
广东 深圳市
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市花都区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 深圳市
广东 广州市海珠区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市番禺区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 东莞市
广东 广州市
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市白云区
浙江 温州市瓯海区
广东 惠州市惠城区
广东 广州市
广东 广州市花都区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 东莞市
广东 广州市越秀区
广东 东莞市
河北 廊坊市广阳区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 惠州市惠城区
广东 广州市越秀区
广东 广州市白云区
河北 高碑店市
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市白云区
河北 保定市
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市花都区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市白云区
广东 广州市增城区
& 清远到店提车报销路费清远到店提车报销路费
公司几十家门店,车源丰富车况手续有保障,欢迎到店看车试车!无需工作证明.流水 征信报告等!99%的通过率.不用担心被拒绝。看车电话(微信同号)
&这是t四大民营快递企业之一的材料。据悉,成立后的早期物流将以物流行业的需求为主,销售各类危险货物运输,汽车,财产,责任和,etc.Not只有,在未来的发展,一些快递公司也感定制相关产品根据该行业的特点,快递企业的服务。同时,运动的相关负责人到北京商报记者,也会他们的货物运输市场,为了扩大服务范围,为客户提供多种服务。针对远程购物涉及问题,认为很难包括七天没有理由返回贯彻这一对,虚假,商家不能及时交付或消费者接受物理和行业差异;处理品和假现象;微信业务属于实体店,营业执照,信用,第三方交易平台,壁垒较低,完善的贸易体系,发生纠纷,好友或更改帐户直接逃避法律责任,消费者找不到商人,难以保护自己的权利,电视购物商品出现问题后,供应商和电视互相推诿。 一两万当天提车报销车费送油卡不看征信流水,送行车记录仪,低首付当日提车,电话:【小炜】& 微信:(加微信了解更多车型价格)
1. 材料仅需 身份正与 办理分期购车 【当天提车】
2. 主做& 新车 二手车 准新车 【百款车型 任你挑选】
3. 可分期2-3-4年 随时可以选择(满8个月后)
4. 不限户籍 无需 无需 100%通过
5. 慎重承诺 绝无 泡水 火烧 事故 接受第三方检测
6. 进店~~选车~~签合同~~洗车~~提车(一小时搞定)
【段落3】 针对远程购物涉及的主要问题,中消协认为包括七天无理由退货难落实;虚假宣传,商家不能及时发货或消费者收到的实物与商家宣传差异较大;商品不合格和的现象较多;属于无实体店、无营业执照、无信用、无第三方交易平台的小店,门槛低,完善的交易,出现纠纷,直接好友或更换逃避法律责任,消费者找不到商家、困难;电视购物商品出现问题后,厂商与互相推诿。
喜相逢销售代表:第二章:天猫国际招商标准发布时间:天猫国际介绍: 为了满足中国消费者不断提升的消费品味和消费能力, 天猫国际定 位中国高端消费者群,面向全球招募最纯粹海外商家。入驻商家必须具备中国大陆以 外资质的公司实体,拥有海外注册商标,具备海外零售资质,并且在国外有良好的信 誉和经营状况。一、商家入驻要求:天猫国际商家入驻至少需要满足以下要求:1、基本条件1)拥有海外公司实体;2)是品牌方/拥有品牌授权/提供从品牌方开始完整链路的商品进货凭证(具体详见店 铺类型资质要求)。2、优先录取条件1)海外知名实体卖场或者 B2C 网站;2)未进入中国市场的海外知名品牌。1 二、申请入驻基本资质文件1、申请入驻公司成立证明文件;2、申请入驻公司税务登记证或者最近一期纳税证明文件;3、申请入驻公司授权代表人及店铺联系人身份证件;4、入驻公司海外银行账户开户证明或者对账单;5、其他天猫国际要求提供的基础文件或资料。三、店铺类型及所需资质文件1、卖场型旗舰店:拥有服务类商标的海外线上或线下零售商开设的卖场旗舰店1)海外注册满 1 年以上的 35 类目商标原件;2)当地知名实体零售店或者 B2C 网站,需提供实体店照片或者网站;3) 如果申请入驻公司为品牌授权方, 需要提供商标权利人出具给入驻公司的独占授权, 且只限一级授权。2、品牌旗舰店:经营一个自有品牌商品的品牌旗舰店;2 经营多个自有品牌商品且各品牌归同一实际控制人的品牌旗舰店;1)海外注册满 1 年以上的品牌商标(R)原件,并且该品牌在海外有零售经营;2) 如果申请入驻公司为品牌授权方, 需要提供商标所有人出具给入驻公司的独占授权, 且只限一级授权;3)注:优先邀请在海淘热销的品牌;如果该品牌在天猫(www.tmall.com)已经开 店,需提供品牌方确认文件。3、专营店:经营多个他人品牌商品的店铺;既经营他人品牌商品又经营自有品牌商品的店铺;经营多个他人品牌且跨招商大类的店铺;1)就所售商品提供品牌方销售授权,或者从品牌方开始完整链路的商品进货凭证;2)店铺跨类目经营的,需遵循以下相近类目经营规则:序 号类目 1类目 2类目 3类目 41母婴保健品食品3 2服饰鞋类箱 包珠宝配 饰运动户 外3家装家具家 纺居家日 用4化妆品洗护个 护53C 数码家用电 器3)优先邀请经营以下类目的商家:母婴用 品玩具童装 童鞋粮油 米面/ 调味品零食/ 坚果/ 特产居 家百 货厨房用3C 数服饰 箱包 鞋类户外 运动具/生活 码及配 电器 件天猫国际保留对于某些品牌要求其专营店提供品牌一级授权的权利;4 从 2014 年 12 月 1 日开始,所有专营店申请的经营品牌,需要提供品牌方销售授权, 或者从品牌方开始完整链路的商品进货凭证。四、商品及服务的要求:商品:加入天猫国际正品保障计划,原产于或销售于海外的产品,通过国际物流经中国 海外正规入关;商品页面:商品信息采用中文描述,国际公制度量单位,配备中文旺旺客服;物流服务:120 小时内完成发货,可以个人包裹直接递送,也可从中国保税区到大陆 消费者手中,物流信息需可追踪;售后服务:必须在中国大陆设置退货点;天猫国际规则见链接://rule.tmall.hk/gseller/rule/index.htm五、资费标准:保证金:150,000 人民币年费:按照不同经营类目分 5000 美金和 10000 美金两档,跨类目经营按照经营类目 对应年费最高的一档收取;实时划扣技术服务费:详细参看《天猫国际资费》5 第二章: 天猫国际资费标准 Tmall International Fee Standards6 发布时间:保证金与资费组成:Breakdown of Deposit and Fees:1、保证金1、Security Deposit天猫国际经营必须交纳保证金,保证金主要用于保证商家按照天猫国际的规范进行经 营,并且在商家有违规行为时根据《天猫国际商户服务协议》及相关规则规定用于向 天猫国际及消费者支付违约金。保证金为 150,000 人民币。Merchants that operate on Tmall International must pay a security deposit. The security deposit is used to ensure that Merchants operate in accordance with the rules set down by Tmall International, and to ensure that Merchants pay damages to Tmall International and customers in accordance with the “Tmall International Business Services Agreement” and other related rules and regulations when Merchants commit any violations. The security deposit is RMB 150,000.保证金不足额时,经天猫国际催缴后未在十五天内缴纳或补足的,给予店铺监管,直 至足额缴纳为止。7 Where the security deposit has not been fully paid, if within fifteen (15) days of Tmall International issuing a reminder for payment, the security deposit remains unpaid or the balance has not been paid, Store Supervision will be imposed on the Merchant until the security deposit has been paid in full.2、技术服务费年费2、Annual Technical Service Fee商家在天猫国际经营必须交纳年费。年费金额以一级类目为参照,分为 5 千美金或 1 万美金两档,各一级类目对应的年费标准详见《天猫国际 2015 年度各类目技术服务 费年费一览表》。Merchants that operate on Tmall International must pay an annual fee. The annual fee amount will take reference to A-level categories, and is divided into two price rates: USD 5,000 or USD 10,000. Please refer to the “2015 Tmall International Technical Service Fee Breakdown for Different Categories” for the corresponding annual rates and standards for different A-level categories.3、实时划扣技术服务费3、Real-Time Deduction of Technical Service Fee8 商家在天猫国际经营需要按照其销售额(包含运费)的一定百分比(简称“费率”) 交纳技术服务费。天猫国际各类目技术服务费费率标准详见《天猫国际 2015 年度各 类目技术服务费年费一览表》。Merchants that operate on Tmall International must pay a technical service fee in accordance with a certain percentage (referred to as “rate”) of its sales (including delivery costs). Please refer to “2015 Tmall International Technical Service Fee Breakdown for Different Categories” for Tmall International’s different rates and standards for technical service fee of different categories of goods.《天猫国际 2015 年度各类目技术服务费年费一览表》 《2015 Tmall International Technical Service Fee Breakdown for Different Categories》妆品(含美 容工具)彩妆/香水/美发 4% /工具95,000 Cosmetics Make-up / (including Perfume / beauty tools) Hair care / Tools美发护发/假发4%5,000Hair care / Wigs美容护肤/美体/ 4% 精油 Skincare / Body care / Essential Oils5,000经营大类 Business Category一级类目 A-level categories技术服务 费费率二级类目 B C level技术服务 费费率三级类目 CC level技术服务 费费率技术服务 费年费Technical categories service fee rateTechnical categories Technical (美金) service fee rate service fee rate Annual technical service fee rate10 (in USD)经营大类一级类目技术服务 费费率二级类目 B C level技术服务 费费率三级类目 CC level技术服务 费费率技术服务 费年费Business CategoryA-level Technical categories categories service fee rate service fee rate service fee rate Annual technical service fee rate (in USD) Technical categories Technical (美金)居家日用 Home and Everyday Items居家日用/婚庆/ 5% 创意礼品 Home and everyday items / Wedding / Creative Gifts节日/派对庆典用 品 Festivals / Party celebration supplies10,000保暖贴/怀炉/保暖 用 Thermal stickers / Body Warmers / Warming10,00011 purposes钟 Clocks10,000竹炭包/竹酢/竹醋 液 Charcoal bags / Bamboo health / Vinegar10,000创意礼品 Creative Gifts10,000防护用品 Protective equipment10,000鞋用品10,000Shoes supplies美体/减肥/塑型/10,00012 增高用具 Body care / Weight loss / Plastic surgery/ Height-elevation tools收纳整理/家庭 清洁/卫浴用品5%收纳用具 Storage appliances10,000Storage organization / Household cleaning / Toiletries equipment 整理用具 Organization 10,000防尘用具 Dust-free equipment10,000衣物洗/晒/护理用 具 Clothes washing10,00013 / Drying / Clothes care家务/地板清洁用 具 Housework / floor cleaning equipment10,000个人洗浴护理用具 Personal bath and care tools10,000卫浴用具/卫浴配 件 Bathroom tools / Bathroom accessories10,000洗护清洁剂/卫 生巾/纸/香薰 Detergents /2.50%洗发沐浴/个人清 洁10,000Shampoo and14 Sanitary napkins / Paper / AromatherapyShower / Personal care products家庭环境清洁剂 Family friendly detergents10,000家私/皮具护理品 Furniture / Leather care products10,000衣物清洁剂/护理 剂 Laundry detergents / Care agents10,000室内除臭/芳香用 品 Indoor10,00015 deodorant / Fragrance products香薰用品 Aromatherapy supplies10,000卫生巾/护垫/成人 尿 Sanitary napkins / Pads / Adult urinary products10,000纸品/湿巾 Paper products / Wipes10,000驱虫用品 Insect repellents10,000厨房/餐饮用具 Kitchen /5%10,00016 Dining utensils如中英文版本间存在任何歧义的,以中文版为准。IN CASE OF ANY INCONSISTENCY BETWEEN THE TWO LANGUAGE VERSIONS, THE CHINESE VERSION SHALL PREVAIL.第三章:用户服务协议 UserServices Agreement17 用户服务协议 User Services Agreement发布时间:本协议由您与天猫国际网站(www.tmall.hk)的经营者(“公司”)共同缔结,本协议具 有合同效力。This Agreement is made between you and the operator of the Tmall International website (www.tmall.hk) (the “Company”), and is an effective agreement.一、 协议内容及签署1、 本协议内容包括协议正文及所有公司已经发布的或将来可能发布的各类规则(下 称“有关规则”)。所有有关规则为本协议不可分割的 组成部分,与协议正文具有同 等法律效力。除另行明确声明外,任何公司及其关联公司就天猫国际网站提供的服务 (下称“服务”)均受本协议约束。Agreement Content and ExecutionThis Agreement includes the main text and all rules already or will be published by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Relevant Rules”). All Relevant Rules are an integral part of this Agreement and have the same legal effect as the main text of this Agreement. Except otherwise expressly18 stated, any company and its affiliated companies who use the services provided by the Tmall International website (hereinafter referred to as &Services&) will be bound by this Agreement.2、您应当在使用服务之前认真阅读全部协议内容。如您对协议有任何疑问的,应向公 司咨询。但无论您事实上是否在使用服务之前认真阅读了本协议内容,只要您使用服 务,则本协议即对您产生约束,届时您不应以未阅读本协议的内容或者未获得公司对 您问询的解答等理由,主张本协议无效,或要求撤销本协议。You must carefully read the full content of this Agreement before using the Services. If you have any questions regarding the Agreement, you should consult the Company. However, regardless of whether you have actually read this Agreement carefully before using the Services, as long as you use the Services, you will be deemed to be bound by this Agreement. You may not use the reasons of not having read the Agreement or not having received answers to inquiries from the Company as a basis to invalidate or cancel the Agreement.3、 您承诺接受并遵守本协议及所有有关规则的约定。 如果您不同意本协议或任何有关 规则的约定,您应立即停止注册/激活程序或停止使用服务。You undertake to accept and comply with this Agreement and all Relevant Rules. If you do not agree with this Agreement or any of the Relevant Rules,19 you must immediately cease the registration / activation process or cease use of the Services.4、公司有权根据需要不时地制订、修改本协议及/或任何有关规则,并以网站公示的 方式进行公告,不再单独通知您。变更后的协议和有关规则一经在网站公布后,立即 自动生效。如您不同意相关变更,应当立即停止使用服务。您继续使用服务的,即表 示您接受经修订的协议和有关规则。The Company has the right to amend this Agreement and/or any Relevant Rules at any time according to its needs. The amended and restated terms will be posted at the official website, and you will not be notified individually. The amended and restated Agreement and/or Relevant Rules will automatically take effect once it is posted at the website. If you do not agree with the changes, you must cease use of the Services immediately. Your continued use of the Services shall be deemed as your acceptance of the amended Agreement and/or Relevant Rules.二、 注册与账户 (2). Registration and Accounts1、注册者资格 Eligibility of the Registrant您确认,在以公司允许的方式实际使用服务时,您应当是年满 18 岁并具备完全民事 权利能力和完全民事行为能力的自然人、法人或其他组织。若您不具备前述主体资格,20 则您及您的监护人应承担因此而导致的一切后果,且公司有权注销或永久冻结您的账 户,并向您索偿。By using the Services in a manner allowed by the Company, you acknowledge that you are a natural person of at least 18 years of age who has full legal capacity, a legal person, or other organization. If you do not meet these eligibility requirements, you and your guardian must bear all resulting consequences, and the Company has the right to cancel or permanently freeze your account, and make claims against you.2、注册和账户Registration and Accounta) 在您第一次进入天猫国际网站时按页面提示而阅读并同意本协议的条文后,或您 以其他公司允许的方式实际使用服务时,您即受本协议及所有有关规则的约束。From your first use of the Tmall International website, clicking on the page tips, and have read and agreed to the provisions of this Agreement, or when you use the Services via other methods allowed by other companies, you will be bound to the terms of this Agreement and all Relevant Rules.b)您了解并同意,为方便您在天猫国际网站购买商品及使用服务,您将使用您的淘 宝网用户名及密码或其他任何天猫国际网站同意并提供的用户名及密码登陆天猫国际 网站。同时,你可以使用你的淘宝网用户名及密码登陆阿里巴巴集团旗下的以下网站:21 包括淘宝网(www.taobao.com)、天猫平台(www.tmall.com)、天猫国际网站 (www.tmall.hk)、一淘网(www.etao.com)、聚划算平台(www.juhuasuan.com)、阿 里妈妈平台(www.alimama.com)、阿里巴巴中国站(www.alibaba.cn / www.1688.com)、阿里云网站(www.aliyun.com)、 云 OS 网站(www.yunos.com) 以及后续可能开通的其他网站/服务(以下合称“阿里网站”),无需重新注册。您同 意淘宝网的“我的淘宝”能查看您在天猫国际网站购买的商品以及相应信息。You understand and agree that, for your convenience in purchasing goods and using the Services of the Tmall International website, you will use your Taobao username and password or any other usernames and passwords agreed and provided by the Tmall International website to login to the Tmall International website. You can also use your Taobao username and password to login to the following Alibaba Group websites without the need to register a new account: Taobao Marketplace (www.taobao.com), Tmall.com platform (www.tmall.com), Tmall International website (www.tmall.hk), eTao platform (www.etao.com), Juhuasuan platform (www.juhuasuan.com), Alimama platform (www.alimama.com), Alibaba China (www.alibaba.cn / www.1688.com), AliCloud platform (www.aliyun.com), YunOS (www.yunos.com), and other websites / services that may be available in the future (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Ali Websites”) that. You agree that can access and view goods you purchased and other related information on the Tmall International website at the Taobao Marketplace website under “My Taobao”.22 c) 除非有法律规定或司法裁定,或者符合公司公布的条件,否则您的登录名和密码 不得以任何方式转让、赠与或继承,并且转让、赠与或继承需提供公司要求的合格的 文件材料并根据公司制定的操作流程办理。Unless there are legal provisions or judicial decisions, or in compliance with the Company’s conditions, otherwise your login name and password may not be transferred, gifted or inherited by any means. Transfers, gifts or inheritances may only be processed after providing necessary documents as requested by the Company, and will be handled in accordance with the Company’s operating procedures.3、用户信息User Informationa)在使用服务时,您应不时更新您的用户资料,以使之真实、及时、完整和准确。如 有合理理由怀疑您提供的资料错误、不实、过时或不完整的,公司有权向您发出询问 及/或要求改正的通知,并有权直接做出删除相应资料的处理,直至中止、终止对您提 供部分或全部服务。公司对此不承担任何责任,您将承担因此产生的任何直接或间接 损失及不利后果。When using the Services, you should update your user information from time to time in order to ensure it remains true, updated, complete and accurate. If there are reasonable grounds to doubt that the information you provided is23 incorrect, false, outdated or incomplete, the Company has the right to make an inquiry and/or request changes, and also has the right to directly delete any corresponding information, until the suspension or termination of the Services (in full or in part) provided to you. The Company does not assume any responsibility in this respect, and you are liable for any resulting direct or indirect losses and adverse consequences.b)您应当准确填写并及时更新您提供的电子邮件地址、联系电话、联系地址、邮政 编码等联系方式,以便公司或其他用户与您进行有效联系,因通过这些联系方式无法 与您取得联系,导致您在使用服务过程中产生任何损失或增加费用的,应由您完全独 自承担。您了解并同意,您有义务保持你提供的联系方式的有效性,如有变更或需要 更新的,您应按公司的要求进行操作。You must accurately fill in and update the contact information you provide to the Company such as email address, contact number, address, postal code etc., in order for the Company or other users to effectively contact you. If you cannot be contacted by such contact information, you are solely responsible for any resulting losses or costs incurred while using the Services. You understand and agree that you must maintain the validity of the contact information you provide, any changes or updates must be carried out in accordance with the Company’s requirements.4、账户安全24 Account Safety您须自行负责对您的登录名和密码保密,且须对您在该登录名和密码下发生的所有活 动(包括但不限于信息披露、发布信息、网上点击同意或提交任何有关规则的协议、 网上续签协议或购买服务等)承担责任。您同意:You are solely responsible for the confidentiality of your login name and password, and all activities that occur under your login name and password (including, but not limited to, disclosure or release of information, clicking “agree” or “submit” to accept any Relevant Rules online, renewing agreements or purchasing services online etc.) You agree:(a)如发现任何人未经授权使用您的登录名和密码,或发生违反您与公司的任何保密规 定的任何其他情况,您会立即通知公司,并授权公司将该信息同步给阿里网站;及to immediately inform the Company and authorize the Company provide such information to the Ali Websites in the event that you discover any unauthorized usage of your login name and password or any other situation that violates the confidentiality provisions between you and the C and(b)确保您在每个上网时段结束时,以正确步骤离开网站/服务。公司不能也不会对因 您未能遵守本款规定而发生的任何损失负责。您理解公司对您的请求采取行动需要合25 理时间,公司对在采取行动前已经产生的后果(包括但不限于您的任何损失)不承担 任何责任。to correctly exit / log-out of the website / Services at the end of each online session. The Company cannot and will not take responsibility for any losses or damages that are incurred as a result of your failure to comply with this provision. You understand that a reasonable amount of time is required for the Company to take action in response to your request, and the Company will not assume any responsibility for any consequences incurred before any action is taken by the Company (including, but not limited to any losses incurred by you).5、登录名注销ancellation of Login Namea)如您连续三年未登录过天猫国际网站,您的登录名可能被注销,不能再登录天猫国 际网站,所有服务被终止。If you do not login to the Tmall International website for three (30 consecutive years, your login name may be cancelled. If your login name is cancelled, you will no longer be able to use it to login to the Tmall International website and all related Services will be terminated.26 b)您同意并授权阿里网站,您如在任何阿里网站有欺诈、发布或销售假冒伪劣/侵权 商品、侵犯他人合法权益或其他违反法律法规、阿里网站的任何规则等行为,该网站 在阿里网站的范围内对此有权披露,您的支付宝登录名可能被注销,不能再登录任何 阿里网站,所有阿里网站服务同时终止。Where you carry out any act of deceiving, posting or selling of fake / inferior / counterfeit goods, that infringes upon the legal rights of others on any Ali Website, or that violates other laws and regulations or any Ali Website rules, you agree and authorize Ali Websites to have the right to fully disclose such acts to any or all Ali Websites. Your Alipay login name may be cancelled, and you will no longer be able to login to any Ali Websites, and all Ali Website services will be terminated simultaneously.三、 服务Services1、通过公司及(或)其关联公司提供的服务和其它服务,您可在天猫国际网站上发布 交易信息、查询商品和服务信息、达成交易意向并进行交易、对其他天猫国际网站会 员进行评价、参加天猫国际网站组织的活动以及使用其它信息服务及技术服务。Through the Services and other services provided by the Company and (or) its affiliated companies, you may post trade information, inquire about product and services, agree to and complete transactions , review other Tmall27 International website members, participate in activities organized by the Tmall International website, and use other information and technical services at the Tmall International website.2、 您在天猫国际网站上交易过程中与其他会员发生交易纠纷时, 一旦您或其它会员任 一方或双方共同提交天猫国际网站要求公司调处,则公司有权根据单方判断做出调处 决定,您了解并同意接受公司的判断和调处决定。Where a dispute arises during a transaction at the Tmall International website between you and another member, once you or the other member, or both parties request the Company to handle the dispute through the Tmall International website, the Company has the right to unilaterally make a determination, and you understand and agree to accept the Company’s judgment and determination.3、您了解并同意,公司有权应任何政府部门(包括司法及行政部门)的要求,向其提 供您在天猫国际网站提供的用户信息和交易记录等必要信息。如您涉嫌侵犯他人知识 产权等合法权益,则公司亦有权在初步判断涉嫌侵权行为存在的情况下,向权利人提 供您必要的身份信息。You understand and agree that upon the request from any government department (including judicial and administration departments), the Company has the right to provide your user information, transaction records and other necessary information you provide to the Tmall International website to that28 government department. Where you are suspected of infringing upon another’s intellectual property rights or other legal rights and interests, if the Company’s initial judgment is that there exists an allegedly infringing act, it also has the right to provide the rightholder with your identification information.4、您在使用服务过程中,所产生的应纳税赋,以及一切硬件、软件、服务及其它方面 的费用,均由您独自承担。During your use of the Services, you are solely responsibility for the payment of all resulting taxes, costs for all hardware, software, services and any other fees.四、 服务使用规范Guidelines on the Use of Services1、在天猫国际网站上使用服务过程中,您承诺遵守以下约定:During your use of the Services of the Tmall International website, you undertake to comply with the following provisions:a)在使用服务过程中实施的所有行为均遵守所有国家的相关法律、 法规的规定和要求, 不违背社会公共利益或公共道德,不损害他人的合法权益,不违反本协议及有关规则。29 您如果违反前述承诺,产生任何法律后果的,您应以自己的名义独立承担所有的法律 责任,并确保公司及其关联公司免于因此产生任何损失。All acts conducting during use of the Services must comply with all national laws, regulations, rules and requirements, must not violate social public interest or public morals, must not adversely affect the legitimate rights and interests of others, and must not violate this Agreement and the Relevant Rules. If you violate any of the above undertakings, and the violation results in any legal consequences, you must individually bear all legal responsibilities, and ensure that the Company and its affiliated companies are exempt from any resulting losses.b)在与其他会员交易过程中,遵守诚实信用原则,不采取不正当竞争行为,不扰乱网 上交易的正常秩序,不从事与网上交易无关的行为。To act in good faith, not to undertake any behavior of unfair competition, not to disturb the normal order of online transactions, and not to engage in actions unrelated to online transactions during any transaction with other members.c) 不发布任何适用国家法律所禁止销售的或限制销售的商品或服务信息(除非取得合 法且有效的政府许可),不发布涉嫌侵犯他人知识产权或其它合法权益的商品或服务 信息,不发布违背社会公共利益或公共道德或公司认为不适合在天猫国际网站上销售 的商品或服务信息,不发布其它涉嫌违法或违反本协议及有关规则的信息。30 Not to post any goods or services information: prohibited or restricted to be sold by applicable national laws (except with a valid and effective government permit); that may infringe upon the intellectual property rights or other legal rights and that violates social public interests, public morals or that the Company considers unsuitable for sale on the Tmall International website and not to post other information that may violate the law or this Agreement and Relevant Rules.d)不以虚构或歪曲事实的方式不当评价其他会员,不采取不正当方式制造或提高自身 的信用度,不采取不正当方式制造或提高(降低)其他会员的信用度。Not to post inappropriate reviews of other members by making fictitious statements or distorting facts, not to use inappropriate means to make up or increase your own credit rating or make up or increase (lower) the credit rating of other members.e) 不对天猫国际网站上的任何数据作商业性利用,包括但不限于在未经公司事先书面 同意的情况下,以复制、传播等任何方式使用天猫国际网站上展示的资料。Not to commercially use any data of the Tmall International website, including but not limited to, to not copy or disseminate etc. and use information displayed on the Tmall International website without the prior written consent of the Company.31 f)不使用任何装置、软件或例行程序干预或试图干预天猫国际网站的正常运作或正在 天猫国际网站上进行的任何交易、活动。您不得采取任何将导致庞大数据负载加诸天 猫国际网站网络设备的行动。Not to use any devices, software or routine procedures to interfere or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the Tmall International website, or any transaction or activity carried out on the Tmall International website. You must not carry out any action that will cause a large data load to the network system of the Tmall International website.2、您了解并同意:You understand and agree that:a)公司有权对您是否违反上述承诺做出单方认定,并根据单方认定结果的适用有关规 则予以处理或终止向您提供服务,且无须征得您的同意或提前通知予您。The Company has the right to unilaterally decide whether you have violated any of the aforementioned undertakings, and to carry out any measures or terminate the Services provided to you in accordance with the Relevant Rules without your consent or prior notice to you.b)基于维护天猫国际网站交易秩序及交易安全的需要,公司有权在发生恶意购买等 扰乱市场正常交易秩序的情形下,执行关闭相应交易订单等操作。32 In order to maintain the order and safety of transactions at the Tmall International website, where there are disruptions to the normal market transaction order, such as malicious purchases etc., the Company has the right to close corresponding orders and other measures.c) 经任何国家的行政或司法机关生效的法律文书确认您存在违法或侵权行为的,或者 公司根据自身的判断, 认为您的行为涉嫌违反本协议和/或有关规则的条款或涉嫌违反 任何适用法律法规的规定的,则公司有权在天猫国际网站上公示您的该等涉嫌违法或 违约行为及公司已对您采取的措施。Where any legal document made effective by the administrative or judicial authorities of any country confirms that you have performed an illegal or infringing act, or where the Company unilaterally determines that your actions may violate the provisions of this Agreement and/or the Relevant Rules or may violate any applicable laws and regulations, the Company has the right to publicize such illegal acts or violations of contract and the measures that the Company has taken against you ot the Tmall International website.d) 对于您在天猫国际网站上发布的涉嫌违法或涉嫌侵犯他人合法权利或违反本协议 和/或有关规则的信息,公司有权不经通知您即予以删除,且按照有关规则的规定进行 处罚。Regarding the information you have posted at the Tmall International website that may have violated the law, infringed upon the legal rights and interests of33 others, or violated the provisions of this Agreement and/or the Relevant Rules, the Company has the right to delete such information without notifying you, and to carry out corresponding enforcement actions in accordance with the relevant regulations.e)对于您在天猫国际网站上实施的行为,包括您未在天猫国际网站上实施但已经对天 猫国际网站及其用户产生影响的行为,公司有权单方认定您行为的性质及是否构成对 本协议和/或有关规则的违反,并据此作出相应处罚。您应自行保存与您行为有关的全 部证据,并应对无法提供充要证据而承担的不利后果。Regarding your actions on the Tmall International website, including actions that have not yet been carried out on the Tmall International website but has already affected the Tmall International website and other users, the Company has the right to unilaterally determine the nature of your action and whether it constitutes a violation of this Agreement and/or the Relevant Rules, and carry out corresponding enforcement actions. You must retain all evidence related to your actions, and bear the consequences of not having sufficient evidence.f) 对于您涉嫌违反承诺的行为对任何第三方造成损害的,您均应当以自己的名义独立 承担所有的法律责任,并应确保公司及其关联公司免于因此产生损失或增加费用。You must individually bear all legal liabilities arising from the damages caused to any third party caused by possible violations of this Agreement, , and34 ensure that the Company and its affiliated companies are exempt from any resulting losses or costs.g)如您涉嫌违反有关法律、本协议或任何有关规则之规定,使公司遭受任何损失,或 受到任何第三方的索赔,或受到任何政府部门的处罚,您应当赔偿公司因此造成的损 失及(或)发生的费用,包括合理的律师费用。If the Company suffers from any loss, is subject to any third party claims, or is penalized by any government department as a result of your violations of any relevant laws, this Agreement or any Relevant Rules, you must compensate the Company for the losses and/or costs incurred, including reasonable legal fees.五、 特别授权Special Authorization您完全理解并不可撤销地授予公司及其关联公司下列权利:You fully understand and irrevocably grant the following rights to the Company and its affiliated companies:1、 您完全理解并不可撤销地授权公司或公司授权的第三方或您与公司一致同意的第三 方,根据本协议及有关规则的规定,处理您在天猫国际网站上发生的所有交易及可能35 产生的交易纠纷。您同意接受公司或公司授权的第三方或您与公司一致同意的第三方 的判断和调处决定。该决定将对您具有法律约束力。You fully understand and irrevocably authorize the Company, a third party authorized by the Company, or a third party agreed between you and the Company, in accordance with this Agreement and Relevant Rules, to handle all actual and potential trade disputes that occur on the Tmall International website. You agree to accept the judgment and the determination of the Company, third party authorized by the Company, or third party agreed between you and the Company. The determination will be legally binding on you.2、一旦您向公司及(或)其关联公司,包括但不限于经营淘宝网、支付宝、阿里巴巴、 阿里金融、 阿里云 等的主体作出任何形式的承诺, 且相关公司已确认您违反了该承诺, 则公司有权立即按您的承诺或协议约定的方式对您的账户采取限制措施,包括中止或 终止向您提供服务,并公示相关公司确认的您的违约情况。您了解并同意,公司无须 就相关确认与您核对事实,或另行征得您的同意,且公司无须就此限制措施或公示行 为向您承担任何的责任。Once you have made an undertaking in any form to the Company and (or) its affiliated companies, including but not limited to the legal entities of Taobao, Alipay, Alibaba, Ali Finance, AliCloud etc., and the associated company has confirmed your violation of such undertaking, the Company has36 the right to restrict your account in accordance with your undertaking or measures agreed in this Agreement, including the suspension and termination of Services provided to you, and to publicize the violation confirmed by the affiliated company. You understand and agree that the Company is not required to verify such confirmation with you, or to obtain your consent, and the Company will not bear any responsibility for the restriction measures or publications taken against you.3、 一旦您违反本协议或任何有关规则, 或与公司或其关联公司签订的其他协议的约定, 公司有权以任何方式通知公司的关联公司,要求其对您的权益采取限制措施,包括但 不限于要求将您在支付宝账户内的款项支付给公司指定的对象、要求有关公司中止、 终止对您提供部分或全部服务、 在其经营或实际控制的任何网站公示您的违约情况等。Once you violate this Agreement or any Relevant Rules, or other agreements made with the Company or its affiliated companies, the Company has the right to notify its affiliated companies in any manner, and request them to impose restrictions on you, including but are not limited to, request you to make payment to a party specified by the Company via your Alipay account, to suspend or terminate services provided to you (in part or in full), or to publicize your violation on any website that it operates or effectively controls etc.37 4、对于您提供的数据信息,您授予公司及其关联公司独家的、全球通用的、永久的、 免费的许可使用权利(并有权在多个层面对该权利进行再授权)。 此外,公司及其关联 公司有权(全部或部份地)使用、复制、修订、改写、发布、翻译、分发、执行和展示 您的全部资料数据(包括但不限于注册资料、交易行为数据及全部展示于天猫国际网 站的各类信息)或制作其衍生作品,并以现在已知或日后开发的任何形式、媒体或技 术,将上述信息纳入其它作品内。You hereby grant the Company and its affiliated companies an exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, sub-licensable and free right to use any information or data you have provided. In addition, the Company and its affiliated companies have the right (fully or partially) to use, copy, revise, edit, publish, translate, disseminate, execute and display all of your information and data (including but not limited to, registration information, transaction data, and various types of information displayed on the Tmall International website), or create derivative works, and use any form, media or technology currently known or developed in the future to incorporate such data or information in other works.5、为方便您使用服务及阿里网站或其他组织的服务(以下称其他服务),您同意并授 权公司将您在账户注册/激活、使用服务过程中提供、形成的信息传递给向您提供其他 服务的阿里网站或其他组织, 或从提供其他服务的阿里网站或其他组织获取您在注册/ 激活、使用其他服务期间提供、形成的信息。您同意不会因此追究阿里巴巴集团旗下 公司或关联公司以及各家阿里网站的责任。38 For your convenience in using the Services and the services provided by Ali Websites or other organizations (hereinafter referred to as “Other Services” ), you agree and authorize the Company to transfer the information you provide and create, during the process of account registration / activation and use of Services, to Ali Websites and other organizations that provide services to you or to obtain information you provide or create during account registration / activation and use of other services provided to you by Ali Websites or other organizations . In this respect, you agree not to hold Alibaba Group’s companies or its affiliated companies and various Ali Websites liable.六、责任范围和责任限制Scope of Responsibility and Limitation of Liability1、公司负责按&现状&和&可得到&的状态向您提供服务。但公司对服务不作任何明示或 暗示的保证,包括但不限于服务的适用性、没有错误或疏漏、持续性、准确性、可靠 性、适用于某一特定用途。同时,公司也不对服务所涉及的技术及信息的有效性、准 确性、正确性、可靠性、质量、稳定、完整和及时性作出任何承诺和保证。The Company will provide the Services to you on an “as is& and &as available& basis. However, the Company does not make any express or implied warranties in relation to the Services, including but not limited to, the suitability of the Services, the Services contain no errors or omissions, and durability, accuracy, reliability, and fitness for a particular purpose of the39 Services. The Company does not make any undertakings or guarantees regarding the validity, accuracy, correctness, reliability, quality, stability, completeness and timeliness of the technology and information related to the Services.2、您了解天猫国际网站上的信息系用户自行发布,且可能存在风险和瑕疵。天猫国际 网站仅作为交易地点。天猫国际网站仅作为您获取物品或服务信息、物色交易对象、 就物品和/或服务的交易进行协商及开展交易的场所, 但公司无法控制交易所涉及的物 品的质量、安全或合法性,商贸信息的真实性或准确性,以及交易各方履行其在贸易 协议中各项义务的能力。您应自行谨慎判断确定相关物品及/或信息及/或交易的真 实性、合法性和有效性,并自行承担因此产生的责任与损失。You understand that information on the Tmall International website is posted by users individually, and that such information may contain risks and flaws. Tmall International is merely a platform where you can obtain goods or services information, find trade partners, carry out negotiations regarding goods and/or services transactions, and carry out transactions, and cannot control the quality, safety or legality of the goods and services involved in such transactions, the truthfulness and accuracy of the merchant’s information, or the capabilities of various transaction parties in fulfilling various obligations stipulated in transaction agreements. You should carefully consider the authenticity, legality and validity of relevant goods, services,40 information and/or transactions, and must bear sole responsibility for the resulting liabilities and losses.3、除非法律法规明确要求,否则公司没有义务对所有用户的信息数据、商品(服务) 信息、交易行为以及与交易有关的其它事项进行事先审查。但如出现以下情况,则公 司有权对用户的信息数据、商品(服务)信息、交易行为、以及有关的其他事项进行 事先审查:Unless expressly required by laws and regulations, otherwise the Company has no obligation to conduct an initial review of all user data, goods (services) information, trading behavior and other matters related to a user’s transactions. However, the Company has the right to review any user data, goods (services) information, trading behavior and other matters related to a user’s transactions in the following circumstances:a) 公司有合理的理由认为特定会员及具体交易事项可能存在重大违法或违约情形.Where the Company has reasonable grounds to believe that a specific member or a specific transaction may be involved in a major violation of the law or breach of contract.b) 公司有合理的理由认为用户在天猫国际网站的行为涉嫌违法或不当。Where the Company has reasonable grounds to believe that a user's behavior on the Tmall International website is illegal or inappropriate.41 4、 公司或公司授权的第三方或您与公司一致同意的第三方有权基于您不可撤销地授权 受理您与其他会员因交易产生的争议,并有权单方判断与该争议相关的事实及应适用 的有关规则,进而作出处理决定,包括但不限于调整相关订单的交易状态,指令支付 宝公司将争议货款的全部或部分支付给交易一方或双方。该处理决定对您有约束力。 如您未在限期内执行处理决定的,则公司有权利(但无义务)直接使用您支付宝账户 内的款项代为处理。The Company, a third party authorized by the Company, or a third party agreed between you and the Company has the right to, based on your irrevocable authorization, handle trade disputes that arise between you and other members, and independently make a determination based on the facts relevant to the dispute and in accordance with the applicable rules . This includes, but is not limited to, adjusting the transaction status of the related order, and requesting Alipay to remit the full or partial amount of the disputed payment to either or both parties of such transaction. The determination will be binding on you. If you do not implement the determination within the deadline, the Company has the right (but no obligation) to directly use the funds in your Alipay account to execute the determination.您理解并同意, 公司或公司授权的第三方或您与公司一致同意的第三方并非司法机构, 仅能以普通人的身份对证据进行鉴别,公司或公司授权的第三方或您与公司一致同意 的第三方对争议的调处完全是基于您不可撤销地授权,其无法保证争议处理结果符合42 您的期望,也不对争议调处结论承担任何责任。如您因此遭受损失,您同意自行向受 益人索偿。You understand and agree that the Company, third party authorized by the Company, or a third party agreed between you and the Company are non-judicial bodies and can only identify any evidence by a reasonable man’ s standard. The handling of a dispute by the Company, third party authorized by the Company, or a third party agreed between you and the Company, is completely based on your irrevocable authorization, and it will not guarantee that the determination will fulfill your expectations, and will not bear any responsibility in relation to such determinations. If you suffer any loss as a result, you agree to individually claim damages from the beneficiary.5、您了解并同意,公司不对因下述任一情况而导致您的任何损害赔偿承担责任,包括 但不限于利润、商誉、使用、数据等方面的损失或其它无形损失的损害赔偿(无论公司 是否已被告知该等损害赔偿的可能性):You understand and agree that the Company is not responsible for any compensation for damages incurred by you due to any of the following circumstances, including but not limited to, damages for the loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, etc. or other intangible losses (regardless of whether the Company was notified of the possibility of such damages):a) 使用或未能使用服务;43 Your use or inability to use the Sb) 第三方未经批准的使用您的账户或更改您的数据;A third party uses your account or changes your data wc) 通过服务购买或获取任何商品、样品、数据、信息或进行交易等行为或替代行为产 生的费用及损失;You incur costs and losses through using the Services to purchase or obtain any goods, samples, data, information or trade etc. or any other behavior.;d) 您对服务的误解;You misunderstand the Se) 任何非因公司的原因而引起的与服务有关的其它损失。Any other losses relating to the Services that arise due to reasons not relating to the Company.6、不论在任何情况下,公司均不对由于天猫国际网站信息网络正常的设备维护,信息 网络连接故障,电脑、通讯或其他系统的故障,电力故障,罢工,劳动争议,暴乱, 起义,骚乱,生产力或生产资料不足,火灾,洪水,风暴,爆炸,战争,政府行为, 司法行政机关的命令或第三方的不作为而造成的不能服务或延迟服务承担责任。44 Regardless of any situation, the Company will not be liable for the inability to provide Services or the delay in providing Services caused by normal system maintenance of the Tmall International website network, network connection failure, computer, communications or other system failure, power failure, strikes, labor disputes, riots, protests, disturbances, lack of productivity or production materials, fire, floods, storms, explosions, wars, government behavior, judicial or executive orders, or any third party action.七、 协议终止Termination of Agreement1、您同意,公司有权自行全权决定以任何理由不经事先通知的中止、终止向您提供部 分或全部服务,暂时冻结或永久冻结(注销)您的账户在天猫国际网站的权限,且无 须为此向您或任何第三方承担任何责任。You agree that the Company has the right and full discretion and for any reason without prior notice to suspend or terminate part of or all of the Services provided to you, to temporarily freeze or permanently freeze (cancel) your account’s rights and access on the Tmall International website, and will not be liable to you or any third party.2、出现以下情况时,公司有权直接终止本协议,并有权永久冻结(注销)您的账户在 天猫国际网站的权限:45 The Company has the right to terminate this Agreement and permanently freeze (cancel) your account’s rights and access on the Tmall International website in the following circumstances:a) 公司终止向您提供服务后,您涉嫌再一次直接或间接或以他人名义注册使用服务 的;After the Company terminates the provision of Services to you, you are suspected of registering and using the Services directly, indirectly or in the name of b) 您提供的电子邮箱不存在或无法接收电子邮件,且没有其他方式可以与您进行联 系,或公司以其它联系方式通知您更改电子邮件信息,而您在公司通知后三个工作日 内仍未更改为有效的电子邮箱的;The email address you have provided does not exist or is unable to receive emails, and there are no other ways to contact you, or the Company notifies you through other means to change your email information but you have not changed your email to a valid email address within three (3) working days of the Company'c) 您提供的用户信息中的主要内容不真实或不准确或不及时或不完整;Core user information you have provided is untrue, inaccurate, ou46 d) 本协议(含有关规则)变更时,您明示并通知公司不愿接受经修改的协议或有关规 则的;及This Agreement (including the Relevant Rules) has been revised, and you express and notify the Company that you are not willing to accept the revised Agreement or the Relevant R ande) 其它公司认为应当终止任何服务的情况。Any other circumstances where the Company believes that any Service should be terminated.3、您的账户被终止或者账户在天猫国际网站的权限被永久冻结(注销)后,公司没有 义务为您保留或向您披露您账户中的任何信息,也没有义务向您或第三方转发任何您 未曾阅读或发送过的信息。The Company has no obligation to retain or disclose to you any information in your account, or forward to you or any third party any information you have not read or has been sent after your account has been terminated or your account’s rights and access on the Tmall International website have been permanently frozen (cancelled)..4、您同意,您与公司的合同关系终止后,公司仍享有下列权利:47 You agree that after you and the Company’s contractual relationship has been terminated, the Company still enjoys the following rights:a) 继续保存您的用户信息及您使用服务期间的所有交易信息;To save your user information and all transaction information generated during your use of the Sb) 您在使用服务期间存在违法行为或违反本协议和/或有关规则的行为的,公司仍可 依据本协议向您主张权利。If you have committed an illegal act or a breach of the Agreement and/or the Relevant Rules during the your use of the Services, the Company may still makes claim against you in accordance with this Agreement.5、 公司中止或终止向您提供服务后, 对于您在服务中止或终止之前的交易行为依下列 原则处理,您应独力处理并完全承担进行以下处理所产生的任何争议、损失或增加的 任何费用,并应确保公司及其关联公司免于因此产生任何损失或承担任何费用;After the Company suspends or terminates the Services provided to you, the transactions before the suspension or termination of Services must be processed in accordance with the following principles. You must independently handle any disputes, and fully bear any losses or any extra costs incurred that arise as a result of the following processes, and must48 ensure that the Company and its affiliated companies do not incur any resulting losses or bear any costs:a) 您在服务中止或终止之前已经上传至天猫国际网站的物品尚未交易的,公司有权在 中止或终止服务的同时删除此项物品的相关信息;Before the suspension and termination of the Services, you had already uploaded goods on the Tmall International website but such goods that are not part of any transaction, the Company has the right to delete the relevant information of these goods at the same time it suspends or terminates the Sb) 您在服务中止或终止之前已经与其他会员达成买卖合同,但合同尚未实际履行的, 公司有权删除该买卖合同及其交易物品的相关信息;及Before the suspension and termination of the Services, you had already entered into a sale and purchase contract with another member but the contract has not been performed yet, the Company has the right to delete such sales and purchase contract and the relevant information andc) 您在服务中止或终止之前已经与其他会员达成买卖合同且已部分履行的,公司可以 不删除该项交易, 但公司有权在中止或终止服务的同时将相关情形通知您的交易对方。49 Before the suspension and termination of the Services, you had already entered into a sale and purchase contract with another member and the contract has been partially performed, the Company may choose to not delete such transaction, but the Company has the right to notify the other party of the situation when it suspends or terminates the Services.八、隐私权政策Privacy Policy公司将在天猫国际网站公布并不时修订隐私权政策,隐私权政策构成本协议的有效组 成部分。The Company will publish its privacy policy on the Tmall International website, and may revise it from time to time. The privacy policy constitutes an effective part of this Agreement.九、法律适用、争议处理Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution1、本协议之效力、解释、变更、执行与争议解决均适用香港法律,任何香港的法律冲 突规则或原则不适用于本协议。凡因本协议引起的或与之相关的争议、纠纷或索赔、 包括违约、协议的效力和终止,均应根据提交仲裁通知时有效的《香港国际仲裁中心 机构仲裁规则》,在香港仲裁解决。仲裁员人数人三(3)名,仲裁语言为英文。50 The effectiveness, interpretation, revisions, implementation and dispute resolution of this Agreement will be subject to the laws of the Hong Kong and any conflicting legal rules or principles of Hong Kong will not be applicable to this Agreement. All disputes, issues or claims arising from this Agreement, including breach of contract and the validity and termination of this Agreement, will be arbitrated in Hong Kong using the effective Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (“HKIAC”) Administered Arbitration Rules valid at the time of submission of the arbitration notice. There will be three (3) arbitrators, and the arbitration proceedings will be English.如中英文版本间存在任何歧义的,以中文版为准。IN CASE OF ANY INCONSISTENCY BETWEEN THE TWO LANGUAGE VERSIONS, THE CHINESE VERSION SHALL PREVAIL.第四章:海外直供定义解释 海外直供发布时间:天猫国际网站的商家,对在天猫国际网站购物的买家提供海外直供的商品。51 海外直供的定义:指天猫国际商家销售的海外商品均为优质海外采购商品,消费者下 单后,商品从大陆以外的国家或地区通过国际物流方式发出或从中国保税区发出,且 有物流公司提供的从商家发货地到消费者目的地之间完整物流状态信息。1、 100%海外原装正品: 所有商品均属海外生产或销售; 因此, 所售商品一律为 100% 海外原装正品。2、100%海外商家:所有卖家均为海外商家,确保服务和品质。3、100%海外直供:商品从大陆(不含港澳台)以外的国家或地区通过国际物流方式 发出或从中国保税区发出,且有物流公司提供的从商家发货地到消费者目的地之间完 整物流状态信息。4、100%国内退货:海外卖家都提供商品在中国大陆境内的正规退货渠道,消费者与 卖家协商一致后可以退货到中国大陆境内指定地点, 确保消费者的售后服务得到保障, 享受全程无忧的购物体验。52}


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