of Music just south of campus. The Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (also known as SAIS) is based in Washington, D.C., and maintains campuses abroad in China and Italy. Students also have access to the School of Education, The Carey Business School, and finally, the Applied Physics Laboratory. Some of these divisions offer specific undergraduate programs, while the remainder provides opportunities for post-graduate studies, independent research, or employment. Ultimately, no interdivision however, if a student seeks adventure away from the Homewood quads, the rest of the university and all of its resources are waiting. At Hopkins, students need not choose between the rural or urban, th the university somehow manages to provide and to be something slightly different for everyone. With that said, be forewarned: Hopkins students don&t view these, or any other defining features, as &compromises.& They fully feel as though the best of all worlds is accessible.
While most alumni would probably agree that Hopkins provided well for them both academically and socially, the university isn&t resting on its laurels. Within the past several years, eight new buildings have been added to campus and several additional initiatives are well underway. From Clark and Hodson Halls to state-of-the-art new chemistry and computational sciences buildings, facilities for research and teaching have grown larger and glossier. Through the construction of the new arts and recreation centers, the rich extracurricular lives of Hopkins students have been not simply acknowledged, but comm their existence makes good on the notion that a Hopkins experience isn&t solely academic. Mason Hall, a new quad area, complete with academic facilities and the university&s visitor center, and Admissions Office fleshes out the south end of campus.
All told, these additions are indicative of a reflective, self-evaluative university that doesn&t feel immune to critique. Hopkins embraces change per se, but perhaps more importantly, recognizes the need for an evolution that builds upon distinctive features and existing traditions. As noted by the second president of the university, Ira Remsen, in regard to campus construction, &[o]ur general plan should determine the style of architecture and arrangement of buildings appropriate to the gradual development of the campus so that in years to come the groups&will form a symmetrical whole.& This passage is easily applied to the in reinventing its various parts, attention to the greater whole&the bigger picture&isn&t just a priority, but a consistent practice.
Johns Hopkins University Academics
Within the School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Engineering, the philosophy of education manifests itself in numerous ways. Students are given the opportunity to both focus and expand their academic interests through traditional coursework, independent research, internships, and study abroad experiences. In and outside of the classroom, within Maryland or overseas, Hopkins students are hard at work fulfilling the mission of JHU&s first president, Daniel Coit Gilman: &[t]he object of the university is to develop character& Its purport is not so much to impart knowledge to the pupils as to whet the appetite, exhibit methods, develop powers, strengthen judgment, and invigorate the intellectual forces.& Once students have gained admission to Hopkins, it&s up to them to best utilize what they&ve earned.
Open Curriculum
At Hopkins, work within the classroom is divided into two loosely defined areas: departmental requirements and distribution credits. Unlike many of its peer institutions, Hopkins doesn&t instate any type of core curriculum. The only &must-take& classes fall within students& self-selected majors or minors, allowing individuals the opportunity to craft a changeable course of study that meets their needs.
Major and Distribution Credits
With thirty-seven majors in Arts and Sciences, thirteen in Engineering, and forty minors ranging from Ancient Law to Theatre Arts and Studies, students have a great deal
however, due to the absence of a core curriculum, most aren&t limited to one field or one major. More than two-thirds of Hopkins undergraduates complete a double major or minor in four years. It&s also very easy to shift between majors or schools if the need arises. As Hopkins students become accustomed to the wide variety of academic options at their disposal, changes inevitably occur.
While majors and minors encourage intellectual focus (and occupy the majority of students& time and energies), part of an average semester is usually given over to &distribution&credits. These courses, taken in areas outside of the major field of study, provide the opportunity to expand and explore. Though technically required, they maintain balance in a curriculum, offering the new, the diverse, and the challenging.
Consequently, students do receive a liberal arts education at H however, their collective experience is marked by greater freedoms and increased autonomy. The structure is there, but the specifics are up to them.
Another way in which the university encourages academic investigation is through its current system of covered grades.
During the first semester of freshman year, students will register for and participate in courses as however, the final grades they receive will be covered, appearing on their transcripts as either &S& or &U,& &satisfactory& or &unsatisfactory.&The rationale for this system is twofold: first and foremost, it encourages freshmen to sample a diverse array of courses without the threat of poor performance as a deterrent. Second, and perhaps more subtly, it supports the notion that college isn& it is an all-consuming, holistic experience and it should be treated as such. The first semester of freshman year is filled with stimuli. There are friends to meet, clubs to join, a campus to comprehend, and a city to explore, not to mention a series of rigorous courses with which to grapple. &S/U& allows students to enjoy the immersion process while slowly, humanely, preparing them for their next seven semesters.
There is little doubt that the average university student could be kept busy with courses alone, yet would class hours, problem sets, exams, and papers really provide enough intellectual fodder for the Hopkins undergraduate? From the look of it, apparently not&more than two-thirds of JHU students will conduct meaningful research by the time they graduate.
Research is the real meat of the undergraduate diet. Substantial, sustaining, it isn&t just theorizing&it is the direct application, the fleshing out, of those theories. With a broadly based definition encompassing classical laboratory work, self-crafted classes, honors theses and capstone projects, internships, and study abroad experiences, an independent research opportunity is one of the university&s signature offerings. Hopkins undergraduates can become engaged in research as early as freshman year and in every major. Academic advisors, faculty, and departments all help students find topics and projects right for them. While some students choose to contribute to the work of a professor or colleague, others design their own projects with assistance from a faculty mentor. Many undergraduate research projects are realized with help from fellowships, grants, and additional funding. Incoming freshmen have the opportunity to submit proposals for a Woodrow Wilson Undergraduate Research Fellowship when they apply for admission to the university. If selected, students receive a stipend of up to $10,000 to conduct original work. Current scholars benefit from the Provost&s Undergraduate Research Awards (PURA), a program that sponsors around fifty students a year and provides grants of up to $3,000. Although these are only two examples, they demonstrate the administration&s serious dedication to undergraduate research, both in theory and in practice.
Examples of Undergraduate Research by Department
&&Anthropology: Women&s Movement and Reproductive Health in India
&&Civil Engineering: The Qualifications of 19th-Century American Truss Bridges as Structural Art
&&Film and Media Studies: &2:37 A.M.& A Film
&&History of Art: Visions of the Virgin
&&Near Eastern Studies: &The Investigation of New Kingdom Occupation at the Temple of Mut in Luxor, Egypt&
&&Neuroscience: The Role of Perivascular Cells in HIVAssociated Dementia
&&Political Science: Thwarting the Terrorist Threat: Lessons from the Israeli-Turkish Experience
&&Writing Seminars: &Lost Writers and their Lost Works&
Internships, Study Abroad, and Intersession
Though internships and study abroad experiences aren&t commonly categorized as research, they do incorporate the element of experiential learning so critical to a Hopkins education. By investigating a profession or exploring a city, a country, or a culture, Hopkins students can test what they&ve learned in the classroom through direct, on-site application.
The Office of Academic Advising and the Career Center each provides resources for students interested in pursuing formal internship programs or more casual career exploration. Examples of recent internships include work at the American Enterprise Institute, Microsoft, Amnesty International, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Public Radio, the United States Congress, the World Health Organization, and Yahoo Inc. Internships can be conducted for university credit, for a salary, or simply, for the experience itself.
Study abroad opportunities, like internships, are easily coordinated and readily available. Hopkins students can work with the Office of Academic Advising or organize som with several campuses abroad and more than 300 students living and working overseas each year, the university maintains a highly respected international presence. For those students who feel as though adequate time for these options isn&t available during the academic year, Intersession provides an excellent outlet. Similar to the&J-Terms& or &Wintersessions& offered at other institutions, Intersession is a three-week block of time tacked onto the end of mid-year vacation. Students can st however, a good number choose to return to campus. One- or two-credit classes are offered, allowing students to lighten their cou recreational courses are also available, along with time for research, internships, or short study abroad adventures. Popular offerings include a renaissance art program in Florence, Italy, a behavioral biology trip to the Galapagos Islands, and a financial course that culminates in a trip to New York City.
Johns Hopkins University Admissions
Over the past several years, the number of applications submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions has increased approximately fifty-two percent, making the highly selective process that much more challenging. Still, gaining admission to Hopkins isn&t impossible and numbers aren&t everything. In order to matriculate a highly diverse and wellcrafted class each year, Hopkins admissions counselors have the luxury of reviewing each applicant individually. A 4.0 GPA and flawless standardized testing won&t students must demonstrate a promise of contribution in and outside of the academic arena. From artists and athletes to class leaders and community citizens, students with commitment and passion consistently prove most successful in the application process.
Prospective students have several application options and submission deadlines from which to choose. Hopkins accepts its own application, as well as the Common and Universal College A all are available online and in paper form. Similarly, students can choose between an Early Decision and a Regular Decision program with deadlines of November 1 and January 1, respectively. While Regular Decision is much more flexible, Early Decision is binding, and thus best suited to those students who are sure Hopkins is their top choice. Applications are evaluated using a number of specific components, some more academic and others more extracurricular in nature.
&&Within the academic sphere, the transcript will prove the most helpful. Not only will it demonstrate how well a student has done, but also (and perhaps more importantly), it will indicate how challenging that student&s course load has been. Raw grades and class rank don&t
an assessment of rigor, or difficulty, in a curriculum demonstrates that student&s investment in the act of learning.
&&Standardized testing is also considered an academic component. Though by no means the final word on a student&s intellect or abilities, the SATs and ACTs provide some consistency between applicants.
&&The summation of extracurricular involvement is weighed very significantly in the selection process. While some students choose to use the space allotted in the application to detail their activities, others enclose a resume or extended list. Regardless of the method used, this description of involvement is an essential indicator of contribution at the collegiate level. The admission committee is looking for variety and diversity of activity, but also for leadership and commitment.
&&Required essays, of late, have taken on a creative bent. The most recent offering is the following: Communities define our lives. Those you were born into, those you make yourself, and those you fall into by accident&communities of all types influence us and help shape us. Describe a defining community in your life and what it means to you. While this topic is certain to be exchanged for another eventually, the focus on originality and creativity will remain. Essays are the best opportunity to share something new or something unique that may not be readily available in other parts of the application. While admissions counselors hope to see strong writing, they are most concerned with content.
&&Two recommendations are required, one from a teacher or instructor and one from a guidance counselor. These should supplement the essay in detailing the character of the applicant.
Keep in mind that the admissions committee takes great care to understand the differences between schools, towns, states, and regions. Not every student has access to th all the committee asks is that an individual has delved deeply in that which is available.
Financial Aid
Though a Hopkins education could hardly be called inexpensive, the Office of Student Financial Services seeks to make the experience affordable for students and their families. Forty-eight percent of all undergraduates receive some kind of financial assistance. The university is committed to funding as much of a family&s &demonstrated need& as possible, a figure determined using national and institutional criteria. Although the majority of aid offered is need-based in nature, limited merit scholarships are available. Approximately twenty Hodson Trust Scholarships of $25,500 are offered each year, along with two full-tuition Westgate Scholarships for engineering students. The university has also recently partnered with Baltimore City public schools in offering full tuition scholarships to eligible city students admitted to the university who are also city residents.
Johns Hopkins University Students
Clubs and Organizations
With more than 350 clubs and organizations from which to choose, students are provided with everything and anything extracurricular. Offerings range from publications to political organizations and from cultural and religious groups to club sports teams and community service. Like their varying memberships, these activities reflect the diversity of the Hopkins community.
Founded, led, and governed by students, these organizations, not surprisingly, retain a great deal of autonomy. While there should be something for everyone, in the event that there isn&t, any group of students, large or small, can request funding to begin a club of their own. As a result, the greater body of extracurricular activities is ever evolving. Introduced at an expansive, open-air fair that traditionally follows the week of freshman orientation, student groups vie for the attention of new members.
Arts and Music
With Peabody Institute just down the road and the Mattin Student Arts Center located right on campus, students are surrounded with opportunities for the fine arts at Hopkins. Although Peabody does offer several options for undergraduate degrees, interested students are able to pursue coursework, ensemble participation, and private lessons in a more informal way. Membership in the Hopkins Symphony Orchestra, the JHU Band, the assortment of a cappella groups, and other music organizations on campus is a popular pursuit and generally available by audition. In addition, concerts given at Peabody and at Homewood are available for Hopkins students free of charge. The Mattin Center provides an assortment of art and dance studios, a black-box theater, darkrooms, a digital media lab, music practice rooms, and multipurpose meeting space for student groups. From the Hopkins Studio Players and Witness Theater, to the Gospel Choir and the Indian Cultural Dance Club, the variety of organizations dedicated to the arts fosters Homewood&s collective creativity.
Campus Events
On several occasions throughout the academic year, Hopkins students convene as a community to learn, to listen, and on many occasions, to kick back and relax. On balmy days in the fall and spring, &the Beach,& an extended, grassy space between the library and North Charles Street, is packed with students. Armed with blankets, books, radios, and Frisbees, groups convene to soak up the sun en masse. The Hopkins Organization for Programming, or the HOP, brings comedians and other performers to campus, while coordinating with Student Council to organize casino nights, club nights downtown, and concerts. Friday Night Films shows movies, often working in conjunction with the JHU Film Society.
Incoming students and upperclassmen alike anticipate Orientation, a week-long affair that precedes classes. Organized by a large executive staff and several hundred volunteers, its academic sessions and social events are well attended by all. The fall semester also witnesses a weekend-long Fall Festival, plus Culturefest and the Milton S. Eisenhower Symposium. Culturefest, a week-long series of lectures, discussions, and social activities, seeks to promote appreciation for diversity and tolerance, while the M.S.E. Symposium, the longest student-run lecture series in the country, increases campus and community awareness of national issues. Recent topics have included: &The Great American Experiment: A Juxtaposition of Capitalism and Democracy&; &Rebuilding America: Peace and Prosperity at What Price?& and &A More Perfect Union: Partnership, Progress and Prosperity in a Changing America.& Past speakers have included Maya Angelou, Rubin &Hurricane& Carter, Ann Coulter, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Patricia Ireland, Spike Lee, Nelson Mandela, Bobby McFerrin, Michael Moore, Will Ferrell, and Valerie Plame Wilson.
The second semester at Hopkins is equally full as activities capitalize on Baltimore&s temperate climes. Students enjoy socializing at Spring Fair, an enormous student-run carnival complete with rides, &fair food,& craft booths, and live entertainment. The complexity of the event&s many components requires assistance from a staff of sixty coordinators and more than 200 student volunteers. Traditionally following Fair weekend, Homecoming brings generations of alumni back to Homewood. Convening for brunches, luncheons, the big game, and a good dose of nostalgia, families and friends mingle with current students in celebrating Hopkins.
Greek Life
With eleven fraternities and twelve sororities, the Hopkins Greek System and its process of rushing and pledging is much more of a &match to be made& rather than a means of establishing one&s social status. Events are usua weekend fraternity parties and community service activities include members and nonmembers alike. While naturally these groups attract different types of students and boast varying campus reputations, all seek to serve their members through academic, social, and communityminded outlets. As such, they provide well for those students seeking a G however, rarely is being &Greek& all that one is or all by which one will be defined.
For a student&s first two years at Hopkins, on-campus housing is required and guaranteed. As a result, social activities tend to revolve around, or at least stem from, life in the dorms. Students are able to select their preferred living arrangements from a series of options: basic doubles, singles, and suite-style rooms are available during the first year, while larger apartments supplement the second year&s offerings. During this time, individuals live, dine, study, lasting friendships are made, strong social networks are formed, and commonalities are discovered, even between the most disparate of personalities. With the advent of junior year, most students move off campus to apartments or row houses with friends. Though university-owned housing is available, the Off-Campus Housing Office is accessible to assist students. Few residences are more than two or three blocks from Homewood, encouraging continued involvement in club meetings, concerts, sp
( 编辑:Sunny)


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