如何评论walter crane 2的画作

相信大部分年轻观众初次认识《美女与野兽》都是透过1991年上映的迪士尼动画版本,“贝儿”与“野兽”在动画中的形象也已经深植许多人的心,就连近期上映的真人电影版本,在人物造型及美术上也直接借镜参考动画版本 (毕竟都是迪士尼出品)。
1. 《美女与野兽》这个童话故事文本在19世纪诞生时,插画家Walter Crane设计的“野兽”形象可能会让你大吃一惊!
2. 同样来自Walter Crane的这张画,画工就比较精细了,野兽也有了比较高贵的气息。(但还是野猪…)
3. 到了这个版本,野兽成了一头熊,贝儿则像是要去参加音乐祭的嬉皮。
4. 野兽变更萌了!
More than 90 stickers of Walter Crane Artworks! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !
- The Lady of Shalott
- Ruth and Boaz
- La belle Dame Sans Merci
- Love's Altar
- Europe, Asia, Africa
- At Home. A Portrait
- The Aventine from the Palatine
- The Advent of Spring
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Frog Prince and other stories
- The Renaissance of Venus
- The Triumph of Spring
- Beatrice and Lionel Crane
- Diana and Endymion
- La Primavera
- Laura reading
- The House that Jack Built
- An illustration of the fable of Hercules and the Wagoner
- Baby's Own Aesop
- Illustration for The Man That Pleased None
- Illustration for The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
- The baby's own Aesop
- Title page of Baby's Own Aesop
- Morn, Noon, Eve, Night
- Neptun's Horses
- The Moat and Bishop's Palace, Wells Cathedral
- Columbia's Courtship
- Columbus
- Declaration of Independence
- Miss America
- Spain Conquered
- The Dutchman
- The Englishman
- The Frenchman
- The Norseman
- United States
- United States
- Lohengrin
- The Angel of Peace
- Syracuse, Anapo River
- The Briar Rose (triptych, centre panel)
- The Briar Rose (triptych, left wing)
- The Briar Rose (triptych, right wing)
- Race of Hero Spirits Pass
- Porte de France Tunis
- Almond Blossom and Swallow (Wallpaper Design)
- Architecture
- Craftsmanship
- My Soul is an Enchanted Boat...
- Painting
- Red House, Bexleyheath
- Sculpture
- Shelley's Tomb in the Protestant Cemetery
- Design for Peacock Garden Wallpaper
- Demeter rejoiced, for her daughter was by her side
- For two days and two nights the boat was and hither and thither
- He became a target for every arrow
- He drank the contents as though it were a draught of Wine
- He lefts assembly, hiding his face in his cloak
- He ran toward the horse and seized the bridle
- He stoods silent before King
- In the earlist times a simple foot-race was the only event
- Often she would stand upon the walls of Troy
- She changed her into Spider
- Ship dashed against ship, till the Persian Army dead strewed the deep like flowers
- Solon, the wise lawgiver of Athens
- Sweet, piercing sweet was the music of Pan's pipe
- The figure of the Goddess was a Colossal one
- The multitude saluted him with loud acclamations
- The wind - God sent a gust from the South
- They crashed into Persian army with tremendous force
- With an effort he looked at them as they passed
- Yea, Verily, thou art odysseus
- King Arthur Sir Bedivere throwing Excalibur into the lake
- Nyads and Dryads
- Protestant Cemetery
- Swan and Rush and Iris wallpaper
- The Swan Maidens
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