
08-11-11 & 发布
Beauty is a beast
8个人?难得找个这么多人的本子. THE MASK 面膜 剧情大意: Julie是一个很爱美的高中生,在班上人缘很好,但是她爱美的个性使得她变得有些自傲。对於外貌毫不在意的Cathy,因此是跟Julie完全搭不上线的同班同学。一天下午,Julie在跟哥哥聊天后发现自己脸上长了一个很大的脓疱,於是她将浴室里那瓶神奇面膜敷在脸上,隔天早上起床后,可怕的事情就发生了…… Narrator Julie Cathy Debbie Teresa David Julie’s dad Julie’s mom Classmate A Classmate B Classmate C Classmate D Scene 1 Narrator: Julie is a very pretty girl who is popular with her classmates. But she has a serious problem—she is vain. One day, during lunch hour at school, the two pretty girls are talking which color nail polish to put on. Debbie: What colors should I put on nails for the math class? Look, my calculator is black but my shoes are pink. Maybe I can choose both of the colors. That will be cool. Teresa: What about me? I don’t know which color I should put on for the PE class, either. My sneakers are blue and the athlete uniform is orange. Would you advise me? (Cathy comes in)Oh hi, Cath, what do you think—blue or orange? Cathy: Gosh, I don’t know. Is this important? (Answer impatiently) (The other girls laugh) Debbie: God, you don’t know anything, do you, Cathy? Teresa: Yeah, you don’t even brush your hair in the mornings. Scarecrow! (The other girls laugh at Cathy louder.) Cathy: At least I’m not stupid like you! Don’t you have something better to talk about than make-up? Teresa: You are just jealous of us because you’re so ugly! Cathy: How dare you! (Cathy shouted, trying not to cry, and turn to Julie) Tell them to shut up! Narrator: Julie is offended by Cathy. She thinks Teresa is right. Julie: Look in the mirror, Cathy. (The three of them walk out.) (Cathy is irritated and tears drop.) Scene 2 Narrator: The same evening, Julie is trying to do her science homework when her brother comes in. David: Do you have the money I lent you last week, Julie? Julie: Sorry, Dave. I bought some mascara yesterday. David: But you promised! I need it for the movies tonight! Julie: It was an emergency! David: Huh, your priorities are all wrong, sis. (Notice a pimple on Julie’s face.) Nice pimple you have there, by the way. Julie: Pimple?! What pimple?! (Julie runs to look in the mirror) Aaaargh!! It’s huge! It’s so big! David: Ha ha ha, with all that make-up you use, I’m not surprised. (Laugh and leave.) Narrator: Of course Julie is in shock. Now this is really an emergency. (Julie stops doing her homework and goes straight to the bathroom. She found a jar of “Miraculous Herbal Mask for pimples” and read the instructions.) Julie: (Read slowly) Put a small amount on the affected area and leave on for twenty minutes max. Wash off with warm water. (Talk to herself) Excellent, so if I put a large amount of this on my whole face over night, it will be even better, right? (Julie puts the mask on her whole face and lies on her bed.) Narrator: So that’s exactly what she did and went to bed looking like Godzilla! (Lights off) Scene 3 (The alarm clock goes off at six o’clock) Narrator: It’s another beautiful day. Julie wakes up at the six o’clock. She walks to the bathroom to wash her face, but there’s something wrong…(Julie tries every way to wash off the mask.) Narrator: She tries warm water, hot water, and cold water. Use her fingers, a sponge, even her toothbrush! The rock hard and bright green mask stays well on her face. She couldn’t even move her mouth to speak. (Julie wants to speak but she can’t. She runs to her parents’ room with the jar of mask) Narrator: She goes to her parents’ room and wakes them up. (Julie wakes her parents up. Her mom opens her eyes and screams.) Mom: Aaaargh! (Waking up her father.) Father: Julie, is that you? (Julie nods) What is that on your face? Julie: Grgmmf…hrmmphgh…gh. (Julie shows her parents the mask jar. Then they understand.) Mom: You silly girl, can you follow the simple instruction? Don’t you do experiments in science any more or what? Julie: Gffrr… Dad: Right. Get dressed, Julie. You’re going to school. I’m sure the mask will come off sooner or later. Jule: HHRGGHHDD!! Mom: Yes, dear. Be patient. Narrator: Julie couldn’t believe her ears. School! Looking like a green monster. How could she face her classmates today? Scene 4 Classmate A: Look at that. Is that Julie? Classmate B: Oh, my god. She looks so funny! Classmate A: Yeah, How could she come to school like this? Classmate B: She’s just like the green giant—Hulk. (They both laugh at Julie) Debbie: You look like the Ness Monster! Can we call you Nessie? (Two girls burst into a laugh) (The whole class start laughing. Then the first class bell rings) Teresa: Listen Nessie, your face is green, my T-shirt’s pink and Debbie’s jeans are blue. We can’t possibly sit together today! (They both laugh and walk away. Cathy sees that scene.) Cathy: Hi, Julie. There’s a seat next to me, if you want. (They go to the back of the classroom and sit down.) Cathy: Hey, come on, silly. Don’t cry because of them. They’re just stupid. (Julie can’t help stop, and salty tears run down her face. Cathy starts smiling and gets a mirror out her bag.) Cathy: Look, Julie! Julie: NNNGGGG!(She doesn’t want to look at her horrible green face.) Cathy: Look! (Julie looks into the mirror.) The salt in your tears is reacting with the mask, you see. A simple chemical reaction. Can you speak now? Julie: Yes! Yes, I can. Oh Cathy, thank you so much. I’m so sorry I was horrible to you yesterday. Cathy: Don’t worry, Julie. Now do you understand how I felt? Julie: Hmm, Terrible. Oh no, here comes Doctor Murphy. I haven’t done my homework! Cathy: Here you are, Julie, you can copy mine. Julie: Oh thanks a lot, Cath. You are too good to me. How can you ever forgive me? ~The End~ 更多:Article/eng/Index.html
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&&& 各位老师,各位同学:&&& 大家好。很高兴在这里见到大家,首先感谢各位评委陪伴我们比赛选手从预赛,到复赛、再到决赛,因为一路上有你们的存在,我们逐渐成熟,不断成长,也不断完善。更要感谢各位评委给我这次进入决赛的机会,在接下来的比赛中我会百尺竿头,更进一步。同时祝福进入决赛的各位选手,在比赛中赛出水平,秀出精彩。加油!&&& 每当站在决赛的舞台上,心里难免有一种隐隐约约的压力感,不过有压力才有动力,而我偏偏就喜欢这种压力感,喜欢这种挑战,更喜欢挑战后的激情。什么是好的演讲,我没有找到明确的答案,但是我觉得好的演讲应该是在讲,而不是在背,亦不是在读。所以,今天我决定不再用以前的稿子,一方面,我想同一种感受对于一个讲述者来说也是不能重复,不能复制的。另一方面,我想给各位评委和同学们带去一些新的内容,一些的思想,一些新的心灵的感触。言归正传,对于在座的各位同学,尤其是各位男同学来说,在宿舍里肯定有一群玩的比较好的兄弟们吧,你们之间肯定发生过许多有趣并且难忘得记忆吧。所以今天我与大家交流的主题就围绕着宿舍兄弟情展开,如果非要我给它加上一个题目的话,我希望是:兄弟情,永相随;弟兄义,难忘记。&&& 青春如流逝的岁月,无声无息地从指间划过,当我们发觉,当我们回首,当我们想要抓住那一分一秒的时候,我们看到已是时光那望尘莫及的背影。在无穷无尽的求知路上,伴随我们的永远是那浓浓的舍友情!&&& 宿舍,我们温馨的港湾,那是一群离家的孩子共同汲取温暖的驿站。如今,我们离开了家走向了一个未知的世界,而来自四面八方的我们又重新组建了另一个小集体――我们的宿舍。在过去这坎坎坷坷的大半年中,我们一块走过青春最美好的时光,一起经历着大学生活的点点滴滴。感谢你们!我亲爱的舍友!感谢你们,我们永远的兄弟。谈到朝夕相伴的舍友,我不想用什么华丽的辞藻,也不想用什么豪言壮语,我只想用简单不过的三个字“兄弟吧”足以代表一切。&&& 借本次演讲比赛的东风,我小心翼翼地梳理着来到大学,与宿舍兄弟们在一起的那些色彩斑斓的日子,整理着那些青春美好的记忆。&&& 光阴似箭,岁月如梭,转眼间,大半年的时间已经悄然逝去。在这段时间里,大大小小的事情发生过不少,但是有些事情已搜索枯肠不可得,但有些事情仍历历在目,至今记忆犹新。依然清晰的记得我们新生正式开学的前一天的场景。当时我来大学的时候,是我父亲陪我来的,他本来打算在这里住一晚,然后明天陪我到校报名的。可是当天下午,我父亲突然接到电话,说家里有事,所以他就提前回去啦。当时我一个人呆在宾馆里,不知道是天气太闷热的原因,还是我心情太沉重的原因,特别想到街道上去走一走,去转一转,去呼吸一下新鲜空气,去感受一下这座城市。但那次毕竟是我第一次来这里嘛,感觉人生地不熟,也不知道去那走,也不知道去那转。当时心里也很纠结,徘徊了一段时间后,在夜幕下,我毅然决然的走出了宾馆的大门,来到了马路上。当我身处一个陌生的城市,走在一个陌生的街道,看着城市的花红柳绿,看着城市的车水马龙,我的心中不免有一种小迷茫,有一种小孤单,更有一种小小的想家的冲动。我想这种感觉,大家肯定都体会过吧。尤其是当你处在一个陌生的环境里,举目四望没有一个亲人的时候,我想这种感觉会异常强烈吧。但第二天我来到宿舍后,这种感觉很快就烟消云散啦。当我看到那群和蔼可亲的舍友,当我和他们谈笑风生的时候,我的心中顿时少了些许阴霾,多了丝丝温暖。我知道我找到了一个在陌生的城市落脚的地方,我也知道在这里我一定会快乐而充实的度过我的大学生活。&&& 我们的生命总是这般,点点滴滴色彩斑斓,如萤火般细微,却也想与皓月争辉;如灯光般昏暗,却也曾照亮一片天空;如精卫般轻盈,却也存填海之志。其实我们每天都生活在感动别人和被别人感动之中,只不过我们大多数人喜欢把这种感动埋藏在心中,去静静地品味其中的幸福。&&& 今天我依然穿着同样的衣服,因为这件衣服包含着舍友们对我的支持与期待。就在本次比赛我刚刚报名的后,我对宿舍的兄弟们说,我要参加演讲比赛啦,需要穿的正式一点,因我们宿舍的兄弟们就开始准备了。记得当时是寿寿和子荣给我拿的上衣,家家给我拿的衬衣,寿寿给我拿的皮鞋,波波给我拿的裤子,小雨和阿亮就在一边帮我搭配着。我没有想到的,大家都给我想到了,真的挺感谢他们的。虽然有些衣服穿着不怎么合身,但是人多力量大嘛,在大家的准备下,很快一身行头就准备好了。看着大家为我忙碌的背影,拿着准备好的西装,一种怦然心动的感觉流遍我的全身。心中暖暖的,鼻尖酸酸的,我知道那一刻我被感动啦,感动的那么彻底,感动那么纯粹,那一刻我也深深地明白,这就是宿舍,这就是家,是兄弟,是情谊,是感动,是一辈子最宝贵的财富,是一生难以忘却的永恒的记忆。也许有人会说大男生之间的这种感情没有女生间的那样细腻,那样温柔,那样体贴。但是我想说,男生之间的这种情谊,情到浓时,也足以让你情不自禁的潸然泪下,让你感动不已。想必在座的各位同学,尤其是大二的师哥们对这种兄弟情体会更深吧,我喜欢这种情谊,喜欢这种男人间的兄弟情。&&& 我们这宿舍,一个不大的屋子,却承载有我们太多的记忆。在这里我们曾一起因看《死神来了》《致命弯道》等恐怖片而惊呼过;曾因贪睡在床上翻来覆去郁闷过;曾因担心挂科而在考试的前一天复习到深夜过;在这里兄弟们曾一起聚过餐,一起逛过街,一起k过歌。在这里我们打过闹过,哭过笑过,正经过,也曾疯狂过。总之,这里有我们的点点滴滴,有我们的大学生活,有我们的青春岁月。&&& 时间无涯,生命有限,因为知道大学生活的来之不易,所以我会十分珍惜;因为知道宿舍兄弟情的难能可贵,所以我会倍加呵护。因此,在这美好却又短暂的青春岁月里,能够有一段刻骨铭心的宿舍兄弟情,那一定是弥足珍贵,值得珍藏一生的。也许某年某月的某一天,在某一个阳光明媚的午后,你坐在一个摇椅上,品着一杯淡淡的香茗,回忆起这段美好的记忆时,我想你还是会那么珍惜,还是会那样的感动,还是会那样幸福。&&& 我想对我宿舍的兄弟们说:“我将终生用一种温柔的心情来拥有你们,一群可爱的舍友,一群最知心的兄弟。像过去的每一个日子一样,默祝你们的生活盛满了青春,盛满了希望,更盛满了诗意。”当岁月流转与时光轮回都无迹可循时,当你蓦然回首时,你会发现有一样东西藏在时光长剧的背后,从未走远。这一折子的回目便是:我们的大学生活,我们的青春岁月。&&& 感谢各位老师和同学的的倾听,我的演讲结束
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