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We're gonna haul his ass off to monster world.
You mean they've been acting so smart because they're so stupid.
Burt Gummer:
I am COMPLETELY out of ammo. That's never happened to me before.
Kate (White) Reilly:
Believe it or not I was actually a Playmate once. Almost gave my dad a heart attack.
Earl Bassett:
Miss October 1974?
Kate (White) Reilly:
[about a groaning Graboid]
Earl Bassett:
Must be sick.
Probably ate someone that didn't agree with it.
[Burt has just blown up a Graboid]
Memo: 4 pounds of C-4 may be a bit -
[pebbles rain down onto his helmet]
Burt Gummer:
I feel I was denied critical need-to-know information.
Earl Bassett:
[to Grady] You know, you might come in useful. While they are eating you it will give me a chance to get away.
[Upon being introduced to Burt's anti-tank rifle]
Earl Bassett:
Man Burt, you put a whole new shine on the word 'overkill'.
Burt Gummer:
When you need it, and don't have it... you sing a different tune.
Burt Gummer:
I didn't know... how could I have known? I wanted maximum penetration!
Earl Bassett:
[Looks at destroyed engine] Well, you got it.
Kate (White) Reilly:
That's um... a bit much, don't you think?
[the men stare blankly]
Kate (White) Reilly:
I guess I'm wrong... I hope I'm right.
Earl Bassett:
Oh man, this stuff tastes like toilet paper.
Earl, that is the toilet paper.
[Coyote howls]
Is that a Coyote?
Earl Bassett:
[it howls again]
Man he better keep quiet.
[another howl cut short by the sound of the coyote being eaten]
Earl Bassett:
Kate (White) Reilly:
What's he doing? Has he got some kind of plan?
Earl Bassett:
Burt always has a plan when he does something. Well... usually.
It's gonna be big!
But is it gonna be today!
Earl Bassett:
[loses at rock-paper-scissors] No!
Earl Bassett:
Rock rips through paper!
We have already contacted your partner, Señor McKee, but he was unwilling to help us...
Earl Bassett:
Sure. Val married a good woman. Why would he want to die?
[hiding from the Shriekers, Earl, Grady, and Kate are on top of some containers, Burt is inside the scoop of a bulldozer]
Burt are you *sure* you don't have any more bullets? Did you check *all* your pockets?
Burt Gummer:
You know, as I lie here, I can't help but notice... the reason I am out of nine millimeter rounds is that I was not properly briefed. And the reason for that is that this mission was not properly researched. If certain people had bothered to gather intelligence on the creatures before bumbling into the situation...
Earl Bassett:
Burt, knock it off!
Burt Gummer:
...We wouldn't be down here with single-shot big bores when we should be packing full auto, preferably belt-fed!
[a Shrieker near Burt grunts loudly]
Burt Gummer:
[to the Shrieker] Shut up!
Earl Bassett:
You want to hunt graboids, you better know geology. You drive, I'm going to keep my eye on this seismojigger thing.
Kate (White) Reilly:
Who named them graboids anyway?
Earl Bassett:
[chuckles] A friend of ours, Walter Chang, he named them, then they ate him.
Earl Bassett:
Jesus, Burt! You smoked his ass!
Just doing what I can with what I got.
Burt Gummer:
[Earl has set a bomb to blow up a garage containing the Shriekers] Earl! Earl, the bomb, how long did you set it for?
Earl Bassett:
Oh, I... I don't know, I just punched in some numbers and threw it in the back of your truck!
Burt Gummer:
[horrified] You WHAT?
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> 异形魔怪2《异形魔怪2》剧情简介在异形魔怪第壹集中逃过虫吻的硬汉厄尔(佛瑞德华德)与柏特(麦可葛罗斯)再次携手合作,加上美丽的故我们看到了《中国合伙人》出现在了纽约,纽约也是一个财富成功的象征城市;《同桌的你》中林一也出现在了纽约;在本片中纽约也是主要的场景地,更是现代象征的代表,而北京更多是旧城市的梦,纽约才是一个现代梦,怀旧已经成为一个滥情牌,在这部电影中已经严重体现出来了,也是继承了..科幻电影排行榜1714224763162348295156638071780836392876102334西瓜影音在线观看影片详细剧情介绍剧情介绍相关影评相关资讯相关科幻电影免责声明:本站所有电影电视剧均来自互联网收集而来,版权归原创者所有,如果侵犯了你的权益,请通知我们,我们会及时删除侵权内容,谢谢合作!影片概述异形魔怪2 1996 上映时间: (美国)Tremors II: Aftershocks更新: 12:36频道:科幻片(英语中字)类型:喜剧/科幻/动作/怪兽产地:美国导演:S·S·威尔逊创作:布伦特·马多克
S.S. Wilson片长:100分钟别名:从地心窜出2系列:异形魔怪(1990)异形魔怪2(1996)异形魔怪3(2001)评分10.0推荐电影正片还在火星度假,请关注后续更新……★异形魔怪2剧情介绍:异形魔怪2全集;影片评论
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