
第一期1、Uncomfortable: It ’s natural to feel out of place in the beginning when you join a new company.刚刚加入一家新公司,觉得不适应是正常的。 注解: Feel out of place: not comfortable or suitable for a particular situation. 在表达不适应某种环境的时候,比较容易想到 do not adapt oneself well to,出了这一类表达法,还可以用 feel out of place,表示感到不 自在,不自然,拘束或尴尬。2、Undecided: Either way the retail future of the area appears to be up in the air.无论怎 样,这一地区零售业的未来似乎都是悬而未决。 注解: Be up in the air: if a matter is up in the air,no decision has been made, often because other matters have to be decided first.在表示尚未作出决 定时,可能用 be not decided yet,或者 uncertain,此外,还可以用 be up in the air,前后两种表达差别就好比于“不确定”和“悬而未决”之间的 差别。3、Expensive: I spent six months going daily to the hospital and sometimes twice daily and it cost me a fortune.我花了六个月的时间每天去一次医院, 有时候 一天两次,这让我花了很多钱。 注解: Cost someone a fortune: cost a lot of money ,be very expensive 表示昂 贵的,用的比较多的还是 expensive,costly,需要注意的是,有很多 很昂贵,会花费你很多钱,但未必就是 luxury 的。除了这几个简单的 单词,我们还可以用 coat someone a fortune,表示花了一大笔钱,价 格很高。4、Be good at: They must have excellent communication skills, be adept at building relationship and enjoy working as part of a team.他们必须有良好的沟 通技巧,善于建立关系,并且喜欢团队合作。 注解: Be adept at: someone who is adept at something can dong it skillfully.可 以将 good 简单的替换为 adept 就不在小学生水平。5、Come true: However, the plan is still in its initial stages and there is no guarantee that it will come to fruition.然而, 这份计划仍处于初始阶段, 并气人无 法保证以后能得以实现。 Come to fruition: to occur or turn out as suspected or intended. 除了 Come true,我们还可以用 fulfill,accomplish,implement,而将短语 本身改造一下,变成 come to fruition,也会地道很多。第二期(上升趋势的表达)1、We will see an upward trend in economic growth from now.从现在起 我们将看到经济增长的趋势。 注解: See/witnessan upward trend:呈上升趋势 图 表 中 常 用 单 词 是 increase/rise/grow , 表 示 “ 正 在 上 升 ” 则 用 be increasing.2、 The land and properly rocketed to a record high.土地和房地产价格飙 涨至纪录新高。 注解: Rocket to:急速上升至 表示飙升, 可以加 rapidly/quickly/very fast, 但是 rocket to 比较地道。 If things as prices or social problem rocket, they increase very quickly and suddenly.3、The average thirty-year fixed-rate mortgagesoared from 3.93% last week to 4.46% this week. 本周 30 年固定抵押利率从上周的 3.93%飙 升至 4.46%。 注解: Soar to:飞速上升至 除了 rocket to, 还可以用 soar to。 Soar 比较熟知的是 soar into the air, 意思是直冲云霄。If the account, value, level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increase by a great deal.4、The figures showed that the unemployment rate peak at 10.6% last year.数据表明,失业率去年见顶于 10.6%。 注解: Peak at 在某处达到顶峰 Peak 一词指的是山峰,高峰。 When something peaks, it reach its highest value or its highest level.5、The water levels are expected to reach the highest point in Prague.布 拉格水位预计达到最高点。 注解: Reach the highest point:达到最高点 相对于 be the highest 等简单表达来说更好。第三期(下降趋势的表达)1、 The prices of food witnessed a downward trend.食品价格呈下降趋势。 注解: Witness a downward trend:呈下降趋势 In contrast, the cost of furniture and equipment saw an opposite trend. 相比之下,家具和设备的费用则呈相反的趋势。 注解: See an opposite trend:呈相反趋势 表示相应的对比关系。2、The interest rate dropped swiftly to 3.1%.利率迅速的下降了 3.1%。 注解: Drop swiftly to:快速的下降至 A swift event or progress happens very quickly or without delay. A steep increase or decrease in something is a very big increase or decrease.3、 European car sales plummet to twenty-year low.欧洲汽车销量暴跌至 二十年来最低。 注解: Plummet to:暴跌至 If an amount, rate, or price plummets, it decreases quicklyby a large amount. 4、 Asia oil prices may bottom out on reduced output.亚洲油价可能因减 产触底反弹。 注解: Bottom out:降至最低点,停止恶化 表达降至最低点可以用 drop swiftly to 或者 plummet to the lowest point,但是需要注意的是,后者表达更强调下降的速度,有直线下降 的意思, 而 bottom out 有降至最低点并维持平稳的意思, 还隐含着以 后还可能有所上升的意思。 Bottom out: if a trend such as a fall in prices bottoms out, it stops getting worse or decreasing, and remains at a particular level or amount.第四期(对比)1、Thus we can see that the new hospital is only marginally more effectively than the old one.因此我们可以看到,这家新医院的效率比 起旧的那家只略微高了一点。 注解: Be only marginally more … than …:与…相比仅是略微更… Only is used to emphasize how small an amount is or how short a length of time is. Marginally means to only a small extent. Only 和 marginally 一起使用起强调作用。 2、The birth rate is only fractionally higher than that in the last decade. 如今的出生率相比起上个十年来说只是稍微提高了点。 注解: Be only fractionally more than:与…相比仅仅只是略微更… If something is fractional, it is very small in size or degree. Fractionally 也 就是略微地。3、This new trend is in stark contrast with the trend it experienced in the last twentieth century.这一新趋势与他在二十世纪末的那个趋势形成 了鲜明对比。 注解: Be in stark contrast with…:与…形成鲜明对比 还可以用 in sharp/clear contrast with. If two things are in stark contrast with one another, they are very different from each other in a way that is very obvious.4、The interest rate in UK is considerably higher than that in china.英国 的利率远远高于中国。 注解: Be considerably more than…:远比…更加… More than 即可以用副词修饰表略微对比,也可以用其他词表示鲜明 对比。Considerably 表示“相当的,非常的”。5、Basically, Bill would tax fossil fuels in proportion to the amount of carbon they release.基本上,该法案会基于碳排放量成比例对化石燃 料征税。 注解: In proportion to:与…成比例 描述两者之间的关系是同时上升或者下降。 If one thing increases or decreases in proportion to another thing, it increases or decreases to the same degree as that thing.6、We have senators whose integrity is in inverse proportion to their expense accounts.我们参议员的人品和他们的报销额度成反比。 注解: In inverse proportion to:成反比 If there is an inverse relationship between two things, one of them becomes larger as the other becomes smaller.第五期(平稳和波动)1、By the end of last year, this improvement had reached a plateau.截至 去年年底,这种改善趋于平稳。 注解: Reach/hit plateau: if you say that an activity or progress has reached a plateau, you mean that it has reached a stage where is no further or development. plateau 意思是高原,reach a plateau,也就是“进入平稳状态,不再 有变化或者发展” 。 Plateau 用作动词含义为“进入停滞期,达到平稳状态”,所以 plateau 单独使用或者后接 out 也能表示“进入平稳期”。 If something such as activity, progress, or cost plateaus or plateaus out, it reaches a stage where there is no further change or development.2、The program will welcome twenty students in its first year with plans to level out at forty the following year.该计划将在第一年迎来二十个学 生,并计划在接下来的一年里维持在四十人的水平。 注解: Level out/off: if a changing number or amount levels off or levels out, it stops increasing or decreasing at such a fast speed. Level 用作动词表示变水平,平坦,level out/off 表示趋于平缓,趋于 稳定,需要注意的是,reach a plateau 用于某一活动或者某一进程, 而 level out/off 用于数字和数量, 并且有一个减缓并趋向平缓的过程。3、We cannot have low tax increase and maintain the same level of officers in the police department.我们无法在低税收增长的同时,在警 察部门保持同等的水平。 注解: Maintain the same level: if you maintain something at a particular rate or level, you keep it at that rate or level. Maintain 一词本身就有保持, 维持某一比率和水平的意思, 需要注意, 同为保持,keep 一词可以用来帮助理解这个短语的意思,却不能替 代 maintain,maintain 强调的是精心维护,照料,使物体保持良好的 状态,而 keep 指通过主观控制使某种状态维持下去或某事物维持原 状,而这还是存在区别的。4、His total working time per week fluctuated between 35 to 45 hours. 他每周的工作时间在 35 小时到 45 小时之间波动。 注解: Fluctuate between: to move between one thing and another, to change from one thing to another. Fluctuate 的意思是变动,波动,上下浮动,后接 between 限定范围。5、Gold prices would likely fluctuate around current levels but could rise later this year.黄金的价格可能会在当前水平波动,但今年晚些时候可 能上升。 注解: Around 表示围绕,fluctuate around 表示的则是围绕某一水平出现上 下波动。第六期1、Generally my kids want to do this of their own accord without any nagging from me.一般来说, 我的孩子们希望自己主动来做这件事而不 想我唠叨。 注解: Of someone’s own accord: 主动去做某事 If you do something of your own accord, you do it without being asked to do it.说到主动做某事, 容易想到 active, do somethingactively, play an active role in doing something, etc. 其实我们还可以用 of someone’s own accord, 表示自愿去做某事。2、Whether we keep our word will play a huge part in who we are in the future. 我们是否遵守承诺很大程度上决定着我们以后会成为什么样 的人。 注解: Keep someone’s word:守信 When you keep something such as promise or an appointment, you do what you would do. 对于 word 一词, 除了“单词”的意思之外, 还指话语, 语言。 If you give your word, you make a sincere promise to someone.3、 Do you think it is possible to be friends with if you never meet them in person?你认为自己有没有可能和素未谋面的人交朋友呢? 注解: Meet someone in person:与某人见面 In person:[of someone]actually physically present in a place rather than appearing in a film, on a television, or on computer screen, on a telephone, or through a radio broadcast. In person 指的是亲自,meet in person 指的是亲自到场与某人会面。4、Thisis great for me as I travel a lot, meeting people from all walks of life, and I’ve never had any trouble getting along with them.这对我来说 太好了,因为我经常旅行,结识来自各行各业的人,但与他们相处从 来没有遇到困难。 注解: People from all walks of life:来自各行各业的人们 The walks of life that you come from is the position that you have in societyand the kind of job you have. 人们常说,在旅行只认识各种各样的人,在工作中有机会接触到各行 各业的人, 在表达时我们会说 all kinds of , different type of, 尚能达意, 但不准确。 如果要进一步表示这些人在哪里不同,不妨试一下 people from all walks of life 表示来自各行各业,有各种经历的人。5、 Things could change overnight, you could go from rags to riches or rich to rags overnight.事情可能在一夜之间改变, 可能一个暴富, 也可能一 夜之间一贫如洗。 注解: Go from rags to riches:从贫苦到富有的过程 Rags are old torn clothes. Riches are possession or large of money.6、Most overnight successes actually take years.大多数的一夜成名实际 上都要多年的沉淀。 注解: An overnight success:一夜成名的人或事物 You can say that something happens overnight when it happens very quickly and unexpectedly. Overnight 从字面上理解就是过了一夜,一夜之间发生的变化,也就 是指“突然地,快速的”第七期1、 His project manager was very supportive of him.他的项目经理非常支 持他的工作。 注解: 这句从字面上理解“项目经理很支持他”,实际意思不会很完整。前 文提到这人是项目经理,那么这种支持应该与工作有关,所以应该译 作非常支持他的工作。 If you are supportive, you are kid and helpful to someone at a difficult or unhappy time in life.2、In fact, Burks said he has done so much research on the Robertson family, he feels like a kindred spirit.事实上,博克斯表示,他对罗伯森 家族已经做了很多调查,感觉大家志趣相投。 注解: 如果你觉得大家志趣相投,你可以用 someone shares certain believes, values or interests with you,想表达更简洁,可以用 kindred spirit,表 示拥有相似的精神。 Akindred spirit is a person who has the same view of life or the same interests as you.3、I don’t think I am on the same wavelength as my tutor.我觉得我和辅 导老师的思维方式不同。 前面讲到志趣相投,其实也可以用 on the same wavelength,字面上 理解是有相同的波长,引申过来就是两人意见完全一致,相互理解起 来不费力。 If two people are on the same wavelength, it is easy for them to understand and agree with each other. 与这个词组类似的说法,还有 be on the same page,即“英雄所见略 同”, “great minds (not) think alike!” ,原句还涉及一个语法,即否定 转移,原句中 not 是放在 think 前面的,但是实际上它否定的是从句 中的信息,翻译是不能译为“我不认为我和…”,这是英语的一种习惯 思维方式, 除了 think, 这类动词还包括 believe, suppose, imagine 等。4、 He is ridiculously and over-the-top friendly, but quick to stab someone in the back when they aren’t around.他有好的令人出奇, 但不当面的时 候,他会轻易的从后面捅刀子。 注解: 表面上 Ridiculously 指的是荒谬可笑的,但其实他的意思是指某是非 常不合理,或者令人很惊奇。 If you say that something or someone is ridiculous you mean that they are very foolish. You use ridiculously to emphasize you think something is unreasonable or very surprising. Stab someone in the back 从字面上看,就是在背后捅了一刀,引申过 来就是暗箭伤人,背后中伤,背信弃义等。 从翻译来说,ridiculously friendly 和 over-the Ctop friendly 一个是好得 出奇,一个是好的过分,翻译过来可以将两个意思合并,统一为友好 的令人出奇。Quick 一词表示“快速的” ,在原句中强调的是轻易就改 变态度。第八期1、Are you more concerned about your own job security today than you were a year ago? 相比起一年前的自己,如今你是否更关心你的工作 稳定性? 注解: Job security:工作稳定性 Job security is the probability that an individual will have a job, a job with a high level of job security is such a person with a job would have a small chance of being unemployed.2、 The majority of the workers are entitled to paid holiday.大多数工人享 有带薪假期。 注解: Entitle 有“给…权利”的意思, 被动语态即享有…权利的意思。 但也可以 不用被动语态,如“something entitles somebody to do something”。 If you are entitled to something, you have the right to have it or do it.3、There are some differences in levels of job satisfaction.工作满意度之 间存在这一些差异。 注解: Job satisfaction 指一个人对于自己工作的满意度,通常指的是个人对 其工作本身,工作环境,状态,方式,压力,挑战性和人际关系的满 意程度,也可以指一份工作给个人带来的满足感。 Job satisfaction is the pleasure that you get from doing your job.4、Winning the award comes with a sense of fulfillment for both herself and her mother.赢得该奖项同时给她和她母亲带来一种成就感。 注解: Sense 一词最初的含义是“感觉”,后接 guilt 或 fulfillment,指“愧疚/ 成就感”,后接 duty 或 justice,指“责任/正义感”……说到给某人带来 成就感时可能会用到 give 或者 bring,但是用 come with 更显地道。5、Anewspaper analysis shows that Ohio may be starting to turn around its “brain drain”.一家报纸的分析表明, 俄亥俄州可能开始扭转其“人才 流失”的局面。 注解: When people talk about a brain drain, they are referring to the movement of a large number of scientists or academics away from their own country to other country where the conditions and salaries are better. If something such as a business or economy turns around, or if someone turns around, it becomes successful, after being unsuccessful for a period of time.6、 She may be saddled with an excessive workload or a shift that disrupts her family life.他可能背负着过重的工作负担,或者是被倒班扰乱了他 的家庭生活。 注解: Excessive 一词表“过度的”, 通常隐含一种不满的情绪。 Saddle 原指“马 鞍”,作动词也有“使负担”的意思。 The workload of a person or an organization is the amount of work that has to be done by them. If a group of factory workers, nurses, or the other work shift, they work for a set of period before being replaced by another group, so that there is always a group working. Each of these set of periods is called a shift. You can also use shift to refer to a group of workers who work together in a particular shift.第九期1、 He found doing the routine work boring.他觉得日常工作做起来很无 聊。 注解: Routine work 指的是日常工作,可以指日常生活的一部分,也可以指 日常生活的千篇一律,平淡无奇,含有不满的含义。 Find 有“感觉到”的意思,可用于表达对某人或某事的反应。2、If we want to ensure a fair and functioning judiciary, our court cannot be short-staffed.如果我们想要确保司法公正有效,我们法院就不能人 手短缺。 注解: Function 指运转,运行,这一句也可以写作 ensure that judiciary is fair and functioning,但为免冗长,原句形式更加地道。 Short-staffed 在美式英语中常用 short-handed.3、In the course of work you may have access to information relating to you company’s business.在工作过程中可能会接触到一些与公司交易 相关的信息。 注解: In the course of something 指的是“在…的过程中”, 但是 in the course of time 指的是“最后一天,终于,最后”。 If something happens in the course of a particular period of time, it happens during that particular time. Have access to 指的是“拥有…的权利或者权限”4、This can cause friction between and within group.这可能导致团队与 团队之间及团队内部产生矛盾。 Friction 即摩擦,引申为矛盾。 If there is friction, there is disagreement and argument between them.5、Conflicts arise when people’s beliefs clash.人们的信仰产生分歧的时 候,冲突就出现了。 注解: Arise 指“产生,出现,起源”,是一个抽象概念,而 rise 指“上升”,是 物理上的。 If a situation or problem arises, it belongs to exist or people start to become aware of it.6、But despite many warnings, there was no improvement in the pace of work.然而,尽管警告了很多次,工作节奏没有任何改善。 注解: Improvement in something 指某事有改进之处,而 something is an improvement on something else,则是指前者较后者有改善,是更为优 秀。 If there is an improvement in something, it becomes better. If you make improvement to something, you make it better. If you say that something is an improvement on a previous thing or situation, you mean that it is better than that thing. The pace of something is the speed at which it happens or is done.第十期1、The professional healthcare worker on the surgical team may come across various occupational hazards while in the operating room.在手术 室内时,外科手术团队的专业医护人员可能会遇到各种职业风险。 注解: Healthcare worker 包含着一个医疗团队里各种成员,即医生护士等。 Occupational hazard 指“从事某种职业可能带来的危险,职业风险” An occupational hazard is something unpleasant that people often suffer or experience as a result of doing a particular job or hobby. 手术室的正确表达是 operating room。2、The definition of occupational disease has been expanded to include mental impairment.职业病定义已经被扩展到包括精神损害在内了。 注解: Occupational disease:职业病3、Through excellencein service, we can be in charge of our destiny.凭借 卓越的服务,我们可以掌握我们的命运。 注解: Be in charge of something 指负责某项工作,through 有“凭借”的意思, 英语中多用名词,如原文后接 excellence。 You use through when stating the means by which a particular thing is achieve.4、Manual work will be minimized. Hence, the possibility of human error is less.手动工作将会降到最低程度, 因此人为误差的可能性就会减少。 注解: Manual work 指体力劳动,或者手工作业,也可以用 manual labor。 If you minimize a risk, problem, or unpleasant situation, you reduce it to the lowest possible level, or prevent it from increasing beyond that level.5、Far from saying he has an attitude problem, the youngster still needs to learn to control his emotions in game.说不上态度问题,但是这年轻 人仍然需要学着在比赛中控制自己的情绪。 注解: 说一个人有态度问题,即那个人在学习工作中懒惰,这是我们可能会 说 某 人 be lazy at study/work , 但 是 也 可 以 用 someone has an attitudeproblem。也就是指他在学习工作中不主动。6、Ithink women, especially those engaged in mental work, should retire at the same age as men.我认为女性,尤其是那些从事脑力劳动的女性, 退休年龄应该和男性一样。 注解: Someone engages in something=someone is engaged in something。 Mental work 与 manual work 相对应,即脑力劳动。第十一期 1、 Ahigh school student usually looks forward to college as a few years of fun after which a cushy job would follow. 注解: Acushy job 是指轻松的工作,不需要耗费太大的精力,如果想说工作 易如反掌, 可以说 something is a cinch。 而我们常用到 a piece of cake, 表达易如反掌的同时,也带有安慰别人的意思。2、Caregiving is a stressful and time-consuming job.护理是一份压力大 且耗费时间的工作。 注解: Consume 指“消耗”, time-consuming 即指“耗时的”。 这里的 consuming 还可以是形容词,指“令人沉迷的,极其强烈的,令人忘乎一切的”。 If something is time-consuming, it takes a lot of time. A consuming passion or interest is more important to you than anything else. 3、Learning a second language fuels children’s intelligence and makes their job prospect brighter.学习第二中语言会让孩子们的智力发展并 且让他们拥有更光明的职业前景。 注解: Prospect 的单数形式指“预期, 展望”, 用作复数时则指“前景, 前途”, 尤其是指事业方面的前景。 Someone’s prospects are their chances of being successful, especially in their career. Fuel 指的是“燃料”,用作动词时即指“刺激,使加剧”。给孩子的智力 加点燃料,也就是促进智力发展,用起来很传神。4、 If you describe someone as camp follower, you mean that they do not officially belong to a particular group or movement but support it for their own advantage.(camp follower: 跟风者,追随者)5、The financial services industry has one of the hardest glass ceilings for women to break through according a recent survey.根据最近一项调查, 金融服务业的“玻璃天花板”对女性来说是最难打破的。 注解: Glass ceiling 直译过来就是“玻璃天花板”, 指的是社会上限制女性升迁 的态度和传统,是一种无形的障碍。 When people refer to a glass ceiling, they are talking about the attitudes and traditions in a society that prevent women from rising to the top jobs. Break through 是指突破,可以是冲破某种真实的障碍,也可以指克服 苦难,取得突破。而如果是指原本就看不见的事物,就有”显露,显 现“的意思。 If you break through, you achieve success even through there are difficulties and obstacles. When something that was previous hidden or could not be seen breaks through, it appears.第十二期1、 Imust hasten to add that I do not mean to blame.我得赶紧补充一点, 我并不想责怪他。 注解: Hasten 指“加速, 赶紧”, 可以是急忙做某事; 也可以是急忙补充表示, hasten to say something,通常是为了避免引起误会;后接地点则是指 赶往某地。 If you hasten to say something, you quickly add something to what you have just said in order to prevent it being misunderstood. Mean to do something 可以指“有意,故意”,也可以指“计划,打算”。 If you say that someone meant to do something, you are saying that they did it deliberately or you intend or plan to do it.2、It will take me a long time to get over my cold.我要花很长一段时间 从感冒中恢复过来。 注解: If you get over an unpleasant or unhappy experience or an illness, you recover from it. If you get over a problem or difficult, you overcome it. If you get your message over to people, they hear and understand it.3、At first many things seemed different, but I soon got involved in my new life.一开始似乎很多事情都不同,但是我很快就适应了我的新生 活。 注解: At first=at/from the outset=at/in the beginning Be involved in 不同语意有不同词义。当主语为人时,后接某种情况或 者某一活动,指“卷入,参与”;后接某事,指“专心于….”;当主语为 物时,如时间,精力,金钱等,则指“包含,涉及”。4、Abeam of light through the window woke the professor up out of a deep sleep.一束光透过窗户,将教授从熟睡中唤醒。 注解: Wake 有“唤醒”的意思。 如果某事 wake you up, 则是指“激起, 唤起”,5、 Air current are caused by temperature differences.气流是由温度的差 异引起的。 Current 本身就有“气流”的意思,a current of cool air 即一阵凉风。 Temperature difference 是气象学上的专业术语,指“温差”,也可以表 示为 difference in temperature.第十三期1、Those records are not accessible to the public.这些记录不对公众开 放。 注解: If a place or building is accessible to people, it is easy for them to reach it or get into it. If an object is accessible, it is easy to reach. If something is accessible, they can easily use it or obtain it.2、She is looking for a job where she can make sure of her foreign language ability. 注解: Look for 译为寻找。 找工作还可以用 find, apply for, get, hunt for 等。 3、Man learned to adjust to, and in some way to shape, his environment. 人类学会了适应,并在某些方面塑造环境。 注解: When you adjust to a new situation, you get used to it by changing your behavior or your ideas. In some way 指“在某些方面,一定程度上”,这里的 way 指“方面,某 一点”。Way 还有“形式”的意思,如 in several/particular way。4、He was the last person I had expected to see during my stay in America.我万万没想到在美国逗留期间会遇见他。 注解: Be the last person 可以指“最后一人”,也可以指“最不可能的人”;原 句中指的是“最意想不到的人”。 To be the last person means to be the most unlikely person of whom one could think in a particular situation, or to be the most unlikely person to do something. During someone’s stay:某人在某地逗留期间5、Once you’ve got into a bad habit, it can be difficult to get out of it. 注解: Get into 后接工作或活动, 指“从事, 致力于”; 后接学校, 指“被录取, 获准入学”;后接习惯,指“养成”;如果说 what has got into you,这 里指“使行为怪异”。 If you get out of doing something that you do not want to do, you succeed in avoiding doing it.第十四期1、Resent advances in medicine will usher in a new age in medical care. 医学的最新进展将为医疗保健开辟一个新纪元。 注解: Usher in 意思是“开启”,除此还可以用 bring in,open up 等。 表示时期的单词有很多,如 age,era,epoch,time。区别在于,time 侧重于某一特定时间;epoch 较正式,侧重于以重大变革为起点的新 的历史时期;age 侧重于历史时代或时期,常以某种显著的特征或某 一杰出人物命名;era 是书面语,指历史纪元,年代。2、Behind every animal on the Chinese zodiac lies an array of proverbs, saying and stories.每一个生肖背后都有数不尽的成语,谚语和故事。 注解: Zodiac 意思是“黄道带”,Chinese zodiac 即十二生肖。 An array of 最常用的意思“一大批,一大群”,也可以指物品以某种特 定的方式摆放。 3、As a matter of fact, he knows very little of the project.事实上,他对 这个项目知之甚少。 注解: As a matter of fact 指实际上, 也可以表述为 in fact, inreality, in practice, as it is, in nature, in face 等等。4、The table was coated with dust.桌子表面上有一层灰。 注解: Coat 最常用的意思是外套,也可以只动物的毛皮。用作动词的时候, coat something with 指的是在某物上涂上… If you coat something with a substance or in a substance, you cover it with a thin layer of the substance.5、I put away the report card in the drawer for fear that mother should see it.我把成绩单收在抽屉里,唯恐母亲看到她。 注解: Put away 指收好,如果是 put away something,指“把…收好”;如果是 someone is put away,指“把某人放进监狱”。 For fear that 指“唯恐,以防”,也可以表示为 for fear of。除此还可以 用 in case, so as not to, lest 等等。 第十五期1、Until Mary gets back to work, we’ll have to make do with Ken.在玛丽 回来之前我们只能用肯来代替一下了。 注解: Get back to something 指重新开始,特指继续做之前停止的工作。同 时,start over 指从头开始做某事,类似还有 begin again。 If you get back to an activity, you start doing it again after you have stopped doing it. Make do with 就是将就,凑合的意思,指手头上资源并没有那么好, 但只能凑合着用。另外还有表示勉强应付的短语,get by/along,这个 指利用手头上仅有的资源,但能达到一个比较满意的状态。 If you make do with something, you use or have it instead of something else that you do not have, although it is not as good. If you can get by/along with what you have, you can manage to live or do thing in a satisfactory way.2、In other words, it takes all sorts of people to make a world.换句话说, 世界是由各种各样的人组成的。 注解: In other words 指的是“换言之”,同时我们还可以用 that is to say, put another way, scilicet 等。 You say in other words in order to introduce a different, and usually simpler, explanation or interpretation of something that has just been said.3、You should apologize to Dad for not coming home in time for supper. 你应该为你没有及时回家吃饭向你父亲道歉。 注解: In time 在本句中是及时的意思,而 on time 指的是“按时,准时”,前 者是在约定时间之前发生的,后者是刚好在约定时间发生的。此外, on time 一般用于句尾, 而 in time 还有 “迟早, 最终”的意思, 也有 “合 拍”的意思.4、The decay of the temple is due, in part, to acid rain.寺庙的腐坏部分 原因在于酸雨。 注解: In part 指某种程度上,常用表达还有“in a way, in/to some degree, to a certain extend, to some extend” Due to 指“由于, 因为”常用的还有“because of, as a result of, by reason that, on account of, owing to, in virtue of, thanks to, as a consequence”5、Larger pirates often preyed on unarmed merchant ships.大型海盗常 掠夺没有武器的商船。 注解: Prey 是捕猎, 折磨的意思。 Prey on 指的是“捕猎为生”, 如果说 someone preys on someone else, 指“欺负某人”, 而 someone preys on someone’s mind,则指“折磨,耿耿于怀”。 If someone preys on that people, especially people who are unable to protect themselves, they take advantage of them or harm them in some way.第十六期1、You had better go to be right away, or your cold will get worse.你最好 马上上床睡觉,不然感冒会越来越严重的。 注解: Had better 是一个比较常见的用法,用于建议,警告,威胁,发表意 见等。在口语中会省略 had,如 you better not waste my time。需要注 意的是,这样的说法是带有命令口吻的,常用于上司对下属,长辈对 晚辈的对话。 Right away/of 指马上,这里的 right 表强调,如 right after/now…2、It will be some time before the economy will move out of the current stagnation.经济还需要一段时间才能走出低迷。 注解: Move out 指“搬迁”,也指“离开”,可以引申为脱离,摆脱。表示摆脱 的短语很多,如 cast of, get rid of, shake off, free oneself from, get over。 Move out means to leave a place of residence permanently or to begin to depart. Especially in reference to a large number of persons or things.3、 Would you please sort out all the clothes from the wash? 你能从洗好 的衣服里,把所有白色的衣服都清理出来吗? 注解: Sort out 在本句中指的是“分类整理”。 除此之外还可以用 sort into, sort through 来表达。Sort out 还有其他解释,如 sort out dispute,解决争 端。Sort someone out 指“教训,规劝某人”。Sort yourself out 则指“理 清头绪,镇定下来”。4、We will now report on this year’s business performance.现在我们将 报告今年的经营业绩。 注解: Report on 指就某个事件或主题进行报道,同时我们还可以说 give someone a report on something,指向某人做报告。 If you report on an event or subject, you tell people about it, because it is your job or duty to do so. Performance 最常用的释义是“表演,表现”,根据语境不同有着不同 的解释:task performance 为工作表现,performance target 是业绩目 标,the performance ofa car 指的是车的性能。 Someone’s or something’s performance is how successful they are or how well they do something.5、Please feel free to contact me for details about the meeting or the schedule.请随时与我联系,来了解会议或日程安排的具体细节。 注解: Feel free 指的是“请随意, 不必拘束”, 后面通常会接 to do something, 表示“可以做某事”。 You say ‘feel free’ when you want to give someone permission to do something, in a very willing way.第十七期1、No sooner had it stopped raining than a beautiful rainbow appeared. 雨刚停天空就出现了一道美丽的彩虹。 注解: No sooner…than 指 “ 一 …… 就 ……” ,表示后者紧跟着前者发生。 No sooner 部分为主句,常用过去完成时,than 引导时间状语从句,常 用一般过去时。No sooner 在句首表强调,主句部分必须倒装。另一 种说法: It had no sooner stopped raining than a beautiful rainbow appeared. 与 no sooner 类似的还有: 1. hardly/scarcely/rarely…when 2. as soon as 3. immediately/instantly/directly 4. the moment/minute/instant/second 5. shortly/soon after 6. on+动名词 If you say thatno sooner has one thing happened than another thing happens, you mean that the second thing happens immediately after the first thing.2、 My brother makes it a rule to look over the newspaper before going to his office.我哥哥通常会浏览完报纸再去办公室。 注解: Make it a rule to dong something 指“有做某事的习惯,通常”,也可以 写作 make a rule of。 Look over 意思是“快速翻阅,浏览”,类似的还有 glance through/at, skim through, browse through 等。 Look over 指的是快速查阅,旨在了解大意;glance through/at 侧重的 是耗时短,并未仔细查看;skim through 是非正式用语,指略读,速 读;browse through 指随意翻阅,浏览。 If you look through something over, you examine it quite quickly in order to get a general idea of what it is like.3、 See to that you do not leave your umbrella behind.注意不要把你的伞 落下。 注解: See to 可指“留意,注意”,也可以指“照看,处理”,如:Ihave to see to something。需要注意的是,如果你说,see that 或者 see to it that, 后接完成某事,意思是“确保,保证”,如 see that you take care of the baby,一定要照顾好孩子。 Leave behind 指的是离开,抛下,留下。 If you leave behind an object or a situation, it remains after you have left a place.4、She assisted her mother in caring for the baby. 注解: Assist someone at/in/with something。如果说:something assists in doing something,则指前者于后者有助益,起促进作用。 If you assist someone, you help them to do a job or task by doing part of the work for them. Care for 常用作“照料, 照顾”, 除此之外还有“喜欢”的意思, 如: I don’t care for that book。也指有礼貌的询问是否愿意,如:Would you care for a cup of coffee? If you care for someone or something, you look after them and keep them in a good state or condition.5、You should make the most of this rare opportunity to demonstrate your talent.你应该充分利用这个难得的机会来展示你的才华。 注解: Make the most of 指“充分利用”, 这里还有“及时”的意思, 原句中说机 会难得,make the most of 暗指机会易逝。 Make the most of something refers to take full advantage of something because it may not last long.第十八期1、 We need someone to keep an eye out for our baby while we are away. 我们需要有人在我们离开的时候照看我们的宝宝。 注解: Keep an eye out for 指的是“特别留意”;还有另外一种说法是 keep an eye on something,也是“密切注意”的意思, 但是这种表达通常用于负 面情况,因害怕某种不好的事情发生所以特别留意。 If you keep your eyes open or keep an eye out for someone or something, you watch for them carefully. 2、The nurse substituted for the doctor who caught a terrible cold.这位 护士替下了患严重感冒的那位医生。 注解: Substitute for 指“代替”,也可以用 replace, take the place of someone, take someone’s place 等。 Substitute for someone or something means to serve as a replacement for someone or something. 患感冒的表达: 1. Catch/take a cold. 2. Ithink I am getting a cold. 3. I think I am coming down with a cold. /I feel a cold coming on. 4. I am suffering from a cold. /I’ve got (caught) a cold. 5. I am getting over a cold.3、Read your paper over again before you hand it in.再上交论文之前, 请你再读一遍。 注解: Over again 指“再一次,重新”,强调重新开始;over and over again 指 “再三”,强调次数多。 表示“再一次”我们还可以用 once again, once more, all over again.4、 I cannot make out the meaning of this sentence.我无法理解这句话的 意思。 注解: Make out 有理解的意思,替代常用 understand,而 comprehend 是比 较正式的用法,侧重于对较复杂的事物能够有透彻的理解。5、If our advice had been acted upon, you would not have got into trouble.如果我们的建议被采纳,你就不会惹上麻烦。 注解: Act upon/on 指的是“奉行,遵照……行动”。还有“影响,作用于”的意 思 If you act on advice or information, you do what has been advised or suggested. Get into trouble=land in trouble=be in and out of trouble=cause/make trouble.陷入麻烦,招致麻烦。第十九期1、If I knew his address, I would get in touch with him right away. 注解: Be in touch with 是“与….联络”的意思, 除此之外还有“了解最新情况或 信息”的意思。 Touch 还可以用来表示人或物具有的某种特性,如表示头发发白就可 以用“Her hair is touched with gray. ” Right away=instantly=immediately=shortly=directly=at once.2、 The jury’s guilty verdict gave rise to widespread debate.陪审团作出的 犯罪判决激起了很大的争论。 注解: Give rise to=lead to=arouse=stir up=bring about=lead up to=result in =give birth to(类似于) 。3、Jim got dismissed for his misconduct in office.吉姆因渎职被解雇了。 注解: In office 表示“在职的”,在职期间行为不端就是渎职,玩忽职守。如 果是 in the office 则表示“在办公室”里。 表示“在职的”还可以用到 in-service, 表示在职期间进行的, 不脱产的, 如在职培训,in-service training;也可以用 sitting,特指总统或议员在 任期内。4、The real estate industry is in a serious slump, and industry people say the worst is yet to come.房地产业正面临严重的衰退, 而业内人士表示, 最糟糕的还在后头。 注解: Real estate 指 “ 不 动 产 , 房 地 产 ” , 房 地 产 商 即 real estate businesses/agents , 常 用 于 美 式 英 语 , 英 式 英 语 则 用 estate agency/agents。 此外,property 和 realty 也指“房地产”,房地产业则可以用 housing estate, realty business 来表示。 Real estate is property in the form of land and buildings, rather than personal possessions.第二十期1、Iam anxious to know the results of the blood test. 注解: Ba anxious to do something 指急于做某事,迫切希望某事发生,一般 强调对结果感到焦虑或不安。 我们还可以用 be eager/dying/longing to do something 或者 yearn for something,都表示非常渴望,其中,be eager to 是因巨大的热情渴望 实现或达到目的,含有积极向上的意义,有时也指因为其他情绪而急 不可耐, be dying to 更甚; yearn for 则有向往之意, 通常是求之不得。 If you are anxious to do something or anxious that something should happen, you very much want to do it or very much want it to happen.2、When will this machine be set in motion again?这台机器什么时候才 会再次启动? 注解: In motion 指项目或进程正在进行中,set in motion 指正在进行或者开 始运行。表示“正在运作中,在使用中”还可以用 in operation。 除了词组,还有单词:Set, power, launch, start. If a progress or event is in motion, it is happening. If it is set in motion, it is happening or beginning to happen.3、The little boy held a cluster of flowers in his hand, looking wryly amused.小男孩手中拿着一簇花,面带苦笑。 注解: A cluster of 指“一群,一簇”,强调数量不多。 Acluster of people or things is a small group of them close together. 英语中有很多表示“一群”的用法,用于修饰人的有 a group of(一群 人,有自由组合的意思) ;a company of(为了某种目的而聚在一起的 一群人) ;a throng of (一大群人,强调数量多) ;atribeof(只同类 或者同职业的一群人,含贬义) 。 用于修饰动物的, 比如 a herd of (指一起吃食或者行走的兽群) ; a litter of(同一胎生的小兽) ;a cloud of(飞行在空中的一群小东西) ; 既可以修饰人也可以修饰物的:A cluster of, a pack of, a troop of.4、I cannot afford to buy a used car, much less a new car. 注解: Cannot afford 指买不起, 也指承受不起, cannot afford to do something, 强调不能做某事,或者不能让某事发生,否则会造成一定的伤害,或 者让人很尴尬。 Cannot afford 也指入不敷出,还可以说 cannot make ends meet 或者 live beyond someone’s means/salary. If someone is living beyond their means, they are spending more money than they can afford. If someone is living within their means, they are not spending more money than they can afford. Much less 用于否定句后,表示“遑论,更不用说”,起强调作用。类 似的还有:Still less, even less, let alone, not to speak/mention, needless to say. You use the expressions still less, much less, and even less after a negative statement in order to introduce and emphasize a further statement, and to make it negative too.5、With restrictions removed, thousands of new enterprises have come into being.解除限制后,成千上万的新企业应运而生。 注解: Being 本身即存在,表述时可用 be in being, come into being. Being is existence. Something that is in being or comes into being exists. 第二十一期1、The queen awarded a knighthood to him in acknowledgement of his services to the nation.女王授予他骑士头衔,以感谢他对国家的贡献。 注解: Award something 同 someone 指“授予, 颁发, 打分”, 还可以指“给予, 判给”,如 award the contract to a company. Reward 和 award 均表示奖励,两者区别:reward 指对品德高尚和勤 劳之人给予奖励,也可以指为某事付酬金;award 侧重指官方的,或 者经过研究决定对有功或者优胜者给予的奖励。 If someone is awarded something such as a prize or an examination mark, it is given to them. Service 作为“服务,服役”,的使用频率比较高,还可以表示为某个组 织或者活动所坐的共组。 If you refer to someone’s service or services to a particular organization or activity, you mean that they have done a lot of work for it or spent a lot of their time on it.2、What does your remark have to do with the subject we are talking about?你的话和我们所谈论的话题有什么关系吗? 注解: Be/have (something) to do with 指“与……相关”,相对的,没有关系即 have/be nothing to do with,或者 not have anything to do with。 表示“与……相关”还可以用 be concerned in, be connected with, be associated with, be related to 等等。3、Could you drop me off at the library? 注解: Drop off 指“在中途放下某人,在中途放下某物”。此外还可以指“打瞌 睡,睡着,减少,减退”。 If you drop someone or somethingoff somewhere, you take them somewhere and leave them there, usually in a car or other vehicle.4、 Distrust of people, not to mention hate, is the root of human suffering. 对他人的不信任,更不必说憎恨,是人类痛苦的根源。 注解: Not to mention 指的是“更不用说”。 Root 指的是问题,困境等产生的根源,source 本义是河流的源头,引 申为某事的来源出处,但更多是抽象事物的根源或来源;origin 侧重 于事物的起源或由来,也指人的出身。5、They have decided to stick to the original plan after all.他们终究还是 决定坚持原计划。 注解: Stick to 在本句中表示坚持不变;stickto 还有“紧随,紧跟”的意思,如 stick to the way we know;也指“遵守,坚持”诺言,协议,决定,原则 等;还有遵守规则的意思,如 stick to the rules。 If you stick to something, you continue doing, using, saying, or talking about it, rather than changing to something else.第二十二期1、Without you help, we could not be able to carry out our plan. 注解: Be able to 指“能够,可以”,指客观可能,有足够的自由,权利,时 间,财力等,因而能够做某事,也可以用于表示某人具有某种品质或 技能,所以能做到; Able 和 capable 很想,都表示某人能做某事。而 capable 即可以表示 具体做某事的技能或者知识,还可以指做某事有较大的可能性。 If you are able to do something, you have enough freedom, power, time, or money to do it. Carry out 指的是“实行, 执行”, 也会常用 perform, conduct, accomplish, implement, fulfil 等。 If you can carry out a threat, task, or instruction, you do it or act according to it.2、The garden is separated from the road by a fence.花园和马路中间隔 着一道栅栏。 注解: Separate from 指“分离,分开”,表示两个原本有关联的东西被分开, 两者之间的联系也就断开了。Separate from 还可以指“区分,分辨”, 比如 separate legend from truth,也就是将传说和事实分开。 If you separate people or things that have been connected, or if one separates from another, the connection between them is ended.3、You had better get going now in case you miss the bus.你最好马上动 身,以免错过公交车。 注解: Get doing 表示迅速开始做某事, You can use get in expressions like get moving, get going, and get working when you want to tell people to begin moving, going, or working quickly. In case 还可以表示不耐烦的陈述显而易见或者与听话人无关的事情, “竟然,难道,假使”,比如 in case you did not notice,你连这个都没看 出来?或者 in case you are wondering.要是你想知道。4、My business has at last gotten on the right track.我的生意终于走上 了正轨。 注解: At last 表示“终于,最后,到底”,也可以说 at long last。类似的还有 finally, in the end, lastly, last of all. 其中,表示历经长久的等待时,应该用 at last 或 finally,at last 常用 于句末,finally 常用于句首或动词前面。表示经历长时间或过程后发 生的,应当用 in the end,lastly 用于谈论一连串人或事情的最后一个 或一件。 Last of all 则用于强调提到的人或者事物之后再无其他人或其 他事。 If you say that something has happened at last or at long last you mean it has happened after you have been hoping for it for a long time. On the right track 表示“遵循正确的路线,在正确的道路上”。 If you are on the right track, you are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in success.第二十三期 1、They find it hard to exercise while they are on a diet.他们发现节食期 很难进行锻炼。 注解: Find it + n. /adj. +to do something,但是宾补是“no use”,则用 doing something。 If you find that something is the case, you become aware of it or realize that it is the case. Be on a diet 表示为了减轻体重而限制饮食,即 be dieting 。 Diet drink/food 则指低热量,低卡路里的饮料或者食物。如果说 put someone on a diet 则是为某人制定的特别饮食,以增强体质。 If you are on a diet, you eat special kinds of food or you eat lees food than usual because you are trying to lose weight.2、This means changing a fee for the water itself as well as for the supply costs.这意味着要收取水费,还有收取供水成本费。 注解: As well as 常用来链接两个并列的成分,强调前一项,后一项只是顺 便提及。 这个词组也可以用于表示同级比较, 指“两者一样”好。 As well 常用作状语,表示“也,又”,通常放于句尾;在口语中,as well 也可 以放在句中,表示“也好,也行”,用来缓和语气。 You use as well as when you want to mention another item connected with the subject you are discussing.3、 Quality and price are closely related to each other.质量和价格息息相 关。 注解: Be related to 表示“与……有关的”,也可以说 quality and price relate, quality relate to price. 类似的表达还有:have something to do with, be connected with, in connectedwith, be concerned in, be correlated with, have relation to, have a/some bearing on, be allied to. If you or more things are related, there is a connection between them.4 、 Interpersonal relationships are indispensable to people’s social well-being.人际关系对于人们的社交圈子而言是不可或缺的。 注解: Be indispensable to 表示“必不可少的,不可或缺的”,也可以用于表 示离不开某人,比如“Mary was becoming indispensable to him.”类似的 还有 essential,necessary 等。其中 indispensable 语气较强,侧重指 客观上必不可少,否则就无法卫生或成事;essential 指事物本身的要 素或特征具有决定性, 暗含不可或缺的意思; necessary 是一般用语, 强调不可避免,但不是不可或缺。 If you say that someone or something is indispensable, you mean that they are absolutely essential and other people or things cannot function with them. 5、India’s human population has grown out of control.印度的人口增长 已经失控。 注解: Be outof control 即“失控”, 当然也可以用 lose control of 或者 get out of hand。 Run wild 也指失控,但侧重指的是小孩的肆意妄为(熊孩子) ,或者 事物发展迅速;类似还有 runaway,指形势发展太迅猛,无法控制(a runaway best-seller。 If something is out of control, no-one has power over it.第二十四期1、Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and duration.时装设计师很少考虑到保暖,舒适,耐用这类重 点。 注解: If you concern yourself with something, you give it attention because you think that it is important. Concern 还有名词形式,如 something is of concern to you. Someone’s concern with something is their feeling that it is important.2、Business news can appear in every other section.商业新闻每隔一版 出现。 注解: Every other 表示“每隔一个的”,这个短语也可以表示强调,表示一组 人或者事物中“其余的”,in every other country,强调其他国家。 类似还有 at intervals,每隔一段时间。 3、Most educators objected to his idea. 注解: Objectto 比较常用于“反对,不赞成”,也表示“不喜欢”, 表示“反对”时也可以用 oppose, resist, protest, against 等。4、 Some traditions are too sacred to mess with.某些传统神圣不可侵犯。 注解: Mess with 表示“干扰,与……有牵连”,如果浸膏某人不要 mess with something or someone, 就是浸膏对方, 不要和某人或某事搅在一起。 表示干涉的还有:Interfere in/with, meddle with, tamper with. meddle 和 interfere 指干涉与自己毫不相关的事或不属于自己职责范围内的 事,侧重指无权或者未获允许而妨碍他人之事;tamper 指“干预,篡 改”, 比如电脑被别人动过手脚, the computer had been tampered with. If you tell someone not to mess with a person or thing, you are warning them not to get involved with that person or thing.第二十五期1、It came as something of a surprise when he announce retirement.当 他宣布退休的时候,大家确实感到有点惊奇。 注解: 在 it came as a surprise/shock 这样的表达中,come 指的是“让人……”, 表示某人对某事的反应。 You use come in expression such as it came as a surprise when indicating a person’s reaction to something that happens. Something of 表示“有点儿, 有几分”, 常用于口语中, 类似的有 kind of, somewhat。后接某种职业时,这个词组表示“堪称,算得上 ”,比如 something of an artist,表示“堪称艺术家”。 If you say that a thing is something of a disappointment, you mean that it is quite disappointing. If you say that a person is something of an artist, you mean that they are quite good at art.2、Most children will turn to reading with TV sets switched off.在电视机 关闭时,大多数儿童会转而去读书。 注解: turn to 在本句中表示 “将注意力转向; 开始思考; 开始讨论”, 原句: turn their attention to reading。 此外 turn to 还有翻页的意思,turn to page 12;还有求助于某人或者 致力于某事的意思,turn to recycling in large numbers。 Switch off 除了“关掉,关上”还可以表示“失去兴趣,不再考虑,不再 担忧”,比如 learn to switch off。3、Rich people in Britain have been burning hunting foxes to show off their wealth. 注解: Havebeen doing,现在完成进行时(现在完成进行时强调在一段时间 内活动的持续性,强调动作本身,对现在也有影响而现在完成时强调 动作产生的结果或者取得成就) 。 Show off 就是“炫耀,卖弄”,说一个人 show off 是含贬义的。表示爱 卖弄,爱炫耀的人,就可以用 show-off。 如果是 something show something else off,则指“衬托”;如果是女生 腰很细,穿收腰的衣服就可以更显腰身,即 show off someone’s tiny waist。4、 Memory depends on a certain extent on the environment.记忆在一定 成俗上依赖与环境。 注解: Depend on 表示“依赖于,取决于”,也可指为了谋生,或者因感情需 求而依赖某人某物。 此外 depend on 后接某人, 某机构或者某条法律, 表示“指望,依赖”,depending on 则是用在前文所提到的某一情景之 后,表示该情况取决于某事。 If you say that one thing depend on another, you mean that the first thing will be affected or determined by the second. To a certain extent 表示“在一定程度上”; 与此相关的是, to what extent, to the extent that。 You use expression such as to a large extent, to some extent, or to a certain extent in order to indicate that something is partly true, but not entirely true.5、People engaged in technical jobs lead a more rewarding life.技术工作 者过着薪酬更丰厚的生活。 注解: Engage in 表示“参与,从事”。 过着……的生活时我们用到 lead,比如 lead a happy life。 You can use lead when you are saying what kind of life someone has. For example, if you lead a busy life, your life is busy.第二十六期1、 In times of economic crisis, they turn to their families for support.在经 济危机时期,他们向家人求助。 注解: In times of 表示“在……的时候”, 这里的 time 也就是“历史时期, 时代” 的意思,所以我们也可以用 the times 表示“当代,时代潮流”。 You use time or times to talk about a particular period in history or in your life.2、Her energy-effective house turn out to be a horrible dream.她高效节 能的房子到头来是一场噩梦。 注解: Turn out 意思比较多,在本句中是“原来是,结果发现”,turnout 还可 以指“关掉,熄灭”,和 turn off 很像。 这个词组还可以表示天气突然变好,如“It’s turned out again.”,天气 又突然变好;或者是“赶出,撵走”,尤其是将某人从其长期居住的地 方赶出去;turn out for an activity,表示出席某个活动。 If something turns out to be a particular thing, it is discovered to be that thing.3、 Some animals have the gift of telling people apart by how they behave. 一些动物具有根据人们的行为来区分他们的天赋。 注解: Gift 是着重于个体天赋的才能,或者在某方面有显著的本领,通常暗 含无法用一般规律解释的意思。而常用的 talent,则着重表示某方面 具有可发展和培养的突出才能。 Genius 语气更强, 也就是我们所说的 天才。 If someone has a gift for doing something, they have a natural ability for doing it. Tell someone/something apart 表示区分,我们也可以用 tell one thing from another,这两个词组的区别是,前者是区分一类人或者物,进 而能够识别每个个体;后者表示区分相似的人或物。 If you tell people or thing apart, you are able to recognize the difference between them and can therefore identify each of them. If you can tell one thing from another, you are able to recognize the difference between it and other similar things.4、I do not look too far ahead as regards to my personal situation. 注解: Look ahead 表示“展望未来, 规划未来”, 类似的我们还可以说 plan for the future,plot out the future 等等。 If you look ahead, you think about what is going to happen in the future and perhaps make plans for the future. As regards 表示“关于,至于”,常用 in/with regardsto, regarding,相当 于 about,concerning,其中,concerning 属于正式用语。 You use as regards to indicate the subject that is being talked or written about.5、Tigers fight to the death only when a tigress is defending her young. 只有在雌虎护卫幼虎的时候,老虎才会殊死搏斗。 注解: Fight to the death 表示“斗争到底,殊死捍卫”,如果想表示生死决斗 则 a fight to the death。 Fight to death 和 fight to the death 意思不同。To death 用于动词后表 示某行为导致死亡。 If you say that you will fight to the death for something, you are emphasizing that you will do anything to achieve or protect it, even if you suffer death as a consequence.第二十七期1、She was cut off while she was speaking. 注解: Cut off 指中断,cut someone off 指打断某人的讲话。此外,cut off 还 可指中断供给,如 cut off water supply and electricity。在打电话时表 示电话断线,或者被挂电话了。 当然,cut-off (point)指的是截止点,界限,如截止日期 cut-off day。 If you cut someone off when they are speaking, you interrupt them and stop them from speaking.2、 We will deal with this problem as soon as possible.我们会尽快解决这 个问题。 注解: Deal with 指的是“处理, 应付”, 也常用到 cope with, handle, manage。 其中 deal with 处理的事物可以是具体的事物,也可以是某种抽象的 问题,不考虑成功与否;cope with 指的是成功处理更为重大,更为 严重的问题或者事物; handle 的处理有管理和操纵的意味; 而 manage 指的是处理日常事务,也可指经营管理。 此外 deal with 还有“与……做买卖,和……有生意上的往来”,如 He is a hard man to deal with 即表示他很难相处,在特定语境下也可以表示 很难和他做生意。 这个词组也可以表示克制不快的情感,冷静面对感情上的问题,如 deal with one’s fear;或者是表示书籍,演讲或电影涉及到哪些方面, 如 The film deals mainly with environment issues。 When you dealwith something or someone that needs attention, you give your attention to them, and often solve a problem or make a decision concerning them.3、 We derive a great deal of pleasure from watching baseball games.我们 从观看棒球比赛中获得了巨大的乐趣。 注解: Derivefrom 表示“获得,得到”,我们常说助人为乐,就可以说 derive pleasure from helping other。 Derive from 还可以指“起源自,源于”; If you derive something from such as pleasure or benefit from a person or from something, you get it from them. A deal of 指“许多,很多”。 If you say that you need or have a great deal of or a good deal of a particular thing, you are emphasizing that you need or have a lot of it.4、Why didn’t they draw up a sourcing list.他们为何不起草个采购清 单? 注解: Draw up 表示“起草”,还可以指“接近”,比如把椅子拉近,draw up a chair。如果 draw yourself up 则指“伸直腰背,挺直身子”。 表示“起草”时,可以用 draft, map out, compose 等等。Draft 表示起草 一封信,一本书或者一封演讲稿; map out 更强调“规划,安排 ”; compose 比较常用于“构成,曲谱”。 If you draw up a document, list, or plan, you prepare it and write it out.5、 Due to an accident at the airport, our arrival will be delayed.由于机场 的一场事故,我们将延迟抵达。 注解: Dueto 表示“因为”, 也可以说 due to the fact that, owing to the fact that, on account of, on the grounds that 等。 If an event is due to something, it happens or exists as a direct result of that thing.第二十八期 1、City officials attempt to push the problem out of sight.市政人员试图 让这个问题淡出人们的视线。 注解: Attempt to do something 表示“尝试,试图做某事”,尤指做很困难的 事,在本句中也就是暗指,想让这个问题淡出公众视野很困难。当然 attempt 也有名词形式,如 his rare attempt at humor,他很少想要表 现自己的幽默,通常指不成功的尝试。 If you attempt to do something, especially something difficult, you try to do it. Out of sight 表示视野之外,也就是看不见,看得见就可以用 in sight 或 within sight。 这两个词组还有“在望, 临近”的意思, 如 there is no end in sight to the struggle for power. If something is in sight or within sight, you can see it. If it is out of sight, you cannot see it.2、 I am firmly in opposition to any further expenditures.我坚决反对任何 进一步的支出。 注解: Opposition 表示强烈的反对和不赞成,in opposition to 即“反对,与….. 相反”, 表示相反时, 还可用 be opposed to (doing ) something, oppose (doing) something, be against something, object to something 等等。 就 oppose 本身而言,它更常用一些,多采取积极行动反对一些比较 重大的事,比如观念,思想,计划等,隐含一些正当性;object 的语 气比 oppose 弱,多指因厌恶或反感而反对,和个人因素有关,但不 一定显露出来。 Opposition is strong, angry, or violent disagreement and disapproval.3、The southern issue boils down to lack of trust.南方问题归根结底就 是因为缺乏信任。 注解: Boil down to 表示“重点是,将……归结为”。 If you say that a situation or problem boils down to a particular thing or can be boiled down to a particular thing, you mean that this is the most important or the most basic aspect of it. Lack of something 表示“缺乏,不足,没有”; Lack 表示部分或完全不足;shortage 指达不到规定的,需要的或应有 的数量;absence 指某物根本不存在;scarcity 指产量不足。 If there is a lack of something, there is not enough of it or it does not exist at all.4、March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers.三月的微风 四月的细雨带来了五月的花朵。 注解: Bringforth 指“产生, 发表”, 也可以指“开花, 结果”, 用于某人 bring forth a baby,即 give birth to;这个词组还有“引起,宣布,提出”的意思, 如 bring forth a proposal。 当然对于“提出,谈及”,还可以用 bring up,bring forward,前者指谈 话会讨论中提及某事,后者强调提出观点,供人考虑。 If you bring up a particular subject, you introduce it into a discussion on conversation. If you bring forward an argument or proposal, you state it so that people can consider it.5、He will end up in prison.他早晚得进局子。 注解: End up 指“最终,结果,到头来”,也可指“最终到达”,尤指经历一段 时间,一段经历后偶然到达某处。 If you end up doing something or end up in a particular state, you do that thing or get into that state even though you did not originally intend to.第二十九期 1、Women get married at 25 on average in Asia.在亚洲,女性平均结婚 年龄为 25 岁。 注解: Get married 表示结婚,更正式一些就是 marry。Marry 还可以用来表 示主持婚礼。 When two people get married or marry, they become husband and wife in a special ceremony. Get married is less formal and more commonly used than marry. 当然还有相亲的表示方法,blind date,指有第三方安排的约会。还 有一种就是父母选好对象做好安排, marry (someone’s daughter) off/to someone,“把……嫁给,为……娶亲”。 If a parent marries their child to someone, the parent choose who their child will marry and arranges it. If you marry someone off, you find a suitable person for them to marry. On (an) average 表示“平均起来”,此外还可表示“基本上,大体上”, 如 On average, vegetarians are slimmer than meat eaters. You say on average or on an average to indicate that a number is the average of several numbers.2、In comparison to her, I am still older.和他相比,我仍然年长。 注解: In comparison to 表示“与……相比,与……比较而言”,我们可以说,in comparison with, by comparison with 等等。 当然还有 compare with/to。 此外, 还有 beyond compare, 表示“无与伦比”, and my new mom Lucy is beyond compare. If you say, for example, that something is large or small in comparison with, in comparison to, or by comparison with something else, you mean that it is larger or smaller than the other thing.3、 It is time we took a stand on equal rights for women.是时候在妇女权 利平等上表明我们的立场了。 注解: It is time someone did something 表示“(从事特定活动)合适时候”, 也可以说 it is time for something/to do something. 类似的表达还有 about time 和 it is high time,均表示“早该……了,是 时候……”, 要是强调某件事“早该如此”, 也可以在陈述后加 not before time。如 the virus is getting more and more attention, and not before time. If you say it is time for something, time to do something, or time you did something, you mean that this thing ought to happen or be done now. Stand 可以表明“立场,态度”,take/make a stand 即指“表明立场”。 If you take or make a stand, you do something or say something in order to make it clear what your attitude to a particular thing is.4、I will stick to my promise.我会坚守我的诺言。 注解: Stick 有“粘,黏”的意思。 If you stick to a promise, agreement, decision, or principle, you do what you said you would do, or do not change your mind.5、You should give up smoking. 注解: Give up 表示“放弃,投降”,还可以表示“辞职”,give up teaching; 通常的“让座”,也可以用 give up。Give oneself up 则指的是“自首”。 需要注意的是,give up on something/someone 表示“对……不抱希望, 对……绝望”,Be given up/over to 表示“专门用于”。 If you give up something, you stop doing it or having it.第三十期1、This job calls for someone with more than five years’ experience.这个 工作要求 5 年以上的经验。 注解: Call for 再次表示“需求,要求”,此外还可以指“要求”; 我们一般说去接某人的时候, 都会讲 pick someone up, 其实也可以用 call for,区别在于,call for 是你去别人那儿接人,还一起去另外一个 地方;pick up 通常指开车去接人,或取东西。 If something calls for a particular action or quality, it needs it or makes it necessary.2、He became rich at the cost of health.他以健康为代价,变得富有。 注解: Cost 除了表示“费用,花费”之外,还可以表示“代价,损失”,at the cost of 也就是“以……为代价”,或者可以说 at the expense of。 将 cost 用作动词可以表示“使损失,使丧失”;无论如何都要做,即 be done at any cost;如果一件事让你付出了代价,除了苦头,则可以 说 to your cost; The cost of something is the loss, damage, or injury that is involved in trying to achieve it.3、He is in the habit of eating five meals a day.在吃的方面,他有一日五 餐的习惯。 注解: Inthe habit of 即“有……的习惯”,也可以说,have the/make a habit of doing something。 如果说开始养成某个习惯, 则说 get into the habit of doing something。 表示“习惯于” ,还可以说,out of habit, from force of habit;如果想 戒除某种习惯,则可以用 kick/break the habit。 If you are in the habit of doing something, you do it regularly or often, if you get into the habit of doing something, you begin to do it regularly or often.4、We met each other by accident.我们偶然碰到彼此。 注解: Each other=one another. You use each other when you are saying that each member of a group does something to the others or has a particular connection with the others. By accident=by chance. 表示某些事情看似自然,但实际却事出有因,我们就可以用 it is no accident (that)。 If something happens by accident, it happens completely by chance. Something that happens by chance was not planned by anyone.5、We often compare Japan with China. 注解: Compare with 通常与否定词连用, If you say that something does not compare with something else, you mean that it is much worse.第三十一期 1、He didn’ on the contrary, he went to a party. 注解: 我们一般较常用 stay at home, 实际上 stay home 也是正确的, 它更常 见于口语。 On the contrary 有两种意思,一是“相反地”,表示与前文内容并不正 确;二是“恰恰相反,正相反”,用于否定对方意见。 You use on the contrary when you have just said or implied that something is not true and are going to say that the opposite is true. You can use on the contrary when you are disagreeing strongly with something that has just been said or implied, or are making a strong negative reply.2、He doesn’t have a job, let alone a girlfriend. 注解: Let alone 表示“更不用说”, 通常用于否定句之后。 我们也可以用 not to mention, not to speak of, still less, much less, even less 等等。其中前两 个是对前文补充,具体是追加否定还是肯定,要看前文;后三个表达 只用于否定句,用于引出并强调接下来的内容,并且这个内容也是否 定的,可以替换原句中的 let alone。 Let alone is used after a statement, usually a negative one, to indicate that the statement is even truer of the person, thing, or situation that you are going to mention next. 3、She cut the cake in half.她把蛋糕切成两半。 注解: In half 就是 into halves,分成两半,也可以指分成大小差不多相同的 两半。如果说两个人 go halves,则指两个人平摊费用,也可以用 split 表达。 If you cut something in half, you cut it into two equal or nearly equal parts.4、I complained to her face to face. 注解: Faceto face 即“面对面”, in the face of 也可以指“面对”, 但侧重指的是 你在面对问题是如何应对。 If you come face to face with someone, you meet them and can talk to them or look at them directly. If you take a particular action or attitude in the face of a problem or difficulty, you respond to that problem or difficulty in that way. 5、You make me feel like dancing.你让我想跳舞。 注解: Feel like 表示“想,愿意”,后接动名词或名词形式。 在美式英语中, feel like 还可以表示“想要”, 如 Ifeel like a cup of coffee。 Feel 可以指东西摸起来这样,所以用来形容感觉可以用 feel like。 If you feel like doing something or having something, you want to do it or have it because you are in the right mood for it and think you would enjoy it.第三十二期1、Ateacher must be capable of infinite patience.老师必须有无限的耐 心。 注解: Be capable of 表示“能够;有能力做”,与 be able to 类似。Must be capable of 即 must have the quality of。 If you say that someone is capable of something, we mean that someone is qualified to do something. Infinite 表示“无穷,无限”。 If we say something is infinite, it has no limits is time or space or magnitude.2、Few could figure out what to do with plastic.极少数人能想出如何处 理这些塑料。 注解}


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