
手机扫描二维码,把小组装进口袋 第三方登录:英语翻译采访的.中小学水平就行了.只要语法没问题.1.你在工作日里几点起床?2.你有不吃早餐的习惯吗?3.早上起床后你会做运动吗?如果有那是什麽运动?4.你乘坐什麽交通工具上班?5.从你家来这里(上班)要花多长_百度作业帮 英语翻译采访的.中小学水平就行了.只要语法没问题.1.你在工作日里几点起床?2.你有不吃早餐的习惯吗?3.早上起床后你会做运动吗?如果有那是什麽运动?4.你乘坐什麽交通工具上班?5.从你家来这里(上班)要花多长时间?6.你一周要工作多少天?7.你每天花多长时间在打扮上?8.你的睡眠时间是多少?9.一天中你最喜欢哪个时间段?为什麽?10.你一般如何安排自己的休息日?可能我中文的语法也有点问题..凑合著看吧.. 1.你在工作日里几点起床?At what time do you get up on workdays?2.你有不吃早餐的习惯吗?Are you used to skipping your breakfast?3.早上起床后你会做运动吗?如果有那是什麽运动?Will you do exercises after getting up in the morning?If yes,what kind of exercise is it?4.你乘坐什麽交通工具上班?What means of transportation do you take to work?5.从你家来这里(上班)要花多长时间?How long does it take you to travel here from your home?6.你一周要工作多少天?How many hours do you work in a week?7.你每天花多长时间在打扮上?How many hours do you spend on make-up?8.你的睡眠时间是多少?How many hours of sleep do you have?9.一天中你最喜欢哪个时间段?为什麽?Which duration of the day do you like most?Why?10.你一般如何安排自己的休息日?What arrangements would you make for your rest days generally?人工翻译 自己翻译的哦,当然可能也有问题啦When do you get up on weekdays?Do you have the habbit that go without breakfast?Do you do some exercise in the morning? if you do,what it is?How do you go do work?<... 1.你在工作日里几点起床?When will you get up in workdays?2.你有不吃早餐的习惯吗?Do you have the hobit that you don't have breakfast3.早上起床后你会做运动吗?如果有那是什麽运动?Will you do some exercise in the morning ... what time do you get up in your working days?Do you have a habit not to have breakfast?What sports will you do when you get up in the moring? If do,which ones?How do you go to work?


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