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指月香斋?藏青甘露?清逸悦神 安和脏腑
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小窗幽记 卷五 素【原文】家鸳鸯湖滨,饶兼葭凫鹥,水月澹荡之观。客啸渔歌,风帆烟艇①,虚无出没,半落几上,呼野衲而泛斜阳,无过此矣!【注释】①风帆烟艇:风吹动船帆,水烟笼罩小舟。【译文】居住在鸳鸯湖之滨,蒹葭、凫鸟、鹥鸟都很丰饶,月色洒在水面上,微波荡漾,景观十分优美。客人长啸,渔歌互答,风吹动船帆,水烟笼罩小舟,虚虚实实,飘渺迷茫,差点落在案几上,于是呼唤野居的名僧一起泛舟于斜阳之中,没有什么比这更为美妙的了。【原文】雨后卷帘看霁色①,却疑苔影上花来。【注释】①霁色:雨后初晴的景色。【译文】雨后卷开帘子看天气初晴之景色,帘外一片青山碧水,不由得怀疑是不是翠绿的苔藓的影子映到了花上。【原文】月夜焚香,古桐①三弄,便觉万虑都忘,妄想尽绝。试看香是何味,烟是何色,穿窗之白是何影,指下之余是何音,恬然乐之而悠然忘之者,是何趣,不可思量处,是何境。【注释】①古桐:古代的琴往往是桐木做成的,故称古琴为古桐。【译文】在月明之夜焚上名香,弹奏几首琴曲,就会觉得一切的忧愁都忘记了,一切妄想都没有了。试着体味一下香是什么味道,烟是什么颜色,穿过窗户照进来的白色是什么的影子,手指下的余音是什么音,恬静喜悦而又悠然忘记的是什么乐趣,不能思量的地方,是什么境界。【原文】贝叶之歌①无碍,莲花之心②不染。【注释】①贝叶之歌:古印度往往将经文写在贝叶上,而佛教又是从印度传来的,因此以其指佛教经文。②莲花之心:本指莲花的胚芽,在此以莲花象征佛境。【译文】写在贝叶上的佛教经文流畅无碍,有如莲花之心的佛境不受任何污染。【原文】河边共指星为客,花里空瞻月是卿。【译文】在河边共同指着星星,视星星为客人,花丛中抬头望月,视月亮为客卿。问题补充&&
09:20:00 来源:网络
新东方在线网为大家准备了有关口译:中英对照《小窗幽记》(节选)内容。正在准备口译考试的你,一定不要错过以下内容哟~~更多口译备考资料、口译考试资讯,新东方口译网将第一时间为您发布。&script type="text/javascript"&/*创建于*/ & & &var cpro_id = &u2712123&;&/script&&script src="http://cpro.baidustatic.com/cpro/ui/c.js" type="text/javascript"&&/script&小窗幽记Sketches by the Little Window&陈继儒Chen Chiju&赏花须结豪友,观妓须结淡友,登山须结逸友,泛舟须结旷友,对月须结冷友,待雪须结艳友,捉酒须结韵友。&&&&&&&&& For enjoying flowers, one must secure nonchalant friends. For going to sing-song houses to have a look at the girls, one must secure quiet or mild-tempered friends. For going up a high mountain, one must secure romantic friends. For boating, one must secure friends with an expansive nature. For looking at the moon, one must secure friends with a cool philosophy. For anticipating snow, one must secure beautiful friends. For a wine party, one must secure friends with flavor and charm.&法饮宜舒,放饮宜雅,病饮宜小,愁饮宜醉;春饮宜庭,夏饮宜郊,秋饮宜舟,冬饮宜室,夜饮宜月。&Formal drinking should be slow and leisurely, while unrestrained drinking, elegant and romantic. A sick person should drink a very small quantity, while a sad person should drink so much as to get drunk. Drinking in the spring should take place in a courtyard, in summer in the outskirts of a city, in autumn on a boat, and in winter in the house, and at night it should be enjoyed in the presence of the moon.&凡醉各有所宜:醉花宜昼,袭其光也;醉雪宜夜,清其思也;醉得意宜唱,宣其和也;醉将离宜击钵,壮其神也;醉文人宜谨节奏,畏其侮也;醉俊人宜益觥盂加旗帜,助其烈也;醉楼宜暑,资其清也;醉水宜秋;泛其爽也。此皆审其宜,考其景;反之,则失饮矣。&There is a proper time and place for getting drunk. One should get drunk in the company of flowers during the day, in order to assimilate th and one should get drunk in the company of snow at night, in order to clear one’s thoughts. A man getting drunk when happy at success should sing, in order to
and a man getting drunk at a farewell party should strike an earthen pot in order to strengthen his spirit. A drunken scholar should be careful in his conduct, so that humilia and a drunken military man should order gallons and put up more flags, so that his military splendour can be increased. Drinking in a tower should take place in summer, in order to profit from and drinking in a boat on the water should take place in autumn, in order to increase the sense of elated freedom. These are proper ways of drinking in respect of mood and scenery, and to violate these rules is to miss the pleasure of drinking.&吾斋之中,不尚虚礼。凡入此斋,均为知己。随分款留,忘形笑语,不言是非,不侈荣利,闲谈古今,静玩山水,清茶好酒,以适幽趣。臭味之交,如斯而已。&&&&&&& In my studio, all formalities will be abolished, and only the most intimate friends will be admitted. They will be treated with good or bad fare such as I have, and will chat and laugh together and forget our own existence. We will never discuss the right and wrong of other people and will be totally indifferent to worldly glory and wealth. In our leisure we will discuss the anci and in our quiet, we will enjoy the sceneries of the mountains and rivers. Then we will have thin, clear tea and good wine to fit into the atmosphere of delightful seclusion. That is my conception of the pleasure of intimate friendship.&月夜焚香,古桐三弄,便觉万虑都忘,妄想尽绝。试看香是何味?烟是何色?穿窗之白是何影?指下之馀是何音?恬然乐之,而悠然忘之者是何趣?不可思量处是何境?&&&&&&& We burn incense on a moonlit night and play three stanzas on the ch’in, and immediately the myriad worries of our breast are banished and all our foolish ambitions or desires are forgotten. We will then inquire, what is the fragrance of this incense, what is the colour of the smoke, what are the white streams of light darting in through the window, what is this sound that arises from below my fingertips, what is this enjoyment which makes us so quietly happy and so forgetful of everything else, and what is the condition of the infinite universe?&凡静室,须前栽碧梧,后种翠竹;前檐放步,北用暗窗;春冬闭之,以避风雨;夏秋可开,以通凉爽。然碧梧之趣,春冬落叶,以舒负喧融和之乐;夏秋交荫,以蔽炎烁蒸烈之威。&&&&&&& For a quiet studio, one should have some green wut’ung trees in front and some emerald bamboos behind. On the south of the house the eaves will stretch boldly forward, while on the north side there will be a paneless window, which can be closed in spring and winter to shelter one from wind and rain, and opened in summer and autumn for ventilation. The beauty of the wut’ung tree is that all its leaves fall off in spring and winter, thus admitting us to the full enjoyment of the sun’s warmth, while in summer and autumn its shade protects us from the scorching heat.&script type="text/javascript"&/*创建于*/ & & &var cpro_id = &u2712123&;&/script&&script src="http://cpro.baidustatic.com/cpro/ui/c.js" type="text/javascript"&&/script&筑室数楹,编槿为篱,结茅为屋。以三亩荫竹树栽花果,二亩种蔬菜。四壁清旷,空诸所有。蓄山童灌园剃草。置二三胡床著亭下。挟书剑,伴孤寂,携琴弈,以迟良友。此亦可以娱老。&Build a house of several rooms, grow a hedge of chin-trees (hibiscus syriacus) and cover the house with a haythatch. No furniture is ever needed so that the four walls will look quite bare and the rooms empty. Three mow of land will be devoted to growing bamboos, flowers and fruit trees and two mow to planting vegetables. A peasant boy will be kept to water the garden and clear the weeds. In the garden, there will be a pavilion under which are placed two or three rough bamboo beds. So then one may arm one’s self with books and a sword against solitude, and provide a ch’in and chess to anticipate the coming of good friends. This is one of the ways that can make one’s old age more lively.&门内有径,径欲曲;径转有屏,屏欲小;屏进有阶,阶欲平;阶畔有花,花欲鲜;花外有墙;墙欲低;墙内有松,松欲古;松底有石,石欲怪;石面有亭,亭欲朴;亭后有竹,竹欲疏;竹尽有室,室欲幽;室旁有路,路欲分;路合有桥,桥欲危;桥边有树,树欲高;树阴有草,草欲青;草上有渠,渠欲细;渠引有泉,泉欲瀑;泉去有山,山欲深;山下有屋,屋欲方;屋角有圃;圃欲宽;圃中有鹤;鹤欲舞;鹤报有客,客欲不俗;客至有酒,酒欲不泛;酒行有醉,醉欲不归。&Inside the gate there is a footpath and the footpath must be winding. At the turning of the footpath there is an outdoor screen and the screen must be small. Behind the screen there is a terrace and the terrace must be level. On the banks of the terrace there are flowers and the flowers must be fresh. Beyond the flowers there is a wall and the wall must be low. By the side of the wall there is a pinetree and the pinetree must be old. At the foot of the pinetree there are rocks and the rocks must be quaint. Over the rocks there is a pavilion and the pavilion must be simple. Behind the pavilion there are bamboos and the bamboos must be thin and sparse. At the end of the bamboos there is a house and the house must be secluded. By the side of the house there is a road and the road must branch of. At the point where several roads come together there is a bridge and the bridge must be tantalizing to cross. At the end of the bridge there are trees and the trees must be tall. In the shade of the trees there is grass and the grass must be green. Above the grass plot there is a ditch and the ditch must be slender. At the top of the ditch there is a spring and the spring must gurgle. Above the spring there is a hill and the hill must be deep. Below the hill there is a hall and the hall must be square. At the corner of the hall there is a vegetable garden and the vegetable garden must be big. In the vegetable garden there is a stork and the stork must dance. The stork announces that there is a guest and the guest must not be vulgar. When the guest arrives there is wine and the wine must not be declined. During the service of the wine, there is drunkenness and the drunken guest must not want to go home.&(林语堂 译)以上就是有关口译:中英对照《小窗幽记》(节选)的内容。更多口译备考资料、口译考试资讯的内容,尽在新东方在线口译网。
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