跪求 .Brilliant Is Skul超级玛丽钢琴版版。~.

韩文:???&  艺名:HaHa&  昵称:小鬼(无限挑战)、Haroro&、坏男人、我弟弟(钟国对哈哈的特称)-出自running&man、哈爆笑(无限挑战)&   生日:&   星座:狮子座&  妈妈:(作家)&   职业:,演员,VJ,MC(被誉为全能艺人,但是本人却不喜欢这个称号)&   身高,体重:171.5cm&60kg(偷笑~最近变胖了~)&  学历:&&戏剧电影科&(硕士)&   爱好:篮球&足球 特长:一边篮球一边说话&  魅力点:缓慢低沉的声音,傻傻的表情,努力的样子!&   现参加(主持)的节目:无限挑战(主持人)MUSIC&BANK(主持人)XMAN(固定嘉宾)HAHA’S&TENTEN电台(DJ)RUNNING&MAN(固定嘉宾)等等&    获奖情况:2007年mbc电视台演艺大奖
河东勋他参演过2002青春情景喜剧《NONSTOP3》。2005年,参演MBC《悲伤恋歌》以及受到年轻人欢迎的《》等剧集,并和歌手一起主持了SBS&power&FM的节目“haha&梦的street”,此外他还担任了MNET&音乐现场ANY&MOTION、SBS“幸福株式会社”以及“无限挑战”等节目的主持人,中不惜形象的演出给观众带来了欢笑,也让人看到他谦虚、诚恳以及机智的一面。 2005年他参演了《》和《头师父一体2》两部影片,2006年当被选为《》的主演时因为角色难度很大出现了不少置疑的声音,但是河东勋凭借融会贯通的能力和专注的态度优异地完成了这一角色,更多的人认可了他的演技和可塑性。 2006年7月河东勋公开了与MBC气象播音员出身的安惠京的恋情,二人甜蜜、忠诚的表现还让这对绯闻情侣在“最可能马上结婚的艺人”之类的网络评选中高居榜首。可是于2010年当兵期间,恋情无疾而终。日宣布与韩国歌手Star(本名:金高恩)结婚,于同年10月注册,并于同年11月30日举行婚礼。& 2007年mbc电视台演艺大奖《NonStop3》中,HaHa出演常常惹事而引人发笑的角色,他原本是三人男子Hip-Hop组合Zikiri的成员,后单飞。当时活动期间,他的喜剧天分就充分的显示出来,从而得到众人的关注。而今独展双翅的HaHa已成为这个时期最有幽默潜质的“喜剧品牌”,他不仅在演技方面独有见解,而且还通过VJ等各方面拓宽自己的领域。现作为MC出演“无限挑战”&“Running&Man”&等综艺节目,并与SKULL组成雷鬼组合,进行音乐活动。
&《玫瑰战争》(很早期,艺能青涩)&  《17vs1》(早期第一次作为mc,第一期嘉宾李孝利)&  《刹那体育》&  《old&TV》&  《heyheyhey&s2&》&  河东勋《收藏夹》&  《女杰》 《反转剧》(有几部客串)&  & (一代MC)&   《真实游戏》&  《人气歌谣》&  《音乐银行》(和bigbang一起)&  《女杰》 《》&   《介绍明星的朋友》&  《哈哈梦show》(MC)&  &(客串MC)&   &   &   (MC)&   &   《》(一季中从40期固定出演;二季中一直固定出演)&   《》&
影视作品&《&元卓的天使&》&  《谁和她同床了》&  《&恋爱魔术师&》&  《&》&   《&彩虹罗曼史&》&  《&三十之后&》MV&音乐专辑专辑名称发行时间语言Check,Up韩语The,Beautiful,Ryhme,Diary韩语时间 Quan,Ninomarley,A,K,A,HAHA,Reggae,Wave韩语accoustic,tuning,time,(TAW,&,HAHA)韩语Ya,Man!,(Skull,&,HAHA)韩语REGGAErilla,(Skull&HAHA) 单曲歌曲名称(歌曲说明)发行时间你是我的命运,(单曲,讲述了深陷在爱情里男子的心情的一首歌)是的,我不会唱歌,(临近入伍前发表的最后一支单曲)壶∕酒病(with Tiger JK)&(讲述一段痛苦的爱情故事;悲伤抒情歌曲(已退伍))壶∕酒病(feat,Taw),(用Reggae的风格重新诠释)你是我的命运2,(单曲,甜蜜爱情歌曲)How are you?Fine thank you! (feat Skull)&(单曲)????(&怦然心动) (Feat. SoHyang)&(单曲;Hip-hop R爱情)爱情(with Gary、Kim-Greem)&(单曲;这首歌MV导演HAHA, 摄影HAHA)ACACIA,相思树,(TAW,&,HAHA),(单曲)敦,岩洞,的旋律(with,skull),(单曲)&音乐合作无 限 挑 战时间曲目补充说明All,you,need,is,love合唱,圣诞特辑Hanamana,song合唱小个子的故事江边北路歌谣祭糯米糕(with 10cm,?????)要不死,要不交往(with 10cm,?????)西海岸,高速公路,歌谣祭2011.12傻瓜,对傻瓜(with,Skull)咱也算歌手,原唱,朴明秀2013.1sexy,boy(feat,英智)朴明秀的会怎样呢歌谣,关于减肥2013.11super杂草man(with,张基河与脸们)自由路歌谣祭2013.11我们,一同走过合唱,自由路歌谣祭魔女宥熙2007.03命运的,恶作剧担任rapApple,Love,Story-Intro(Digital,Singel)Oh,my love担任rap魔法,锤子,的传说2011神话颂主唱Esther,单曲2012.1像你一样担任rap金钟国,Journey,Home对你想说的话合唱少香2012.9爱你我爱你担任rap公益歌曲2013.11brilliant,is,(???),feat,?,??合唱电影危险的传闻主题曲2014.02???,???,??合唱&配音作品《魔法锤子的传说》(主人公) 2012.02《秘鲁大冒险》,(主人公) 2012.09《赞比亚传奇》 2012.12MV作品《&三十之后&》 2007.08《your,name,is,love》 2010.08《隔山打牛》 2011.12《Gentleman》 2013.04《Beep》 2014.02
韩国时尚大奖2006 第四届,最佳穿着奖,(获奖)MBC演艺大赏2012 最佳着装奖,无限挑战,(获奖)2007 大赏,无限挑战,(获奖)2006 男子优秀奖,无限挑战,(获奖)Mnet,20's,Choice2007 最佳DJ奖,(获奖)SBS演艺大赏2013 男子优秀赏,running,man,(获奖)2011 最佳艺人奖,running,man,(获奖)
家庭成员爸爸为河允国,妈妈为金玉静(绒衣女士)&,是心理学博士,曾出书《像HAHA妈妈一样哈哈哈哈》及单曲《food&song》。姐姐河茱莉(主修钢琴的音乐系博士),现为大学的教授,育有一女。妻子为STAR(韩国歌手),本名(金高恩),两人于日举办婚礼。儿子河梦儿于日出生。结婚生子河东勋与老婆日歌手HAHA与星(金高恩)将举行婚礼诞生又一对艺人夫妇。HAHA与星约2005年前第一次见面,作为前后辈2012年3月以结婚为前提开始真挚交往。 对此HAHA明天(15日)将在MBC日山梦想中心1层多功能厅举行记者会公布与星的结婚计划。(发布会时间有的新闻是中午12时。)HAHA目前出演SBS“Running&Man”、MBC“无限挑战”等综艺节目。另外最近还与Skull一起发表歌曲“釜山度假”,在多领域活跃活动。而星2002年以歌曲“12月32日”出道,发表了5张正规专辑。 另外有相关人士透露:“恋爱事实也没有公布的情况下发表结婚令人惊讶,但并不是超速。据悉虽然交往时间不长但确定了彼此的心而做出决定。”HAHA通过SNS宣布妻子已经怀孕的消息,是在领证后结婚前怀孕的。上午&8时15分&,HAHA&更新推特:梦儿(Dream)梦儿降生了,是个男孩子。我当爸爸了!孩子提早了预产期1周出生。哈哈从准爸爸正式的变成了爸爸。二人世界变成了三口之家。为儿子取胎名河梦儿日下午,星在推特上写道:“谢谢大家祝贺梦儿出生50天,还有大家都很想知道梦儿的本名,我家宝宝户口已经报完,名为‘河梦儿’,哈哈哈哈”。HAHA星夫妇一直将肚子里的孩子叫胎名“梦儿”,之后没有提及名字令大家好奇心暴增,因此公布将这个胎名继续用作本名。另外,HAHA和星于2012年11月结婚,上个月生下第一个儿子。
最近更新时间: 17:32:59
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Narcissists Can Be Identified By Their Facebook Accounts - Psychologists
Have a Facebook account?
Laura Buffardi, doctoral student in psychology, and associate professor W. Keith Campbell from the University of Georgia says it may tell them you are a narcissist.
Narcissism is not just attention-seeking or wanting to be liked. Clearly everyone who signs up for a social media site wants to interact with others. It is more severe and characterized by an inability to form healthy, long-term relationships.
The tremendous growth of social networking sites (Facebook now has 100 million users, for example) has led psychologists to explore how personality traits are expressed online. Buffardi and Campbell chose Facebook because it's the most popular networking site among college students and because it has a fixed format that makes it easier for researchers to compare user pages.
Not everyone who uses Facebook is a narcissist. "We found that people who are narcissistic use Facebook in a self-promoting way that can be identified by others," said Buffardi.
They gave personality questionnaires to nearly 130 Facebook users, analyzed the content of the pages and had untrained strangers view the pages and rate their impression of the owner's narcissism.
The researchers found that the number of Facebook friends and wallposts that individuals have on their profile pages correlates with narcissism. Buffardi said this is consistent with how narcissists behave in the real-world, with numerous yet shallow relationships. Narcissists are also more likely to choose glamorous, self-promoting pictures for their main profile photos, she said, while others are more likely to use snapshots.
Untrained observers were able to detect the narcissists also. Observers used three characteristics – quantity of social interaction, attractiveness of the individual and the degree of self promotion in the main photo – to form an impression of the individual's personality. "People aren't perfect in their assessments," Buffardi said, "but our results show they're somewhat accurate in their judgments."
Some researchers in the past have found that personal Web pages are more popular among narcissists, but Campbell said there's no evidence that Facebook users are more narcissistic than others.
"Nearly all of our students use Facebook, and it seems to be a normal part of people's social interactions," Campbell said. "It just turns out that narcissists are using Facebook the same way they use their other relationships – for self promotion with an emphasis on quantity of over quality."
Still, he points out that because narcissists tend to have more contacts on Facebook, any given Facebook user is likely to have an online friend population with a higher proportion of narcissists than in the real world. Right now it's too early to predict if or how the norms of online self-promotion will change, Campbell said, since the study of social networking sites is still in its infancy.
"We've undergone a social change in the last four or five years and now almost every student manages their relationships through Facebook – something that few older people do," Campbell said. "It's a completely new social world that we're just beginning to understand."
Their work appears in the October issue of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,.
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(not verified) | 09/24/08 | 01:18 AM
Good morning.
Well, I did. Understood. Now what??
Let's talk over coffee :)
P.S. Thanks. You are generous.
| 09/25/08 | 09:02 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 11/11/10 | 15:49 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 12/31/10 | 11:43 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 07/14/11 | 13:42 PM
(not verified) | 10/22/11 | 03:53 AM
(not verified) | 09/30/08 | 05:53 AM
(not verified) | 10/01/08 | 04:37 AM
Stephanie H. (not verified) | 10/04/08 | 14:44 PM
Narcissism is not just attention-seeking or wanting to be liked. Clearly everyone who signs up for a social media site wants to interact with others. It is more severe and characterized by an inability to form healthy, long-term relationships.
They researchers didn't say a lot of friends on facebook means you are a narcissist, it said narcissists have accounts on facebook and enough commonality they can be identified.
| 10/04/08 | 16:21 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 09/02/10 | 17:39 PM
(not verified) | 12/31/08 | 08:52 AM
Marj, you are 100% correct. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a bona fide psychological condition, not a flippant way to describe, as Hank put it so eloquently, an attention whore. I was married to a Narcissist for 10 years and trust me, the "Facebook Diagnosis" is pure crap. Correlation, coincidence, similarity, these terms all apply.... but it is not a diagnostic tool. I hate it when people miss-use actual psychology as a "pop-trendy-pseudo-diagnostic tool". With that said, anything published in "Psychology Today" is suspect in my opinion as well. You will never catch me reading that garbage. It is NOT true psychology in the scientific sense. This is representative of the kind of alarmist-false-causation mumbo-jumbo they like to print.
| 09/06/09 | 14:31 PM
With that said, anything published in "Psychology Today" is suspect in my opinion as well.
I agree wholeheartedly.
Does this make us BFF?
| 07/11/11 | 22:39 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 07/17/10 | 03:55 AM
Ironic (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 16:05 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 05/10/11 | 06:32 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 06/29/09 | 06:57 AM
Because narcissists can be identified by commonalities in their Facebook accounts does not mean you are a narcissist if you have Facebook or a lot of friends.
Narcissism is a clinical term - if you had it, you would not post under 'anonymous', for example.
| 06/29/09 | 08:34 AM
supertrap (not verified) | 09/14/09 | 19:09 PM
(not verified) | 09/03/10 | 16:16 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 15:25 PM
Dr. Diane Toby (not verified) | 10/26/10 | 16:05 PM
Jeanine Jandris (not verified) | 10/21/08 | 14:09 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 09/14/10 | 03:53 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 15:38 PM
miragana (not verified) | 10/23/08 | 19:45 PM
tom plines (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 15:56 PM
Sam (not verified) | 10/24/08 | 00:46 AM
(not verified) | 05/01/10 | 08:19 AM
I posted a link of this article on my facebook wall, and definitely think that I can identify some narcissists--I think really it just confirmed my suspicions though.
| 10/24/08 | 09:16 AM
I suppose it would be easy to tell a narcissist from a non-narcissist:
Someone with 547 pictures on his or her profile, all of him or herself, is clearly in love with thyself.
(My horse happens to have a facebook account, he has a few friends, mostly lonely fillies).
Anyway, I always wondered why one would need to keep in touch with aquaintences, coworkers,ex-lovers, your mechanic, or
people you saw at a parade. Who cares?
Nobody. Go home and get a life.
| 10/24/08 | 20:35 PM
Well, attention whore is not the same thing as clinical narcissism.
Clearly people are in social media because they want to interact and be involved with people - some moreso than others.
Facebook users aren't all narcissists, it's rather that narcissists all behave in an identifiable way on Facebook.I think your horse is more on the attention-whore part of the spectrum than the narcissism one.
Fillies need dates too.
| 10/24/08 | 22:21 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 09/14/10 | 22:57 PM
oldjoke (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 15:41 PM
Facebook is very much a social arena for kids/youth. This young generation is simply using the technical tools provided to them developing it according to their needs and interests. Calling all that narcissism is wrong, I'm sure. Making a living using social media and any kind of media is another angle to this question. Being famous is actually a profession in itself these days. Then it is not necessary narcissism, but a business idea! :-)I agree with Stephanie who says:Having a Facebook account with a lot of friends does not make a persona "narcissist." It makes a person a social person with access to acomputer.
Bente Lilja Bye is the author of
| 10/25/08 | 08:50 AM
knut (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 15:59 PM
VTPICS (not verified) | 10/25/08 | 21:19 PM
Cheese (not verified) | 12/25/08 | 00:51 AM
Cheese (not verified) | 12/25/08 | 01:13 AM
wine (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 15:47 PM
Well, every quality of us is revealed in what we publish and the way we do it. Its obvious, you only have to have some smell sense to discover what people are and what they want to project from themselves. We all do.
| 01/23/09 | 10:30 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 02/26/09 | 06:55 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 03/10/09 | 12:46 PM
There seems to be confusion among the commenters about what clinical narcissism means - no one says all 150 million Facebook subscribers are narcissists, they are saying that actual clinical narcissists can be identified.
That is not the usual attention whoring or wanting to be popular or having a place to put pics for family and friends.
| 03/10/09 | 13:00 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 03/12/09 | 18:07 PM
Of course it depends upon the definition of narcissist, and not having read the full paper, I cannot say whether this is a particular cultural /colloquial definition or an accepted medical/scientific one.The nature of personality in itself being somewhat of a set of constructs of dubious ecological validity.You can suppose what you like from my usual internet Moniker, but being as I come from a background of media studies (the one that all "respectable" academics love to hate) and am an artist and a photographer who has worked in advertising you can suppose I know a thing or two about what information I want to get out and what semiotics I want to employ in that.That sounds to my folk psychological thinking as more indicative of a scheming rationalist machiavellian devoid of conscience than a narcissist to me, unless the two are synonymous nowadays.Well the problem is that the outer image does not always betray the inner mechanism, as indeed is the fault line of all behaviourist science.If I am famous for anything it is having a clinically diagnosed condition or two which includes an Autistic Spectrum "disorder" and an Anankastic personality (put that in your search engine and find it).& The Greeks have a lot to answer for, including Anarchism and Arthritis :)Given that as an academic (or indeed in almost any field of endeavour) one is prevailed upon to promote oneself, it being a strong societal prerogative to do so, else be seen as the perpetual victim and recipient of state intervention, it comes as very rich from these researchers to harvest the easy pickings of Facebook, and dress it up as scientific research.I am careful who I allow as my "friends" on Facebook, I have a criterion that I must at least know them and have had real exchanges (whether by correspondence or in person) before I admit them. At the inner core are the people who know me everyday and see the face beneath the clowns makeup. I am bang to rights dead common so who would not swap his one horse town for an internet kingdom eh?
| 04/08/09 | 10:03 AM
Anotherone (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 16:08 PM
(not verified) | 05/22/09 | 10:59 AM
Americanexpress (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 16:13 PM
(not verified) | 08/10/09 | 10:29 AM
Kellie (not verified) | 09/11/09 | 15:50 PM
o'reilly (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 16:16 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 10/09/09 | 00:29 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 10/20/09 | 11:09 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 11/09/09 | 15:21 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 12/22/09 | 04:59 AM
pedant (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 16:19 PM
Kareena Uttamchandani (not verified) | 06/01/10 | 08:39 AM
knowall (not verified) | 06/06/10 | 07:40 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 07/17/10 | 03:16 AM
(not verified) | 07/18/10 | 03:24 AM
MH (not verified) | 07/27/10 | 05:29 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 08/20/10 | 12:59 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 08/25/10 | 21:46 PM
(not verified) | 09/01/10 | 13:13 PM
Malignant Narcissist (not verified) | 09/02/10 | 08:56 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 09/02/10 | 11:15 AM
Ateeb (not verified) | 09/09/10 | 22:54 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 09/10/10 | 12:05 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 10/21/10 | 18:36 PM
I am the most narcissistic person in the world. Nobody is more narcissistic than I.It's "me" because you're the object of the verb in that second sentence.
A real narcissist would know that because they compulsively have perfect grammar.
| 10/21/10 | 19:01 PM
Hank, for a moment I thought you were saying that you were the most narcissistic person in the world, when you said 'It's me' and demonstrated that you also write using perfect grammar!
My 5 min film 'Hidden Dangers for ALS' entry in the AAN #2015Neurofilm Festival is listed no. 23 of 65 entries at
| 10/21/10 | 19:44 PM
That was part of my subtle joke but I bet that guy wouldn't have caught it.
| 10/21/10 | 20:08 PM
Ha ha, very funny.
My 5 min film 'Hidden Dangers for ALS' entry in the AAN #2015Neurofilm Festival is listed no. 23 of 65 entries at
| 10/21/10 | 21:22 PM
sigmund (not verified) | 10/23/10 | 16:28 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 01/09/11 | 22:30 PM
Babuji (not verified) | 10/25/10 | 12:15 PM
I am a Researcher :-p (not verified) | 10/31/10 | 17:19 PM
Sad family member (not verified) | 01/08/11 | 16:06 PM
(not verified) | 02/03/11 | 01:10 AM
Detective John Kimble (not verified) | 02/04/11 | 09:25 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 02/05/11 | 16:03 PM
Jennifer (not verified) | 02/05/11 | 22:45 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 03/16/11 | 10:31 AM
J (not verified) | 07/28/11 | 00:04 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 10/26/11 | 03:33 AM
NippleFats (not verified) | 05/12/11 | 18:27 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 05/24/11 | 07:28 AM
Anonymous (not verified) | 08/27/11 | 18:04 PM
Anonymoose (not verified) | 09/21/11 | 17:23 PM
Leticia Kaye
(not verified) | 10/02/11 | 20:21 PM
Anonymous (not verified) | 11/03/11 | 17:46 PM
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