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热门话题:大丑风流记,成人伊人,干嫂子,色落落中文娱乐网,亚洲性爱城Cult leader jailed in central China-大丑风流记第二部,大丑风流记 第二部,偷腥,囚人的幸福生活,绯之缠
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Cult leader jailed in central China
内容摘要:大丑风流记第二部,大丑风流记 第二部,偷腥,囚人的幸福生活,绯之缠...
Cao Yinhua, 48, a regional leader of the illegal cult Quannengshen (almighty god), stands trial at the district people's court of Wuchang, Wuhan City, July 1, 2014. Cao was sentenced to four years in jail, according to the ruling of the court. (Xinhua/Xiao Yijiu)
WUHAN, July 1 (Xinhua) -- A cult leader was sentenced to four years in jail in central China's Hubei Province on Tuesday.
Cao Yinhua, 48, a regional leader of the illegal cult Quannengshen (almighty god), was found guilty of establishing grassroots cult organizations, recruiting believers and producing preaching articles in Hubei and Hunan provinces, according to the ruling of the district people's court of Wuchang, Wuhan City.
Cao was caught by police in October 2013. Twenty books, 53 pamphlets, 49 discs and six computers that included Quannengshen material were found in her knapsack and at places where they gathered, according to the court.
Cao joined the cult in February 2007. She received laojiao (reeducation through labor) punishment for 18 months in 2009. She became the cult's top leader in Hubei and Hunan in early 2013, according to the court.
Twenty-five cult members were given jail terms from three and a half years to eight years in northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region last Thursday.
The cult came into the spotlight when six Quannengshen members beat a woman to death on May 28 at a McDonalds outlet in Zhaoyuan City in the eastern province of Shandong, after she refused to give her telephone number to the members, who were allegedly trying to recruit people.
Appearing in the 1990s in central China's Henan Province, the Quannengshen group claims that Jesus has been resurrected as Yang Xiangbin, wife of the sect's founder Zhao Weishan, also known as Xu Wenshan. The couple fled to the United States in September 2000.
The sect has been widely criticized for spreading rumors and coercing people to join. In late October and early November 1998, robberies and assaults connected with the cult were reported over 12 days in Henan's Tanghe County, with victims' limbs broken and ears cut off.
标签:cult leader,Cao Yinhua,Wuchang
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&&& 《大丑风流记》-江南哭哭生+着
&&& 人物简介:
&&& 牛大丑:因中奖而改变命运,从此踏上创业与泡妞之路。
&&& 林小雅:大丑邻家女孩,大学美女,大丑第一个女人。
&&& 铁春涵:人称&铁仙子&,是大丑与诸多男性的梦中情人。
&&& 李倩辉:某大官儿媳,有名的美人,大丑的贴心情人。
&&& 杨小君:大丑的服装城同事,人称&铿锵玫瑰&。
&&& 唐小聪:某大学女生,大丑房客。见她瓜子脸,肤色稍黑,眉眼倒俊俏。
&&& 金玉娇:某领导情人,与大丑有染。
&&& 杨水华:春涵表嫂,熟妇。
&&& 小菊:大丑以前对象。
&&& 叶如莲:大丑学生时代的&校花&,现在工商局上班。
&&& 班花:在银行上班,人妻。吴颖丽。
&&& 关锦绣:被拐女,河北人。
&&& 李铁城:省城富翁,大丑救过他。
&&& 李家驹:李铁城之子。
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