
Cost-efficiency Analysis on the Hybrid of Missile and Artillery Air Defence Disposition--《Fire Control & Command Control》2005年S1期
Cost-efficiency Analysis on the Hybrid of Missile and Artillery Air Defence Disposition
YAO Guang-lun,WANG Yu-sheng,YANG Da-wei,MIAO De-cheng(Zheng zhou Air-defense Forces Academy,Zhengzhou 450052,China)
In the future air defense warfare,how to get the largest efficiency using the least money is a question that is very important to improving the battle effectiveness of the air defense forces and consummating the theory of the hybrid of missile and artillery.In this paper an cost-efficency analyzing index system according to the hybrid of missile and artillery air defence disposition is established.A method of using cost-efficiency to evaluate the air defence disaposition is discussed.An evaluation model is given out.A practical sample shows the method is feasible.
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