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In the medium term the Troika is likely to come to a negative conclusion which is anyway overdue, said Kraemer.
Hossam said Egypt should hold consultations with Israel on the peace treaty to amend some articles allowing Egyptian side to increase its troops in the different zones of Sinai, especially D zone that lies on the Egyptian-Israeli borders.
Al-Qaboun was among restive southern districts of Damascus that have emerged as battlegrounds between rebels and the Syrian troops.
  The U.S. side should follow the trend of the times, respect the common aspiration of countries in the region to maintain peace and stability and promote development, respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and make more contributions to the peace and prosperity of the Asia Pacific, said Qin.
The trial against Mladic was adjourned on Thursday after he suddenly felt ill at the tribunal and was taken to hospital. But nothing unusual was diagnosed during the medical examination.
DAMASCUS, July 27 () -- Syria's TV said big blast rocked al-Khalidieh neighborhood in central Homs province overnight Friday.
Also in Aleppo, SANA said Military forces on Wednesday hunted down some armed terrorist groups in Handarat area, in the north of Aleppo, and clashed with them.
The downpours will last for a long period, since Haikui is moving at a comparatively slow speed, Zhao said, adding that the province should be prepared for possible mountain torrents, mudslides and urban flooding.
The deadly attack is likely to further strain the already tense relations between Turkey and its neighbor Syria as Turkish officials indicate collaboration of the PKK and the Syrian regime in the incident.
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  The UN and the Arab League jointly appointed Brahimi as the new special envoy for Syria last Friday, to replace Kofi Annan who will not renew his mandate when it expires on Aug. 31.
  The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said government forces rolled intothe western part of the Saif al-Dawla neighbourhood of Aleppo, adding that the army units were backed with tanks and armored vehicles.
Phiri said the memories of himself standing in the middle of bodies are still haunting him.If I did not run fast, I would be also dead, he added.
He said that Syria is capable of retaliation, adding that what happened is the work of the countries which support the armed groups in Syria with money and arms. Just a couple of hours after the blast, a new defense minister was appointed by Assad.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government was trying to convince Israel that a diplomatic solution toward the Iranian nuclear program was possible, the official said.
Syria brands the various groups of rebels as terrorists particularly after recent report that al-Qaida has joined the fight against the Syrian administration.
Our gold was robbed, China's French coach Daniel Morelon said on Friday.<input type="hidden" name="header" value='' />
CAIRO, Dec. 4 () -- Thousands of Egyptians on Tuesday marched to the al-Ethadeys presidential palace in Cairo's Abbasseya district, to protest against the constitutional declaration issued by President Mohamed Morsi and the draft constitution mainly written by Islamists.,The two countries have made close coordination in big regional and international issues and effectively protected their common interests, which made great contribution to the world's peace and development, said the Chines premier.。
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The law contains innovative mechanisms providing some room to support low-income families, economic activity in various sectors and employment overall.。
He said that Syria's problems have multiplied and are complicated to an extent where ongoing military operations cannot be kept away from the normal life of citizens.
The hundreds of thousands took to the streets to renew the pledge of allegiance to President Abbas and to tell Hamas movement that Fatah is a hard rigid that can never be deleted, said Abu Shahla.The Syrian opposition dismissed the new plan, saying that it is not enough to be a roadmap of a political process that could end the country's crisis.、。
Putin, in front of some 1,200 Russian and foreign journalists, started off by reviewing the results achieved in economic and social spheres in the country.,On Tuesday, NATO foreign ministers approved Turkey's request to deploy Patriot missiles along the Turkish-Syrian border.CARACAS, Jan. 9 () -- Postponement of re-elected Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's inauguration has sparked controversy in the country as the opposition said such a move was against the Constitution.,On the eve of going to the UN, Abbas had received a phone call from Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal and expressed to him that Hamas backs his bid to the UN. Izzat al-Resheg, member of Hamas bureau affirmed that Meshaal spoke with Abbas on the phone and expressed support to the bid.
With its grand Middle East strategy installed for decades, the United States has been interfering with regional affairs in wide- ranging ways, including directly launching large-scale ground wars. However, the political landscape in the region has not evolved according to the roadmap outlined by Washington. Unlike what the West had expected, widespread political upheavals in the Middle East starting from last year have not led to a swift change and resolution. On the contrary, the surge of Islamic forces in the Arab world has increasingly worried U.S. policy-makers about the direction the region is heading for.}


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