揽镜自顾夜不眠 意思是

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【词语】: 揽延
【解释】: 1.延揽。
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揽镜 基本解释Mirror;揽镜 双语例句1. 坐在河边小小梳妆、揽镜自顾,可差点没将自己吓到河里。&&&&Sit by the river, i wanted to look at myself with a mirror, my god, i almost dropped into the river because of seeing my face.2. 揽镜2. 过去三十三年,每天早上我都会揽镜自问:「如果今天是我人生的最后一天,那我要做些什麼?&&&&Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.3. 对残疾的思考发现:残疾人揽镜自照,梦想获得能力。&&&&The usual effect of reflecting on disability finds disabled people looking into the mirror and dreaming of ability.4. 美是永生揽镜自照。&&&&Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.5. 倘若美国、英国及其它西方国家愚蠢到以超前消费的方式兜售他们的未来,他们所需要做的就是揽镜自照。&&&&If the US, UK and other westerners were foolish enough to hawk their future by spending unearned money, they need look no further than the mirror.6. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD6. 揽镜自照,方当韶龄的女孩儿,肌肤胜雪,妖美无比,容颜绝丽,不可逼视。&&&&Football the mirror, Fang Shao-age girl when the skin-Sheng Xue, demon-US incomparable appearance absolutely Korea can not watch intently.7. 作者将其认为具有危险性、侵略性的「私」标上死亡的记号,透过死亡的教训,世人得以揽镜自照引西门一家之丑为戒,明显的具有引导人心向善的企图,因此必须对作者使用「私」的手法有所认识。&&&&In Jin Pin Mei, through binding death and desires together and taking advantage of the living''s fear of death, the author intended to establish a convincing cause - consequence circle of life and death and thus eventually to lead human nature back to the boundary of good.8. 伯南克的储蓄过剩主张,正是美国根深蒂固的拒不认错心理的核心表现。这一心理使得他们不愿揽镜自照,而将责任归于他人。&&&&Mr Bernanke's saving glut argument was at the core of a deep-seated US denial that failed to look in the mirror and pinned blame on others.9. 美即是真理的微笑,当她在完美的镜子前揽镜自照。&&&&Beauty is truth`s smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror.10. 倘若美国、英国及其它西方国家愚蠢到以超前消费的方式兜售他们的未来,他们所需要做的就是揽镜自照。&&&&Americans are too broke to resume their role as Asia's demand engine.11. 曾几何时,我已不再揽镜自照。&&&&&&Long says before, I had not mirrored myself.揽镜是什么意思,揽镜在线翻译,揽镜什么意思,揽镜的意思,揽镜的翻译,揽镜的解释,揽镜的发音,揽镜的同义词,揽镜的反义词,揽镜的例句,揽镜的相关词组,揽镜意思是什么,揽镜怎么翻译,单词揽镜是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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