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> 致命行动分集剧情介绍(1-38全集)大结局
   他推门进去,见李广胜的货箱还没有被动,叶凌青忙找出装张志强的箱子。将箱子打开&&哪知张志强早已经醒了,不过装作昏迷的样子,却在叶凌青打开箱子那 一刻,将藏在手里的瓷片向叶凌青袭来。叶凌青轻易挡开他,张志强却立志要跟叶凌青拼命的样子&&叶凌青一番话让张志强无可奈何,他知道现在除了依靠叶凌青 也没有别的办法了&&
   宝树带人一把火烧了烟土&&可苦了就在地下藏着的张志强,疼痛已经让他神智模糊、只想嘶吼,差点儿让地面上的人听见了。叶凌青很是愤慨,却也无可奈何。 他告知张志强一定要忍住,要戒掉毒瘾,要不然一辈子就完了。张志强心里明白,但是却自暴自弃,他忍受不住毒瘾带来的痛苦。被绑在地窖一角如百蚁闹心的张志 强气急败坏。李广胜对宝树简直咬牙切齿
<span style='color:#:10<span style='color:#:40法治正前方(重播)<span style='color:#:55<span style='color:#:05幸福特卖会(商品直销暂无)<span style='color:#:15<span style='color:#:15日间节目预告06:2906:35
17:3717:50暂播:天气预报全民欢舞大赛(首)晚间节目预告<span style='color:#CC<span style='color:#CC民生快报(暂停)<span style='color:#CC
<span style='color:#CC
<span style='color:#CC<span style='color:#CC幸福剧场(3集)(勇敢的心62-64)<span style='color:#CC法治正前方(首播)<span style='color:#CC1890生活帮(首播)<span style='color:#CC
<span style='color:#CC幸福夜剧场(2集)(我爱男闺蜜26-27)<span style='color:#CC<span style='color:#CC
?节目播出时间仅供参考,以电视播出时间为准(本页面数据最后更新时间 9:55:39)
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>> 浏览文章响林游击队第21-22集剧情介绍
  电视剧响林游击队第21集剧情介绍  铁山来向川野希子报告情况,川野希子警告铁山要是再不提供有用的情报,他们的协议就终止,他再也不可能要回他的孩子……  叶凌青早将张志强转移到了这地窖里藏着……  叶凌青给张志强带了些干粮,叶凌青打算先将张志强藏在此处,等川野希子搜查无望、放松戒备时,再将张志强运出去……  叶凌青发现他脸已经烧得通红,竟是伤势严重、引发了高烧……  ——叶凌青更没想到,川野希子这个狠毒的女人竟让张志强染上毒瘾!张志强在强压毒瘾发作、痛苦不已……  叶凌青用土方法帮他减轻痛苦,却收效甚微,甚至让他的伤口又崩裂开来……  就在此时,叶老爷子让宝树将李广胜的烟土运到谷地上,打算全部烧毁……李广胜抹着眼泪苦求,烧了这批烟土,自己血本无归倾家荡产啊!叶老爷子义正言辞,叶家人绝不沾惹这些玩意!  宝树带人一把火烧了烟土——可苦了就在地下藏着的张志强,疼痛已经让他神智模糊、只想嘶吼,差点儿让地面上的人听见了。叶凌青很是愤慨,却也无可奈何。他告知张志强一定要忍住,要戒掉毒瘾,要不然一辈子就完了。张志强心里明白,但是却自暴自弃,他忍受不住毒瘾带来的痛苦。被绑在地窖一角如百蚁闹心的张志强气急败坏。李广胜对宝树简直咬牙切齿  叶凌青担心张志强毒瘾又犯了,于是把张志强捆住,离开了地窖……  叶凌青来和白丛雪接头,他把张志强的情况告知了白丛雪,并提出了张志强似乎和以前不太一样的疑问。但两人认为或许是鸦片改变了一个人的心志,现在最重要的是治好他。  白丛雪提议在用药的同时,可以将张志强的妻子杨琴弄到他身边,增加他战胜毒瘾的动力。  最后,两人都得到指示,一个月后,华北会有一次大型军事行动,所以一定要在那之前找到军火。  由于担心川野希子对孩子的胁迫,铁山很快就给川野希子提供了非常重要的情报……  川野希子准备对根据地和响林游击队的驻地进行一次大扫荡,以此来挽回皇军的声威。  上田带着一拨日本兵来到了小酒馆。上田带来了川野命令,要求张云爱立刻率领皇协军到司令部接受新的任务。川野希子此时已经点齐人马,准备开始进山扫荡,张云爱率领皇协军来,日本人让他们接管宪兵对县城的守卫,并进行封锁,警戒。  响林游击队线报得知日军展开大面积集结,目标似乎是朝这边而来。铁山让大家做好转移的准备,自己则去查探情况。而与此同时,八路也得到了消息,准备开始转移。  叶凌青来找张云爱,得知日军不寻常的行为,很是怀疑……  等川野希子率领日军来到八路军根据地的时候,八路军已经撤离了,川野希子很是不满,转而朝着响林游击队驻地而去,并通知让叶凌青和张云爱也过来。暗处的铁山见此情况,忙抄近路朝着驻地赶回去……  响林游击队一边撤离,一边和日军进行交战,铁山、林大志和玄娃作为殿后拖延着日军,战斗惨烈,玄武游击队损失惨重,玄娃更是因为保护转移途中的两箱弹药而身受重伤……  等到转移完成,他们消失在山中。  而此时,叶凌青和张云爱赶来。川野希子要叶凌青带着皇军去追击响林游击队。  叶凌青带着日军在玄武山里绕来绕去,终于被川野希子发现,川野希子很是不满,但是叶凌青又说得头头是道,川野希子无奈宣布撤退。  电视剧响林游击队第22集剧情介绍  从玄武山回来之后,叶凌青迅速回到叶家庄,他躲过宝树,匆忙进入地窖。  进入地窖以后,他看见张志强已经昏倒在地上,身体有些抽搐。叶凌青用手摸了摸张志强的额头,发现他正在发着高烧,嘴巴里还在说着胡话。叶凌青心想必须找到一些药品帮助张志强消炎,要不然伤口感染会要他的命的。  他离开了地窖,刚走出来,宝树说他正好要去药店给老爷子买药。叶凌青表示自己正好没事,要不一起去。  在药店里面,叶凌青则在周围乱转,眼神不断地朝摆放药盒的柜子张望,来回搜寻好久,却也没有发现有消炎药的迹象。  玄娃也在战斗中受伤了,可是医用药品严重不足,很多伤员得不到及时的救治,白丛雪和姜秀兰也在帮着护理伤员,林大志见此情景心里非常难受,尽管铁山下令谁也不准私自离开驻地,林大志还是违抗命令,私自下山帮伤员找药。  叶凌青有些着急地回到叶家庄,来找冯念真,他撩起袖子给冯念真看自己的一处旧伤口,他故意在上面撒了点盐,让伤口受刺激变得很红。  川野希子在司令部向川野坚进行汇报,川野认为张志坚很可能已经到达八路手中了,如果是这样就会很麻烦,不过要是他还在县城周边范围的话,就一定可以将他抓回来。  冯念真回来,告知叶凌青现在医院医生也不能随便开消炎药了,必须要有日本主任医师的签字,药房才肯放药。同时,她告知叶凌青,现在医院里到处都是日本士兵,很危险。叶凌青感激冯念真帮他,在冯念真走后,便开始准备潜入医院偷药……  铁山为了伤员也来找川野希子要药,却吃了闭门羹,川野希子不仅不给铁山药,还再次威胁铁山,没有军火,什么都没有。  林大志来到县城,遇上李广胜,心生一计,他假装有好货给李广胜,将他引进小巷,绑到一个屋子中。林大志一刀扎在李广胜大腿上,挟持着李广胜,假扮成看病的人,来到了日军医院,……  叶凌青打扮成医生,在门口,正好遇上上田率领的巡逻队,叶凌青低下头,快步向前,终于得以顺利进入医院,来到配药室外,发现有很多日军在此巡逻、守卫。  林大志也要挟着李广胜来到医院里,他上前询问,得知除非有主任医生开具的处方,才能进入药房。  期间,叶凌青和林大志狭路相逢,两人互不相让,最终叶凌青制伏了林大志,将林大志绑起来。  叶凌青于是又绕到主任医生的办公室,拿出处方签,盖了章,却一时慌张、写错了药品的名字。  等他翻回卫生间,来到药房,递给守卫日军,却被怀疑为什么会写错药名,他唬住守卫放松警惕跟他来到药房,勒住守卫的脖子,将其杀死。  进了药房,叶凌青四处寻找,终于在一处上锁的玻璃柜里看见了安定剂和止痛片。听见外面有药剂师路过,发现没有守卫,在叫别的宪兵进来查看……  叶凌青急中生智,从打开柜子里拿出酒精和棉球,然后从药房出去。药剂师看见一个陌生大夫出来,有些疑惑,叶凌青则微笑点点头,扔下狐疑的药剂师,赶忙来到楼梯拐角处——这里没有士兵守卫。  于是他用酒精浸在棉球里,然后放在垃圾桶里,点一根烟扔进去,顿时火光乍现,燃烧起来,越来越大,叶凌青敲开火警警报,引发医院慌乱不堪……  叶凌青趁机溜回药房,从后面打死那个药剂师,然后砸开玻璃柜子,趁大队宪兵灭火、包围药房之前,他拿走了安定剂和止痛片,然后叶凌青回到林大志身边,给了林大志一个解开绳子的刀片,并有意无意地将一个装满药品的包掉在地上。  林大志解开绳子,发现包里全是药品,很惊讶,不过正准备离开,却被日军士兵所擒。  另一边,叶凌青按照早先计划的方式,从楼梯下楼离开……  刚走出门口时,正好碰上川野带着士兵过来,他匆忙离开……  此时,林大志被押到川野希子身前,可是还没说两句话,忽然医院外面响起几声爆炸,几个人破窗而入,救走了林大志,正是林大志带来的那几个玄武游击队的亲信……  一无所获的川野希子气恼三丈,但当看到“罪魁祸首”的垃圾桶,川野希子的嘴角露出微笑,她分析得出结论——有人偷拿的麻醉剂、安慰剂、止痛片等等,就是为了给毒瘾发作的张志强减轻痛楚!  川野希子立刻对川野坚汇报:张志强绝对还在榆城县周边、没走远……  林大志把药带回了驻地,白丛雪心里很矛盾,这样一个为了兄弟舍生忘死的人难道是叛徒?  叶凌青带着药回到地窖,张志强却丝毫不领情,非要叶凌青试用!  张志强又提出要求,他要见比叶凌青大的领导,要从根据地专程来的,他才能够接受和信任根据地的诚心,从而交出军火。  余向秋正准备按照和叶凌青约好的时间出城、去树林里接头,忽然他发现榆城县周围日军数量明显增多,县城更是已经被日军围得水泄不通。  他担心出现什么变故,但此时又联系不上叶凌青,距离接头时间已经越来越近了。他考虑是否取消这次行动,但是却发现日军不仅封锁县城,连县城周围交通要道也全部封锁,就算接到张志强,如今也根本回不去根据地了!
响林游击队第21-22集英文剧情TV series ring Lin guerrillas 21 episode is introduced
Iron mountain to sichuan wild child report, sichuan wild bush warned iron mountain son if he did not provide useful information, their agreement is terminated, he could never going back to his children...
Will Mr Zhang to the cellar Ye Lingqing early hidden...
Ye Lingqing give Mr Zhang took some dry food, Ye Lingqing intends to Mr Zhang to hide in here first, such as sichuan wild bush searched hopeless, for relief, then Mr Zhang shipped out...
, with burning Ye Lingqing found his face has turned out to be seriously, has caused a high fever...
Son -- Ye Lingqing more unexpectedly, sichuan wild bush the vicious woman unexpectedly let Mr Zhang drug addicts. Mr Zhang in the crush paranoid hallucinations, painful...
Ye Lingqing method to help him out of the clay alleviate suffering, but to little effect, even let his wounds and split apart...
Just then, leaf he let treasure tree will Li Guangsheng crude opium to the valley, burnt to the ground to... Li Guangsheng bitterness beg, wipe the tears burned this batch of crude opium, oneself lose everythings purse! He righteousness is words, plain/family never touch make these things!
Treasure tree to bring people a crude opium on fire -- can be bitter Mr Zhang, hidden under the pain has let he was ambiguous, just want to roar, heard it nearly make the people on the ground. Ye Lingqing is very indignation, but also helpless. He told Mr Zhang must endure, want to quit drug addiction, or a lifetime. Mr Zhang knows, but abandon, he couldnt bear the pain of drug addiction. Tied to a corner of the cellar, such as the ants when Mr Zhang is flustered. Li Guangsheng to treasure tree teeth
Ye Lingqing worry that Mr Zhang addiction has made, so Mr Zhang tied up, out of the cellar...
Ye Lingqing to joint and Bai Cong snow, he gave Mr Zhang inform Bai Cong snow, and put forward the Mr Zhang seems to is not the same question as before. But two people think perhaps opium changed a persons heart, is now the most important thing is to cure him.
Bai Cong snow in use at the same time, proposed to Mr Zhangs wife Yang Qin to get him and increased his power over drug addiction.
Finally, two people take instructions, after a month, the north China will have a big military action, so be sure to find arms before that.
Because of concerns that sichuan wild child to the childs stress, iron mountain son soon to sichuan wild bush provides very important information...
Sichuan wild bush son to prepare compound of Lin guerrilla base areas and rang a large scouring, in order to save the imperial army, however.
Field with the wave on the Japanese soldiers came to the tavern. Brought sichuan wild command on field, require Zhang Yunai immediately led by huang association army to command to accept the new task. Sichuan wild child has mustered troops at this time, ready to start the mountains, Zhang Yunai led by huang association army come, let them take over Japanese military police guards for county, and the blockade, alert.
Ring guerrillas tip Lin learned that the Japanese army launched massive rally, target seems to be toward the side. Iron mountain let everybody ready to transfer, is to find out. And at the same time, eight-way also got the news, ready to move.
Come to Zhang Yunai Ye Lingqing and learned that the Japanese unusual behavior, very is doubt...
Such as sichuan wild child led the Japanese came to the 8th route army base, the eighth route army has been evacuated, sichuan wild child is unhappy, turning in ring guerrilla headquarters, Lin and notify let Ye Lingqing and Zhang Yunai also come over. The dark iron mountain to see the situation, busy cut back towards the base...
Ring Lin guerrillas to evacuate, while with the Japanese war, iron mountain, da-zhi Lin and xuan Eva as behind the delay with the Japanese, bloody battle, basaltic guerrilla losses, xuan Eva but because protect transfer two boxes of ammunition and seriously injured on the way...
Until the transfer is completed, they disappeared in the mountains.
Meanwhile, Ye Lingqing and Zhang Yunai came. Sichuan wild bush to Ye Lingqing took the imperial army to chase Lin guerrillas.
Ye Lingqing with the Japanese in the basalt around the mountains, finally discovered by sichuan wild bush son, sichuan wild child is unhappy, but Ye Lingqing and articulate said, sichuan wild child helpless announced the withdrawal.
TV series ring Lin guerrillas episode 22 plot is introduced
Since coming back from basaltic mountains, Ye Lingqing quickly return to Ye Guzhuang, he has hidden the treasure tree, rushed into the cellar.
Into the cellar, he observed that Mr Zhang had faint in the ground, the body some convulsions. Ye Lingqing touched with the hand Mr Zhangs forehead, and found that he was with a fever, the mouth speaks nonsense. Ye Lingqing thought had to find some medicine to help Mr Zhang diminish inflammation, or wound infection would kill his life.
Had just stepped out of him out of the cellar, and treasure tree said he just want to go to the pharmacy to buy the old medicine. Ye Lingqing said he was all right, dont go together.
In pharmacy, Ye Lingqing around, eyes constantly looking to put a medicine cabinet, searching for a long time back and forth, but found no signs of anti-inflammatory drugs.
Xuan Eva also wounded in the battle, but a serious shortage of medical drugs, many victims can not get timely treatment, snow and Jiang Xiulan Bai Cong also in to help the wounded soldiers, da-zhi Lin when I saw that the in the mind very afflictive, although ordered who also shall not leave home without permission, iron mountain da-zhi Lin or disobey orders, down the hill to help the wounded secretly looking for drugs.
Ye Lingqing back Ye Guzhuang, some anxiously to find Feng Nian true, he pulled up his sleeves to Feng Nian really own an old wound, he deliberately sprinkle a little salt, let the wounds were stimulated became very red.
Sichuan wild when children report to sichuan wild nut in the headquarters, zhang zhijian, wild sichuan think, is likely to have reached no hands, if so you will be very trouble, but if he is still in the county surrounding range, we can catch him back.
Feng Nian really come back, inform Ye Lingqing hospital doctors now also cant literally open anti-inflammatory drugs, must have the signature of the chief physician, Japan will put medicine pharmacy. At the same time, she told Ye Lingqing, now in the hospital was full of Japanese soldiers, is very dangerous. Ye Lingqing grateful Feng Nian really help him, after Feng Nian really walk, begin to steal into hospital medicine...
Iron mountain for the injured also come to sichuan wild child to medicine, found the doors closed, sichuan wild child not only give iron yam, also once again threatened iron mountain, no arms, nothing at all.
Da-zhi Lin came to the county seat, meet Li Guangsheng, heart of a meter, he pretended to be a good stock to Li Guangsheng, will he introduced alley, tied to a house. Da-zhi Lin as a knife in Li Guangsheng lap, holding Li Guangsheng, pretend to be a doctor, came to the Japanese army hospital,...
Ye Lingqing dressed as a doctor, at the door, just met on the field of the patrol, Ye Lingqing head down and step forward and finally smoothly into the hospital, dispensed to outdoor, found that there are a lot of Japanese patrol, guard here.
Also threatening Li Guangsheng da-zhi Lin came to the hospital, he asked, prescribe the learned that unless there is a director of doctor, can enter the pharmacy.
During the Ye Lingqing and da-zhi Lin, two people to outdo each other, eventually Ye Lingqing subdued da-zhi Lin, will be tied da-zhi Lin.
Ye Lingqing round to the director of the doctors office, and he took out a prescription, cover the chapter, but hurry, write the wrong drug name at the moment.
When he going back toilet, came to the pharmacy, to guard the Japanese, but suspected why write wrong medicines, he worked guard guard came to the pharmacy with him, keep a tight rein on neck guard, to kill it.
In the pharmacy, Ye Lingqing around looking for, finally locked up in a place of glass cabinets saw stabilizer and painkillers. Heard that pharmacists passed outside, found no guards, called on other military police came in to see...
Ye Lingqing used his quick wits, took alcohol and cotton balls from open the cupboard, and then went out of the pharmacy. Pharmacist doctor saw a strange, some confusion, Ye Lingqing smile nodded, dropping the sceptical chemist, quickly came to the stairs, there is no soldier.
So he USES alcohol immersion in the cotton ball, and then put in a trash can, light a cigarette thrown into, suddenly a light of fire, burning up, more and more big, Ye Lingqing knock on fire alarm, caused panic and hospital...
Ye Lingqing stole back to the pharmacy and killed from behind the pharmacist, and break open the glass cabinet, while military police battalion fire extinguishing, surrounded by the pharmacy before, he took the stabilizer and painkillers, then return to da-zhi Lin Ye Lingqing and gave da-zhi Lin a blade, untie the rope and will unintentionally fell to the floor with a full of drug package.
Da-zhi Lin untied the rope, found that the bag is full of drugs, very surprised, but is ready to leave, but was captured by Japanese soldiers.
On the other side, Ye Lingqing way according to the previous plan, down the stairs to leave...
Fresh out of the door, just hit sichuan wild with soldiers to come over, he left in a hurry...
At this point, the da-zhi Lin was put to the sichuan wild child before, but didnt say two words, suddenly rang a few explosion outside hospital, a few broken Windows in and rescued the da-zhi Lin, is da-zhi Lin basaltic guerilla cronies of that a few...
Nothing of sichuan wild child angry three zhangs, but when I saw the culprit bin, sichuan wild child mouth smile, she analysis concluded that someone stolen narcotics, placebo, painkillers, and so on, is to give drug seizures would ease the pain!
Sichuan wild bush son immediately report to sichuan wild nut: Mr Zhang is absolutely in elm city county around, didnt go far...
Da-zhi Lin brought medicine compound, Bai Cong snow in the mind is very contradictory, such a brother to risk ones life is a traitor?
Ye Lingqing take medicine back to the cellar, Mr Zhang does not effusive, Ye Lingqing must try!
Mr Zhang asked again, he wants to see than Ye Ling qdu leadership, made a special trip from base areas, he was able to accept and trust in the base of the sincerity, to hand over the arms.
Yu to cho is prepared with Ye Lingqing according to time out of the city, to joint in the woods, suddenly he found the yu city county around the Japanese quantity increased obviously, the county also has been the Japanese siege.
What he fear change, but now can not contact and Ye Lingqing, joint time already more and more close. He considered whether to cancel the operation, but found that the Japanese blockade county, not only even all around the county roads blocked, even if received Mr Zhang, now also dont go to the base back!}


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