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2 hours ago
2 hours ago
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A love triangle between a young woman, a rich 60-something man and an aspiring sailor set in early 20th century Marseilles.
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co-wrote her new movie ? Watch her sound off on getting into screenwriting mode.
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Nominated for
1 win & 11 nominations.
After Fanny's boyfriend leaves her and sails away, she finds out she's pregnant.
Marc Allégret
Pierre Fresnay,
Fernand Charpin
An orphaned young woman becomes part of a puppet act and forms a relationship with the anti-social puppeteer.
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Leslie Caron,
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Jean-Pierre Aumont
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Honoré Panisse is dying, cheerfully, with friends, wife, and son at his side. He confesses to the priest in
he insists that the doctor be truthful. But, he cannot ...
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Complete credited cast:
(as Baccaloni)
Monsieur Brun - The Englishman
(as Raymond Bussieres)
Cesario - Fanny's Son
(as Joel Flateau)
Panisse's Elder Brother
The Postman
Almost 19-year-old Marius feels himself in a rut in Marseille, his life planned for him by his cafe'-owning father, and he longs for the sea. The night before he is to leave on a 5-year voyage, Fanny, a girl he grew up with, reveals that she is in love with him, and he discovers that he is in love with her. He must choose between an exciting life at sea, and a boring life with the woman he loves. And Fanny must choose between keeping the man she loves, and letting him live the life he seems to want.
Written by
Plot Keywords:
Tender...radiant...soaring...laughing...unforgettable motion picture from Warner Brothers.
Parents Guide:
Release Date: 28 June 1961 (USA)
Also Known As: Eine Liebe in Marseille
Filming Locations:
Production Co:
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Sound Mix:
(Westrex Recording)
Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1
Did You Know?
had trouble finding a suitable ship for the Mailaisie, on which Marius sails from Marseilles. The only square-rigged sailing ships they could find were too large to get through Marseilles' harbour. After scouting throughout the Mediterranean they found the perfect ship in Palma, but had to agree to let its captain appear on camera before he would let them use it.
In the opening scene at the bar, Marius is seen grabbing a green bottle of wine for his customer from the bar, but when he arrives at the outdoor table to pour the glass, the bottle is now clear.
Do you know where I've just come from?
Panisse's. I told him I could no marry him.
Are you sure you did the right thing?
Version of &(1932)
(Main Theme)
Music & Lyrics by
Frequently Asked Questions
User Reviews
Wish I could see this gem in letterbox, not pan and scan!
This is one of the sweetest movies ever made, without being &sickeningly sweet.& The characters are funny and interesting. All kinds of love are depicted here--parental love, romantic love, love between friends. The characters are very much products of the time and place they live in--Marseille, France, before World War 2. They are steeped in Catholic tradition, which contributes to their inner struggles at times.The problems of Fanny and Marius might seem dated, and yet the conflict between pleasing parents and following one's heart remains relevant today for many young people. Father-son relationships are as complex today as they were then. Bullying parents may not be as plentiful, or as extreme, as they were in the time FANNY is set, but they still exist.This is a beautiful film, the right mix of sentimentality and humor. I have only seen it on VHS in pan and scan. There is one place where Marius and Fanny are partially cropped to fit the TV screen, unfortunate but it does not spoil the film. PUZZLE: I don't know why gorgeous Horst Buchholz didn't get more acclaim for this film from critics at the time or reviewers like me, on this site. He was a young German playing a young Frenchman. But no French or American actor could have played the part better. He expressed angst and love very realistically.This is a great film for women and for men with a romantic streak, lovers of French stories and locales, and Caron or Boyer admirers. The wrap-up in the last quarter of the film is not perfect, but the film as a whole is a 10, and the lovely score will stay with you!
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