
如何评价科幻小说《三体》英文版(The Three-Body Problem)? - 知乎699被浏览102944分享邀请回答42155 条评论分享收藏感谢收起雨果奖《三体》作者刘慈欣英文简介(双语)_网易教育
Liu Cixin, China's most popular science-fiction writer, is 52 yearsold and
has written thirteen books. He worked as a softwareengineer at a power plant in
Shanxi. In China, he is about asfamous as William Gibson in the United S
he s oftencompared to Arthur C. Clarke, whom he cites as an influence.His most
popular book, "The Three-Body Problem," has beentranslated into English by the
American sci-fi writer Ken Liu, andin China it's being made into a movie, along
with its sequels.
Gibson)相媲美。人们常将刘慈欣与亚瑟·克拉克(Arthur C.
Clarke)相提并论,而刘慈欣称自己受到了克拉克的影响。刘慈欣最受欢迎的小说《三体》(The Three-Body
Problem)已经被美籍华裔科幻作家刘宇昆(Ken Liu)译成了。在中国,《三体》三部曲的电影也已在拍摄中。
Liu Cixin's writing evokes the thrill of exploration and the beauty of
scale. "In my imagination,"he told me, in an e-mail translated by Ken Liu,
"abstract concepts like the distance marked by alight-year or the diameter of
the universe become concrete images that inspire awe."
American science fiction draws heavily on American culture, of course—the
war for independence,the Wild West, film noir, sixties psychedelia—and so
humanity s imagined future often looks a lotlike America's past. For an American
reader, one of the pleasures of reading Liu is that his storiesdraw on entirely
different resources.
Much of "The Three-Body Problem" is set during the Cultural Revolution. In
"The Wages ofHumanity," visitors from space demand the redistribution of Earth's
wealth, and explain thatrunaway capitalism almost destroyed their civilization.
I doubt that any Western sci-fi writer hasso thoroughly explored the theme of
filial piety.
小说《三体》的故事背景大抵都是文化大革命(the Cultural Revolution)期间。在《赡养人类》(The Wages of
But it's not cultural difference that makes Liu's writing extraordinary.
His stories are fables abouthuman progress—concretely imagined but abstract.
Take the novella "Sun of China," whichfollows Ah Quan, a young man from a rural
village that has been impoverished by drought. In thefirst three chapters, Ah
Quan sets out from the village and
he travels to aregional
city, where he learns to shine shoes, and moves to Beijing, where he works as
askyscraper-scaling window-washer. Then the story takes a turn.
We discover that it's the future: China has constructed a huge mirror in
space called the ChinaSun, and is using it to engineer the climate. Ah Quan gets
a job cleaning the reflective surface ofthe China Sun. It turns out that Stephen
Hawking is living in orbit, where the low gravity hashelped
Hawking and Ah Quan become friends and go on space walks together.The physicist
teaches the worker about the laws of physics and about the vastness of the
universe,and Ah Quan s mind begins to dwell on the question of humanity s fate:
Will we explore the stars,or live and die on Earth? Soon afterward, he is saying
goodbye to his parents and setting out on aone-way mission to explore
interstellar space. By the end of the story, Ah Quan s progress isrepresentative
of humanity s. He has traversed an enormous social and material distance, but
itpales in comparison to the journey ahead.
Liu s stories aren' in imagining the human future, his
romantic sweetness isbalanced with harsh objectivity. In "The Wandering Earth,"
scientists discover that the sun isabout to swell into a red giant. In response,
they build enormous engines capable of pushing theentire planet toward another
star—an "exodus" that will last a hundred generations, during whicheverything on
the surface will be destroyed. Watching the deadly sun recede and transform
intoa star like any other, the protagonist cries out, "Earth, oh my wandering
Earth!" And yet the storysuggests that this is just the sort of outrageous
project we'll need in order to insure humanity'slong-term survival.
刘慈欣的故事不完全是这么温和的;在想象人类的未来时,他笔下的浪漫甜蜜与残酷现实是相辅相成的。在《流浪地球》(The Wandering
"In the distant future, if human civilization survives and spreads through
the cosmos, humanitymust create technological marvels at ultra-grand scales,"
Liu wrote to me.
I believe science and technology can bring us a bright future, but the
journey to achieve it will befilled with difficulties and exact a price from us.
Some of these obstacles and costs will be quiteterrible, but in the end we will
land on the sunlit further shore. Let me quote the Chinese poet XuZhimo from the
beginning of the last century, who, after a trip to the Soviet Union, said,
"Overthere, they believe in the existence of Heaven, but there is a sea of blood
that lies between Heavenand Hell, and they ve decided to cross the sea."
But to what end? Humanity can' the last volume of the
"Three-Body" trilogyis set, in part, during the heat-death of the universe.
Liu s stories see life from two angles, as botha titanic struggle for survival
and as a circumscribed exercise in finitude. In my favorite of hisstories, "The
Mountain"—it's available in English in a short-fiction collection called "The
WanderingEarth"—mountain climbing is proposed as a metaphor for this
contradiction. "It is the nature ofintelligent life to climb mountains,"
inter-dimensional alien explorers explain. But the universe isso unknowable that
"we are all always at the foot," and will never reach the peak. In anotherstory,
"The Devourer," a character asks, "What is civilization? Civilization is
devouring, ceaselesslyeating, endlessly expanding." But you can't expand
perhaps it would be better, anothercharacter suggests, to establish a
“self-sufficient, introspective civilization." At the core of Liu'ssensibility,
in short, is a philosophical interest in the problem of limits. How should we
react to theinherent limitations of life? Should we push against them or
"Everything ends," Liu said, in his e-mail, "and describing what is
inevitable should not be viewedas a form of pessimism. Take the example of a
romantic tale: 'The lovers lived happily ever after'would clearly be viewed as
an optimistic story. But if you add a coda—'A hundred years later,they were both
dead'—does that turn the story pessimistic? Only science fiction can go as far
as 'ahundred years later' at the scale of the universe."
刘慈欣在邮件中提到:“没什么是永恒的,描述必然性不应当被视为一种悲观主义。就拿爱情故事来说, 恋人从此幸福快乐地生活在一起 我们当然认为这是一个乐观的故事。但如果你在结尾再加一句—— 百年过后,他们两个都去世了 ——难道就变成了一个悲观的故事了吗?只有科幻小说可以描写 百年之后 的浩瀚宇宙。”
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