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《中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则》实施办法 中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则》中纪发【2011】19 号 第一章 总 则 第一条 为贯彻实施《中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则》(以下简称《廉政准则》),正确处 理违反《廉政准则》的行为,制定本实施办法。 第二条 有违反《廉政准则》行为的党员领导干部,应当主动检查纠正。能够主动检查纠正,情节较轻的, 可以不予处分或者免予处分,但应当给予批评教育;情节较重的,可以从轻或者减轻处分,必要时可以给 予相应的组织处理。不主动检查纠正的,依照本实施办法处理。 第三条 已到退休年龄尚未办理退休手续, 以及已办理退休手续但返聘后又担任相应领导职务的党员领导 干部,适用《廉政准则》。 国有和国有控股企业(含国有和国有控股金融企业)及其分支机构领导人员中的党员执行《国有企业领 导人员廉洁从业若干规定》(中办发〔2009〕26 号)的有关规定,对于《国有企业领导人员廉洁从业若干 规定》没有具体规定的,参照《廉政准则》执行。 第二章 廉洁从政行为规范 第一节 禁止利用职权和职务上的影响谋取不正当利益 第四条 《廉政准则》第一条第一项所称&以借为名占用&,是指利用职权和职务上的影响,以借用的 名义占有或者使用管理和服务对象以及其他与行使职权有关系的单位和个人的财物超过六个月。 索取管理和服务对象以及其他与行使职权有关系的单位或者个人的财物的,依照《中国共产党纪律 处分条例》(以下简称《党纪处分条例》)第八十五条的规定处理。 接受管理和服务对象以及其他与行使职权有关系的单位或者个人财物的,依照《党纪处分条例》第 七十四条的规定处理;为他人谋取利益的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十五条的规定处理。 以借为名占用管理和服务对象以及其他与行使职权有关系的单位或者个人财物的,依照《党纪处分 条例》第七十二条的规定处理。 第五条 《廉政准则》第一条第二项所称&可能影响公正执行公务&,是指与执行公务相关联或者与履 行职责相冲突。 接受可能影响公正执行公务的礼品的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十四条的规定处理。 接受可能影响公正执行公务的宴请的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十条的规定处理。 接受可能影响公正执行公务的旅游、健身、娱乐等活动安排的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十二条 的规定处理。 第六条 《廉政准则》第一条第三项所称&礼金和各种有价证券、支付凭证&,包括现金和代币购物券、 储蓄单、债券、股票及其他有价证券,支票、本票、汇票及各种有价识别卡、提货凭证等支付凭证。 在公务活动中接受礼金和各种有价证券、支付凭证而不交公的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十四条 第三款的规定处理。 第七条 《廉政准则》第一条第四项所称以交易形式谋取不正当利益,包括以明显低于市场的价格购 买房屋、汽车等物品;以明显高于市场的价格出售房屋、汽车等物品;以其他交易形式谋取不正当利益。 以委托理财形式谋取不正当利益,包括以委托他人投资证券、期货或者其他委托理财的名义,未实际出资 而获取收益,或者虽然实际出资,但获取收益明显高于出资应得收益。 以交易、委托理财等形式为本人谋取不正当利益的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十四条的规定处理; 为交易对方、受委托方等谋取利益的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十五条的规定处理。 第八条 《廉政准则》第一条第五项所称&内幕信息&,是指利用职务便利获取的政府或者其他公共机 构没有披露或者尚未公开的公共设施建设、商品价格调整、税率调整、银行利率调整、企业重组、签订重 大交易合同、投资重点工程项目、招标投标活动等各种信息,证券、期货交易活动中涉及公司的经营、财 务或者对该公司证券的市场价格有重大影响的信息以及其他会造成重大影响的信息。 利用内幕信息谋取利益的,依照《党纪处分条例》第一百一十一条的规定处理。 第九条 《廉政准则》第一条第六项所称&多占住房&,是指一户家庭违反规定占有两处及两处以上福 利性质住房或者住房面积超过规定标准。&经济适用房&,是指政府提供政策优惠,限定套型面积和销售价 格,按照合理标准建设,面向城市低收入住房困难家庭供应,具有保障性质的政策性住房。&廉租住房&, 是指政府以租金补贴或者实物配租的方式, 向符合条件的城市低收入住房困难家庭提供社会保障性质的住 房。 《廉政准则》第一条第六项所称&违反规定&,是指违反《经济适用住房管理办法》 (建住房〔 号)、《中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部关于加强经济适用住房管理有关问题的通知》(建保〔2010〕 59 号)等有关住房管理的规定。 违反规定多占住房,或者违反规定买卖经济适用房、廉租住房等保障性住房的,依照《党纪处分条例》 第七十九条的规定处理。相关房产依照有关规定处理。 第二节 禁止私自从事营利性活动 第十条 《廉政准则》第二条第一项所称&个人或者借他人名义经商、办企业&,是指个人独资或者与他 人合资、合股经办商业或者其他企业,以个人或者他人名义入股的形式经办企业,私自以承包、租赁、受 聘等方式从事商业和其他经营活动。 个人或者借他人名义经商、办企业的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十七条的规定处理。 第十一条 《廉政准则》第二条第二项所称&违反规定&,是指违反《中华人民共和国公务员法》,《行 政机关公务员处分条例》,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《关于党政机关工作人员个人证券投资行为若 干规定》(中办发〔2001〕10 号)等有关党员领导干部拥有非上市公司(企业)的股份或者证券的法律 法规和其他规定。 违反规定拥有非上市公司(企业)的股份或者证券的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十七条的规定处理。 所持有的股份或者证券应当在本实施办法发布后 6 个月内予以处理,不得继续持有。 第十二条 《廉政准则》第二条第三项所称&违反规定&,是指违反《中华人民共和国证券法》,中共中 央办公厅、国务院办公厅《关于党政机关工作人员个人证券投资行为若干规定》(中办发〔2001〕10 号) 等有关证券投资的法律法规和其他规定。 违反规定买卖股票或者违反规定进行其他证券投资的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十七条的规定处理。 所购买的股票或者其他证券依照本实施办法第十一条第二款的规定处理。 第十三条 《廉政准则》第二条第四项所称&个人在国(境)外注册公司&,是指个人或者与他人合伙在 国(境)外经办商业或者其他企业、从事商业和其他经营活动等行为。&个人在国(境)外投资入股&,是 指在国(境)外以个人入股的形式经办企业、从事商业和其他经营活动等行为。 个人在国(境)外注册公司或者投资入股的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十七条的规定处理。 第十四条 《廉政准则》第二条第五项所称&经济实体&,是指各种类型的企业(公司)、个体经济组织 以及营利性的事业单位和民办非企业单位。&有偿中介活动&,是指通过为市场各类主体提供信息、介绍业 务、开展咨询等而收取钱财的活动。 《廉政准则》第二条第五项所称&违反规定&,是指违反《中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅关于党政机关 领导干 10 部不兼任社会团体领导职务的通知》(中办发〔1998〕17 号),中共中央纪委、中共中央组织 部《关于退出现职、接近或者达到退休年龄的党政领导干部在企业兼职、任职有关问题的意见》(中组发 〔2008〕11 号)等有关党员领导干部兼职或者兼职取酬、从事有偿中介活动的规定。 违反规定在经济实体、社会团体等单位中兼职或者兼职取酬的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十七条的 规定处理。兼职的领导干部,应当辞去本职或者兼任的职务。所收取的报酬(包括各种经济利益)应当收 缴。 从事有偿中介活动的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十七条的规定处理。所收取的报酬(包括各种经济 利益)应当收缴。 第十五条 《廉政准则》第二条第六项所称&离职&,是指以退休之外的方式离开公职,包括辞去公职、 被辞退、被开除等情形。&原任职务&,是指离职或者退休前最后担(兼)任的职务。 在离职或者退休后三年内,接受原任职务管辖的地区和业务范围内的民营企业、外商投资企业和中介 机构的聘任,或者个人从事与原任职务管辖业务相关的营利性活动的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十二条 的规定处理。 第三节 禁止违反公共财物管理和使用的规定,假公济私、化公为私 第十六条 《廉政准则》第三条所称&违反公共财物管理和使用的规定&,是指违反《中央国家机关国有 资产处置管理办法》(国管财〔 号)等党中央、国务院以及各地区、各部门、各单位发布的关 于公共财物管理的各项规定。 第十七条 利用自己主管、管理、经手公共财物的权力以及管理、经手公共财物的便利,用公款报销或 者支付应由个人负担的费用的,以贪污论,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十三条的规定处理。 利用职务上的便利,为他人谋取利益,由他人用公款报销或者支付应由个人负担的费用的,以受贿论, 依照《党纪处分条例》第八十五条的规定处理。 除前两款所列情形之外,利用职务或者工作上的便利,用公款报销或者支付应由个人负担的费用的, 依照《党纪处分条例》第七十二条的规定处理。 第十八条 借用公款逾期不还,情节严重的,依照《党 12 纪处分条例》第一百一十六条第一款的规定处 理。所欠公款予以追还。 违反规定借用公款,进行营利活动或者非法活动的,依照《党纪处分条例》第一百一十六条第二款的 规定处理。所借用的公款应当退还,并且按银行同期贷款利率付息,所获利润或者非法所得予以追缴。 违反规定将公款借给他人的,依照《党纪处分条例》第一百一十六条第三款的规定处理。 违反规定借用公物或者将公物借给他人,进行营利活动或者非法活动的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七 十三条的规定处理。 第十九条 私存私放公款的,依照《党纪处分条例》第一百一十七条和《设立&小金库&和使用&小金库& 款项违纪行为适用〈中国共产党纪律处分条例〉若干问题的解释》(中纪发〔2009〕20 号)的规定处理。 第二十条 用公款旅游或者变相用公款旅游的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十八条和《用公款出国(境) 旅游及相关违纪行为适用〈中国共产党纪律处分条例〉若干问题的解释》(中纪发〔2010〕27 号)的规 定处理。 第二十一条 用公款参与高消费娱乐活动、健身活动和获取各种形式的俱乐部会员资格的,依照《党纪 处分条例》第七十八条的规定处理。 第二十二条 《廉政准则》第三条第六项所称&违反规定&,是指违反《住房公积金管理条例》(1999 年 4 月 3 日国务院令第 262 号颁布,2002 年 3 月 24 日国务院令第 350 号修订)、《中共中央办公厅、国务 院办公厅转发〈中央纪委、中央组织部、监察部、财政部、人事部、审计署关于严肃纪律、加强公务员工 资管理的通知〉的通知》(厅字〔2005〕10 号)等有关财务管理的规定。 违反规定用公款购买商业保险,缴纳住房公积金,滥发津贴、补贴、奖金的,依照《党纪处分条例》 第八十四条的规定处理。 第二十三条 《廉政准则》第三条第七项所称&以象征性地支付钱款等方式&,是指以支付明显低于市场 价格的钱款等方式。 非法占有非本人经管的公共财物,或者以象征性地支付钱款等方式非法占有公共财物的,依照《党纪 处分条例》第七十二条的规定处理。 利用职务上的便利,非法占有本人经管的公共财物的,以贪污论,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十三条 的规定处理。 第二十四条 《廉政准则》第三条第八项所称&社会保障基金&,是指政府部门管理的和社会团体受政府 部门委托管理的社会保障基金,包括社会保险、社会救济、社会福利、优抚安置等资金。 挪用或者拆借社会保障基金、住房公积金等公共资金或者其他财政资金的,依照《党纪处分条例》第 九十四条的规定处理。 第四节 禁止违反规定选拔任用干部 第二十五条 《廉政准则》第四条所称&违反规定&,是指违反《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》(中 发〔2002〕7 号)、《党政领导干部选拔任用工作责任追究办法(试行)》(中办发〔2010〕9 号)(以 下简称《追究办法》)等规定以及各地区、各部门、各单位关于选拔任用干部的规定。 第二十六条 《廉政准则》第四条第一项所称&不正当手段&,是指利用亲属、同乡、同学、同事、朋友、 战友等各种关系采用请客送礼、行贿受贿、弄虚作假、打招呼等手段。 采取不正当手段,为本人或者他人谋取职位的,依照《党纪处分条例》第六十四条和《追究办法》第 六条、第八条的规定处理。 第二十七条 不按照规定程序推荐、考察、酝酿、讨论决定任免干部的,依照《党纪处分条例》第六十 四条和《追究办法》第四条、第五条、第六条的规定处理。 第二十八条 私自泄露民主推荐、民主测评、考察、酝酿、讨论决定干部等有关情况的,依照《党纪处 分条例》第六十四条和《追究办法》第六条、第八条的规定处理。 第二十九条 在干部考察中隐瞒或者歪曲事实真相的,依照《党纪处分条例》第六十四条和《追究办法》 第六条的规定处理。 第三十条 在民主推荐、民主测评、组织考察和选举中搞拉票等非组织活动的,依照《党纪处分条例》 第六十四条和《追究办法》第八条的规定处理。 第三十一条 利用职务便利私自干预下级或者原任职地区、单位干部选拔任用工作的,依照《党纪处分 条例》第六十四条和《追究办法》第八条的规定处理。 第三十二条 在工作调动、机构变动时,突击提拔、调整干部的,依照《党纪处分条例》第六十四条和 《追究 16 办法》第四条的规定处理。 第三十三条 在干部选拔任用工作中封官许愿、任人唯亲、营私舞弊的,依照《党纪处分条例》第六十 四条和《追究办法》第八条的规定处理。 第五节 禁止利用职权和职务上的影响为亲属及身边工作人员谋取利益 第三十四条 要求或者指使提拔任用配偶、子女及其配偶、其他亲属以及身边工作人员的,依照《党纪 处分条例》第六十四条和《追究办法》第八条的规定处理。 第三十五条 用公款支付配偶、子女及其配偶以及其他亲属的学习、培训、旅游等费用,属于利用职务 上的便利用非本人经手、管理的公款支付的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十二条的规定处理;属于利用本 人主管、管理、经手公共财物的权力及其便利条件用公款支付的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十三条的规 定处理。 利用职权和职务上的影响,将配偶、子女及其配偶以及其他亲属的学习、培训、旅游等费用,由下属 单位或者其他单位支付、报销的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十二条的规定处理。 利用职权和职务上的便利,将配偶、子女及其配偶以及其他亲属应当由个人支付的出国(境)留学费 用,由他人支付、报销的,依照前款规定处理。 利用职权和职务上的影响,为配偶、子女及其配偶以及其他亲属出国(境)定居、留学、探亲等向个 人或者机构索取资助的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十五条的规定处理。 第三十六条 妨碍涉及配偶、子女及其配偶、其他亲属以及身边工作人员案件调查处理的,依照《党纪 处分条例》第一百六十三条的规定处理。 第三十七条 利用职务上的便利,为他人谋取利益,父母、配偶、子女及其配偶以及其他特定关系人收 受请托人财物的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十五条第一款的规定处理;知道或者授意父母、配偶、子女 及其配偶以及其他特定关系人收受请托人财物的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十五条的规定处理。 第三十八条 默许、纵容、授意配偶、子女及其配偶、其他亲属以及身边工作人员以党员领导干部本人 名义谋取私利的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十二条的规定处理。 第三十九条 利用职权和职务上的影响,为配偶、子女及其配偶以及其他亲属经商、办企业提供便利和 优惠条件的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十七条第二款的规定处理。 党员领导干部之间利用职权相互为对方配偶、子女及其配偶以及其他亲属经商、办企业提供便利条件 的,依照前款规定处理。 第四十条 允许、纵容配偶、子女及其配偶,在本人管辖的地区和业务范围内个人从事可能与公共利益 发生冲突的经商、办企业、社会中介服务等活动,在本人管辖的地区和业务范围内的外商独资企业或者中 外合资企业担任由外方委派、聘任的高级职务的,责令该领导干部予以纠正;拒不纠正的,责令其本人辞 去现任职务或者由组织予以调整职务; 不辞去现任职务或者不服从组织调整职务的, 《党纪处分条例》 依照 第七十六条的规定给予撤销党内职务处分。 第四十一条 允许、纵容配偶、子女及其配偶在异地工商注册登记后,到该党员领导干部管辖的地区和 业务范围内从事可能与公共利益发生冲突的经商、 办企业活动的, 依照本实施办法第三十八条的规定处理。 第六节 禁止讲排场、比阔气、挥霍公款、铺张浪费 第四十二条 在公务活动中提供或者接受超过规定标准的接待,或者超过规定标准报销招待费、差旅费 等相关费用,情节严重的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十八条的规定处理。 第四十三条 《廉政准则》第六条第二项所称&违反规定&,是指违反《党政机关办公用房建设标准》 (计 投资〔 号),《中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅关于进一步严格控制党政机关办公楼等楼堂 馆所建设问题的通知》(中办发〔2007〕11 号),中共中央纪委、国家发展改革委、监察部、财政部、国 土资源部、建设部、审计署《关于做好清理整改工作、建立控制党政机关办公楼等楼堂馆所建设长效机制 的通知》(发改投资〔 号)等有关楼堂馆所建设、配备使用办公用房和办公用品的规定。 违反规定决定或者批准兴建、装修办公楼、培训中心等楼堂馆所,超标准配备、使用办公用房和办公 用品的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十八条的规定处理。 第四十四条 擅自用公款包租、占用客房归个人使用的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十八条的规定处理。 第四十五条 《廉政准则》第六条第四项所称&违反规定&,是指违反《中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅 关于党政机关汽车配备和使用管理的规定》(中办发〔1994〕14 号),《中共中央办公厅、国务院办公 厅关于调整党政机关汽车配备使用标准的通知》(厅字〔1999〕5 号),中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅 印发的《党政机关公务用车配备使用管理办法》、 《省部级干部公务用车配备使用管理办法》等有关配备、 购买、更换、装饰或者使用小汽车的规定。 违反规定配备、购买、更换、装饰或者使用小汽车的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十八条的规定处理。 第四十六条 《廉政准则》第六条第五项所称&违反规定&,是指违反《中共中央、国务院关于党政机关 厉行节约制止奢侈浪费行为的若干规定》(中发〔1997〕13 号)、《国务院办公厅关于严格控制举办城 市周年庆典活动的通知》(国办发〔2003〕91 号)、《中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅关于党政机关厉 行节约若干问题的通知》(中办发〔2009〕11 号)等有关规定。 违反规定决定或者批准用公款举办各类庆典活动的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十八条的规定处理。 所浪费的公款应当从该地区或单位年度财政预算中逐年扣除。 向企事业单位、下属单位或者群众摊派、变相摊派举办庆典活动费用的,依照《党纪处分条例》第一 百三十五条的规定处理。摊派的费用应当退还。 第七节 禁止违反规定干预和插手市场经济活动,谋取私利 第四十七条 《廉政准则》第七条所称&违反规定&,是指违反《中华人民共和国政府采购法》、《党员 领导干部违反规定插手干预工程建设领域行为适用〈中国共产党纪律处分条例〉若干问题的解释》(中纪 发〔2010〕23 号)等规范市场经济活动的法律法规和其他规定。 第四十八条 违反规定干预和插手市场经济活动,未谋取私利的,依照《党纪处分条例》第一百二十七 条、第一百三十九条和《党员领导干部违反规定插手干预工程建设领域行为适用〈中国共产党纪律处分条 例〉若干问题的解释》(中纪发〔2010〕23 号)等有关规定处理。 第四十九条 违反规定干预和插手市场经济活动,本人从中收受、变相收受财物的,依照《党纪处分条 例》第八十五条的规定处理;其父母、配偶、子女及其配偶以及其他共同生活的家庭成员收受财物的,依 照《党纪处分条例》第七十五条第一款的规定处理,查实本人知道的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十五条 第三款的规定处理;授意其他第三人从中收受财物的,依照《党纪处分条例》第七十五条第二款的规定处 理。 第五十条 利用职权或者职务上的影响,干扰、妨碍有关部门对建设工程招标投标、经营性土地使用权 出让、房地产开发与经营等市场经济活动进行正常监管和案件查处的,依照《党纪处分条例》第一百六十 三条的规定处理。 第八节 禁止脱离实际,弄虚作假,损害群众利益和党群干群关系 第五十一条 搞劳民伤财的&形象工程&和沽名钓誉的&政绩工程&的, 依照 《关于对党员领导干部进行诫勉 谈话和函询的暂行办法》(中办发〔2005〕30 号)的规定,给予诫勉谈话,造成严重后果的,依照《党 纪处分条例》第一百二十七条的规定处理。 第五十二条 虚报工作业绩的,依照《党纪处分条例》第一百四十九条的规定处理。 第五十三条 大办婚丧喜庆事宜,造成不良影响,或者借机敛财的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十一条 的规定处理。 第五十四条 在社会保障、政策扶持、救灾救济款物分配等事项中优亲厚友、显失公平的,依照《党纪 处分条例》第八十二条和《抗震救灾款物管理使用违法违纪行为处分规定》(中纪发〔2008〕15 号)等 规定处理;收受或者索取他人财物的,依照《党纪处分条例》第八十五条的规定处理。 第五十五条 《廉政准则》第八条第五项所称&不正当手段&,是指做假账、谎报业绩,报喜不报忧、掩 盖工作中的错误和失误,以及编造虚假事迹、假学历、假资历、假学术成果、假评选条件等手段。 以不正当手段获取荣誉、职称、学历、学位等利益的,依照《党纪处分条例》第一百四十九条的规定 处理。 第五十六条 从事有悖社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德活动的,《党纪处分条例》有条文明确规定的, 依照该规定处理;没有条文明确规定的,依照《党纪处分条例》第一百五十四条的规定处理。 第三章 附则 第五十七条 本实施办法由中共中央纪律检查委员会负责解释。 第五十八条 本实施办法自发布之日起施行。1997 年 9 月发布的《〈中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政 若干准则(试行)〉实施办法》同时废止。 西北工业大学网络教育学院 西北工业大学网络教育学院 招生考试专科起点本科英语复习大纲 大学英语辅导题第一套(共 小题, 一、语音知识: 共 5 小题,每题 1 分,共 5 分) 语音知识: ( 在下列各组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同, 找出该单词。 1. A. destruction 2. A. function 3. A. salute 4. A. clay 5. A. agent B. graduation B. answer B. material B. anyway B. accent C. question C. brunch C. abstract C. delay C. accelerate D. intention D. Atlantic D. Canadian D. Monday D. avenue二、词汇和语法知识(共 15 小题,每题 1 分,共 15 分) 词汇和语法知识( 小题, 从每小题的四个选项中,选出最佳的一项。 6. Let me help you, ______? A. won’t you B. will C. Shall I D. shan’t I7. I am looking forward to ______ the film again. A. see B. saw C. seen D. seeing8. ______ a contract last year and it is still valid. A. We have signed C. We haven’t signed B. We signed D. We have signed9. I’m going to _______ bank. I’m going to ______ Lloyd’s Bank. A. the / the B. the / C. - / the D. - / -10. I really have to go now. I have ______ the doctor. A. appointments to C. appointment with B. an appointment to D. an appointment with11. Emma only moved house last week and she _____ knows her neighbors! A. already B. still C. always D. yet 12. 100,000 babies _______ born in this hospital every year. A. are B. were C. would be D. have been13. We saw ______ wild animals while on vacation. A. quite a few B. quite much C. quite many D. quite some14. A great many parents ______ famous universities before their children finish their secondary education. A. is willing to visit C. is willing to visiting B. are willing to visit D. are willing to visiting15. It’ s a long way from London to Moscow but London to Sydney is even _____. A. further B. far C. short D. more16. I think Coventry will win the match but ______ people agree with me. A. a few B. little C. a little D. few17. Lindsey and I have been writing regularly to ______ for several years. A. ourselves B. each other C. myself D. herself18. Mary’s house is ______ the hair salon. Do you think you can find it? A. along B. near to C. against D. next to19. The performance of the English team was very ______. They played much worse than expected. A. disappointing B. disappointed C. depressed D. depressing20. Either of ______ is quite capable of the work. A. girl B. the girl C. girls D. the girls小题, 三、完型填空(共 10 小题,每题 1 分,共 10 分) 完型填空( 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应 空白处的最佳选项。 Most men and women pass through life without ever considering or criticizing __21__ their own conditions or those of the world at large. They find themselves born into a certain place in society, and they accept what each day __22__, without any thought beyond what the immediate present requires. They seek the __23__ of the needs of the moment, without much forethought, and without thinking that by sufficient effort the conditions of their lives __24__ be changed. A certain percentage, guided by personal ambition, __25__ the effort of thought and will which is necessary to place themselves among the more fortunate memb but very __26__ among these are seriously concerned to secure for all the advantages which they seek for __27__. Only a few rare and exceptional men have that kind of lovetoward __28__ at large that makes them unable to endure patiently the general mass of evil and suffering, regardless of any relation it may have to their own lives. These __29__, driven by sympathetic pain, will seek for some new, system of society by which life may become richer, more full of joy and less full of preventable evils __30__ it is at present. But in the past such men have, as a rule, failed to interest the very victims of the injustices which they wished to remedy. 21. A. if 22. A. was 23. A. satisfaction 24. A. could 25. A. plays 26. A. much 27. A. him 28. A. themselves 29. A. many 30. A. than B. either B. finishes B. torture B. must B. works B. many B. them B. others B. lot B. which C. when C. brings C. sorrow C. would like C. does C little C. themselves C. mankind C. very C. although D. both D. is missing D. luxury D. had better D. makes D. few D. anyone D. a few D. few D. when四、阅读理解(共 20 小题,每题 2 分,共 40 分) 阅读理解( 小题, 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。 Passage 1 The people who run Yosemite National Park want to make some changes. They say there are too many cars in the park. Sometimes, no more people can fit into the park. The cars, trucks, and campers cause many problems. The cars make too much noise. People cannot hear each other talk. The best view of Yosemite Falls is from the parking lot. The new plan is to keep most cars out of the park. Some people come only for one day. They will have to leave their cars outside the park. They will have to ride buses into the park. Some people have reservations at hotels or campgrounds at Yosemite. They can bring in their cars, but they will have to leave them in the parking lot. The new plan will include removing some roads. It will include removing bridges over the river. It will include making new paths for hiking and biking. Floods last year hurt in the park in many ways. Congress wants the people who run Yosemite to fix up the park. But Congress does not want Yosemite like it was before the floods. They want it to be better. 31. Some people make arrangements at _______ or campgrounds at Yosemite. A. hotels B. restaurants C. parking lots D. apartments near the park32. People _______might not like the changes. A. in Congress C. who like cycling B. who like driving D. who like camping33. How might the park be different after the changes? A. It will be more quiet. B. There will be less people.C. There will be no cars at all. D. Everybody will have to walk around the park. 34. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage? A. Floods-Destroyed Park. C. Yosemite Car Ban. B. Changes in the Park. D. No CarsPassage 2 The phoenix was one of the most magnificent birds that ever lived. Unfortunately for bird watchers, the grand phoenix lived only in the imaginations of the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. According to Greek mythology, only one phoenix at a time lived on earth. The phoenix, a male, was brightly colored, with gold and red feathers. Legend has it that the single bird lived for exactly 500 years. Just before it was to die, it would build a nest, the mythical bird's last task was to sit patiently on the nest, waiting for the sun to start the dry twigs burning and set the nest ablaze. But as the proud phoenix sacrificed itself in flame, a tiny worm would crawl from beneath the ashes. This worm grew into a new phoenix. Its first task was to gather up its father's ashes and bury them in the temple of the Egyptian sun god in Heliopolis, the City of the Sun. Each reborn phoenix lived out the remainder of its life in Arabia. Today, the phoenix symbolizes immortality. Also, someone who succeeds where he or she had previously failed is often referred to as a phoenix. 35. This passage discusses an ancient _______. A. king B. myth C. fairy tale D. god36. Most of a phoenix's life was supposedly spent in _______. A. Greece B. Egypt C. Heliopolis D. Arabia37. Someone who is called a phoenix today _______. A. has come Back from a defeat C. thinks he or she can live forever B. is probably immortal D. is not well liked by colleagues38. The life of the phoenix is described _______. A. with the use of facts C. in an unclear way B. in a humorous way D. step-by-stepPassage 3 Table top magic requires no secret formula. Even the simplest meal will be received with enthusiasm if the table accessories are creative and colorful. No matter what type of dinnerware you own, you can enhance its beauty with a variety of attractive table linens. When selecting a supply of tablecloths, place mats and napkins, choose easy-care or permanent press fabrics because these fabrics will reduce your workload when washday rolls around. Another consideration is the suitability of your linens for your dining style or the types of entertaining you do. The shape of your table will also dictate the kind of tablecloth you purchase. Circular or rounded tables look best covered with round or oval tablecloths. Square-cornered tables require squares or rectangles. Finally, your table linens should complement your dinnerware. An elegant table setting requires an elegant tablecloth. A setting of stoneware looks best with heavy of colorful fabrics. But sure to take all the necessary measurements before you start shopping for fabric of your choice. It could be embarrassing if your tablecloths are not long enough to cover the tables. It is equally distressing if your tablecloth is so long that your guests have to watch where they walk. 39. Linens should complement your dinnerware. The underlined word means _______. A. be the same color as C. go well with B. hide defects in D. serve as a contrast to40. The author suggests that you purchase table linens made of _______. A. bleach-safe fabric C. easy-care material B. preshrunk cloth D. stain-resistant cotton41. Which size tablecloth would you buy for a circular table which is 30 inches high and 45 inches in diameter? A. 45-inch round. B. 50-inch round. C. 70-inch round. D. 120-inch round.42. From this passage, we can conclude that table top _______. A. is important for meal service C. should be colorful B. is a magic D. should be made only by certain materialPassage 4 Termites are social insects like ants, living in well-organized colonies established and centered around a queen and her mate. The queen's chief function is to lay eggs. Termites of a worker caste, white in color, tend the eggs and young and go forth to find food. Other termites
they are white also but have larger heads than the workers. In the spring, young queen and king termites-brown or black in color--fly from the nest and enter the ground to mate and start new colonies. The colonies are underground because the soil provides moisture the termites need to sustain life. A worker dining on a tasty door frame, for example, may make several trips below ground daily, both to bring food to the colony and to replenish its own moisture supply. If its retreat to earth is cut off, it will die. In brief, termites only go into wooden structures to eat. They can't move in and set up house-keeping there unless they find a supply of water, as from a plumbing leak in a wall. Almost every termite infestation begins with a colony, based in the soil. If you have a way of keeping the pests underground, you don't have to worry about them. 43. Termites have to replenish their moisture supply. This means they have to _______ their water supply. A. replace B. destroy C. hide D. drain44. The queen's chief job is to A. build tunnels B. lay eggs C. find food D. protect the colony45. The termites main diet consists of _______. A. water B. plant leaves C. smaller insects D. wood46. What do termites feel the most important to consider before they move in the wood structure? A. Food. B. Housekeeping. C. Soil. D. Water supply.Passage 5 British people are famous for drinking tea. But brother and sister, Sahar and Bobby Green, became young millionaires when they opened a chain of American-style coffee shops in the U.K. Having the idea: It started when Sahar took a weekend trip to New York to visit her brother Bobby. One evening, in a Thai restaurant, Sahar told Bobby how much she wished she could buy American-style coffee in London. Bobby suggested they start their own coffee shop. Sahar fell in love with the idea. Doing the Research: Back in London, she spent a whole day on the London subway, getting off the train at different stations to taste the coffee. “It was terrible, and I knew there was a gap in the market.” In November 1995, they opened their first Coffee Republic shop in central London. Making it work: The first year was very difficult. There were problems finding and keeping staff, and British people were not used to the names of American coffees, like latte and macchiato. But being successful was their dream and they were not going to give up. Today, there are over 100 Coffee Republic shops all over the country and the company has revenues of £30 million a year. Advice for others: Sahar has now written a best-selling book about their experience, called Anyone Can Do It! She hopes it will help other young people to start their own businesses. She believes success is 1% idea and 99% hard work, but she says, &If you think you have the energy, then get out and follow your dream.& 47. What kind of company do these people run? A. A fast-food restaurant. C. A coffee shop. B. A teashop. D. A hotel.48. Where are their Coffee Republic shops? A. All over the U.K. . C. In central London. 49. Which of the following statements is right? A. British people prefer tea to coffee. B. Sahar was not interested in Bobby’s idea. C. As soon as they opened their first coffee shop, they were very successful. D. The best-seller written by Sahar is about how to make coffee. 50. What is the passage mainly about? A. Sahar’s life story. C. The American-style coffee. B. Sahar’s trip. D. The success of a family business. B. All over the US. D. In New York.第一套参考答案1-5 C A D D D 6-10 A D B B D 11-15 A A A B A 16-20 D B D A D 21-25 B C A A D 26-30 D C C D A 31-34 A B A C 35-38 B D A D 39-42 C C C A 43-46 A B D D 47-50 C A A D大学英语辅导题第二套一、语音知识: 共 5 小题,每题 1 分,共 5 分) 语音知识: (共 小题, ( 在下列各组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同, 找出该单词。 1. A. chase 2. A. calm 3. A. although 4. A. among 5. A. casual B. coarse B. chalk B. author B. color B. abolish C. choose C. salt C. booth C. along C. ancient D. course D. behalf D. clothing D. cover D. chef小题, 二、词汇和语法知识(共 15 小题,每题 1 分,共 15 分) 词汇和语法知识( 从每小题的四个选项中,选出最佳的一项。 6. I ______ for the bus for the past 20 minutes and still it has not come. A. wait B. waited C. have waited D. have been waiting7. _______ the boss pays us a visit, everyone is very nervous and on their best behavior. A. Wherever B. Whenever C. Whatever D. Whoever8. I’m thinking of going to the match on Saturday. So _______. A. do IB. am IC. I amD. I do9. How can he do so much work? He ______ stay late at the office every evening and take work home at weekends. A. must B. might C. can’t D. would10. I really believe ______ this project and will do everything I can to support it. A. in B. on C. with D. over11. I much prefer this candidate. I thought she was _______ better than the other one. A. lot B. bit C. more D. far12. _____ of them knew about the plan because it was secret. A. Some B. Any C. No one D. None13. Take your vaccination certificate with you ______ they ask for it at the airport. A. unless B. in case C. when D. because of14. No cat and no dog ______ to get into the public park. A. are allowed B. allows C. is allowed D. allow15. I intend to study English ______ American business methods. A. to understand B. understanding C. understood D. understand16. You mustn’t mind _______ trouble over the cooking if you want your guests to enjoy their meal. A. take B. to take C. taking D. taken17. _____ earlier, I might have done that in a totally different way. A. I have been told B. I were told C. Had I been told D. Had I told18. _______ we choose the seventh floor instead of the sixth of the new building? Do you think that there will be more sunshine? A. If only B. What if C. As if D. Even if19. You can’t believe that he was a _____ model when he was young. A. tall handsome fashion C. tall fashion handsome B. fashion tall handsome D. handsome fashion tall20. When he ______, tell him that I’ve already left. A. has come B. came C. comes D. will come 三、完型填空(共 10 小题,每题 1 分,共 10 分) 完型填空( 小题, 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应 空白处的最佳选项。 Research shows that by using computers, students become better problem solvers and better communicators. Over a network, using __21__ and sharing files, students have the chance to collaborate and work __22__ with other classmates, peers, and teachers. Networking electronically can __23__ learners create, analyze, and produce information and ideas more __24__ and efficiently. Networking people &put the inspiring and usable set of tools within reach of the mass of computer __25__, empowering them to go beyond simply processing information to design, publish, and express& (Mello, 1996). Through this __26__ electronic access to the world around them, students' social awareness and __27__ increase. Networking __28__ them from the limitations of traditional writing tools that often inhibit and restrict writing processes. Learning is then __29__ from a traditional passive-listening exercise to an experience of discovery, exploration, and excitement. Students can begin to realize their full potential when __30__ are empowered to contribute and collaborate as a team to accomplish their writing tasks more effectively. 21. A. letter 22. A. alone 23. A. help 24. A. hard 25. A. learners 26. A. decreased 27. A. confidence 28. A. free 29. A. moved 30. A. he B. e-mail B. forward B. lead B. easily B. programs B. raised B. consideration B. frees B. passed B. it C. book C. together C. give C. helpfully C. users C. fell C. convenience C. stop C. transformed C. they D. message D. along D. force D. greatly D. tools D. increased D. conscience D. stops D. transfer D. her小题, 四、阅读理解(共 20 小题,每题 2 分,共 40 分) 阅读理解( 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。 Passage 1 I began to send e-mail when I was 17. I discovered Google 5 years later. Now, I use the Internet all the time. Internet has become so popular that 90 percent of 12-to-17-year-olds in the United States use the Internet, and about half of these kids use it every day. They visit chat rooms and send e-mails. They go to websites to get information for their homework. “Kids are now living in a virtual world,” says Greenfield, an expert at the University of California, “As the Internet is becoming more and more important for our life, we should worry about one question: Is the Internet good or bad for kids?” “It’s X to answer the question because the Internet involves so many things,” says Justine, who is from Northwestern University. “They include online computer games, news, messages and even e-mails to your grandmother.” So, more and more people believe that the online world can be helpful in some ways but dangerous in others. “Although it’s not easy to tell whether it’s good or bad,” says Justine, “the Internet, at least, is very useful and can be used widely by everyone in the world.” 31. What percentage of American 12-to17-year-olds use the Internet every day? A. About 45%. B. About 50%. C. About 80%. D. About 90%.32. Greenfield ______. A. works as an expert in Northwestern University B. wants to stop all the kids from using the Internet C. thinks that the Internet is good for all the kids in the world D. concerns himself with whether the Internet is good or bad for children 33. “X” in the passage should be the word “______”. A. possible B. difficult C. easy D. good34. Which is the best title of the passage? A. Don’t Use the Internet C. Is the Internet Good or Bad B. Kids and Emails D. Two Experts from Universities Passage 2 If you've gone to the same seashore for several years, you may have noticed that the beach gets smaller every year. The wind and the waves carry the beach out to sea, bit by bit. Most shore towns try to fight the beach changes caused by ocean currents and the tides. Some dig sand out of backwater bays and dump it on the beachfront. Others build wooden piers and jetties made to keep currents away from the beach. A type of artificial sand that has been developed might be able to slow down beach erosion. Strangely, this new kind of sand is made of ground glass! You might think that walking barefoot on ground glass would be painful. But it's not. The reason is very simple. Sand and glass are made of the same kind of material, called silicate. When glass is ground very finely, you get a sand-like substance that is harder than real sand. The size of the pieces can be controlled. Larger pieces won't be as easily affected by the wind and waves. So, a beach covered with artificial sand would last longer than a beach with real sand. A wonderful thing about artificial sand is that it can be made from' waste glass. But making artificial sand costs three times as much as using conventional methods of beach protection. So, it is not likely that sand made of glass will be used in the near future. 35. The subject of this passage is _______. A. summer vacations C. artificial sand 36. Ground glass is _______. A. hard to walk on C. difficult to make B. similar to sand but harder D. found in nature B. the seashore D. sand and water37. The passage suggests that artificial sand is _______. A. not nice looking C. a foolish idea B. the best way to slow down erosion D. too costly to ever be used38. In the first sentence, the author gets the reader's attention by _______. A. referring to something the reader might be familiar with B. telling a fact that is very humorous C. saying something very surprising D. asking a questionPassage 3 The frog is an amphibian, which means &double living& or both water and land living. That is, it is able to get oxygen from water at one stage in its life and from the air at another stage. Perhaps you have heard the term amphibian used for military vehicles which can travel un both land and water. Toads and salamanders, as well as frogs, are amphibians. In the development of animals over the world's history, amphibians were the first vertebrates to live at least part time on land. As a tadpole, the frog spends the beginning of its life living in the water. The tadpole breathes by means of tiny gills. When the lungs begin to develop, the gills disappear. By the time they are adults, all frogs have lungs for breathing while on land. In this way, the animal becomes essentially a land-adapted animal. In addition to having lungs, frogs and salamanders have a moist skin through which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged. This moist skin is very important in the winter weather when amphibians hibernate in the mud at the bottom of ponds and lakes. They get what little oxygen they need through the skin. Like fish, amphibians are cold-blooded animals. This means that their body temperature rises and falls with that of their surroundings. 39. This passage mainly talks about one of the amphibian, _______. A. salamander B. toad C. tadpole D. frog40. A land-adapted animal is one which has developed the ability _______. A. to live underground B. to move swiftly both on land and in water C. to breath and function when out of the water D. to maintain a constant body temperature when on land 41. In addition to breathing with its lungs, an adult frog has the ability to breathe through its _______. A. spout B. gills C. skin D. tongue42. Based on paragraph 4, we conclude that _______. A. frogs cannot move about in snowy conditions B. frogs are cold-blooded animals C. the body temperature of frogs rises during the winter time D. the surroundings are too dangerous for frogs to remain on land.Passage 4 What makes a person famous? This is a mystery that many people have pondered. All kinds of myths surround the lives of well-known people. Most people are familiar with the works of William Shakespeare, one of the greatest English writers of the sixteenth century. Yet how many know Shakespeare the person, the man behind the works? After centuries of research, scholars are still trying to discover Shakespeare's personal history. It is not easily found in his writings. Authors of the time could not protect their works. An acting company, for example, could change a play if they' wanted to. Nowadays writers have copyrights that protect their work. Many myths arose about Shakespeare. Some said he had no formal education. There are rumors that he left home when accused of stealing a horse. Others believe that he began his career by tending the horses of wealthy men. All of these myths are interesting, but are they true? Probably not. Shakespeare's father was a respected man in Stratford, a member of the town council, He sent young William to grammar school. Most people of Elizabethan times did not continue b so, Shakespeare did have, at least, an average education. Some parts of Shakespeare's life will always remain unknown. The Great London Fire of 1666 burned many important documents that could have been a source of clues. We will always be left with many questions and few facts, 43. This passage deals with _______. A. the Great London Fire B. the lost documents of Shakespeare C. scholars of ShakespeareD. Shakespeare's personal history44. Parts of Shakespeare's life continue to remain a mystery because _______. A. people are not interested B. researchers do not have the expertise to find the facts C. writers had no claim over their works D. the Great London Fire burned important documents 45. From this passage we can infer that Shakespeare _______. A. was a horse thief C. is surrounded by myths B. had no education D. was popular in Stratford46. The first sentence arouses interest by presenting _______. A. a direct statement C. an emotional appear B. a question D. a contrastPassage 5 A panel of government officials is worried. The air quality in some areas is not good. The air is polluted with soot. The officials worry that the air is harmful to the people who breathe the air. The officials are experts. They study the environment. They discuss ways to stop the air pollution. The panel decided to make some changes to the law. The new plan places strict limits on how much soot can be released into the air. Now, a measurement of 65 parts of soot is considered safe. The new plan would reduce that number to 30. The daily limit of pollution in the air would be cut in half. These new standards would affect industry. The limits would also affect people who own wood stoves and fireplaces. The county will keep track of the air quality every day. People would be required to stop burning wood when the levels are high. They could also install a kind of special fireplace. These fireplaces burn very little wood. They do not pollute the air as much. Some counties will punish families who violate the ban. They will have to pay a fine for not complying with the law. Some states do not have much industry. Their pollution problem is not too bad. They would still have to regulate how much pollution is released into the air. The experts hope that this ban will help keep the air cleaner. Before the plan becomes a law the public will have a chance to comment on it. Citizens will have ninety days to ask questions and voice concerns about the plan. Then it will become a law. 47. The panel is made up of _______. A. scientists B. homeowners C. citizens D. factory owners48. How will the government know what the air quality is? A. The factories will test the air every day. B. Scientists will test it every day. C. A report will be published. D. They will ask homeowners 49. What will happen to residents if they don't comply with the law?. A. They will have to go to work in a factory. B. They will have to pay a fine. C. They will go to jail for ninety days. D. The government will take away their woodstove 50. Why is the government asking for comments on the new rules? A. Because it is trying to fool people. B. Because it doesn't know how to make rules. C. Because it wants to be nice D. Because it wants to hear what the citizens have to say.第二套参考答案一、语音知识 1-5 C C B C A 二、词汇和语法知识 6-10 D BB B A B 11-15 D D B C A 15-20 C C B A C 三、完型填空 21-25 B C A B C 26-30 D A B C C 四、阅读理解 31-34 A D B C 35-38 C B B A 39-42 D C C B 43-46 D D C B 47-50 A B B D大学英语辅导题第三套(共 小题, 一、语音知识: 共 5 小题,每题 1 分,共 5 分) 语音知识: ( 在下列各组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同, 找出该单词。 1. A. assign 2. A. wrinkle 3. A. annual 4. A. creature 5. A. approximate B. Atlantic B. why B. gradual B. pure B. boxing C. condemn C. window C. usual C. adventure C. complex D. antique D. wild D. eventually D. departure D. exact小题, 二、词汇和语法知识(共 15 小题,每题 1 分,共 15 分) 词汇和语法知识( 从每小题的四个选项中,选出最佳的一项。 6. I didn’t do as ______ I did yesterday. A. badly today as B. had today as C. badly as today D. bad as today 7. You would like the window open, ______? A. will B. would you C. won’t you D. wouldn’t you8. He ______ in that hotel since the beginning of August. A. has been living B. lived C. is living D. lives9. Portuguese is quite _____ Spanish. A. similar B. similar from C. similar to D. similar with10. Speak louder so that you can make yourself ______. A. heard B. to hear C. hearing D. have been heard11. Until last year, she was the largest ship that ______. A. was ever built C. has ever been built B. has ever built D. had ever been built12. The teacher had the monitor ______ the papers. A. to hand out B. hand out C. hand down D. to hand down13. Seldom ______ her in the public. A. you can see B. can see you C. can you see D. you see14. Had you worked harder, you ______ a lot more. A. will learn B. will have learned C. would learn D. would have learned15. ______ sex has its own physical and psychological characteristics. A. Every B. Each C. Both D. Neither16. You’d better go now, ______ you’ll miss the next train. A. if B. or else C. or not D. unless17. I’ve been taking English lessons for 3 months but I ______ haven’t made much progress. A. always B. yet C. still D. already18. Don’t leave your books near the open fire. They might easily ______. A. catch to fire C. catch up fire B. catch fire D. catch with fire19. Don’t forget to turn off the heating before ______ the house. A. leave B. left C. to leave D. leaving20. You are welcome to order the goods now. But payment should be made ______. A. for advanceB. advancingC. in advanceD. to advance小题, 三、完型填空(共 10 小题,每题 1 分,共 10 分) 完型填空( 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应 空白处的最佳选项。 Canada is the second largest country in the world in area, although its __21__ is only some 25 million, most living in a 200-mile strip __22__ the southern border. Over 25 per cent of the total number live in the three main cities. The northern areas of the country are almost uninhabited __23__ for isolated settlements. Canada is basically a rich country, and its national __24__ per capita is the fifth highest in the world, but its economy in recent years has been rather patchy because of the varied nature of what it does. Over the last three years, the Canadian economy has been hard __25__ by falling oil prices and by rising US interest __26__. This has led to a steep fall in industrial production --- by as much as a fifth since 1981. Some __27__ now think Canada is on the __28__ to recovery, though more cautious spirits say that no __29__ can be expected until there is a __30__ to lower interest rates in the USA. 21. A. people 22. A. down 23. A. except 24. A. product 25. A. influence 26. A. jobs 27. A. economists 28. A. line 29. A. uplift 30. A. tendency B. residents B. along B. but B. resource B. hit B. founds B. scholars B. period B. cheer B. shift C. population C. beside C. only C. production C. pushed C. rates C. Canadians C. time C. future C. lift D. number D. near D. besides D. manufactures D. hammered D. industries D. scientists D. road D. improvement D. hike小题, 四、阅读理解(共 20 小题,每题 2 分,共 40 分) 阅读理解( 阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。 Passage 1 Some desert regions get no rainfall for months, and even years. Yet water can be found if you dig deep enough. For a long time this was a puzzling question. Then geologists found the answer. The underground water is rainwater but the rain fell hundreds of miles away! It soaked into the ground and then flowed underground through a rock sandwich. A rock sandwich with water in the filling has a scientific name: aquifer. An aquifer is composed of two or more layers of nonporous rock. That's the bread of the sandwich. The filling is a layer of porous rock or sand. The whole sandwich, or aquifer, is titled at a slant. The higher end is in a region of good rainfall, where the rain soaks into the porous rock or sand. The rainwater flows down at a slant between the nonporous rock layers. If a well is drilled through the top layer, the water flows up into the well. If the upper end of the aquifer is higher than the top of the well, the water is forced up without pumping. This convenient arrangement is called an artesian well because this kind of well was first developed in Artois, France. 31. A geologist is a person who studies _______. A. weather patterns C. the surface layers of the earth B. boundaries and land claims D. the orbits of heavenly bodies32. After the rain soaks into rocks, the rain water flows _______. A. into the well C. through the sandwich 33. The artesian well was first developed in A. France B. Spain C. England D. America B. down between rock layers D. to the dry regions34. This passage is about _______. A. freshwater seas C. mountain streams B. salt water D. underground waterPassage 2 Luckily, the back tires of their car stayed on the road. Otherwise, the young couple would have driven right into a pit twenty feet wide and thirty feet deep! The man and woman were coming home from a party. They were enjoying the landscape around Swansea, Wales. Suddenly, they found the front of their car leaning into a huge hole. The car barely hung onto the edge of the pit. It swayed back and forth like the arm of a balance, In their precarious position, the couple knew that each movement they made could be a matter of life and death. Slowly, slowly, they edged toward the backseat. Then each opened a back door. And on the count of three, they jumped out together. The accident was so scary that they ran a long way before they calmed down. But later they returned to see what had happened. They found that a big chunk of the road had sunk into the ground! And at the bottom of the pit lay their car---roof down and wheels up. Was this mystery of the sunken road ever solved? It turned out that an abandoned mine shaft lay under the road. It had collapsed and taken the pavement with it. Layers of tunnels intersect beneath the city of Swansea. The tunnels were built so many years ago that no one knows where they end or begin. The tunnels are shaky, like those that ants build in the sand. No one knows when the entire city might co]lapse. 35. This passage is primarily about _______. A. driving carefully C. a road that caved in 36. It is probably true that _______. A. the other roads in Swansea are pretty safe B. other sections of Swansea will cave in sometime C. everyone should move out of Swansea D. Swansea is a very interesting city 37. The writer creates interest in the first sentence by using _______. A. a funny story C. a vivid description 38. The word precarious means _______. A. unexpected B. dangerous C. unusual D. ridiculous B. romantic imagery D. a precise argument B. the city of Swansea, Wales D. tunnels that ants build Passage 3 Stories don' they are created. There are no stories in the every there are only the ingredients for stories. A dozen people may watch a man standing on the fifth-floor ledge or a small child crying. There is no story involved in either case unless one of the dozen chooses to make one up--to surround the isolated event with a beginning and an end, thereby giving what we call a meaning to human action. In other words, there has to be a story-maker--a story-teller--if there is to be a story. You as the story-maker or writer are in complete control of all of the details of your story. You have control over who the characters are, what they do, and why they do it. You also have control over how the story is to be told and who is going to tell it. You can adopt one of a number of points of view, each of which will give a quite different total story. Broadly speaking, there are two major approaches a writer can take: (1) you can present the story as if told by someone who is completely outside it, or (2) you can present the story as if told by one of its characters. In either case, the teller's role is an assumed role. 39. The author of this passage uses ingredients to mean _______. A. creative features C. misleading facts 40. Who controls all the details of the story? A. The story-maker. C. The publisher. 41. The. main idea of this passage is _______. A. stories are created C. legends are a type of story B. nonfiction stories are true D. most stories are historical accounts B. The characters. D. The proofreader. B. unimportant details D. raw materials42. Based on the two approaches mentioned in the passage, the story can be told by _______. A. the one who writes the story C. the man who is watched by people B. people who create stories D. the one who is one of the characters Passage 4 Thousands of people began pouring into Pennsylvan from other states. Theywanted to buy lottery tickets (彩票). The tickets cost only $ 0. 9 each. But that small spending could bring them a reward of $ 90 million. That was the second largest lottery jackpot (积累奖金) in history. More than 87 million tickets were bought for the Pennsylvania lottery drawing. Those who bought tickets had to choose seven numbers from 1 to 80. The chance of winning was one in 9. 6 million, but that little chance certainly didn’t affect ticket sales. In the last few days before the drawing , tickets were sold at the unbelievable rate of 500 per second. Experts say many people buy lottery tickets because they just want to have a piece of the action. Others say the lottery is a stock market for poor people. It allows them to dream about wealth they’ll probably never have. But many people believe lotteries are no better than legalized (合法化的) gambling. Some critics note that most people who play are poor and may not be able to afford the tickets. There are also many addicts who take the game seriously. They may pour their life savings into lottery tickets. Some clubs have been formed to help them kick the habit. Politicians like lotteries because they provide money that would otherwise have to come from new taxes. The profits from lotteries are usually used to pay for education or programs for senior citizens. But critics say this arrangement just allows states to legalize vice (恶习), under the name of social progress . No matter whether you regard state lotteries right or not, you cannot refuse to accept their extreme popularity with many Americans. 43. They main idea of the passage is that ________. A. lotteries are of great benefit to everyone who buys them B. playing a lottery is just like investing in the stock market C. many people buy lottery tickets, but lotteries cause disagreement D. lotteries are nothing but legalized vice 44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Politicians like lotteries because they don’t have to pay extra taxes. B. The popularity of lotteries in America actually is social progress. C. Some critics don’t like lotteries because many poor people waste money on them. D. People love the lottery because it is a stock market. 45. In just one hour in the last few days, the Pennsylvania lottery sold tickets totaling _______. A. $ 1. 62 million C. $ 9. 6 million B. $ 1. 82 million D. $ 87 million46. People who are addicted to playing lotteries should __________. A. join a support group C. win the lottery B. kick the habit D. save every centPassage 4 The first chocolate was eaten by people in South America hundreds of years ago. In those days, the people did not really eat chocolate. They used the cocoa bean to make a chocolate drink and they enjoyed it very much. Many years later, the cocoa bean was brought to other countries and people came to love the taste of chocolate. In 1824, John Cadbury opened a small shop in Britain. One of the things he sold was chocolate drink. In 1831, he opened a factory to make chocolate drink. He wanted to encourage people to drink chocolate instead of other drinks. A few years later, a man called Joseph Fry found a way to make chocolate instead of only drinking it. But at that time chocolate was very expensive and only the rich people could buy it. Later, ad more and more chocolate bars were produced and sold, it became cheaper. However, at first only plain chocolate (a kind of chocolate without milk and with very little sugar) was produced. Milk chocolate came later and this was made by adding milk to the chocolate. The first milk chocolate bar was made in Cadbury’s factory in 1897. Their most famous chocolate, Cadbury’s Milk Bar, was made in 1905. It has been the most popular chocolate in Britain and around the world for over 100 years. The Cadbury factory is still in Britain and the chocolate produced there is eaten all over the world. Every year, thousands of visitors visit the factory in order to see how chocolate is made. 47. John Cadbury opened a factory to make chocolate drink in _______. A.1824 B.1831 C.1897 D.190548. People had the chance to eat chocolate instead of drinking it for the first time ________. A. when chocolate was cheaper B. when more and more chocolate was produced C. when John Cadbury started to make chocolate drink D. when Joseph Fry found a way to make chocolate bars. 49. At first, not many people bought chocolate ________. A. because it was very expensive B. because people didn’t like the taste C. because they wanted to have other drinks D. because there was no chocolate sold in the shops 50. Cadbury’s Milk Bar ________. A. was first made in 1897 B. is a kind of plain chocolate C. is famous neither in Britain nor in America D. is popular not only in Britain but also around the world第三套参考答案一、语音知识 1-5 C A A B D 二、词汇和语法 6-10 A D A C A 11-15 D B C D B 16-20 B C B D C 三、完形填空 21-25 C B A C B 26-30 C A D D B 四、阅读理解 31-34 C B A D 35-38 C B C B 39-42 D A A D 43-46 C C A B 47-50 B D A D 西北工业大学网络教育学院 招生考试大学语文复习大纲总 要 求1、学习古今中外的名家名作,继承中华民族的优秀文化传统,培养高尚的 思想品质和道德情操,提高人文素质。 2、能准确地阅读、理解现当代作品,能读懂难度适中的文言文,并能解释 常见的字词和语言现象。 3、能够比较准确地分析文章的思想内容和写作手法,具备一定的文学鉴赏 水平和综合分析能力。 4、掌握常用的文体写作知识,能够综合运用各种表达方式,具有较高的写 作能力。复习考试内容一、汉语基本知识 1、识别古今意义有所不同的词语;了解文言词语一词多义的现象;识别通 假字和古今字;注意掌握现代汉语中仍然在运用的文言词语。 2、掌握常用文言虚词之、其、者、所、诸、焉、则、而、于、以、且、乃 等的用法,识别同一个文言虚词在不同语言环境中的不同含义。 3、理解文言文中与现代汉语不同的语法现象和句式,如使动用法、意动用 法、名词用作状语、名词用作动词、宾语前置、判断句、被动句等,并能正确地 译成现代汉语。 4、理解古今作品中比喻、比拟、对偶、排比、夸张、层递、反复、设问、 反诘等修辞格。 二、作家作品知识 掌握中外作家的名号、国别、时代及代表作品,了解其主要思想倾向、文学 主张、艺术成就、所属流派(社团)及在文学史上的贡献。 三、文体知识 (说明文不做要求)议 1、按写作表达手法分为:记叙文、议论文、说明文。 论文三要素:论点、论据、论证。论证的方法:归纳法、演绎法、例证法、比较 论证、比喻论证。 2、按文学体裁分为:诗歌、小说、戏剧、散文四大样式。 诗歌包括诗、词、曲。古代诗歌分为古体诗和近体诗,近体诗包括律诗和绝 句。 小说一般具有三要素:人物、情节、环境。通过生动曲折的情节和典型环境 的描写来塑造人物形象。其情节一般包括开端、发展、高潮和结局。环境包括自 然环境、社会环境、人物活动的特定环境。 戏剧,是借助舞台通过矛盾冲突来表现社会生活的综合艺术。常见的有戏曲 和话剧。按类型分为悲剧、喜剧、正剧。 四、写作知识 1、理解主题的重要性,掌握一般立意的方法。 2、掌握如何选材与组织材料。 3、了解结构的有关知识,掌握一般文章布局的方法。 4、了解并会运用五种常见的表达方式:叙述、描写、议论、抒情、说明。 叙述的方式有:顺叙、倒叙、插叙、平叙、补叙。描写分为人物描写和环境 描写,人物描写分为肖像、行动、语言、心理描写;环境描写自然环境描写和社 会环境描写。抒情包括直接抒情和间接抒情。 5、准确使用语言。 五、作品阅读分析 了解课文的体裁及题材,理解课文的主旨,把握结构特点,掌握表现手法, 体味作品的语言及审美情趣,提高人文素质和表达能力。考试形式及试卷结构 试卷总分: 试卷总分:100 分 试卷内容及题型比例: 试卷内容及题型比例: 及题型比例 文学常识 作品阅读分析 写作 约 58(单项、多项选择) 约 32%(文言文、现代文阅读选择) 约 10%(单项、多项选择) 大学语文考前辅导( 大学语文考前辅导(一) 考前辅导在每小题给出的四 一、文学常识单项选择题:1―― 小题,每小题 2 分,共 50 分。在每小题给出的四个选 文学常识单项选择题: ―― 小题, 选择题 ――25 项中,只有一项是正确的。 项中,只有一项是正确的。 正确的 1、孔子的思想核心是 A 民本思想 C 严刑峻法 B 仁和礼 D 自然无为 ( ) ( )2、我国先秦时期著名的语录体散文集是 A 《庄子》 C 《孟子》 B 《论语》 D 《韩非子》3、孟子在《寡人之于国也》中认为使人民增多的根本措施是 A 鼓励生育 C 军事扩张 4、 “五十步笑百步”这一典故出自于 A 《寡人之于国也》 C《大同》 B《季氏将伐颛臾》 D《秋水》 B 发展教育 D 施行仁政()()5、 《五代史伶官传序》中,告诫人们要居安思危的警戒性语句是 A 祸患常积于忽微,智勇多困于所溺 B 满招损,谦得益 C 忧劳可以兴国,逸豫可以亡身 6、鲁迅所处的时代是 A 中国力争个性解放 C 中国复兴传统文化时期 B 中国进入现代化时期 D 中国正处于外敌入侵、挨打的时期 D 盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉()()7、鲁迅的《灯下漫笔》一文主要抨击的是 A 中国“固有的精神文明” C 资本主义 B 帝国主义 D 中国的奴隶制度()8、下列选自《郑伯克段于鄢》的文字中,最能体现文章主旨的是 A 都城过百雉,国之害也 C 多行不义必自毙 9、 《郑伯克段于鄢》是一篇典型的 A 写人文章 B 叙事文章 B 蔓草犹不可除,况君之宠弟乎 D 国不堪贰()() C 议论文章 10、 《张中丞传后叙》歌颂的三个人物是 A 张巡、张籍、南霁云 C 张巡、许远、南霁云 11、朱自清早期参加的文学社团是 A 新月社 C 创造社D 抒情文章 ( B 张巡、许远、于嵩 D 张巡、许远、雷万春 ( B 文学研究会 D 左翼作家联盟 ( ) ) )12、朱自清的《背影》塑造父亲形象主要采取的手法是 A 对比手法 C 白描手法和侧面烘托 B 侧面描写 D 正面描写13、 巴金创作的最著名的长篇小说三部曲是 A 《蚀》三部曲 C 《激流三部曲》 B《爱情三部曲》 D《抗战三部曲》()14、代表沈从文艺术创作高峰的一部中篇小说是 A 《萧萧》 C 《边城》 15、 《氓》选自于《诗经》中的 A 风 C 大雅 16、 屈原的 《国殇》 选自于 A 《离骚》 C 《九章》 17、 下列诗句中属于静态描写的是 A 操吴戈兮披犀甲 C 旌蔽日兮敌若云 18、我国第一个有伟大成就的爱国诗人是 A 庄子 C 宋玉 B 孔子 D 屈原 B 车错毂兮短兵接 D 矢交坠兮士争先 B 《九歌》 D《天问》 B 小雅 D颂 B《湘西》 D《长河》()()()()()19、下列《陌上桑》诗句中,在描写罗敷美貌时运用了烘托手法的是 A 头上倭堕髻 B 耳中明月珠() C 来归相怨怒 20、 《陌上桑》的主要内容是写 A 刺史调戏罗敷并遭到拒绝 C 陌上采桑的繁忙景象 21、在陶渊明的诗作中,成就最高的是 A 田园诗 C 咏史诗 22、被后人称为“七绝圣手”的诗人是 A 王之涣 C 王昌龄D 紫绮为上近襦 ( B 罗敷美貌并热爱劳动 D 罗敷夸父 ( B 咏怀诗 D 咏怀和咏史诗 (}


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