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介绍美猴王写一篇英语作文20字 正文
09:38:06 来源网站:
篇一:英语作文20篇 假定你是李华,在某中学读书.你刚认识一位美国笔友.应笔友要求写一封信给他介绍你的学校和学校生活.并欢迎他到你的城市和你的学校参观. 注意: 1.词数80~100; 2.开头已为你写好.
Dear friend, I'm glad to be your pen-friend and Dear friend, I'm glad to be your pen-friend and I'm pleased to tell you something about my school andschool life.I'm studying in No.4 Middle School,which is a famous school with a long history of more than 80 years.There are over 2000 students and about 200 teachers.We have classesevery day except Saturday and Sunday. What I am Droud most of is that there is a very large playground in our school,where students have all kinds of sports and games after class. We love our school very much. Welcome to our school and our city. Sincerely yours, Li Hua 假定你是李华,从报纸上得知某公司在暑假期间需聘用一名英文打字员,要求要有英文打字经历,打字速度每分钟250个字母. 请你写一封求职信,内容包括: 1.本人为某中学高中学生; 2.曾经英文打字专门训练;打字速度每分钟280个字母; 3.经常帮助老师打各种英文材料,受到老师们的赞扬; 4.在学校英文打字比赛中获二等奖; 5.自信胜任工作,盼望早日收到回复. 注意: 1.词数80~100; 2.开头已为你写好. Dear Sir, I read from the newspaper that Dear Sir, I read from the newspaper that a Chinese-English typist is wanted in your company during the summer vacation.I would like to apply for the job. My name is Li Hua and I am a senior student at the No.13 Middle School.When I was a junior student I had a special training in typing.Since then I have always been typing various materials in English for the teachers and they have always had kinds words for me.In a typing contest I won the second-prize.I can type 280 letters per minute.I'm sure I can do the work well in your company. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely yours, Li Hua假定你是李华,你的老同学刘刚从别处来你处一道过暑假,因旅途劳累,仍未睡醒.你接到一个电话,要去一趟邮局.你写一张80~100词的便条告诉他: 1.外出的原因; 2.起床后吃什么早餐; 3.在家中可看电视或看书籍杂志; 4.午饭你会回来做; 5.下午准备带他去逛市中心. Dear Liu Gang, I have just received a telephone call and I have to go to the post office to have something important to do.The breakfast for you is bread and milk,which are in the kitchen.After breakfast,you can watch TV or you can do some reading in my study,where there are various kinds of books and magazines.I'll be back for cooking lunch.What we will do this afternoon is that l will show you around the city center. Li Hua 假定你是李华,想约同学Lili本星期五下午一起去参观一美术展览.你到她家约她时她不在家.请你写一便条,告诉她: 1.参观什么展览,有什么东西参观,什么时候去; 2.如何到达(先乘28路公共汽车到花园街,再转乘地铁); 3.什么时间,在何处会面; 4.展览会将于星期日结束,机会难得; 5.回家后即打电话给你. 注意: 1.词数80~100; 2.便条的开头已为你写好. Dear Lili, I want to visit an art exhibition Dear Lili, I want to visit an art exhibition with you on Friday afternoon.The exhibition is in The City Gallery.I was told that there are many famous paintings and wonderful art works on show.Would you like to go with me?If yes,let's meet at the gate of the gallery at 3 o'clock.You can take a No.28 bus to Garden Street,then change to the subway to go there.The exhibition will have ended by Sunday.It will be a pity if you miss it.Call me as soon as you get back home. Li Hua 为了美化校园和发掘学生的设计能力,学校学生会将组织一次学校环境设计竞赛,请你以学校学生会的名义写一80~100词的公告,说明设计稿件必须在4月30日前交到高二(3)班李华同学处.稿件文字必须打印,图画必须着色.竞赛将设一等奖一名,二等奖二名,三等奖三名.欢迎全校同学参加.Notice In order to beatify the campus of our school and develop the student's design ability,a School Circumstances Design Contest will be held in our sch001.The design draft should be handed in to Li Hua of Class 3,Senior Grade 2 by April,30.The words must be printed and the pictures must be colored.There will be the first prize(for one design),the second prize(for two designs),and the third prize(for three designs).Every student in the school is welcome to take part in the contest. Student Union 今天是4月20日,星期三,天晴. 请根据下图以日记形式写一篇80~100词的日记. #m001 Sunny,Wednesday,April 20th When I woke up this morning,I felt terrible and had a bad headache.I made a telephone call to my class advisor,Miss Li to ask for leave.Then I went to the hospital to see the doctor.The doctor examined me carefully and took my temperature.He told me I had a bad cold.He asked me to drink more water and took some medicine three times as he told me.In the evening I felt better,so I spent some time reviewing my old lesson.I think I can go to school tomorrow. 假定你是李华,你原定与刘刚一起去飞机场接Mr.Smith,然后去Spring Flower Hotel.你已在此宾馆为Mr.Smith订了一间单人房.但你因发烧不能前往.写一便条告诉刘刚去Spring Flower Hotel的路线,并请他代你向Mr.Smith问好,你会尽快去拜访Mr.Smith.去Spring Flower Hotel的路线如下图.#m002 注意: 1.词数80~100; 2.信的开头已为你写好. Dear Liu Gang, I am sorry to tell you Dear Liu Gang, I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to the airport with you to meet Mr.Smith because I have a fever today.I have booked a single room in Spring Flower Hotel for Mr.Smith.Here is the way to the hotel: When you get out of the airport,go straight along King Street until you see a crossing.Turn right to Garden Road and walk a half block for about 50 meters.You will find Spring Flower Hotel on your right. Please say hello to Mr.Smith for me and tell him I'll visit him as soon as possible. Li Hua假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter来信说他将九月份到北京旅游三天,希望你帮他安排日程.请你写一封回信告诉他你将去机场接他,并会带他去游览.建议游览故宫(the Forbidden City)和颐和园(the Summer Palace)一天,长城一天,游览天安门广场和市中心购物一天.
注意: 1.词数80~100; 2.信件的开头已为你写好. Dear Peter, I was so pleased to receive your letter and knew that you would pay a visit to Beijing in September. Dear Peter, I was so pleased to receive your letter and knew that you would pay a visit to Beijing in September.I would like to meet you at the airport on your arrival and show you around during your visiting. Beijing is a wonderful city with a history of more than 2000 years.There are a lot of places of interest for visitors.Seven days are not enough to tour in Beijing,I would say.As you have only three days in Beijing,I suggest that you visit the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace on the first day,climb the Great Wall on the second day and on the last day,go to Tian An Men Square and do some shopping in the downtown. Looking forward to meeting you in Beijing. Sincerely yours, Li Hua Asda公司是美国主要商业集团之一,请根据下表为Asda公司写一份广告. #m003 注意: 1.词数80~100; 2.广告的开头已为你写好. Asda A Perfect Partner for Your Business Asda A Perfect Partner for Your Business Asda is one of America's leading business groups with annual sales of more than $ 9 billion.We produce a wide range of products from oil and plastics to grains and beans.We sell over 1 000 products in 28 countries.In the U.S.A alone,we have staff of 1 300 and annual sales of over $ 800 million. If you are looking for a perfect partner,please contact Asda U.S.A.Inc. #[110 55^{th}]# Street New York,NY 10023 Fax(212)901-8199一些人喜欢住在大城市,一些人喜欢住在农村. #m004 请根据下表写一篇文章议论此问题. 注意: 1.词数100~120; 2.文章的题目已为你写好. Living in Big Cities or in the Countryside? Living in Big Cities or in the Countryside? Some people enjoy living in big cities while the others like living in the countryside.In big cities,people have more chances to find jobs and they have more entertainment.Big store and shopping centers offer all kinds of goods.But big cities have some problems.There are more and more people,and vehicles.As a result,pollution becomes more and more serious.Some people prefer living in the countryside because people there are usually friendly and air is fresh and clean.You can see trees and plants everywhere.But in the countryside,people have less chance to make money and they would have less entertainment. Do you like to live in big cities or in the countryside? 请就抽烟一事写一篇文章,内容包括: 1.很多人认为抽烟是一种享受; 2.抽烟的危害甚大(引起疾病,污染空气,危及他人健康,引起火灾,花费金钱等); 3.现在越来越多的人正在尽力戒烟. 注意: 1.词数80~100; 2.文章的题目已为你写好. Smoking is a Bad Habit Smoking is a Bad Habit Many people smoke because they think smoking is an enjoyment.In fact,smoking is a bad habit.First,doctors and scientists have found it harmful to the smoker's health.It may cause some serious diseases such as heart trouble or cancer.Smoke will pollute the air and is also harmful to other's health.Second,many fires have been caused by careless smokers.Besides,cigarettes are usually very expensive and smokers have to spend a lot of money on them.Now more and more smokers are trying their best to give up smoking. 下面4幅图片描述的是星期天上午在中山公园里发生的一件事.请根据图片所提供的信息,用英语为你单位的“英语园地”写一篇短文. #m005 注意: 1.短文须包括所有图片的主要内容,短文的内容要连贯、完整;篇二:七上介绍动物的英语作文50字 我家的狗
I have a dog. It’s name is carl. It's black and white .And it is little size.It has got big ears,small eyes ,short legs and a short tail.It eats bones ,meat and rice. It can play with balls,give me a lot of happiness.It very smart and cute.So I like it very much!It usually go shopping with my mother. My mother to buy a little meat for Carl.It catches meat also eat meat.Is it very interesting?
我的狗的名字是卡尔。它是黑色和白色的。它是小尺寸的。它有大耳朵,小眼睛,短短的腿和一个短尾巴。它吃骨头,肉和米饭。它能玩球,给我很多的快乐。它非常聪明和可爱。我很喜欢它!它通常和我妈妈去购物。我的妈妈给卡尔买点肉。它捕捉肉类也吃肉。是不是很有趣?篇三:关于《西游记》的一篇英语作文 Dear Jack, I’m happy to hear from you. Here, I want to introduce Journey to the West to you. How would you like to go on a long journey with a bunch of animals having human characters? Perhaps you’ll shake your head. But many Chinese wanted such an adventure within the influence of this book. Journey to the West is a story about a Buddhist and his four apprentices experienced eighty-one difficulties, and eventually reached the destination and got Buddhist scriptures. Monkey Hit Lady White Bone Thrice is one of its most brilliant plots. One day Tang Priest’ and his disciples were traveling a mountain. And there was a fiend called White Bone Thrice. It had heard that anyone who had eaten a piece of the Tang Priest’s flesh will live forever, so it tried three times to capture him. But no matter what it changed itself into, Wukong could quickly recognized it, and then raised his cudgel and hit it.
Are you more interested in this book? I strongly recommend you to read this book. By the way, in the book everyone can find his own character. Maybe you’re the brave and resourceful Wukong. Best wishes. Yours,July《》出自:


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