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If you’re suffering from dry skin, then caring for it is one of your most important concerns. There are many
If you’re suffering from dry skin, then caring for it is one of your most important concerns. There are many levels of dry skin. It goes from occasionally dry to the extreme cracking of the skin dry. For the mild occasional dryness, a basic moisturizer could be used daily during the times your skin is drying out.如果你是干性皮肤,那么精心的呵护皮肤就是你的头等大事了。干性皮肤也分为好多种。从轻度干性到中度干裂,好多种。对于轻度干性皮肤来说,日常基本保湿,就可以改善皮肤的状况。
Also to make things easier try not to use hot water or tap water on your face. The tap water has deposits when tend to take a toll on your face drying it out. Mineral water is the best thing you can use when washing your face. The minerals give back to your skin what it has lost. When you’re ready to dry your face, lightly pat it with a dry towel. This will cause less irritation to your skin as well.尽量不要使用热水或自来水洗脸。自来水中的沉淀物会沉淀在你的脸上。矿泉水是清洁脸部的最好选择。矿泉水给皮肤补充营养。洁面后,使用干毛巾轻轻地拍打脸部,直至变干。
Another way to help to prevent and heal dry skin is to use a cleanser that has a neutral pH. These types of cleansers don’t have any detergents in them that irritate your skin. Try using baby oil on your skin right out of the shower. This will help to hold moisture in your skin and it will not look or feel as dry as usual. Showers depending on the temperature of the water tend to cause dryness on your skin. The hotter the shower is, the worse it is for skin.另一种防止皮肤过干的方法就是,使用含有中性PH的洁面乳。
Moisturizing in the Day日间保湿护理
Daily moisturizing is very important to keep nice glowing skin. You should apply moisturizer to your skin after you have cleansed it with your favorite skin cleanser and lightly dried your face with a soft towel. Apply the moisturizer around your eyes, throat and on your cheeks. The fact that your face is still a bit damp will help to keep it moisturized after you apply it.日间保湿是保持肌肤富有光彩的关键性步骤。洁面后,轻轻拍打保乳液。在眼部,喉咙以及面颊处涂抹保湿乳液。
Nightly Treatments夜间保湿护理
Before you hit the bed every night, you should wash your face then apply a moisturizer. Apply it from your throat to your hairline. You should allow up to five minutes for your skin to absorb it then blot off any excess with a tissue. Moisturizing your skin before bed helps to hold in moisture throughout the night letting you awake to soft moisturized skin.睡觉之前,你必须做的事情就是洗脸,拍保湿水。从颈部到额头,轻轻拍打5分钟直至肌肤充分吸收水分。睡前的保湿护理会让你的肌肤整晚水锁住水分,第二天一早醒来,你就会发现皮肤柔嫩光滑。
The Milk Bath牛奶浴
A milk bath help to soften, smooth, and nourish your skin. Take a bath in powered milk about once a week to help improve your skin. All you need is 250 grams of powered milk, a half tablespoon of almond oil, and a bit of your favorite fragrance such as lavender which has relaxing effects. When you get out of the tub, your skin will be renewed and so will you.牛奶浴会让你的肌肤变化光滑柔软又富有弹性。每周一次的牛奶浴有助于改善你的肌肤。250g的牛奶,半茶匙杏仁油,再来两滴你喜欢的芳香精油,会让你有惊喜的收获哦。
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