囧研究:一线城市压力大生活压力大 如何减压最有效

囧研究:为何选择北上广 因聪明人喜欢大城市_网易教育
囧研究:为何选择北上广 因聪明人喜欢大城市
Cities are more crowded, more polluted, and more stressful to live in than
any other kind of man-made environment in the world. But they are also where the
smartest people want to live.
A new study of American mobility patterns suggests that people with higher
intelligence are more likely to be moving in and out of cities. Among them,
those individuals who originate from rural towns exhibit the highest forms of
intelligence. The findings, now online, will be published in the
September/October issue of the journal Intelligence.
The study, conducted by psychologist Markus Jokela from the University of
Helsinki, traced the 16-year migratory patterns of 11,500 Americans between the
ages of 15 and 23, starting in 1979. Jokela found that people who moved from
rural and suburban areas to central cities typically had much higher
intelligence scores than people who stayed put or made other kinds of movements.
Those same people also tended to leave central cities for suburban environments,
to a lesser degree.
The findings themselves aren t particularly revelatory
it has long been
thought that smart young people flock to the cities for better education and
higher-paying jobs, and move out to the suburbs in order to raise a family. But
the most striking part about Jokela s
most notably a
12-point intelligence gap between rural residents who stayed in their hometown
and those who moved to central cities. When Jokela controlled for socioeconomic
status, this gap was reduced to 4 point. While this is less stunning, it does
indicate that intelligence plays a role in where Americans decide to live. “The
most general message is that the selective residential mobility we observe
associated with socioeconomic status has its psychological underpinnings in
intelligence differences,” Jokela told CityLab.
While the results are interesting, they should be read with caution.
Jokela s analysis illustrates that intelligence and migration are connected, but
not whether intelligence actually influenced individuals
decision to move. The
dataset for the study is also cut off after 1996, and American migratory
patterns may have changed a great deal in the last two decades.
The biggest takeaway, however, is that smart people are constantly anxious
to keep moving around. If you live in the city, you may want to talk to your new
neighbor from that rural town you ve never heard of
they probably have a few
things to teach you, before they leave for greener pastures.
分享至好友和朋友圈英语翻译_囧研究:城市生活压力大 如何减压最有效?_沪江英语
囧研究:城市生活压力大 如何减压最有效?
Stand-still traffic, air pollution, crowded streets, endless gray sidewalks. Sound familiar?交通停滞、空气污染、马路拥挤、无休无止的灰色人行道。是不是听着耳熟?
Some studies have shown that city dwellers may have a 21% greater likelihood of developing
disorders, and a 39% increased risk of mood disorders, compared to people living more rurally.一些研究显示,和住在偏郊区的人们相比,城市居民得焦虑症的可能性要高出21%、情绪紊乱的可能性要高出39%。
Densely packed urban areas can be a recipe for stress, and therefore poorer mental health, so here are some tips from the experts to better cope with life in the big city.高密度的都市也可以缓解压力、改善精神健康,这儿有些专家建议,有助人们更好地应对大城市生活。
Go to the park去公园
If you live in an apartment surrounded by busy roads full of traffic, beeping horns, people shouting and litter on the street, this could cause stress and have a negative effect on your mood.如果你住在公寓里,周围都是繁忙拥堵的交通,喇叭鸣响不断、人们叫嚣着,还在马路上乱扔纸屑,这都可能引起压力,对你的心情造成负面影响。
Know your neighborhood熟悉你的邻里
Feeling at ease, or at home, can also improve your
Have an escape strategy逃离计策
If it all gets too much, have an escape
handy. That might be a nearby park or even just your home.如果情况愈演愈烈,寻求唾手可得的方法逃离。可以是周边的公园,或者就躲家里也好。
Step away from the car远离车辆
Using the car is extremely stressful for people in cities, whereas walking or cycling to work is much better for your mental health.城市居民用车压力超大,而步行或是骑车去上班,更有助心智健康。
Underground? Look around乘地铁?看看周边
The key to combating stress in this environment is to become really aware of your surroundings. What usually helps is to very mindfully observe your environment, because that usually gives us back a sense of control of the situation.抗击环境压力的关键是留意你的周边。仔细观察你的周边环境通常会有益处,因为通常会回馈你一种把控环境的感觉。
What's that noise?何为噪音?
The best thing to do is find out what's making the noise. Even though you may not be able to stop it, knowing the cause can
your stress, because it increases your feeling of being in control.最佳方法是找出噪音源。即便你无法停止噪音,知晓噪音来源有助缓解压力,因为你会感觉你的掌控力度逐渐增大。
声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。英语资料_囧研究:城市生活压力大 如何减压最有效?_沪江英语
囧研究:城市生活压力大 如何减压最有效?
Stand-still traffic, air pollution, crowded streets, endless gray sidewalks. Sound familiar?交通停滞、空气污染、马路拥挤、无休无止的灰色人行道。是不是听着耳熟?
Some studies have shown that city dwellers may have a 21% greater likelihood of developing
disorders, and a 39% increased risk of mood disorders, compared to people living more rurally.一些研究显示,和住在偏郊区的人们相比,城市居民得焦虑症的可能性要高出21%、情绪紊乱的可能性要高出39%。
Densely packed urban areas can be a recipe for stress, and therefore poorer mental health, so here are some tips from the experts to better cope with life in the big city.高密度的都市也可以缓解压力、改善精神健康,这儿有些专家建议,有助人们更好地应对大城市生活。
Go to the park去公园
If you live in an apartment surrounded by busy roads full of traffic, beeping horns, people shouting and litter on the street, this could cause stress and have a negative effect on your mood.如果你住在公寓里,周围都是繁忙拥堵的交通,喇叭鸣响不断、人们叫嚣着,还在马路上乱扔纸屑,这都可能引起压力,对你的心情造成负面影响。
Know your neighborhood熟悉你的邻里
Feeling at ease, or at home, can also improve your
Have an escape strategy逃离计策
If it all gets too much, have an escape
handy. That might be a nearby park or even just your home.如果情况愈演愈烈,寻求唾手可得的方法逃离。可以是周边的公园,或者就躲家里也好。
Step away from the car远离车辆
Using the car is extremely stressful for people in cities, whereas walking or cycling to work is much better for your mental health.城市居民用车压力超大,而步行或是骑车去上班,更有助心智健康。
Underground? Look around乘地铁?看看周边
The key to combating stress in this environment is to become really aware of your surroundings. What usually helps is to very mindfully observe your environment, because that usually gives us back a sense of control of the situation.抗击环境压力的关键是留意你的周边。仔细观察你的周边环境通常会有益处,因为通常会回馈你一种把控环境的感觉。
What's that noise?何为噪音?
The best thing to do is find out what's making the noise. Even though you may not be able to stop it, knowing the cause can
your stress, because it increases your feeling of being in control.最佳方法是找出噪音源。即便你无法停止噪音,知晓噪音来源有助缓解压力,因为你会感觉你的掌控力度逐渐增大。
声明:本双语文章的中文翻译系沪江英语原创内容,转载请注明出处。中文翻译仅代表译者个人观点,仅供参考。如有不妥之处,欢迎指正。背单词网站_囧研究:城市生活压力大 如何减压最有效?_沪江英语
囧研究:城市生活压力大 如何减压最有效?
Stand-still traffic, air pollution, crowded streets, endless gray sidewalks. Sound familiar?交通停滞、空气污染、马路拥挤、无休无止的灰色人行道。是不是听着耳熟?
Some studies have shown that city dwellers may have a 21% greater likelihood of developing
disorders, and a 39% increased risk of mood disorders, compared to people living more rurally.一些研究显示,和住在偏郊区的人们相比,城市居民得焦虑症的可能性要高出21%、情绪紊乱的可能性要高出39%。
Densely packed urban areas can be a recipe for stress, and therefore poorer mental health, so here are some tips from the experts to better cope with life in the big city.高密度的都市也可以缓解压力、改善精神健康,这儿有些专家建议,有助人们更好地应对大城市生活。
Go to the park去公园
If you live in an apartment surrounded by busy roads full of traffic, beeping horns, people shouting and litter on the street, this could cause stress and have a negative effect on your mood.如果你住在公寓里,周围都是繁忙拥堵的交通,喇叭鸣响不断、人们叫嚣着,还在马路上乱扔纸屑,这都可能引起压力,对你的心情造成负面影响。
Know your neighborhood熟悉你的邻里
Feeling at ease, or at home, can also improve your
Have an escape strategy逃离计策
If it all gets too much, have an escape
handy. That might be a nearby park or even just your home.如果情况愈演愈烈,寻求唾手可得的方法逃离。可以是周边的公园,或者就躲家里也好。
Step away from the car远离车辆
Using the car is extremely stressful for people in cities, whereas walking or cycling to work is much better for your mental health.城市居民用车压力超大,而步行或是骑车去上班,更有助心智健康。
Underground? Look around乘地铁?看看周边
The key to combating stress in this environment is to become really aware of your surroundings. What usually helps is to very mindfully observe your environment, because that usually gives us back a sense of control of the situation.抗击环境压力的关键是留意你的周边。仔细观察你的周边环境通常会有益处,因为通常会回馈你一种把控环境的感觉。
What's that noise?何为噪音?
The best thing to do is find out what's making the noise. Even though you may not be able to stop it, knowing the cause can
your stress, because it increases your feeling of being in control.最佳方法是找出噪音源。即便你无法停止噪音,知晓噪音来源有助缓解压力,因为你会感觉你的掌控力度逐渐增大。


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