
你可能喜欢印度尼西亚人的饮食习惯 印度尼西亚礼仪→买购网
印度尼西亚人的饮食习惯 印度尼西亚礼仪
印度尼西亚人的饮食习惯 印度尼西亚礼仪
印度尼西亚人的饮食习惯 印度尼西亚礼仪
服饰礼仪 印尼人在衣着上,总体而言,属保守型。在公开场合人们的服装都较朴素。男人在办公时,通常穿长裤、白衬衫并打领带。长袖蜡染衫在多数正式场合都可以穿。妇女在办公室穿裙子和有袖的短外套,并避免色彩过于鲜艳。在多数正式,比较合适的是穿午后礼服或夜礼服。如果在私宅吃晚饭,可穿短袖外套、裙子或礼服。如果参观庙宇或清真寺,不能穿短裤、无袖服、背心或裸露的衣服。进入任何神圣的地方,一定要脱鞋。在巴厘,进入寺庙必须在腰间束腰带。
仪态礼仪 在印尼,当人们坐下来时,两腿不能交叉,如果非要这样做,要把一条腿的膝盖放在另一条腿的膝盖上面。在巴厘岛,坐下时两腿要平放在地板上。如果把脚尖或鞋底对着别人,都认为是对别人的侮辱。印尼人不喜欢外国人当众接吻。人们如果召唤小孩和三轮车驾驶员,可以用手势,而在其他场合叫人,应将掌心向下伸出手指作内屈运动,便不要用一个手指。印尼人不喜欢当面打呵欠,如果难以控制,要用右手将嘴捂上。在同别人说话时,将手放在臀部会被认为对人不或不礼貌。印尼人常用笑声来掩饰震惊,但他们反感嘲笑别人的错误,也不能模仿任何人的动作,否则会伤害他们的感情。印尼不在街道上或走路时吃东西,认为这是不礼貌的,也不用左手去握手、碰别人。在印尼,与别人谈话或进别人家都要摘下太阳镜。
相见礼仪 印尼人是友好的,容易接近的。他们在社交场合与客人见面时,一般习惯以握手为礼,与熟人或朋友相遇,传统礼节是用右手按住胸口互相问好。在作正式介绍时,对称为要多加注意。多数中间阶层的印尼人有两个名字,而许多 下层人民只有一个。富有者通常都有很长的姓和名,便只选用一个短名和首字母缩写名。在称呼人时,只能使用他们的第一个姓,不能用第二个。
餐饮礼仪 印尼人在饮食习惯上以大米为主食,副食品主要有鱼、虾、牛肉等,但不爱吃海参。伊斯兰教徒忌食猪肉,也不吃带骨、带汁的菜肴及鱼肚等。 印尼人习惯吃西餐。由于受当地华人的影响,他们普遍喜欢中餐。除在官方场合有时使用刀叉外,一般都习惯用右手抓饭。他们在用餐时,有边吃边喝凉开水的习惯,也爱喝葡萄酒、矿泉水等,一般不喝烈性酒。 被主人邀请到家里吃饭,客人在开饭或喝酒之前要等候主人的邀请,吃饭时不要多说话,用餐完毕在盘子里留点食物。作为客人,不应对食物提出特别要求,不要提出要盐等东西。
喜丧礼仪 印尼的伊斯兰教信奉者,其喜丧礼仪与苦命国家的伊斯兰教徒大同小异。印尼其他民族,在喜丧礼仪上则各具特色。印尼达雅族男女找对象时,爱用木炭互相画对方的脸,以此来表达爱情。他们的婚礼是在磨刀石上进行的。婚礼上,两位新人身着漂亮的民族服装,按女左男右的位置站在上面,并一起握住"结亲网",同时由长者主持宰猪仪式,让猪血洒在木屑和一把剑上。在丧葬礼仪方面,巴厘岛上的特伦扬人去世后,实行开葬。它只适用于那些寿终正寝者,其他死于谋杀、自杀者不能天葬。在印尼众多的民族节日中,有一个间隔时间最长的节日,即巴厘人的埃卡.达萨.鲁德拉节。它每隔一百年举行一次,而且年份必须是一百年的倍数。
商务礼仪 印尼人特别注重送名片。初次相识,客人就应把自己的名片送给主人,否则将会受到主人长时间的冷遇。名片文字用英文。 印尼人喜欢平和的声调、不摆架子的姿态和寻求一致的良好愿望。所以,与他们谈判应态度谦逊些并放低声音。在印尼,不要伤害公务人员的感情。 拜访印尼商人时要带上礼物,收下礼物即意味着承担了某种责任。一般印尼人喜欢水果、化妆品等,青年人赞赏大学的T恤衫或有大学标志的笔记本。对别人送的礼品要欣然接受,但不要当面打开包装。印尼商人喜欢宴请,作为客人,在回国前应以同标准回报他人一次。
旅游礼仪 在印尼旅游,首先要到旅游中心要一份旅游图。印尼和英国一样车靠左行。在公共汽车上,坐着的人要为站着的人拿东西,男人要为妇女让座,所有的值得阿为老年人让座。上下车时,不要等车子完全停下来才上下车,因车子总是在移动的。在街上叫出租车招手即可。火车通常都很拥挤,要提前订票。住宿时,除高级旅店外,可为房价讨价还价。要想住上价格低廉的地方,可寻找一种小型混合旅店。在这种店洗澡时,不要开口要热水,热水不是用来洗澡的。在印尼的大百货店价格是固定的,在另一些商店则要使劲还价,但讲价时态度要友好。另外,在购物时要准备零钱,在印尼没有给小费的传统。 在印尼城市街头,人们可找到公用电话,打一次放进50卢比,三分钟后自动断线。
主要禁忌 印尼人忌讳用左手传递东西或食物。忌讳有人摸他们孩子的头部,认为这是缺乏教养的行为。忌讳老鼠和乌龟。与印尼人交谈应避开政治、宗教等话题。在印尼,进行裸体太阳浴是非法的。
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本帖最后由 凌波飞雁 于
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1.& & Ronald Yeo, Born and raised in Singapore.AnsweredSep 19Ifeel like there are a lot of stereotypical answers here. I wish to give my ownperspective.There have been Chinese migrating to the US since the early 19thcentury.However, anti-Chinese sentiment led the US government to limitimmigration, and with their numbers deliberately kept low, they allcongregrated in Chinatowns in places like New York city and San Francisco. As aminority, they could have gone into businesses, and yes, many did.But askAmericans whom are the richest Americans in the rise of Industrial America andthey will give names like Morgan, Mellon, Carnegie and Rockefeller, not aChinese name. (FYI, Rockerfeller came from relatively modest backgrounds)
Samething with the UK, there were minority Chinese populations that were kept inlow numbers all the way till world war 2. Yet, their business enterprise werenot staggering prosperous in any sense.Of course, after World War 2, there wasa massive civil rights movement, and caps on immigration was increased. Racialequality meant that Chinese could operate businesses without discrimination.But ask anyone whom are the richest Americans whom made it rich in the latehalf of the 20th century without inheriting most of it and you would get nameslike Sam Walton of Walmart, Howard Hughes the eccentric entrepreneur, Bill Gatesof Microsoft.
Sure,the overseas Chinese were minority models with having all the top students withtop marks in schools and low crime rates, and many members of the communitybecoming lawyers, doctors, even politicians, but not really notable as businesstycoons. Does that mean that America was simply too competitive a place foroverseas Chinese to get economically prosperous?There have been Chinese inIndia before world war 2 as well (Chinese community in India - Wikipedia). Buta look at the top 100 richest Indians on Forbes’s list and there is not asingle Chinese there as well.
Sowhat accounts for the difference in Indonesia?Wea by everymeasure, it is a generational thing. Poverty and wealth are like diseases, theypass from one generation to the next. Wealth is also lithe more wealth you have, the more business/economic opportunities flow yourway. it allows access to better education for your children. If you run afamily business, you can pass it to your family members. Take a quick look atthe ten richest Indonesian Chinese and you would find that they all share a fewsimilarities:Nearly all were the sons of Chinese traders that migrated fromChina, i.e second-generation Indonesian Chinese, though some were first-timeimmigrants from China
Whilethey did inherit businesses from their families, their wealth grew atincredible rates during Suharto’s ruleWhatare the implications of all these?Thefirst is that Indonesian Chinese have always been largely excluded from thepolitical and military spheres in Indonesia. As foreign immigrants, they werenever part of the local elite that that Dutch had to co-opt. This was truebefore Independence and it was even more true after Independence. Suhartocontrolled Indonesia with 2 different armies: one was the armed forces and theother was the civil service. Both were largely closed off from people ofChinese ethnicity.You may have the rare Indonesian-Chinese politician orgeneral but generally, by and large, most went into private businesses. Withevery other avenue of growth closed off, many specialize into the private sectorsas commercial businessmen. This became the strength of the Indonesian Chinesepopulation.
Now,generally, by and large, the average Indonesian-Chinese is economically betteroff than the average Indonesia and there are 2 key reasons for these: Obsessionwith educationmakingsure that you pass on a good life to your descendentsThisis, by large, mostly true for most people living in a Chinese culture.Thus,with consistent generational transfer of wealth and also a focus on educationan an uplifting tool, by and large, most overseas Chinese diaspora tend to bethe perfect picture of a “model minority”, in terms of education, wealth, andwith low crime rates. This is true in US, UK and Australia.
Butvery few Chinese in US, UK and Australia reached staggering levels of wealth asa few Indonesian-Chinese did in Indonesia. What is the difference? A key issuelies in the fact that Indonesia Chinese were eternally viewed as “foreigners”in Indonesia. Being locked out of political and military participation in theearly days of the Indonesian republic, Suharto saw them as useful allies. Hegranted a few second-generation Indonesian-Chinese businessmen sole andexclusive “licenses” (e.g. monopolies etc) in certain industries, such as intrading or commodities. With monopolies in hand, they amassed vast wealth butno political power.
Thiswas possible because as perpetual outsiders, they would never be rivals to hispolitical power, but would be useful (and submissive) partners in aclient-patronage system. With their vast wealth, any Indonesian political orgeneral could tap on them for “funding” or “monetary resources”, since thelicenses that made so much money for the Indonesian-Chinese tycoons dependedsolely on the good grace of the politicians. Of course, most of thesemonopolies don’t exist since after 1998, but the Indonesian-Chinese Kongsi(conglomerates) have become so entrenched in the economy that the momentum oftheir economic power is unstoppable.
Thus,the key difference lie in the fact that Indonesia’s economy ultimately dependson a client-patronage system, in which a select few Indonesia-Chinese weresuccessfully able to exploit, while western economies were, more or less,free-market economies. I have interacted with Chinese towkays before, fromdifferent countries, and one key factor is that all were somewhat dependent ona client-patronage-network for deals and contracts, in one way or another. Somecalls this the “Bamboo network”, others call this “Guanxi”, while a few woulddescribe this as “corruption”. Regardless of what the proper term is, it meansthat they do deals but they don’t do actual business strategy. And that is a keyweakness, because it is a myth that the Chinese are somewhat better are beingwealthy. if that was true, then Microsoft would have been founded by aChinese-American, while Sam Walton and Howard Hughes would have beenChinese-American - except that is not the case.
2.& & Ikhsan Radjab, Citizen of IndonesiaAnsweredAug 22, 2015As achild, I once asked my father this exact same question. He answered my questionbased on his anecdotal experience which is probably not accurate, but couldgive some insight. His answer was:WhenI was just a little boy, Chinese Indonesian was just as poor as the rest of us.They started as small business. But what makes them able to expand the businessmore rapidly because they invested heavily in their business. They give theirblood, sweat and tears developing their family business so that their familycould one day live comfortably. If they earn Rp1000, they will only use Rp100to indulge on their personal hobby. They will then use the rest of the money toexpand their business. The were more than happy to hold off buying fancy shirtsand jewelries. In short, they were willing to give up personal posession toexpand the business.
As Iget older, I see that there are Rich Chinese Indonesian and there are PoorChinese Indonesian, just as there are Rich Native Indonesian and Poor NativeIndonesian. It all down to personal effort and/or luck really, as we can'treally put Chinese Indonesian or Native Indonesian for that matter in one bigstereotype. Personally, I think it that &Native and ChineseIndonesian& dichotomy is an outdated concept. Because while theirancestors came from China, they ARE Indonesian, they were born in Indonesia,speak Indonesian, pay taxes in Indonesia, hold Indonesian passport, familiarwith Indonesian pop culture and so on. Sure, they may have squint eyes andfairer skin than Native Indonesian, but that doesn't make them any lessIndonesian than Native.
3.& & Roderick C WahrAnswered Mar 11, 2016I am a Eurasian (Swiss-Indonesian) but, dueto my father’s position in the community, I was raised western style andfollowed high school upwards in the Netherlands.I worked in Jakarta from
as an ICT Consultant for the national government.
During my stay I befriended many Indonesiannationals and those of Chinese-Indonesian descent in all layers of thepopulation.One day I had a discussion with a very good friend, a successfulChinese-Indonesian descendant. I asked him precisely the same question. I hadnoticed that the average full-blooded Indonesian often was far less successfuland had big problems making ends meet. At the end of their money there isalways a large chunk of month left to go. They usually like to spend theirmoney on gadgets an consumables to impress their environment with. I asked myfriend if Chinese people were smarter than Indonesians. But I was surprised andmuch enlightened by his answer.China is a massive country with lots of people.It was very hard to make a living in C lack of resources, facilities andmoney. So people looked for other countries to try and make a living.
When they come to Indonesia they findthemselves in someone else’s country, where people are also struggling to makea living. The difference being that these new Chinese families had nothing tofall back on, no relatives, since they had left everything behind. So theyrealised they would have to work hard for little money in order to becompetitive with the locals. The little money they earned they saved foreventual rainy days. So out of every 1000 Rupiahs they would take 300 Rupiahfor food and living quarters, 250 Rupiahs for education of the kids, 250Rupiahs reservation for medicine and the rest for savings. And they kept thisformula. When they had saved enough money they still adhered to the sameformula, they still would not buy a big car, luxury clothes and such.
If they could invest, they would do that ina house, and in eduction for the kids. They would not squander their money inluxury items, they would look at every expense and make it an investment. Ifthey bought a car, it would be just enough so they could do their business.Their food would still be the same, no luxuries. Their clothing would be justenough to be presentable, no more! When they could invest in business, thenthey would only invest in reliability and profitability. That is how theyeventually own large businesses. Eventually they just make money because theyhave money. They are also very smart in making use of the greed of others. They&buy& the locals and make them dependent of them and also make themtheir front men. These Chinese-Indonesians don't like to be noticeable,realising fully well that it could cause envy.I then started looking around andfound lots of confirmation of this theory around me. I had an InternetDevelopment office in Jakarta. I rented an office in a 3-storey building. Atthe ground floor there was a little grubby shop where the building owner hadhis own little place. He sold gold and silver trinkets. He wasChinese-Indonesian.
4.& & Ju boo Lim, Nutritionist, Medical Research Officer, Special Scienceand Medical AdviserAnswered Feb 1, 2017It is not why the Indonesian Chinese aremuch wealthier than the rest of the population in Indonesia. It is why theChinese is much wealthier than the rest of the local population wherever theyhave settled throughout the world I have travelled to a lot of countries duringmy student days, and I have observed this everywhere I go especially in thedeveloping countries, be it in India, Bangladesh, Indonesia or Philippines, andeven in Australia, or in Canada or in parts of United States The answer is verysimple. The Chinese is an extremely hard working race oppressed by thousands ofyears of political uprising in the warring states, suffered hardship andpoverty in their homeland in ancient China. That made them a very hardy,ambitious, resilient, durable and hard-working race on this planet. It is thejust the question of survival of the fittest in the human race.
你不应该问“为何印尼的华人比当地人更富裕?” 你应该问“为何世界各地的华人普遍都比当地人更富裕?”在我还是一个学生的时候,我曾经去过世界很多国家,我已经注意到这个现象,这一现象在发展中国家特别明显。无论你说的是印度,孟加拉国,印度尼西亚或菲律宾,甚至连澳大利亚,加拿大和美国的很多地区都是如此。其实答案非常简单——华人是一个工作非常努力的民族,他们经历了数千年的王朝史,他们需要付出大量的体力和智力去解决问题。在历史上也经常会遇到各种苦难,灾荒,贫穷。他们非常努力,野心勃勃,坚韧不拔,百折不挠,他们成为这个星球上一只非常有生命力的力量。其实这是一个简单的生存游戏——你要如何才能够生存下去?
But once political oppressions are lifted,and opportunities given to them, they just rise, and rise above all otherraces. We see this phenomenon outside China in SE Asian countries likeIndonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand just after the World War II In allcountries where the Chinese are the majority like Hong Kong, Taiwan, andSingapore and where they are not oppressed but given the opportunity to createwealth for themselves and the country, you can clearly see this effect not justamong the Chinese, but the impact on the economy for the whole country.
Even in Malaysia where only about 22 % ofthe population of about 30 million is Chinese, they still are the richest evenwhen most of the economic opportunities were given to the local Malays sincethe implementation of the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1971. Yet they stillsurvive very well even when the NEP was extended and even expanded until today.Their ambition to succeed and rise up is just in their blood no matter how muchyou suppressed them.
The Chinese still hold most of the businessbecause of their resilient to hardship and difficulties. That made them evenmore fit and willing to survive above all other races. In fact being deprivedof scholarships and entry into local public universities, they work even harderto send their children to study in expensive overseas universities. Thatambition is in their blood. It is just the law of Nature of Nature thatprescribes “survival of the fittest” in the long run. The Chinese stronglybelieves that if you just continue to give a man a fish every day withouthelping him to fish and defend himself, you will eventually weaken him evenmore.
He will then become regressive instead ofbecoming stronger and independent after a period of continuous feeding. TheChinese believes that over a period of time he will become aggressive andbegins to get angry and revoke against the feeder if the feeder no longer canafford to continue giving him his daily fish. Hence their proverb taught themto fend for themselves to become even more resilient and robust. The Chinese donot beg, or expect wealth to drop down upon them from heaven or simply given tothem, not necessary just in Indonesia.They are guided by the wisdom of theirancient proverb that says “give a man a fish, you feed him only for a day, butif you teach him to fish, you feed him for life” This is part of their ancientwisdom. Because of their nature for hard work and preparedness to struggle inadversity for 5000 years in their history and civilization, this belief andnature becomes incorporated in their genes and blood, and becomes part of theircharacter.
We see this very clearly in modern Chinatoday with 1.34 billion hard working Chinese there, and another 100 millionChinese settled outside China today, especially in Singapore, Taiwan and HongKong SAR where they flourished untamed and given every opportunity and freedomto proper as Asian economic dragons for their nations. I think wherever theChinese have chosen to settle in a country outside China they bring tremendouswealth to that country. We can see this in SE Asian countries where the Chineseflourished. They bring wealth and economy there through sheer hard work. I wastold that the Chinese population in Indonesia is only 2 % out of 200 millionpeople, but they hold 80 % of the economy? I am not sure how far this is true,but I know most of them are exceedingly rich compared with the localsWhen I wasa postgraduate student in the mid 1966’s at the University of London, Iremember clearly what one of our visiting professors told us:“the quality of anation does not depend on the quantity of the people in the country, but thequality of her citizens”
What struck me were contrasting words likenation and country, quality and quantity, quantity of people and citizens. Itwas so appropriate.But what if a country like China with 1.34 billionhard-working and ambitious citizens inside that nation, we can clearly see theeffect of modern China today as a fire-breathing dragon just awakened after5000 years of slumber, and re-coiling her body today towards a horrendous riseas the next superpower on this planet They are advancing so fast in everything,from quality of education, the high standard of the universities, their scienceand technology, their culture, music and fine arts, their emerging militarymight, their super-fast trains crisscrossing the country, their world fastestsuper computers, their highly advanced space technology, they have the worldlargest radio telescope, their gleaming cities with the world longest bridgesacross the seas, let alone having the world second largest economy…etc. etc,the list goes on.
All these achievements are just because oftheir hard work and determinations. Their wealth did not drop down from heavenfor them, nor do they beg for them, nor were they given to them for free.I hopethis explains why the Indonesian Chinese do much better and more wealthy thanthe rest of the local populations. It is the same scenario everywhere wherethere are Chinese. During my students days I saw them live more decently, dressmore smartly, speaks fluent English, much more educated, much more westernized,eat and live in houses much better than the local population, and do businessvery successfully. Their attitude is entirely different from the mind-set ofthe native population. I saw this in every country I visited and stayed, notjust in Indonesia.
Tiny Singapore for instance is one of thewealthiest countries in the world with 75 % Chinese there, and is just nextdoor to Malaysia.I quote what Nobel Prize laureate and novelist Pearl S. Bucksaid about the Chinese race:新加坡有75%的人口是华人,这是世界上最富有的国家之一。新加坡是马来西亚的邻居,我引用一下诺贝尔文学获得者“珀尔·巴克”(译者注:唯一 一个同时获得普利策奖和诺贝尔奖的女作家,也是目前作品流传语种最多的美国作家。)对中国人的评价:“Nothing and no onecan destroy the Chinese people. They are relentless survivors. They are theoldest civilized people on earth. Their civilization passes through phases butits basic characteristics remain the same. They yield, they bend to the wind,but they never break.”―Pearl S. Buck
没有什么能摧毁中国人民。他们是无情的幸存者。他们历史悠久,文脉不绝。虽历经劫难而初心不改——身起随风势,风落不折枝。& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &———珀尔·巴克
金钱 +1000
本帖最后由 打印机 于
12:01 编辑
& &没错,看来兄台对这位美女有些了解。
“Nothing and no onecan destroy the Chinese people. They are relentless survivors. They are theoldest civilized people on earth. Their civilization passes through phases butits basic characteristics remain the same. They yield they bend to the windbut they never break.”
―Pearl S. Buck
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &———珀尔·巴克
打印机 发表于
印尼人没有华人那种拼搏进取精神是事实,但英美的华人发展得没有本地人好难道就是你们英美人更聪明吗?呵呵 ...
ljjjjy 发表于
“马来西亚当地是不鼓励华文教育,当地华人就自己筹钱,建立华文学校。但是,这些学校的学历是不被马来西亚 ...
& & 这是注释的内容,没有100%原文翻译的。
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