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Paul Walker is all over the world. As Universal Picture&s &Fast & Furious 7& is expected to screech out of the blocks across the globe, the star stares down from billboards everywhere, a deluxe model of boy-next-door appeal.
The ubiquity of the late actor in the marketing
has come as a tasteful delight. As one studio insider put it: &At the end of the day, he&s a star of our film, and he should be celebrated.&
Walker&s global family of admirers wouldn&t have wanted it any other way. Indeed, there is an argument for saying they made it this way. But it took a while to get there. The studio&s
to keep the Brian O&Conner character front and centre was born out of tragedy. Walker&s death in an unrelated car accident during production in November 2013 prompted Universal brass to halt the shoot immediately.
There followed a four-month period of soul-searching as those working on the film agonized over how to use the footage they had and get the lucrative series & which has taken $2.4bn (14.9bn yuan )worldwide from the first six episodes & back on track.
Support and
from fans of the franchise has never wavered, and the studio kept them apprised every step of the way. Universal issued three messages via social media during a seven-month period immediately after Walker&s death, until &Fast & Furious 7& wrapped in July 2014. The correspondence was respectful and illustrated the uncommon dialogue the studio, Vin Diesel and other cast members have enjoyed with the films& audience. &Fast and Furious& had built up a cinematic superpower over 14 years, a borderless social media tribe of millions.
面对影迷们从未动摇过的支持与鼓励,电影制片方也是一有行动就及时发布消息。自保罗意外离世到2014年7月电影杀青,环球影片通过社交媒体三发消息。每一次都行文恭敬,其中不乏制片方、范&迪塞尔以及其他演员想要和观众分享的不同寻常的对话。过去的14年间,《速度与激情》在没有边界的社交媒体上已经积累了千万粉丝,堪称电影界的&超级帝国&。 They wanted the show to go on. Who could, or would, ignore that? Not Universal. The screenplay was rejigged and effects wizards superimposed Walker&s face on the bodies of his brothers Cody and Caleb, who joined actor John Brotherton as body doubles.
粉丝们希望这部电影能继续演下去。而谁又能忽略这些声音,或是对其视而不见?至少电影公司不会。于是,剧本被修改,保罗的弟弟柯迪和迦勒 &献身&其中,与约翰&布罗特顿一同担任替身,特效师再给他们&换上&保罗的脸。
Universal paid tribute to the fans in its third note, in July 2014, which announced the end of the shoot. &There was a time when we didn&t know how we could go on, or even if we should. But we listened to you, and you inspired us not only to keep going but to try and make the best FAST & FURIOUS movie yet.&
The film&s finale is poignant and deftly executed target. So is the presence of Walker in the marketing materials, which the
makers realized was what everyone wanted to see. On a massive billboard in Los Angeles, the 40-year-old actor stands among the seven key cast members staring into the distance, flanked by Michelle Rodriguez and Vin Diesel. The legend reads: Vengeance Hits Home.
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