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大卫科波菲尔的好句赏析,至少5句 卫科波菲尔好句赏析
匿名 2-11 21:00
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热心网友 3-08 00:01
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一溜烟 发音yī liú yān 释义形容跑得很快。大卫科波菲尔好词好句——
David Copperfield is well known as one representative work by Charles Dickens. The greatest novelist in the Victorian period depicted a broad picture of the society of his times by telling the uncommon life of his boy hero, David Copperfield. In addition, David Copperfield was also Dickens& own favorite. It is written in the first person and is the most autobiographical of all his books. In writing, Dickens threw into this novel deep feelings and much of his own experience in his younger days. By David&s history and experience, Dickens in some way retrospected and drew a conclusion to his life and expressed his life attitude and moral ideal. Furthermore his novel also disclosed the faulty mask of capitalist society and remarkably reflected the negative damage to the marriage, family and society caused by money. It is safe to say that David Copperfield is one of the most excellent characters among all Dickens created. The thesis undertakes to have a detailed study of the characteristics of David Copperfield through the analysis of the influence of the people around him and make a preliminary explanation to it. The work will be done along the development of David Copperfield, from his childhood to his adulthood. The analysis of the characteristics of David Copperfield will provide us a chance to see the features of the capitalist society and give us some inspiration about the life.
Key Words: capitalist society
关键词: 性格 生活经历 资本主义社会
Charles Dickens() British writer. Dickens lived in the early Victorian period, and all his life and works kept pace with the development of his times. On the whole, his novels were mainly written in a realistic way, disclosing the hypocrisy, greed, meanness and cruelty of the upper-class and capitalist society. As well he was always trying to awaken the general public to struggle against the oppression with a great sympathy and serious attitude. In addition he praised in his works the good qualities of human beings, such as truth, kindness and beauty. Dickens was the main representative of Realism in 1900s. Karl Marx praised him and Thackeray as a group of outstanding novelist of G.B.
David Copperfield, created in 1850, was one semi-autobiography by Dickens. It told readers an uncommon story about the boy-hero David Copperfield in a time order. David was born when his father had died. His weak and poor mother remarried Mr. Murdestone, who proved to be a cruel and heartless man. The step-father deprived him of the happiness of childhood and eventually his mother&s life. David became a real orphan. He luckily met a kind-hearted aunt who helped him much in his growth and development. At last David made a great success by his own efforts. David Copperfield is popular with Dickens& readers all over the world. In Dickens& own words, it was his own favorite baby.
Chapter 1 Charles Dickens and his David Copperfield
1.1 The Similarity Between Charles Dickens and David Copperfield
One great literature figure defined the &novel& as the description of the typical character in the typical environment (especially referring to the social environment). In writing this thesis, the famous definition gives some inspiration to the author. According to the theory, the influence of the other characters in this novel will be taken into consideration in the analysis of the characteristics of David Copperfield. For David Copperfield is one semi-autobiography, it will be a wise and convenient way to analyze the characteristics of the boy hero through the study of the writer himself, including his background, his experiences, his individuality and his attitude. As a result, David Copperfield is Dickens& David Copperfield and there is a degree of resemblance between the two.
There are a lot of proofs regarding this point, such as:
Firstly,both of them had a difficult time when they were only a child and the experience as a child-labor had a deep influence on their latter life. Secondly, both of them had an uncommon love history. Especially Dora, who won the heart of David Copperfield in this novel had the same name with one of Dickens& children who died still an infant. And Agnes Wickfield, the final lover of David Copperfield is much like one of Dickens& love, Georgina, a friend and helper to Dickens. Thirdly, both of them took to literature and made a great success in their career.
Actually in writing this novel Dickens made a good use of his own life experience. Thus the readers may have a further understanding about the great writer by reading this work. At the same time, when we analyzing the characteristics of David Copperfield,it will be a good choice to take advantage of the study of the writer himself.
1.2 Dickens& Unhappy Childhood and the Characteristics of David Copperfield
Dickens& childhood was not a happy one. He was not sent to the school because his father was overwhelmed by financial difficulties. Little Dickens had to work to support the family. The work at Warren&s Blacking was a job demeaning and stultifying to his talents. Forster ever said this miserable experience was the secret agony of his soul and the misery to the young heart. In the novel Warren&s Blacking factory appears as Murdestone and Grinby. The hard and bitter life in their childhood on one side deprived them of happiness and was against their development. That is what the readers see about Copperfield: weakness, timid and lack of self-assurance. However, the unpleasant experience on the other side made the ambitious and strong-willed character. In Chapter 11, David&s thought &I feel my hopes of growing up to be a learned and distinguished man, crushed in my bosom& is the best proof for that. (Dickens, ) To some degree, the misery of child-labor is a positive motivation to the success of both the writer and his boy hero.
1.3 Dickens& Family Background and the Characteristics of David Copperfield
Dickens was born in a middle-class family. His grand parents on his father&s side were servants a superior kind in being butler and housekeeper in an aristocratic family and thus holding a position of power and authority, which was as likely to claim the respect of their masters as the awe of their inferiors. Because of such family background, Dickens was inevitably affected and held a conservative class attitude. Thus in the novel readers can observe that good characters are forced to hardship, disappointment, trial and affliction, and to suffer most cruelty while the bad characters do not suffer so much. Steerforth, though a villain, does not suffer as much as Little Emily, his relatives and David do. Even when Uriah Heep lands in law, he is still swindling and still gaining benefits. Murdestone is shown not only as surviving right through to the end of the novel but as cheating and marring another woman who is as credulous as David&s mother.
As a reflection of Dickens& own position, the hero of this novel, David Copperfield showed such negative characteristics as slipperiness and worldly wisdom.
1.4 Dickens& Attitude and the Characteristics of David Copperfield
As is known to all Dickens made an amazing series of achievements and Dickens obviously enjoyed the sense that they were due to his own efforts and struggles in which his parents had little part to play.
The life in Blacking Factory firmed his general attitude to the world, which helps to explain the extent to which the novels are on the side of youth. In other words, Dickens appreciated the good quality of self-reliance and the strong will of young people.
Considering this point, it will be easy to understand why the writer made David suffer so many difficulties such as the ill-treatment of his step-father, the bitter life in Blacking Factory and the bankruptcy of his aunt (though proved to be his aunt&s deliberate plan). Besides, Dickens showed a deep sympathy to the lower-class in his works. And the writer also expressed his feelings about the poor people by his description of David Copperfield.
As is liked by Dickens, he created a brave, strong and kind-hearted David Copperfield. In order to get an overall understanding about the characteristics of David Copperfield, the author will have a detailed study of the content of the novel in the following chapters.
Chapter 2 The Characteristics of Child David Copperfield
2.1 Weakness and Timidity of David Copperfield
Copperfield was born at midnight when the clock began to strike. He thought he was &destined to be unlucky in life&. (Dickens, 2003:1) It is not correct to say that his life was an unlucky one. But it is certain that he had an unlucky childhood. The most remarkable characteristic of child David Copperfield is his weakness and timidity, which is also a gloomy shadow in his life. When facing the cruelty of his step-father and suffering the ill-treatment in Salen House, David showed his weakness and timidity. He made no struggle or counterstrike. Do you think it is natural for a child or there are any other reasons?
2.1.1 David&s Mother
David was born six months after his father&s death. His mother played a particularly important part in the formation of his characteristics. As parents are the best examples of their children. David&s mother was &poorly in health and very low in sprits&. (Dickens, 2003:4)In front of Mr. and Miss Murdestone, his inexperienced and girlish mother was scared and frightened. She could not help or protect her child at all. In Chapter 2, his mother remonstrated him when he put away Mr. Murdestone&s hands touching him. In fact, his poor mother was fully controlled by his step-father. That was just what Mother taught him: to endure and obey, not to struggle or protest when facing his step-father&s tyranny and cruelty. Mother&s death was a heavy blow to David. An image of weakness was broken, which might be a turning-point in his life. It softened the impression of his mother and caused some changes in his thinking. But it is no doubt that his mother left in the world a lonely and weak David Copperfield.
2.1.2 Mr. and Miss Murdestone
&I might have been improved for my whole life, I might have been made another creature perhaps, for life, by a kind word at that season&. (Dickens, 2003:51)This was what David recalled about Mr. Murdestone, which showed the importance of Mr. Murdestone in his life.
Under the control of his step-father, David was helpless. Although he hated Mr. Murdestone, he could not do anything more than crying. Mr. and Miss Murdestone were in charge of the family. And &firmness, was the grand quality on which both of them took their stand&. (Dickens, 2003:54)So-called firmness was &another name for tyranny, and for a certain gloomy, arrogant, devil&s humor, that was in them both&. (Dickens, 2003:54)It&s unreasonable to say that David was born a weak and timid creature. As he was no more than a child, he really did not have that power or capability to change what he suffered from Mr. and Miss Murdestone, two gloomy devils in David&s word. It can be imagined what a difficult situation little David was in. It was natural for him to show weakness and timidity when facing the cruel world.
2.1.3 David&s Fellow Partners
Without his parents& love, the friends played an especially important role in David&s life for that broken heart.
Ham and Little Emily were an orphan nephew and niece. Before David went to school, they were his best fellow partners. On one side, with the similar background (all of them were orphans), David felt a little bit of happiness and warmness when they played with each other. On the other side, it did nothing good to changing David&s weakness and timidity. Wounded by David, Mr. Murdestone sent him away from home and he began the life in Salen House. He at first suffered the humiliation that he was ordered to wear a placard with a note &Take care of him. He bites&. (Dickens, 2003:87)At that time, another important character turned up in David&s life. He was Steerforth, the idol of child David. When he was at school, Steerforth was no doubt became his saint patron. Even later in his life as a little outcast, on waking up he found himself sitting up with Steerforth&s name upon his lips. David in this period did not make any progress in his characteristics. And he remained to be that weak and timid David Copperfield.
2.2 Innocence and Kindness of David Copperfield.
Little David was unlucky to face so much hardship, but had some good qualities in common with any other child such as innocence and kindness. This will be referred to in the following paragraphs.
2.2.1 David&s Innocence
David fell in love with Little Emily when they companied each other in the days in Yarmouth. The affection was the most innocent feelings for a child. David &loved that baby quite as truly, quite as tenderly with great purity than can enter into the best love of a later time of life&. (Dickens, 2003:41) Both of them did not worry about the future or any other troubles before them. The biggest for them was love. Because they were young and innocent.
On the way to Salen House, the writer referred to an interesting incident. With the &simple confidence and natural reliance of a child upon superior years&, David was used by Servant William. (Dickens, 2003:78) Little David was certain to lack some worldly wisdom and he was only an innocent child.
When David worked at Murdestone and Grinby, he met Mr. Micauber whose clothes were shabby, but had an imposing shirt collar on. David did not make fun of him. Instead when he heard of his tragedy and financial difficulties, he was solemnly convinced that he never for an hour was reconciled to it, or was otherwise than miserably unhappy. Even he wanted to lend some money to Mr. Micauber to help him tide over the difficulties, though he himself was poor.
Innocence was the most valuable and shinning characteristic of David Copperfield. And we can never find it in his later life.
2.2.2 Kindness of David Copperfield
Although David met in his life so many bad persons like Mr. and Miss Murdestone, Mr. Creakle and Uriah Heep, he also had a lot of sincere friends and helpers who made David still a kind-hearted one. That is to say, though he had known some bad qualities of the people, David remained what he used to be.
In Mr. Murdestone&s house, except his mother, Pegotty was the only one who loved David. And different from his mother, she was able to protect David. When David was treated badly by Mr. and Miss Murdestone, Pegotty came to comfort him at night. And when David was sent away from home, Pegotty wrote letters to encourage him. As is known Pegotty was a servant in David&s family, but she did far more than a servant. To some degree, she was more like David&s mother. Even when David&s mother misunderstood her, Pegotty still took it for granted to protect and help David and his poor mother. It was her loyalty and kindness that was a great help to the development of little David. And David was grateful to her, so he permitted the carrier Barkis to marry her, considering the happiness of Pegotty. That was also little David&s kindness.
In a word, child David was innocent and kind in nature.
Chapter3 The Characteristics of Young David Copperfield
3.1 Sincerity of David Copperfield
David&s aunt engendered his determination to leave the dreadful factory, and turn a new leaf of his life. Therefore an introduction of his aunt should come first. David&s aunt, Betsey Trotwood, a feistiness and a wisdom which combine to make her one of the strongest, most independent-minded of all Dickens& fictional women characters. David believed in his aunt and he was willing to obey her and listen to her advice. What kind of a person David would be depended on his own will, in which his aunt played a great part. In Chapter 15, his aunt told him &never be mean in anything, never be false, and never be cruel&. (Dickens, )It (sincerity) was David&s commission to his aunt.
When facing Uriah Heep, who always claimed to be a humble man, David was totally at a loss what to do with him. &I felt embarrassed by these compliment& and &they( Heep and his mother ) just did what they liked with me and wormed things out of me what I had no desire to tell&. (Dickens, )David himself contributed it to his juvenile frankness. David treated others with his sincerity and a natural feeling of trust.
For all these reasons David was a &Daisy& in Steerforth&s eyes. And the &Daisy& is the best symbol of David&s sincerity.
3.2 Slipperiness of David Copperfield
Slipperiness (we can call it worldly wisdom too) is not a completely depreciative word here. It means that David gradually learned some cleverness to deal with the constantly changing world.
David had his new profession, a decent job in Doctor&s Commons. David&s aunt spent one thousand pound in this deal. In this transaction, David began to realize the power of money and the nature of the relations between members of the society. In Doctors& Commons, Mr. Spenlow told David some secret truth of his profession, &the genteel and most profitable profession in the world&. (Dickens, ) But David had not the hardihood to suggest to him that possibly they might even improve the world a little, for he did not want to lose his &gentlemanly character&. (Dickens, )Some changes inevitably took place in David&s mind. It should be noticed that he even had at that time some lurking distrust of Steerforth, although he wrote to him most affectionately in reply to his letters. It was really a different David. What is more, when he met Mr. Micauber again, he told Tradle, one of his old classmates not to lend Mr. Micauber anything. Nevertheless David&s slipperiness was not a sickening and disgusting characteristic for it was different from Uriah Heep&s slipperiness and it did not mean any harm to others.
3.3 Imaturity of David Copperfield
David had a desire to apply himself to some pursuit that would not lie too heavily on his aunt and do his own duty. But the too comfortable life indeed tortured his determination.
In this period David Copperfield was conservative and had not much passion to his life. In his own words, he lacked firmness and self-reliance. He was immature yet. He could not find a right person he could rely on. Thus the life was empty to him. He threw himself into the ridiculous life smoking and drinking. At the same time he regretted for that when he met Agnes, his &good angel&. (Dickens, )He thought of his purity in the early days and shed tears. Later David had his object, Dora. And soon he lost heart to her. The writer used a long passage to des cribe David&s love with Dora and we can infer that his love was really true but it was not reasonable, anyway. Dora was just like a fairy from the heaven, she was destined not to go with David very well. As a result their marriage was not a happy one. In Chapter 48, the frictions in daily life forced David to reconsider their love. He admitted that his own heart was undisciplined when it first loved Dora. He wished his wife ha had had more character or purpose to sustain him had been endowed with power to fill up the void about him. Obviously Dora was not his right girl. Actually the blindness in love, in some way, showed the immaturity of young David.
All of these facts gave the best explanation to David&s immaturity.
3.4 Self-distrust of David Copperfield
&A distrust of myself has often beset me in life on small occasions&. (Dickens, ) At the bottom of his heart, David was self-contemptuous not only because of his family background but his unsuccessful career. His profession lied heavily on his aunt&s support. It should not be denied that David had a strong-willed aunt, but his aunt could not give him self-confidence. Therefore David had not felt happy though he got a decent job and became a gentleman. In addition in pursuit of Dora, especially after his aunt told him about her bankruptcy, David showed his self-distrust, because he was not sure whether Dora would love a poor David. But he should have known that only by his own efforts can he succeed and get his confidence. Besides Steerforth was another character who had a great influence on David&s self-distrust. &I was rather bashful at first, Steerforth being so self-possessed and elegant and superior to me in all respects&. (Dickens, )At the school, David was protected by Steerforth and he seemed wiser than any other student. He had all the qualities that David did not possess such as courage, wisdom and elegance. Compared with his idol, David was sure to feel self-distrust. When he was a child, he might be a person bringing David hope. However, it became a gloomy shadow to David when he grew up.
To be concluded, young David Copperfield was identified with the most complex characteristics in all his life. He was ambitious to be a distinguished man, but the life experience could not give her sufficient confidence or courage. He wished to treat others sincerely but sometimes he showed his slipperiness. He had the desire to rely on himself but he was unwilling to abandon the comfortable life. It is a critical period for David Copperfield. After the all the troubles, we will see a totally different David Copperfield, Dickens& best boy hero.
Chapter4 The Characteristics of David Copperfield in His Adulthood
4.1 Self-reliance of David Copperfield
David and his aunt seldom met with each other. But when they met again this time his aunt brought a bad news to him: &I am ruined&. (Dickens, )David was shocked by what he heard about his aunt. When his aunt was still in a composed frame of mind, David was really crushed by some frustrated feelings. For his aunt was the pillar in David&s life, her bankruptcy meant he lost the main support and thereafter he had to rely on himself. His clever aunt encouraged him: &we must meet reverses boldly and not suffer them to frighten us&. (Dickens, )
At this time David realized that &what I had to do was, to turn the painful discipline of my younger days to account, by going to work with a resolute and steady heart&. &I had infinite satisfaction in being so closely engaged and never walked slowly on any account&. (Dickens, ) In this period we cannot neglect that Dora played an important role in the altered character of David. Because Dora was his object, he felt enthusiastically that &the more I tired myself, the more I was doing to deserve Dora&. (Dickens, ) Dora was the direct motivation for David to change his own life.
In this process, Mr. Dick set a good example to David. In Chapter 36, there is a piece of description about Mr. Dick: &his going about to change this treasure into sixpences, bringing to my aunt arranged in the form of a heart upon a waiter, with tears of joy in his eyes& and (he) &thought my aunt the most wonderful woman in existence and me the most wonderful young man&. (Dickens, )Mr. Dick was one of the best friends, his perseverance and confidence surely encouraged David.
The love with Dora forced David to work pretty hard, and busily keep red-hot all the irons he had now on the fire. He himself felt his resolution. David made a series of achievements and won the heart of Dora. He had done all by himself.
David was not a weak and timid child any more. He had become a strong man. Mr. Wickfield&s death did not defeat him and he comforted Dora&s hurt soul and won her love at last with his perseverance and resolution. Even when Dora died, David was not despaired because he had acquired the capability of living. He could rely on himself rather than others. Eventually David grew to be a famous writer and a real hero with the characteristic of self-reliance.
4.2 The Generosity of David Copperfield
4.2.1 His Generosity to Steerforth
Steerforth, who ever was the best friend of David, was proved to be a false man when he induced Little Emily to run away with him. He betrayed David and hurt his innocent friend&s sincere feelings to him. For some time, David hated Steerforth very much because he broke a happy family and offended and humiliated the kindness of the Pegottys, who were David&s respectable friends. But David thought more about his good qualities. He tried to find a best excuse for Steerforth&s wrong doing. Mr. Pegotty&s attitude toward Emily affected David. Although Emily hurt his heart Mr. Pegotty was generous to her: &if all hurts should come to me, remember that the last words I left for her was: my unchanged love is with my darling child and I forgive her&. (Dickens, )And Ham was also a great and generous man. He cost his life to save Steerforth who stole his girl. Eventually David excused his old friend, and brought him back to his home. David&s manner was earnest and the tears in his eyes were the best testimony for his generosity.
4.2.2 His Generosity to His Child Wife
As is mentioned in Chap.3.3, David and his child wife did not go on very well with each other. Dora knew nothing about the practical life and she could not help David in his writing. That was why David wished to change Dora a little. But at last, he gave up his plan. He realized that Dora&s mind was already formed. He decided to be satisfied with his child wife and try to change her into nothing by any progress. He was heartily tired of being sagacious and prudent. He was willing to give Dora more freedom and happiness.
Their marriage was not a perfect one because the disparity between their mind. But we see a generous David who tolerated lovely Dora and gave her all happy days as he could. The generosity of David Copperfield should be appreciated by the readers.
4.3 Stability and Maturity of David Copperfield
Through so much difficulties and troubles, David had become steady in his steps in his adulthood. In his profession, his love and his friendship, David all found his best answers. He lived his life with his stability and maturity of his mind.
Regarding his profession, David went on along a right road. He took to the literature and had fun in what he did. David felt more and more confidence with the success of his career. David knew that his child dream came true by his years& hard work.
And after his child wife died, David decided to give his most sincere love to Agnes, his good angel. However, he was hesitant before Agnes. He dared not to tell her &I love you&. Because he knew what the three words meant, he did not want to hurt Agnes. He thought &it was for me to guard this sisterly affection with religious care. And for David Agnes was no doubt his best choice. Agnes was the light shined on his way. She was the source of every worthy aspiration, the center of his life and the right person he founded his love on a rock. For all the efforts David took, he deserved the love of Agnes. With Agnes& love and guide, David would make his life better and became more mature and steady in his life.
David also found the true friendship in his life. His old classmate, Tradle, who at school was the merriest and most miserable of all the boys, appeared at the end of the novel as a helper of David Copperfield. Tradle was still what he used to be, and he held it as a solemn duty to stand by one another. That was what we called true friend David needed.
How to describe David&s happy ending. It will be proper to use David&s own words: I see myself, with Agnes at my side, journeying along the road of life. I see our children and o and I hear the roar of many voices, not indifferent to me as I travel on.
Through the four chapters of analysis of the characteristics of David Copperfield, a conclusion can be drawn here.
Born in a singled-parent family, David was affected heavily by his weak mother. His step-father treated him badly and David&s childhood was really a nightmare. It was lucky for David to have Pegotty who helped him. Child David was innocent and kind-hearted. The runaway from Murdestone and Grinby marks the end of David&s childhood. Now David was already a young man. In this period he was on the way to be a man and began to get a further understanding of the life. The characteristics of young David are really something complex. There are both positive and negative sides in his characteristics such as sincerity, slipperiness, immaturity and self-distrust. With his aunt&s support, David got a decent profession and knew much worldly knowledge in association with Mr. Spenlow. The love with Dora showed his immaturity and all of his youthful period can be defined as an immature one. Betsey Trotwood, David&s aunt played a really important role in David&s change in his characteristics. The bankruptcy of his aunt was a significant incident for David Copperfield. He had to say goodbye to yesterday, no more comfortable life and no more financial support from the wealthy aunt. The very change in David&s life was later proved to be a big opportunity for him to make a new era in his life. Thereafter he began to work hard and did his own duty. At last Dickens made a mature boy hero, David Copperfield.
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First and foremost, my heartfelt thanks should be given to my supervisor, Sun Bo, who has offered me valuable advice during my writing of this thesis and spent a lot of time reading and correcting the drafts. It is not exaggerated to say that this thesis could not be accomplished without his guides and efforts.
I would also like to express my gratitude to some teachers who have offered many useful and creative suggestions during the writing of this thesis.
Moreover, I should also express my thanks to some of my friends who have provided me a lot of helps in the process of writing this thesis.
Last but not the least I would express my sincere appreciation to my parents for their advice and patience when I felt anxious and upset during the writing of this paper.
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