
鼻祖是什么意思 鼻祖在线翻译 鼻祖什么意思 鼻祖的意思 鼻祖的翻译 鼻祖的解释 鼻祖的发音 鼻祖的同义词 鼻祖的反义词 鼻祖的例句
鼻祖 基本解释鼻祖[bí zǔ]词典:失败;倒塌;沉没:沉到水下;摔倒:跌倒。词典the earliest [first] ancestor词典:发起人;创作者;开山祖;起因。鼻祖 汉英大词典鼻祖[bí zǔ](始祖) the earliest [first] originator (of a tradition, school of thought, etc.)鼻祖 网络解释1. patriarch:matriarch女家长,高雅的老妇女 | patriarch 家长,族长,创始人,鼻祖 | heresiarch 异教的创始人或首领2. grand-daddy n:monsoon n.季候风,雨季,季风 | grand-daddy n.鼻祖 | bovine adj.似牛的,缓慢的鼻祖 双语例句1. 山上刻石有数千处,被誉为中国摩崖刻石博物馆,最早的刻石是秦刻石,还有珍贵的汉代张迁碑、衡方碑和晋孙夫人碑,有被誉为大字鼻祖、榜书之宗的北齐经石峪刻石,有天下洋洋大观的唐玄宗和唐代双束碑等,它们的历史价值极高。&&&&There are thousands of carving, mountain cliff carving known as China's earliest museum, carving, there is carving the precious in han dynasty, zhang HengFang tablet and monuments, moved SunFuRen jin, known as monuments, the word of the BangShu recoveny BeiJi stone carving, has been the world with the emperor xuanzong of tang dynasty and three double beam, the historical monuments are high value.2. 这部影片是吸血鬼电影的鼻祖,一部根本不该排的影片?!&&&&This is the grandfather of all vampire movies, a movie that never should have been made.3. 读过书的后半部分,尤其是《暴风雨》一节,你会了解这位文学鼻祖如何将经典和基督传统错杂交织,产出琅琅上口韵句。&&&&The fascinating account of Shakespeare`s Latin training, and how it shaped his use of language, should be read early.4. 长期以来不满于传统唱片公司的地行限制电子新音乐的鼻祖David Arkenstone,同他的妻子DIANE,共同组建了新的唱片公司,Neo Pacifica,通过它来发行一糸列风格多样、新颖的音乐作品。&&&&Long frustrated by the release schedule restraints of conventional labels, electronic new age Renaissance man David Arkenstone joined with his wife, Diane, to create Neo Pacifica, a label releasing a wide variety of creatively diverse expressions.5. 盖茨工业皮带是世界倍受信赖的品牌,是工业皮带的鼻祖,皮带性能和长度延伸性能各项指标对照表和其他品牌比较都是名列前茅,根据市场调查的结果显示:我司销售的产品比同品牌产品寿命可延长33%——请不要惊讶,这就是最有力的事实!&&&&Gates industrial belt is the world's highly trusted brand, the originator of the industrial belt, belt performance and the length of an extension of performance indicators and tables are among the highest compared with other brands, according to market survey: I Products Division sales than Life expectancy can be extended with the brand-name products 33%- Please do not surprised, this is the fact that the most powerful!6. 鼻祖什么意思6. 李时珍是我国医药界的鼻祖。不适合&&&&Li shizhen was the originator of the Chinese pharmacology.7. 真正意义上现代经济法概念的开山鼻祖应为蒲鲁东而非Ritter,亦非我国学者所谓摩莱里和德萨米。&&&&The real founder of modern concept of Economic Law is Pierre Joseph Proudhon in-stead of Ritter. Chinese scholars believed Morrlies and Dezamy the founder.8. 与此同时,戴姆勒成功的发明了世界第一台高压缩比的内燃发动机,成为现代汽车发动机的鼻祖。&&&&At the same time, DaimlerChrysler successfully invented the world's first high-compression ratio of the internal combustion engine, as the originator of the modern car engine.9. 与其鼻祖布鲁斯乐一脉相承,爵士乐是最早的一种真正的在美国发展进化的、本土化的音乐,而其玄妙莫测的、充满冒险精神的即兴演奏又给了它布鲁斯音乐所没有的学者级别的评论和收藏。&&&&Along with the blues, its forefather, it is one of the first truly indigenous music to develop in America, yet its unpredictable, risky ventures into improvisation gave it critical cache with scholars that the blues lacked.10. 孔子是儒家学派的创始人,也是中国文化的鼻祖。&&&&These elaborations involve to the essence of sports culture.11. 貂蝉也是女间谍的鼻祖之一,她亲身实践了美人计和连环计。&&&&&&Ermine cicada also is one of originator of female spy, she carried out badger game and interlink personally plan.12. 灰灰菜和Dannie大家应该也不陌生,这两个人是中国像素鼻祖级的人物,他们没有自己专门的像素网站,但是国内许多论坛的像素人物都是他们制作的,而且可以很容易找到他们的作品。&&&&&&Huihuicai and Dannie, who is the explorer of Chinse pixel design. Though they do not have their own pixel site, there are lots of exordinary icons are created by them. It's quite easy to find their works with their fresh styles.13. 第一段讲述Albert Ellis是认知心理疗法的鼻祖;第二段讲述该疗法的理论;第三段讲述心理疗法的主要特点就是着眼于当前;第四段讲述具体采取的方法;第五段讲述REBT方法的特点;第六段讲述一些精神治疗医师采取了综合疗法。&&&&&&Q; X% n, u'v/ p$ W cognitive therapy is more constructive and effective than REBT in terms of curing different levels of depression.14. 谢灵运作为山水诗的鼻祖,在中国古代文学史上具有重要地位。&&&&&&As the originator of landscape poetry, Xie Lingyun played an important role in the history of Chinese literature.15. 15. 乔叟是英诗的鼻祖。&&&&&&Chaucer is the father of English poetry.16. 而我们现在之所以把它看成是自动装置的鼻祖,是因为在机器装置中它最先拥有了逼真的气息。&&&&&&We now consider it to be the primordial automatic device because it held the first breath of lifelikeness in a machine.17. 仪狄,是我国的造酒鼻祖。&&&&&&Miriam Di, is the founder of our brewery.18. 中华第一军校军事家鼻祖鬼谷子、文学巨匠罗贯中、药圣孙思貌等都曾在此居住、讲学、写书。&&&&&&Xu Mu. The first originator of the Chinese Military Academy Gui Guzi strategist, Luo Guanzhong great masters in literature, medicine and so on, have saint SUN Maung at this residence, lecture, write books.19. 19. 不能这么说吧,EDGAR ALLAN POE是侦探小说的鼻祖,侦探推理小说有那么多流派,那么多类型,把他以后的侦探小说都说成拾其牙慧也太小瞧人了。&&&&&&When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.20. 他可是非常教育方式的鼻祖&&&&&&Oh, he's, like, one of the leading leaders in...鼻祖是什么意思,鼻祖在线翻译,鼻祖什么意思,鼻祖的意思,鼻祖的翻译,鼻祖的解释,鼻祖的发音,鼻祖的同义词,鼻祖的反义词,鼻祖的例句,鼻祖的相关词组,鼻祖意思是什么,鼻祖怎么翻译,单词鼻祖是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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