
介绍旅游景点的英语作文1  The Stone Forest lies about 80 miles to the southeast of Kunming. A geological phenomenon, the Stone Forest was a vast expanse of sea during the Paleozoic era——some 270 million years ago. Later, the movement of tectonic plates altered the earth’s crust, causing the sea to recede and its limestone bottom to appear, thereby forming land.Due to the constant seeping ofrain through the cracks in the limestone, some of the stone formation dissolved and the fissures broadened, producing a group of great sculptures of different shapes, all molded by nature.  In the midst of the forest, there is a huge rock screen on which two words——Stone Forest——are engraved in official script . Among the scenic sights is the "Sword Peak Pond" with jadeite-colored water so clear that one can see the bottom of the pond. Other astonishing sights include "Figure of Ashima," "Shi Ba Xiang Song" , and "Lotus Peak."  The splendor of the Stone Forest is enhanced by the local customs of the native Sani people . Sani people are industrious and hospitable——and unconstrained. Sani women are expert at spinning, weaving, and embroidering. They like to wear rainbow-colored headgear and bright-colored dresses. The young people especially are very good singers and dancers. Every day at sunset, under the moonlight, boys and girls gather at the village platform. While the boys play the three-stringed plucked instruments, the girls clap their hands and dance the strong-rhythmed traditional "A’Xi Dance in the Moon" with great enthusiasm. If you happen to witness the event, you will be invited to join in the festivity.  Note that every lunar year, on June 24th, the Sani people celebrate their national festival——the Torch Festival. On that day, the entire Stone Forest is permeated with a celebratory atmosphere. There are traditional performances of wreestling and bull-fighting. Finally, when the land is enveloped in the curtain of night, the young men run after the young women to propose marriage in the light of colored lanterns.介绍旅游景点的英语作文2  Emei Mountain is one of the four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism. Our family is not very trustworthy Buddha, here, is completely running the "Emei world show" reputation and that breathtaking four wonders - sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha, the lights away.  To the Emei Mountain, the sunrise and the sea of vision is a noisy team caught a trace of no trace. What "Emei world show" also will disappear. whispering sound! "Show" A mountain is all selling small business hawkers, all the way to pull you to someone elses hotel to stay in the staff.  Suddenly remembered Mr. Yu Qiuyu in the "Cultural Journey," a book wrote: Qingchengshan no longer quiet. Last year I have been to Qingcheng Mountain, the mountain aside aside, the mountains and the top is also very quiet, especially the top of the mountain, quiet even have their own breathing sounds also heard. Perhaps Mr. Yu is just disappointed at the foot of the mountain and the strike, but perhaps he did not expect, a group of bustling mountain "insects", even sitting on the hill is not willing to. Do not know if Mr. Yu had been Emei, if he saw Emei this scene, probably more disappointed than the Qingcheng Hill it.  Before long, we were a pedestrian was a man coaxed to a hotel stay. On the four wonders of all kinds of fantasy, suddenly was a pot of cold water to head out - live footers, destined with the four wonders missed. No way: both to come, then the security of the.  The next day, boarded the Golden Summit, did not see the sunrise and sea of clouds, expected. Can be more than three. thousand meters of the peak, actually as cold as winter, but I did not expect it. I do not understand the Buddha, so stand above the top of the gold, nothing more than just blowing some cool breeze, but also almost get a cold.  Emei, the eldest son of the Buddha; Emei who, the pride of the mountains; now Emei, secular by the troubled, then there are thousands of style, more with whom said?介绍旅游景点的英语作文3  One night, the skinny little father and mother burst of reprimanded back to the room, slowly open the com*r. Suddenly, the com*r opened the moment, flashed eight characters: welcome to the kingdom of chopsticks, and then the com*r issued a burst of strong light, the small to a strange world ...  "Wake up awake, you wake up, wake up ah ..." in such a soft voice, a small slowly opened his eyes, looked at the front of a wood made of ordinary chopsticks, whispered: "Who is this? Who is you?" Chopsticks replied: "This is the kingdom of chopsticks ah! I called blossoming. You?" Little novel: "I called small." Bloss said: "Your head "I do not remember, hey, blossoming, you come to introduce me to introduce the kingdom of chopsticks it!" "Good" duo Duo mouthful promise.  First of all, blossoming came to the chopsticks, said: "small, this is our famous chopsticks famous restaurant, come to drink tea it!" Little drink this tea, immediately feel relaxed and happy. And then blossoming came to the chopsticks tailor shop, said: "You see, your clothes dirty, it is better, you go to the tailor shop to do pieces of clothes." Then, blossoming into the tailor shop, Let him wear clothes on his own. Suddenly, a small fancy a set of black and white clothes, put on, but really nice ah! Then, the blossoming came to the front of a magnificent palace and said, "This is the kingdom of our kingdom of chopsticks, and the king, the prince, the prince, the prince, as long as you have royal blood, The chopsticks. "Side of the small listening to a lot of talk, said:" blossoming, the weather late, we go back to rest! "  After the home, blossoming sleep, and a small sleep. The next morning, little has left the kingdom of chopsticks, began his own new life.介绍旅游景点的英语作文3篇扩展阅读介绍旅游景点的英语作文3篇(扩展1)——英语作文旅游景点介绍优选【二】份  英语作文旅游景点介绍 1  The Great Wall  The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon, is one of the great wonders of the world.  Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces--Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.  Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 B.C., when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC--1644 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368--1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today.  The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors.  The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze.  A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night. Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications.  There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing.  Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911)  Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.  Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit, Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur, Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages.  As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.  英语作文旅游景点介绍 2  The Stone Forest lies about 80 miles to the southeast of Kunming. A geological phenomenon, the Stone Forest was a vast expanse of sea during the Paleozoic era——some 270 million years ago. Later, the movement of tectonic plates altered the earth’s crust, causing the sea to recede and its limestone bottom to appear, thereby forming land.Due to the constant seeping ofrain through the cracks in the limestone, some of the stone formation dissolved and the fissures broadened, producing a group of great sculptures of different shapes, all molded by nature.  In the midst of the forest, there is a huge rock screen on which two words——Stone Forest——are engraved in official script . Among the scenic sights is the "Sword Peak Pond" with jadeite-colored water so clear that one can see the bottom of the pond. Other astonishing sights include "Figure of Ashima," "Shi Ba Xiang Song" , and "Lotus Peak."  The splendor of the Stone Forest is enhanced by the local customs of the native Sani people . Sani people are industrious and hospitable——and unconstrained. Sani women are expert at spinning, weaving, and embroidering. They like to wear rainbow-colored headgear and bright-colored dresses. The young people especially are very good singers and dancers. Every day at sunset, under the moonlight, boys and girls gather at the village platform. While the boys play the three-stringed plucked instruments, the girls clap their hands and dance the strong-rhythmed traditional "A’Xi Dance in the Moon" with great enthusiasm. If you happen to witness the event, you will be invited to join in the festivity.  Note that every lunar year, on June 24th, the Sani people celebrate their national festival——the Torch Festival. On that day, the entire Stone Forest is permeated with a celebratory atmosphere. There are traditional performances of wreestling and bull-fighting. Finally, when the land is enveloped in the curtain of night, the young men run after the young women to propose marriage in the light of colored lanterns.介绍旅游景点的英语作文3篇(扩展2)——英语作文:介绍旅游景点优选【一】篇  英语作文:介绍旅游景点 1  Travel  A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same. Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots or historic sites, that will make great difference.  Travel can widen one’s knowledge. The farther you go, the more you will learn about different politics, economics, customs as well as geography. If you travel the whole world some day, you will fully understand the globe on which we live.  However, too much travel causes tiredness. You get on a bus or a taxi, you travel on the train or in a plane, being patient with the hours needed on your mute from one place to another, that will make you exhausted after a while.  Everyone has a dream.  Now I want to say something about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream is a famous fashion designer.  My dream is to be a fashion designer. Because as a fashion designer, I can design a lot of beautiful clothes and make this world more colorful. I like to do handwork, I like to draw too. I will try my best to learn more to make my dream come true介绍旅游景点的英语作文3篇(扩展3)——英语作文介绍旅游景点合集5篇  英语作文介绍旅游景点 1  As the capital of the People's Republic of China, Beijing is the nation's political, economic, cultural and educational center as well as being the most important center in China for international trade and communications.  It has been the heart and soul of politics and society throughout its long history. By the time of the Warring States Period (476 BC - 221 BC), it was serving as the capital of the Yan Kingdom.  Because of its role in the life and growth of China, there is an unequalled wealth available for travelers to discover as you explore Beijing's ancient past and enjoy its exciting 21st Century world.  In 2010 when Beijing hosts the Olympic Games, Beijing will show the world something so special that everyone will be awestruck by Beijing's latest accomplishments combined with its ancient history.  英语作文介绍旅游景点 2  是晨。金黄的太阳从太*线上跃然而起,**淡淡的阳光照耀依旧*淡的人。  朦胧梦间的我被妈**叫嚷唤起,我模糊回应,“知道了!”坐起身来悠然伸了个懒腰,长长舒了口气。  今天,又将是崭新的一天。  我推开房门,扑面而来的是阵阵饭香,似乎……还有一屋散不去的暖意。  “妈,早!今天天气真好呢。”  我笑意盈盈地看着门外散落一地的温暖的阳光。  “是啊,今天又要洗衣服了。”妈妈也看向外面通亮温暖的阳光。  不同的人都在假期的某一天计划着不同的事,既充实又*淡不是吗?  饭桌上的我突然想到什么谈笑着说起,爸爸妈妈也都谈开了,还有漫开的快乐随着米饭的热气慢慢满溢在屋中。  我走在小路上,旁边的柳树轻轻被风拂起而散落。“真好,今天一定有好运气的。”我带着一路阳光直至尽头。  下午。我站在菜园小路上,只静静去望着。是飞舞的蝴蝶,是争芳的菜花,是紫色攀岩的牵牛花。只呼吸着迎面而来的清风,直到很久。  晚上。我坐在书桌前将老师留的题一一解答。转动手中的圆珠笔在空中漫开一圈圈优美的线条。直到最后伴着一声“终于写完了。”而告终。把那些散在桌子上的书本全部收到书包里。  闭灯后,我在被窝里带着一团团睡意睡去。  **淡淡,快快乐乐。这些情绪或生活方式便是我暑假生活的全部。虽然*淡但却令人心安。  It's morning. The golden sun from the Victoria line ran up, flat faint sunshine is still dull people.  I was raged by my mother's yelling between the hazy dreams, and I responded vaguely, "know it!" Sit up and stretch out a leisurely and long stretch of breath.  Today, it will be a new day.  I push the door open and come on the face, it seems to be... There is a room for the warmth of the room.  "Mom, early! It's a nice day. "  I looked at the warm sunshine out of the door with a smile.  "Yes, we have to do the laundry again today." The mother looked out into the warm sunshine.  Different people are planning different things on the day of the holiday, are they both full and flat?  Table I suddenly thought of laughing and talking about what, mom and dad are talking, and spread happiness with Steamed Rice heat slowly overflowing in the house.  I walk on the road, next to the willow gently and scattered by the wind. "Good. It must be good luck today." I took the sunshine all the way to the end.  Afternoon。 I stood on the path of the garden, just looking at it. It is a flying butterfly, a cauliflower for Fang, and a purple rock climbing. Only breathing in the face of the wind, until a long time.  Night。 I sat at the desk to answer the question one by one. The ball pen in the hand turns a circle of beautiful circles in the air. Until finally with a voice "finally finished." And end up. All the books that were scattered on the table were in the bag.  After the light was closed, I had a sleepy sleep in my bed.  Flat and light, happy music. These emotions or ways of life are the whole of my summer vacation. Although it is dull, it is reassuring.  英语作文介绍旅游景点 3  The Stone Forest lies about 80 miles to the southeast of Kunming. A geological phenomenon, the Stone Forest was a vast expanse of sea during the Paleozoic era——some 270 million years ago. Later, the movement of tectonic plates altered the earth’s crust, causing the sea to recede and its limestone bottom to appear, thereby forming land.Due to the constant seeping ofrain through the cracks in the limestone, some of the stone formation dissolved and the fissures broadened, producing a group of great sculptures of different shapes, all molded by nature.  In the midst of the forest, there is a huge rock screen on which two words——Stone Forest——are engraved in official script . Among the scenic sights is the "Sword Peak Pond" with jadeite-colored water so clear that one can see the bottom of the pond. Other astonishing sights include "Figure of Ashima," "Shi Ba Xiang Song" , and "Lotus Peak."  The splendor of the Stone Forest is enhanced by the local customs of the native Sani people . Sani people are industrious and hospitable——and unconstrained. Sani women are expert at spinning, weaving, and embroidering. They like to wear rainbow-colored headgear and bright-colored dresses. The young people especially are very good singers and dancers. Every day at sunset, under the moonlight, boys and girls gather at the village platform. While the boys play the three-stringed plucked instruments, the girls clap their hands and dance the strong-rhythmed traditional "A’Xi Dance in the Moon" with great enthusiasm. If you happen to witness the event, you will be invited to join in the festivity.  Note that every lunar year, on June 24th, the Sani people celebrate their national festival——the Torch Festival. On that day, the entire Stone Forest is permeated with a celebratory atmosphere. There are traditional performances of wreestling and bull-fighting. Finally, when the land is enveloped in the curtain of night, the young men run after the young women to propose marriage in the light of colored lanterns.  英语作文介绍旅游景点 4  It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people. Today people are so fond of traveling that tourism has become one of the faster growing industries in most countries.  The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. For another example, spending an annual holiday traveling abroad is an especially satisfying  experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder.  Traveling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you  see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you area careful  observer, you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through traveling. The knowledge acquired from  travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.  英语作文介绍旅游景点 5  My hometown in Quanzhou.Quanzhou is known as the cultural capital of East Asia, maritime Silk Road starting point, Seashore, the City of Light. "Look Xi'an underground, to the point of view of Quanzhou," walking in the middle of the city, the eternal legacy will still inadvertently flashed repeatedly, both restrained and unrestrained deep stretch again介绍旅游景点的英语作文3篇(扩展4)——介绍山西著名的旅游景点作文 (菁选3篇)介绍山西著名的旅游景点作文1  五台山,又称清凉山,位于山西省东北部,它是我国四大佛教名山之一。五台山佛教历史之长,寺院规模之大,在**首屈一指。五台山主峰高度都在海拔3000米上下。五台山主峰区域的五座台顶气魄宏大,顶天立地。五座台顶环围的腹地,寺庙林立,殿宇层叠,阁楼峥嵘,佛塔**。五台山,高山以古寺作幽雅的饰品,古寺凭高山添雄浑的气韵……  俗有“海滨城市”之美称的大连,是祖国北方的一颗“明珠”。在大连这块美丽的土地上,到处都被绿色所拥抱,放眼望去,人民仿佛置身于绿洲之中。那片片绿地似**的地毯,地毯上盛开着朵朵鲜花,红的,黄的,粉的……各式各样,争奇斗艳。蓝色的海洋与绿色的草坪相映生辉,真让人美不胜收。小草们不时散发出一阵阵清香,令人陶醉,微风吹过,小草摆着身姿为这个城市增添了无限生机。  大连不但白天美,夜里更美,每当夜幕降临,大街小巷的路灯、花灯、霓虹灯,流光溢彩,简直就是灯的海洋。在形形**的灯中,一种叫“满天星”的最神奇。它缠在路旁的大树上,就像彩龙在奔腾;它挂在高楼上,仿佛、瀑布直流而下,壮观极了!大连的山美、水美、人更美!  西塘,古名斜塘,早在春秋战国时期就是吴越相争的交界处,故有吴根越角之称。“九里弯头放掉行,绿柳红杏带啼莺,”正呈现了西塘这个江南水乡的秀丽风光。西塘地势*坦,河流密布,自然环境十分幽静。有九条河道在镇区交汇,把镇区划分成八个板块,而众多的桥梁又把水乡连成一体。古称“九龙捧珠”、“八面来风”。  西塘在全国同列的古镇中颇具特色,以桥多、弄多、廊棚多而闻名于世。比如说西塘的宅弄吧!它们深浅各一,宅弄深处,曲径通幽,不知深几许,行至尽头,豁然开朗,别有新洞天……  悠久的历史,创造了不朽的文化。翰墨书香,诗词金石,缔造了西塘浓郁、宽广的文化氛围。在明清四二七年里,有进士十九名,举人三十一名。鸟瞰全镇,薄雾似纱,*粉墙高耸,瓦屋倒影。傍晚,夕阳斜照,渔舟唱晚,灯火闪耀,酒香飘溢,整座水乡古镇如诗如画……  怎么样,听了我的介绍,你是不是想去旅游?那就去体验一下吧!介绍山西著名的旅游景点作文2  我和爸妈又去了山西省太原市的云冈石窟,一路上导游对我们说:“我国有三大石窟,甘肃敦煌的莫高窟,河南洛阳的龙门石窟,还有我们要去的云冈石窟,云冈石窟它被评为世界遗产之一。”我们都很好奇,好希望快点看到。  下车以后我就看见了山边有很多**,导游说:“这个不是**,而是云冈石窟,”导游带着我们去了第5座石窟,她边走边说:“这些石窟是依山开凿的,坐北朝南,从东到西一共开凿了45个洞窟,附属的有207个小石窟,佛像一共有510000多个,佛像最高的有17米,最小的有2厘米,这些石窟是北魏时期建的,有一千多年的历史啦!”  第5座石窟佛像就是最高的17米的,听说是释迦牟尼佛,是佛教的创始人,我抬起头来,一看惊呆了,好大好高呀,只有抬头才能看到,他是盘坐着,很慈祥,笑容好好看,他的左右手下面还立着两个佛,专门托着他的手,身上衣服的颜色1千年来还是很鲜艳,真是状观!导游说:“他的鼻子长2米,”我心里想:“哇,好夸张呀!”  我们又来到第6个石窟,里面密密麻麻雕刻着是释迦牟尼佛传奇的一生,从出生到长大-离家-成道-成佛的过程,每一幅图画很象真的一样,我心里想以前的人真是历害!  我们又去参观了第7、8、9、10等十几石窟,觉得以前的工匠真是艺术高手,能雕出这么精细的佛像,真是历害呀!最后我依依不舍的走了,我想等我长大以后我还会再来看看的。介绍山西著名的旅游景点作文3  国庆长假和同事一起去山西旅游,游览了山西名胜云冈石窟、晋祠、*遥古城、五台山、乔家大院等,但给我留下深刻印象的还是乔家大院。不仅它是优秀影片《大红灯笼高高挂》的拍摄基地,更主要的是它带给我心灵的震撼和深刻的启迪。  清朝乾隆年间,山西人被生活所迫,首先选择 “走西口,来自祁县乔家堡村的贫苦的青年农民乔贵发,他来到口外一家小当铺当小伙计,一干就是十几年。凭着手脚勤快,靠着省吃俭用,渐渐他手头有了点积蓄。  为以后的发展打下了良好的基础,后来又卖豆腐,发豆芽,贩菜,开面馆,从买卖皮毛牲畜到千里之外贩回茶叶丝绸,再到开办票号钱庄,开创了乔家大院的最初家业,乔贵发和他的后代的奋斗不仅仅发达了一个乔氏家族,他们所开设的“复盛公”商号,奠定了包头市的商业基础,以至出现了这样一句广泛流传的.民谚“先有复盛公,后有包头城”。  一个铁骨铮铮的男儿,一声悲壮的“走西口”,不甘命运束缚的乔家人锲而不舍,力创家业,这是一个家族艰苦奋斗的历程。  乔家人为追求财富之路,背井离乡,创业维艰,可歌可泣。乔家人历经五代顽强拼搏,勤奋诚恳,成就一代商魂,彪炳千秋!  乔家走西口创立家业的成功,之所以成为晋商的典范,我觉得主要有两点,一是他们坚韧不拔,吃苦耐劳的精神,生意由小到大,滚雪球般的发展,再小的生意不嫌小而是抓住机会去做。更主要的他们讲究信义。  很多人习惯地认为只要经商必然见利忘义,事实上,以乔家为**的晋商都把信义放在第一位,山西人明白信义的竞争比商品本身的竞争更重要更长久。这就是他们生意做大做强的奥秘所在。这一点就是晋商经商的智慧闪光点。乔家已不仅是山西人的乔家,乔家以及她的后代们在经商过程中所形成的人格取向和精神风貌,已成为本民族千百年来共享的精神财富。  今天经济发展中所遭遇和面临的一切困难和挫折,用走西口的精神去应对,还有什么不能克服的呢?无论在事业上的还是在生活上的。在商品经济发展如火如荼的今天,以乔家为**的晋商,在经商中把信义放在首位的聪明做法,难道不值得我们经商者深深地反思而学习吗?介绍旅游景点的英语作文3篇(扩展5)——广州著名旅游景点介绍广州著名旅游景点介绍1  1·太古仓  太古仓码头位于广州市海珠区(旧称白蚬壳),由英国太古洋行于1904年~1908年间修建,供太古轮船公司使用,在20世纪二十年代的广州来讲,是比较完善的仓储码头。门牌革新路124号。经活化作酒品展销、餐饮、旅游休闲、设计等用。  2·恩宁路  恩宁路(En Ning Road)位于*广州市荔湾区,是一条有浓厚西关特色的道路。东起宝华路,西北至多宝路与龙津西路相接。它诞生于1931年,路面可以并排行八顶大轿,一时风光无限,被誉为“广州最美老街”。  3·乐峰广场  广州乐峰广场位于海珠区工业大道北106-108号(光大花园旁)共5层,总建筑面积10万*方米。定位为年轻时尚的一站式购物中心,目标消费群体是项目周边多个成熟住宅小区逾100万居民以及双地铁轨道8号线和广佛线覆盖范围(乐峰广场为沙园站地铁上盖的项目)。  4·流花公园  因湖东北有南汉古迹流花桥而得名。此外还有一座面积3000多*方米的鸟岛,并设有观鸟茶座和观鸟台;东区有西双版纳风光庭园,勐力园,和石宝、瀑布、浣溪女、杜鹃园、南海渔村酒家;中区榕荫葵堤,有新光花园酒家,健身乐苑;南区毗邻广州少年宫,这里有大面积落羽松林,以及蒲林茶座、桃源饭店、荫生植物棚等设施,景色清幽。公园西端为盆景园,东端为著名的流花鸟苑。**来,公园水域广植荷莲等水生植物,碧波芙蓉,蔚为壮观。  5·荔湾湖  荔湾湖公园是*广州市的一个公园,以湖泊为主体,由小翠湖、玉翠湖、如意湖、五秀湖组成。园内亭、台、榭、廊、轩、阁掩映于碧波绿树之中。树木成荫,杨柳依依,绿草如茵,桥曲栏回,亭台楼榭,贻水石桥,湖渡辉映.好一派南国风光。  地址:广州市荔湾区中山八路197。  6·黄山鲁公园  黄山鲁森林公园划分了七大景区:海子飘云、林海落云、白湖云影、踏浪逐云、碧水云语、花海流云、揽云观海,以各类丰富的云 海元素:大海、树林、白云、花海、风筝、鸟群、水草、云影、自行车队等,突出了主题景观特色。在植物规划上,提出四季有花、可观果闻香和终年常绿的景观理念,使黄山鲁森林公园成为春看花、夏品荫、秋赏叶、冬观林的热带特色滨海森林景区。  地址:广州市南沙区光业路与石抖街交汇处以西300米。  7·越秀公园  越秀公园由主峰越井岗及周围的桂花岗、木壳岗、鲤鱼岗等七个山岗和北秀、南秀、东秀三个人工湖组成。西汉时南越王赵佗曾在越秀山山上建“朝汉台”。后建观音阁,又名观音山。著名古迹镇海楼,又名五层楼,登楼远眺,羊城美景尽收眼底。  地址:广州市越秀区**北路988(东北门)。  8·雕塑公园  广州雕塑公园会以雕塑为特色,具有鲜明的主题和丰富的内涵,尊尊塑像、丝丝神韵,令人疑神深思。公园内雕塑与园林艺术相结合,集历史、文化和社会于一体,是全国最大的主题式公园。  地址:广州市白云区下塘西路545号  9·花城广场  广州城市新中轴线广场正式命名“花城广场”,位于黄埔大道以南、华夏路以东、冼村路以西、临江大道以北,广场最宽处250米,总面积约56万*方米,是****面积的8至10倍。周边规划建有39幢建筑,其中少年宫、大剧院、图书馆、博物馆等8幢已建成。  10·小洲村  这里至今仍保留着岭南水乡最后的小桥流水人家,走进小洲村,就好像走进了一座民俗博物馆。 民居沿河而建,居民枕河而居,随处可见的百年古榕浓荫蔽日,五六百年高龄的蚝壳屋见证着岭南的曾经沧海,阡陌交错间随便跨过的一口古井都有几百年的沉淀。  11·晓港公园  晓港公园的造园艺术采用*传统山水园林布局手法,巧妙地把游憩观赏设施与诗情画意景观融为一体。高坡叠山,低台挖池,使山得水而活,水伴山而媚,相映成趣。园内设花卉馆、亭、水榭、花架、桥、景石等景点。  地址:广州市海珠区前进路146(东北门)。  12·火炉山  火炉山是好多车友喜欢去冲山的地方。处处能见到黎朔、荷树、火力楠、海南红豆、美丽异木棉等亚热带和南亚热带优良阔叶树。主峰白架顶,海拔321.8米。此山山势浑圆,坡度*缓,山间大石遍布,形状各异,是大众休闲,游玩的理想之地。山上自然气息浓厚,除了爬山小路之外没多少人工痕迹。空气非常好,林木繁盛。  13·**边  **边除了酒吧,更多的是吃完饭的人下来散步,夜跑,少不了的就是骑车,沿着江边由海珠桥开始一直踩,经过二沙岛、海心沙、广州塔、中大牌坊,一路*灯饰美不胜收。  14·白云湖  广州白云湖已成为一座以自然生态为特色的大型综合性水利公园,未来,将进一步发展成为集水安全、水生态、水景观、水文化于一体的水利工程风景区。  15大学城  广州大学城用地分区示意图,选址番禺区小谷围岛,西邻洛溪岛、北邻生物岛、东邻长洲岛,附近有黄埔军校、辛亥**纪念馆、孙中山纪念馆、黄埔公园等景点,与琶洲岛举目相望。小谷围岛面积17.9*方公里,是世界上少有的岛屿大学用地,提供了一处天然的世外桃源。介绍旅游景点的英语作文3篇(扩展6)——**著名的旅游景点介绍通用6篇  **著名的旅游景点介绍 1  紫马岭公园  紫马岭公园位于中山市中山三路南侧,占地88.5公顷,1992年7月破土兴建,1993年10月1日落成开放,是天工与人力交融、游憩共生态并重的城市公园。目前是广东省最大的郊野公园,也是中山市举办大型名花展览的场所。紫马岭是"香山八景"之一的"天池芰荷"故址,空气清新,景色宜人。明清两代,是富家子弟跑马游乐的场地。登上园中的“揽胜阁”,俯瞰全园风景,如果天气晴好,中山全市风光也可尽收眼底。  金钟水库  金钟水库位于中山市石岐城郊,新安村内,总面积120公顷,其中水库面积35公顷。金钟水库岸线自然曲折,变化丰富,水质优良,水库东南大面积湿地沼泽,山坡地势起伏的生态环境及各种水生植物给水鸟提供藏身、食、繁殖的空间。山体坡度*衡,沿岸植物形态优美,植被层次茂密丰富,以具有中山特色的乡土树种为主。金钟最有特点的便是,骑脚踏车了。在吵闹的城市里,骑脚踏车是一种解压和放松的好方式。  泉林山庄  坐落于中山市三乡镇南龙村风景迷人之白水林山下,是一座集娱乐、休闲、会议、户外拓展、科普教育和度假于一体的大型旅游度假区。景区拥有高山滑草、零下5摄氏度的冰动乐园、荷李活鬼城、空中飞人、超级跑车、活水山泉泳场,还有创意广场——“挑战极限123关”等诸多游玩项目,1500*方米的创意广场适合各种大型活动、篝火晚会的举办。现在,中山唯一的动物公园已落户泉林山庄,动物种类繁多,有三百多条鳄鱼、非洲大猩猩、国宝熊猫等多种珍稀动物。 露营野外俱乐部坐落在山清水秀的白水林山下,利用有利的地理位置沿势开发了定向探险、野外狩猎场、野炊、篝火、卡拉OK、露营区等等可亲近大自然的项目。  中山影视城  中山城东濒**水,西傍五桂山,是新世纪集旅游观光、影视拍摄和爱国**教育为一体的新主题文化旅游景点和**南方知名的影视拍摄基地,先后获得“**十大影视城”和“**最具异域风情影视基地”称号。城内有南京中山陵、总统府、广州**指挥部、黄埔军校等18个再现孙中山先生**历程的历史场景景点和中山近代名人馆、辛亥**历史图片展览馆等共62个参观景点。中山城每天精心策划安排了十多场丰富多彩的节目表演。在中山城内,荟萃20世纪初中**建筑的四大景区,反映了多个国家的建筑风格和风土人情,提供了良好的拍摄场地,深受影视界青睐。  中山著名旅游好去处  五桂山  “五桂雄峰”是**口最高峰,也是中山十景之一。《太*环宇记》载:东莞县香山在县南隔海三百里,地多神仙花卉,故曰香山。这里是中山、珠海两市的屋脊。五桂山雄据**口,包括七个镇区九个山系,如南台山系的南台山,是古来香山八景“南台秋门”旧址。五桂山区有大花园和小花园的天然景物,有奇岩怪石,异羽奇禽,流泉飞瀑,景色可与岭南胜景西樵山、罗浮山媲美。 五桂山中盛产吊钟花、杜鹃花、兰花和沉香木,还有人工种植的松林、桉林、杉林和相思林,郁郁葱葱。  孙中山故居  孙中山故居纪念馆是以孙中山故居为主体的纪念性博物馆。开放的主要景点有:孙中山故居、孙中山纪念馆、孙中山听太*天国反清故事的雕塑、翠亨民居展示区、翠亨农业展示区、中山鼎、警世钟等,逐步形成以“孙中山和他成长初期的社会环境”为主题,兼具历史纪念性和民俗性、立体而多元化的陈列展览体系。此外该馆还负责管理广东省重点文物保护单位杨殷故居、陆皓东故居、中山市重点文物保护单位陆皓东墓、孙昌墓、帅傅遗居等20多处文物景点。2008年5月,被国家***公布为首批国家一级博物馆。  中山詹园  中山詹园又名中山大宅门,座落在中山市西南郊,是目前岭南地区最大的古典私家庭园。詹园建筑以苏杭园林为基调,结合岭南水乡的布局脉络,使湖洲山、北溪河等自然风光与詹园建筑构成一体,形成天人合一的建筑风格。詹园建筑结构简洁而凝重,风格古朴而洒脱。它的取材多为民间古旧材料,一砖一瓦、一门一窗都凝聚着历史的痕迹。同时还吸收了西式园林的风格,水体和装修多呈几何形式。詹园是由园主黄远新先生亲自设计为父母建造一处淡雅精致、颐养天年的静心居所。目前,依然保存着最初的模样,成为詹家家史的真实见证。  中山步行街  中山步行街实为孙文西路,位于中山市城区石岐铁城西门外,西连津渡,南绕烟墩山,东达仁山,构成"山、水、城"的格局,也成为石岐商业、文化、交通中心。步行街是以“西洋”风格的建筑组成,大多为有骑楼的两三层房屋。这一带凝聚了中山市60多万**侨胞的乡情,他们的建设,使孙文西路日益繁华。期间先后建成的有"十八间"、"天妃庙"、"泰东戏院"、"思豪大酒店"、"先施公司"、"汇丰公司"、"福寿堂药房"等历史遗迹以及众多的茶楼、食肆,这些建筑物大部分建于清代至**前年间,具有较高的文化品位和艺术含量。想着当年出海归来的人们在这里交易、从这里归家,看着现在的人们在此休闲购物,人文的气息让这条铺满了石板的街道如此沉甸甸。  云顶星河游乐王国  云顶星河游乐王国位于中山古镇大信新都汇内,占地面积达40000*方,投资过亿,是**首家空中主题乐园。游乐园与古镇大信新都汇无缝结合,满足你综合购物、游乐、文化、旅游、生活休闲于一体愿望。云顶星河游乐王**包含了“星河港湾“及“云顶天街”两大区域,共有18套科技、动感、刺激的游玩项目。就算是看着也忍不住要尖叫的刺激感爆!去体验一番,也许会**你对游乐园的老旧认知。“惊险刺激大摆锤”、“云顶过山车”、“幸运旋风”、“变异危机”让你体验“**首家空中主题乐园”的魅力所在!  **著名的旅游景点介绍 2  兵马俑  秦始皇陵位于距西安市30多千米的临潼区城以东的骊山之北,秦始皇陵兵马俑坑是秦始皇陵的陪葬坑,位于陵园东侧1500米处。秦始皇兵马俑陪葬坑坐西向东,三坑呈品字形排列。  俑坑布局合理,结构奇特,在深5米左右的坑底,每隔3米架起一道东西向的承重墙,兵马俑排列在过洞中。  秦始皇兵马俑是世界考古史上最伟大的发现之一。1978年,法国前*****参观后说:“世界上有了七大奇迹,秦俑的发现,可以说是八大奇迹了。秦始皇兵马俑陪葬坑,是世界最大的地下军事博物馆。  华清池  华清池,亦名华清宫,位于陕西省西安市临潼区骊山北麓,西距西安30公里,南依骊山,北临渭水,是以温泉汤池著称的**古代离宫。  周、秦、汉、隋、唐历代**者,都视这块风水宝地为他们游宴享乐的行宫别苑,历史文献及考古发掘的资料证明,华清池具有6000年温泉利用史和3000年的皇家园林建筑史。1982年,华清池被列为全国第一批重点风景名胜区,2007年5月8日,华清池景区被批准为国家5A级旅游景区。2015年1月,与"骊山"两大景区合并升级为"华清宫"。  大唐芙蓉园  西安大唐芙蓉园是国家AAAAA级旅游景区,全国首个全方位展示盛唐风貌的大型皇家园林式文化主题公园,是首个"五感"(即视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉)主题公园,拥有全球最大户外香化工程以及全球最大的水景表演展示。  大唐芙蓉园位于陕西省西安市曲江新区,建于原唐代芙蓉园遗址所在地,景区包括紫云楼、仕女馆、御宴宫、芳林苑、凤鸣九天剧院、杏园、等众多景点。  全园景观分为十二个文化主题区域,从帝王、诗歌、民间、饮食、女性、茶文化、宗教、科技、外交、科举、歌舞、大门特色等方面全方位再现了大唐盛世的灿烂文明。  大雁塔  大雁塔位于唐长安城晋昌坊(今陕西省西安市南)的大慈恩寺内,又名"慈恩寺塔"。唐永徽三年(652年),玄奘为保存由天竺经丝绸之路带回长安的经卷佛像主持修建了大雁塔,最初五层,后加盖至九层,再后层数和高度又有数次变更,最后固定为今天所看到的七层塔身,通高64.517米,底层边长25.5米。  大雁塔作为现存最早、规模最大的唐代四方楼阁式砖塔,是佛塔这种古印度佛寺的建筑形式随佛教传入中原地区,并融入华夏文化的典型物证,是凝聚了汉族劳动人民智慧结晶的标志性建筑。  鼓楼&钟楼  西安钟楼位于西安市中心,明城墙内东西南北四条大街的交汇处。建于明太祖洪武十七年(1384年),初建于今广济街口,与鼓楼相对,明神宗万历十年(1582年)整体迁移于今址。  钟楼建在方型基座之上,为砖木结构,重楼三层檐,四角攒顶的形式,总高36米,占地面积1377*方米,是**现存钟楼中形制最大、保存最完整的一座。  西安鼓楼位于古都西安市中心,明城墙内东西南北四条大街交汇处的西安钟楼西北方约200米处。建于明太祖朱**洪武十三年(1380年),是**古代遗留下来众多鼓楼中形制最大、保存最完整鼓楼之一。  西安鼓楼建在方型基座之上,为砖木结构,顶部为重檐形式,总高36米,占地面积1377*方米,内有楼梯可盘旋而上。在檐上覆盖有深绿色琉璃瓦,楼内贴金彩绘,画栋雕梁,顶部有鎏金宝顶,是西安的标志性建筑。  大明宫  大明宫,大唐帝国的宫殿,是当时的**中心和国家象征,位于唐京师长安(今西安)北侧的龙首原。始建于634年,原名永安宫,是唐长安城的三座主要宫殿(大明宫、太极宫、兴庆宫)中规模最大的一百一十座,称为“东内”。  自唐高宗起,先后有17位唐朝**在此处理朝政,历时达二百余年。大明宫是当时全世界最辉煌壮丽的宫殿群,其建筑形制影响了当时东亚地区的多个国家宫殿的建设。大明宫占地350公顷,是明清**紫禁城的4.5倍,被誉为千宫之宫、丝绸之路的东方圣殿。  **著名的旅游景点介绍 3  万里长城:长城始建于春秋战国时期,历史达2000多年,总长度达5千万米以上。我们今天所指的万里长城多指明代修建的长城,它西起甘肃的嘉峪关,东到辽宁的***边,长635万米。它像一条矫健的巨龙,越群山,经绝壁,穿草原,跨沙漠,起伏在从山峻岭之巅,黄彼岸和渤海之滨。古今中外,凡到过长城的人无不惊叹它的磅礴气势,宏伟规模和艰巨工程。长城是一座稀世珍宝和艺术非凡的文物古迹,它象征着**民族坚不可摧永存于世的意志和力量,是**民族的骄傲,是整个人类的骄傲。  桂林山水:广西壮族**区的桂林市是世界著名的风景游览城市和历史文化名城,位置处广西壮族**区东北部,南岭山系的西南部,属典型的“喀斯特”岩溶地貌,遍布全市的石灰岩经亿万年的风化浸蚀,形成了千峰环立、一水抱城、洞奇石美的独特景观,被世人美誉为“桂林山水甲天下”。  杭州西湖:位于浙江省杭州市西部,杭州市中心,旧称武林水、钱塘湖、西子湖,宋代始称西湖。西湖有风景名胜40多处,重点文物古迹30多处。历史上除有“钱塘十景”、“西湖十八景”之外,最著名的是南宋定名的“西湖十景”和1985年评出的“新西湖十景”。  **故宫: **故宫为世界五大宫殿之首,其它四殿分别是法国凡尔赛宫、英国白金汉宫、***克里姆林宫和**白宫**的皇宫。明朝第三位**朱棣在夺取帝位后,决定迁都**,即开始营造紫禁城宫殿,至明永乐十八年(1420年)落成。依照**古代星象学说,紫微星(即北极星)位于中天,乃天帝所居,天人对应,是以**的居所又称紫禁城。  苏州园林:她的历史可上溯至公元前6世纪春秋时期吴王的园囿,私家园林最早见于记载的是东晋(4世纪)的辟疆园,历代造园兴盛,名园日多。明清时期,苏州成为**最繁华的地区之一,私家园林遍布古城内外。16--18世纪全盛时期,苏州有园林200余处,至今保存尚好的有数十处,并因此使苏州素有“人间天堂”的美誉。古典园林**有:拙政园、留园、网师园、环秀山庄、狮子林、怡园、沧浪亭、耦园、艺圃等。  长江三峡:**长江上游瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡的合称,简称三峡。长江三峡,**10大风景名胜之一,**40佳旅游景观之首。长江三峡西起重庆奉节的白帝城,东到湖北宜昌的南津关,是瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡三段峡谷的总称,是长江上最为奇秀壮丽的山水画廊,全长192公里,也就是常说的“大三峡”。  **日月潭:日月潭是**的“天池”十分美丽,湖周35公里,水域9*方公里多,为全省最大的天然湖泊,也是全国少数著名的高山湖泊之一。其地环湖皆山,湖水澄碧,湖中有天然小岛浮现,圆若明珠,形成“青山拥碧水,明潭抱绿珠”的美丽景观。清人曾作霖说它是“山中有水水中山,山自凌空水自闲”;陈书游湖,也说是“但觉水环山以外,居然山在水之中”。300年来,日月潭就凭着这“万山丛中,突现明潭”的奇景而成为宝岛诸胜之冠,驰名于五洲四海。  避暑山庄:承德避暑山庄,**古代帝王宫苑,清代**避暑和处理政务的场所。位于河北省承德市北部。始建于一七零三年,历经清康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,耗时八十九年建成。与全国重点文物保护单位颐和园、拙政园、留园并称为**四大名园。一九九四年十二月,避暑山庄及周围寺庙(热河行宫)被列入世界文化遗产名录。山庄的建筑布局大体可分为宫殿区和苑景区两大部分,苑景区又可分成湖区、*原区和山区三部分。内有康熙乾隆钦定的72景。拥有殿、堂、楼、馆、亭、榭、阁、轩、斋、寺等建筑一百余处。是**三大古建筑群之一,它的最大特色是山中有园,园中有山。  秦始皇陵:位于距西安市30多千米的临潼县城以东的骊山脚下。据史**载:秦始皇嬴政从13岁即位时就开始营建陵园,由亟相李斯主持规划设计,大将章邯监工,修筑时间长达38年,工程之浩大、气魄之宏伟,创历代封建**者奢侈厚葬之先例。当时,秦朝总人口约2000万,而筑陵劳役达72万之多。修陵家用土,取自今陵园以南2000米的三刘村到县采石场部之间,有高5~25米的多级黄土崖  **著名的旅游景点介绍 4  广州都有哪些著名的旅游景点——白云山  白云山景色秀丽,自古以来就是广州有名的风景胜地。如”蒲涧濂泉”、”白云晚望”、”景泰僧归”等,均被列入古代”羊城八景”。60年代和80年代,白云山分别以”白**涛”和”云山锦秀”胜景两度被评为”羊城新八景”之一。清末时有白云寺、双溪寺、能仁寺、弥勒寺等古寺及白山仙馆、明珠、百花冢等名胜古迹。每逢九九重阳佳节,羊城人民更以登白云山为乐事,届时,扶老携幼,人流熙熙攘攘的热闹场景便构成羊城一幅独特的风情画  广州都有哪些著名的旅游景点——莲花山旅游区  莲花山旅游区位于**口狮子洋畔,海拔108米,面积2.33*方公里,距广州市区30公里,距**60海里,水陆交通十分方便,是一个融古代粗犷和现代秀美于一体的风景名胜区。2002年被广州市**评为“新世纪羊城八景”之一“莲峰观海”,同年还被国家旅游局评定为AAAA级旅游区。  广州都有哪些著名的旅游景点——广州大学城  广州大学城位于广州番禺新造镇小谷围岛及南岸地区,西邻洛溪岛、北邻生物岛、东接长洲岛,与琶洲岛、瀛洲生态公园隔江相望,距广州市中心约17公里,距规划中的广州新城约17公里,地处广州南拓发展上轴和都会区中。周边有以黄埔军校为**的近代史迹文化;以余荫山房和宝墨园为**的传统与现代岭南园林文化;以琶洲国际会展中心、广州生物岛为标志的现代城市文化。  广州都有哪些著名的旅游景点——大夫山公园  大夫山森林公园是广州最大的公园,被称为“番禺的氧吧”。它位于番禺市桥以西三公里处,跨市桥、钟村两镇,毗邻顺德碧桂园,北与祈福新村接壤。公园总面积约9000亩,是广州地区生态型森林公园的又一奇葩。公园内连绵不断的群山环抱着海拔226.6米的番禺第二高峰大夫山,还有大小山塘星罗棋布和多个别具匠心的人工湖,从而形成了峰恋起伏、湖光倒影的景象。独具匠心的亭台楼阁使山清水秀的环境增添不少色彩。  广州都有哪些著名的旅游景点——广州动物园  广州动物园(GuangZhou Zoo)位于广州市东北面,东邻十九路军陵园,南接环市南路,西边云鹤路,北衔先烈中路。有南门和北门两个出入口,两门均设有停车场,多达四十路公共汽车经过南北门,交通十分方便。于1958年建成开放,占地面积42公顷,目前饲养和展览着**外400多种近5000头 (只) 动物,年接待游客400万人次,是我国三大城市动物园之一。  广州都有哪些著名的旅游景点——越秀公园  越秀山以西汉时南越王赵佗曾在山上建“朝汉台”而得名。建过观音阁,又名观音山。著名古迹镇海楼,又名五层楼,楼分五层,高28米,登楼远眺,羊城美景尽收眼底。园内还有古之楚庭和佛山牌坊,古城墙、四方炮台、中山纪念碑、孙中山读书治事处碑、伍廷芳墓、明绍武君臣冢、海员亭、五羊石像、五羊传说雕塑像群、球形水塔、电视塔等。元代以来被称为羊城八景之一,元代为粤台秋月,明代为粤秀松涛,清代为粤秀连峰、镇海层楼,现代有越秀远眺、越秀层楼、越秀新晖。  广州都有哪些著名的旅游景点——百万葵园  百万葵园主题公园,位于广州市南沙区万顷沙镇,占地面积26万*方米,种植一百万株向日葵,它将为广州这座国际花园城市**增光添彩,成为目前全国第一家、全部采用进口种子(以**为主)的观赏性向日葵乐园。  广州都有哪些著名的旅游景点——广州长隆欢乐世界  长隆欢乐世界是长隆集团世界级旅游王国中一颗新的`明珠,位于**首批5A级旅游景区长隆旅游度假区的中心位置,是集乘骑游乐、特技剧场、巡游表演、生态休闲、特色餐饮、主题商店、综合服务于一体,具国际先进技术和管理水*的超大型世界顶尖主题游乐园。  **著名的旅游景点介绍 5  东西巷  东西巷是桂林明清时代遗留下的唯一的一片历史街巷,空间尺度宜人,是桂林古历史风貌的观景区,包含了正阳街东巷、江南巷、兰井巷等桂林传统街巷。东西巷经过三年的保护修缮,还原了明、清古建筑风貌,成为了桂林历史文化的一张名片。既为市民提供旅游、休闲、购物的场所,也是中外游客了解桂林历史文化的窗口。  大圩古镇  千年古镇——大圩,附近的雄村保存很完整的明清古建筑。码头对面有几个岛,专搞农家乐旅游的,实惠,住一晚小木楼才10元/人。吃正宗的漓江鱼,青菜;还可以自己划竹排,唱卡拉OK,烧烤场地全免费的,至于下地摘草莓,摘橙子柚子一般先吃饱再称,也是可以的,当地人相当淳朴。桂林----大圩有班车前往,费用大约是2元/人,非常便宜哦!  阳朔西街  阳朔位于桂林市南面63公里,是最早确定的“国家级风景旅游名胜区”之一,是一座有2000多年历史的漓江边最美的城镇,媲美桂林,游人如云。不到一公里的阳朔西街,位于县城中心,全长517米,宽8米,大理石路面,呈弯曲的S形,房屋建筑古色古香,地方特色浓厚。荟萃各种旅游纪念品、小吃于街市。其充满了异国情调的夜景更是风情万种,风俗浓郁。  漓江  不游漓江水,不知漓江清!訾州在**桥附近,是个免费的游泳场,**指定的游泳安全区域花几毛钱存放衣物就可以了。訾州又在象鼻山的对面,可以免费看象鼻山,因为象鼻公园门口都被竹子给遮得严实,你想照张相都难。  逍遥楼  逍遥楼始建于唐初武德年间(公元618年—626年),登楼可鸟瞰漓水诸峰,唐代以来大批文人墨客登楼赋诗吟咏,留下大批名篇佳作。该楼毁于**战争初期。2015年1月,桂林市****在滨江路开工重建逍遥楼,为二层三檐楼阁式景观建筑,高约24米,长宽各22米,建筑面积630*方米。如今岿然屹立在漓江边。  正阳步行街  桂林市正阳步行街,南与与杉湖相接,北至**东路与明王城正阳门相连,东伴举世闻名的漓江,西邻中心广场,全长666米(暗合**民间"六六大顺"的口彩),路面是朴实古雅的青石板。这条街上,既有表达正阳等传统渊源的中式仿古建筑,又有配以桂林山水浮雕的桂北民间建筑;既有南亚、**、韩国的建筑,又有欧式古典建筑;既有阳朔西街的情调,又有**王府井的热闹;既有浓厚的商业气息,又有传统文化氛围;既有民族风格,又有现代风韵,中西合璧,古今一体;被人们誉为“**西部第一街”。  **著名的旅游景点介绍 6  茶卡盐湖  茶卡盐湖地处青海柴达木盆地东部的乌兰县茶卡镇,是古丝绸之路的重要站点,东距西宁298公里,西距州府德令哈200公里,被誉为柴达木东大门,历史上是商贾、游客进疆入藏的必经之地。 湖光山色风光旖旎,景色优美。湖面上,时而碧波荡漾,时而有莽莽苍苍,一片洁白,容秀丽、壮美于一体,在青藏高原众多的盐湖家族中,气象万千,独具特色。  盐湖长15.8KM,宽9.2KM,储量4.5亿吨,面积105*方公里,漫步湖上,犹如进入了盐的世界。在这里,可以观看采盐船采盐时喷水吐盐的壮观场景,欣赏盐湖日出、晚霞的绚丽画卷,透过清盈的湖水,观赏形状各异,正在生长的栩栩如生的朵朵盐花,探求湖底世界的神秘,还能领略到涨潮后湖面上留下的滚滚盐涛奇观。  青海湖  青海湖又名“库库淖尔”,即蒙语“青色的海”之意。它位于青海省东北部的青海湖盆地内,既是**最大的内陆湖泊,也是**最大的咸水湖。由祁连山的大通山、日月山与青海南山之间的断层陷落形成。  青海湖湖区的自然景观主要有:青海湖、鸟岛、海心山、沙岛、三块石、二郎剑;湖滨山水草原区主要有日月山、倒淌河、小北湖、布哈河、月牙湖、热水温泉、错搭湖、夏格尔山、包忽图听泉和金银滩草原等。七、八月是去青海湖的最好时节。油菜花开得大片,一年一度的环湖自行车赛也是那时举行。  日月山  门票:40元  日月山海拔最高为4877米,是青海湖东部的天然水坝。日月山不仅有恢宏的历史意义,它还有非常重大的地理意义:划分了农耕文明与游牧文明。*均海拔4000米左右,藏语叫日月山为“**达哇”,蒙古语称“纳喇萨喇”,都是太阳和月亮的意思。介绍旅游景点的英语作文3篇(扩展7)——**必去的旅游景点介绍优选【1】份  **必去的旅游景点介绍 1  日月潭  **最久负盛名的景点之一。日月潭最美妙的时间是黎明和黄昏。黎明时,湖面的轻烟还没散去,隐隐约约地看到天边的晨星和远山的几点灯光;日落时,潭水荡漾着美丽的霞光。  阳明山国家公园  阳明山国家公园是****地区最早的国家公园之一,前身为**侵略时期成立的“大屯国立公园”;位于**市近郊,行政区域包括**市北投区、士林区,**县的万里乡、金山乡、三芝乡、淡水镇一带。  三峡清水祖师庙  三峡长福岩,古称三角涌长福岩,人称三峡祖师庙,素有“东方艺术殿堂”之称。三峡清水祖师庙位于**县三峡镇民生路旁,原名长福岩,三峡清水祖师庙创建于清乾隆三十二 年,三峡清水祖师庙由三角湧(三峡古名)及莺哥等地安溪人迎安溪清水严祖师来此祀奉。  **故宫博物院  **故宫,别名中山博物院,为**规模最大的博物馆,同时也是古代**艺术与汉学研究的重镇,所藏近70万件册文物为世界最负盛名的'古代**艺术珍品。名列全球最受欢迎艺术博物馆第六位。  清境农场  清境位于南投县仁爱乡,坐拥在群山之间,视野广阔,可欣赏奇莱山日出的奇景,远眺合欢山积雪,山岚云雾飘渺,夕阳晚霞的缤纷万变,夜晚仰望灿烂的银河星空,年*均温度约16℃,早晚温差2 ~ 5度,所以清境农场因此有『雾上桃源』的美称。  太鲁阁  走遍全**的胜景,如果没到花莲的太鲁阁,那可是一大憾事了。由花莲沿九号省道,经新城至太鲁阁,从东西横贯公路的牌楼进入,处处是美景,花东纵谷的地形,在此展露无遗!  中正纪念堂  中正纪念堂建于1976-1980年,为纪念***而建。全区包括中正纪念堂、中正纪念公园、牌楼、围捕、瞻仰大道、剧院及音乐厅。造型仿北*天坛之顶、埃及金字塔之体,高耸威严,诠释**宫殿式建筑富丽堂皇之美,更显示浓烈的艺文气息。介绍旅游景点的英语作文3篇(扩展8)——英语海南旅游景点介绍范文五份  英语海南旅游景点介绍 1  Nanshan Culture Tourism Zone is famous for Buddhist culture and beauty. Millions of visitors go every year. The zone features three theme parks: Buddhism Culture Park, Blessing and Longevity Park and Hainan Custom Culture Park. It is also home to Nanshan Temple and the statue of the South China Sea Kwan-yin Bodhisattva. The giant sea-side statue of Kwan-yin stands 108 meters and was constructed out of gold, diamonds and jade.  Admission: 150 yuan  Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Get there: Bus from downtown Sanya  英语海南旅游景点介绍 2  My hometown is Hainan. Here is the famous four seasons such as spring, coconut island.  The natural scenery of Hainan is especially beautiful. Coconut trees, sea, sun and sand constitute a beautiful scenery line. There are many coconut trees on the island. Coconut tree tall shady covered with fruit juice is delicious, sweet and delicious big coconut.  The sea in Hainan is the most beautiful. In the blue color of the sea, the sea waves are suddenly high and low, broken and continued, suddenly and slowly. The wave flaps the coast and makes a moving voice, as charming as the singer's singing.  Hainan is not only natural and beautiful, but also a lot of food. There are four delicious dishes in Hainan in sheep, let you eat flavorful aggradation duck, with tender skin fragrant Wenchang chicken, and eat also want to eat the crab. How do you listen to my introduction? Is it drooling?  Even more gratifying is that, from the Haikou evening news, which is subscribed by the central television news and the family, I know that the hometown will be built into an international tourism island, knowing that the annual Boao forum is also held in Hainan. I think my hometown will be a tourist attraction for more and more people.  What, my hometown is good! Foreign friends, you have come to visit Hainan, to feel our hometown coconut trees, sea, sun and sand......  英语海南旅游景点介绍 3  Hainan is the southernmost province of our country. I heard the scenery was picturesque and the temperature was suitable, so I'd like to see it. In this year I again begged mom and dad in the travel agency, the newspaper, I finally have a chance to see the South China Sea Pearl - Hainan face!  What impresses me most in Hainan is all kinds of tropical fruits, tall coconut trees, gold and golden beaches, and the boundless sea. Now, let me give you a brief introduction of these things.  Let's talk about the fruit of Hainan first! Because of the warm climate here, many kinds of fruit are produced. Is eating stinky smell fragrant durian, nutrient rich pitaya, eat like egg yolk like fruit, carambola star like, with sweet and sour sapodilla, have long durian like jackfruit, a thin meat, sweet emperor banana, a body is a treasure of coconut...... Many kinds, right?  The fruit should be introduced to the tree of the long fruit. Hainan Island is also called the "Coconut Island" here coconut and areca trees everywhere, and they look like, but the coconut tree tree, some slightly thicker than areca shorter, so the coconut tree is known locally as "elder brother tree" areca tree is called the "Mei tree". Ninety-nine percent of China's coconuts are produced in Hainan, which is because of the warm climate in Hainan and coconut in all the year.  Hainan province is located in the southernmost Chinese, Sanya city is the southernmost province of Hainan, but also in Sanya city "the remotest corners of the globe" on the south end, so each person will travel to Hainan for a visit here, at the entrance there is a scenic star model inside the remotest corners of the globe, inlaid with a crystal, abnormal beautiful. The golden beaches were spread near the blue and blue sea. The seaside "South Tianzhu" stone is called fortune stone, because it appears on the back of the two yuan RMB, and there are "Tianya" and "Jiao Jiao" stone. When Jiang ***** and Li Changchun came here, there were all kinds of coconut trees on the right side of "Tianya" and "Jiao Jiao" stone.  Is it beautiful in Hainan? I hope there's a chance to have a look at the students.  英语海南旅游景点介绍 4  A few years ago, a summer vacation, I came to the tourist resort, Hainan, with the tour group.  We sat in the car and got upset and arrived for four or five hours. The car stops, my eyes bright, a big piece of coconut, coconut trees, some young girls in: "you drink coconut, fresh and large coconut!" Hear the clear voice, you do not want to buy. The girls skilfully opened a small mouth at the top of the coconut and handed over a straw. It can suck a mouthful of it, with a natural fragrance juice down your throat gently slide, urinary refreshing, very comfortable.  Near the afternoon, we came to the statue hall, which stood a crowd of coconut dolls, look different, true to life, very cute. Let you wonder if the engraved man has magic. On the other side of the statue hall, there are twelve zodiac signs of wood carving. My hands clenched, and his zodiac: tiger made a gesture of tiger Wu Song, aunt quickly pressed the shutter, according to my view. Unwittingly, the sky was already dark, and I left the statue hall.  On the morning of the second day, we came to the ends of the earth in the yacht. The sea breeze gently stroked my face, my hands gently crossed the green water, making you feel in heaven. In the yacht, I saw four big words on a big stone, "the ends of the earth". Suddenly, a big wave came and splashed snow-white waves. The spray reflected sunlight in the sunlight. It was like a fairy who was born from this colorful jade. The tide slowly retreat, the sea suddenly appeared a spectacle - diversiform shells appeared in the golden beach, dazzle you, have some sparkling green, little and dainty, in short, are very beautiful.  It was time to go home, I am unable to part from Hainan. Oh! Beautiful Hainan Island.  英语海南旅游景点介绍 5  There are a lot of places I've been to, but I think the most interesting place is Hainan Island.  There is a fresh air, beautiful scenery and rich products. It is a famous tourist resort in China.  There are some very distinctive fruits in Hainan. Coconut trees are everywhere, covered with large and small coconut mango; some small, some yellow, sometimes orange, some green, some color; areca has a strange eating is first put into the mouth, then spit it out......  Hainan clothing and our side is not the same, where people are wearing brightly coloured clothes of the island. The weather, plants, environment and seasons in Hainan are also different from us.  Sanya in Hainan is a place of fun and beauty. Sanya's Yalong bend is the world's most famous Bay of the world. In the morning, the sun is shining yellow on the beach, particularly moving; at noon, the burning sun, the beach is like a mirror reflecting sunlight back, sea blue, like the sky; in the evening, the water became dark blue, yellow sand loess soil.  The sand of Yalong Bay is very thin and thin. We can play a lot of games on that beach. Last time, I had a long and magnificent castle on the beach with my father. A sea breeze suddenly increased, roaring waves waves over and over again to us a castle destroyed.  The ends of the earth are also famous in Sanya. "Tianya" is carved on the cliff like stone, and the front is a square like open beach. The words "Cape" are far from the corner, so many people can't find it. It takes a lot of effort to find the word "Cape", either climb up the stone or go down to the deep water. If you are tired you can lie on the shore of the couch, basking in the sun, the sea breeze blowing, at Coconut Juice, is really a rare treat.  Hainan is a place of beautiful scenery, fresh air and rich products.}


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