常州的威雅国际学校 常州学校近期开展的户外研学旅行带给了学 生怎样的积极影响?

来和小学寄宿生一起“云旅游”吧Have an Online Tour with Primary Boarders大家好,我是常州威雅的一名小学寄宿生,想邀请你们在“云端”体验我在常州威雅的寄宿生活哦。开始前,我要告诉你们一个小秘密:在这里,所有的老师都是我的寄宿老师,因为他们都会照顾我每天的寄宿生活!Hi, I am a primary boarder at WASCZ. I would like to invite you to have an online tour of my boarding life in WASCZ. Before we start our tour, I would like to tell you a secret - all teachers here are my boarding teachers because they are all involved in life in boarding.早上· Morning我们美好的一天从外教老师和中教老师叫醒我们然后和我们说早安开始!于我而言,每天早晨最期待的就是听老师们播报当日天气。如果不下雨的话,我们吃完早饭,就可以和好朋友们一起在操场上踢球、跑步,和老师一起玩游戏、聊天。Our day starts with our western teachers and Chinese teachers’ morning greeting when they wake us up in the morning. For me, every morning, I can’t wait to hear from teachers about the weather of that day, because if it is not raining, after breakfast, we will have a play on the field. I love playing football, running, playing games or talking with teachers.白天· Day Time吃完健康丰盛的早饭,结束晨间活动后,我们就要去教室和班级其他走读的同学会合了,之后我们将开启一天繁忙且充实的学校生活。看到这里,你们是不是以为我的一天就这样结束啦?其实不然。走读生放学回家后,我们寄宿生要在老师监督下完成作业,选修了音乐的同学可以利用这段时间练习乐器。After having a good breakfast and the early morning break, we will go to meet our day students. We will carry on our busy and fulfilling school life together. When you read this, you would probably think that’s my day finished? Our day is not really like this, when day students go home, we complete our homework and the children who play musical instruments have a chance to practice their instruments.晚间· Evening晚饭后,白天给我们上课的老师(也是早上叫我们起床的老师),会带着我们进行一系列不同的晚间活动,包括游泳、无板篮球、足球、橄榄球、羽毛球、艺术以及烹饪。每天都会有不同的晚间活动。此外,老师还会给我们读英文睡前故事。After dinner, teachers who teach us in the morning, actually the same teachers who wake us up early in the morning will bring us to do a series of activities such as swimming, basketball, football, rugby, badminton, art, cooking etc. We have different activities on different days. Moreover, teachers will also read English bedtime stories to us.晚间活动周末· Weekend有时候,我的爸爸妈妈不一定来得及接我回家过周末。还有的时候,我要和同学们一起参加周末的各种体育联赛。在这些情况下,我一般会选择留在学校过周末。每个周末我们都会在学校的图书馆看书,也会有电脑时间。老师还会带我们进行不同的体育运动,像游泳、踢足球、打曲棍球、打羽毛球等。老师还会带着我们玩拼图、拼乐高。Sometimes my parents don't have time to take me home for the weekend or sometimes I participate in various sports fixtures with my classmates. In this case, I usually choose to stay at school for the weekend. Every weekend, we will read books in the school library and we will have computer time as well. Teachers will do different activities with us, such as swimming, playing football, playing hockey and badminton. Teachers will also play puzzles and play Lego.弹性的灵活寄宿制Flexi-boarding对于那些不确定自己是否能够适应寄宿生活和对寄宿生活充满好奇的小朋友们,我们学校提供灵活寄宿制,以帮助他们平稳度过过渡期,更好适应常规寄宿生活。Our teachers have also prepared flexible boarding for some children who are not sure whether they can adapt to the boarding life, as well as children who are curious about life in boarding, which provides a good transition period before pupils join regular weekly boarding.每日期待之最Most Anticipated of the Day老师因为我的优异表现在我的“奖励积分卡”上加分;我在晚上读英语给老师听;老师给我们讲睡前英文故事,是我每天最期待的三件事。I try hard every day to get ticks added to my "tick sheet", I can read English to teachers in the evening, or teachers can read us English stories before bedtime.每周期待之最Most Anticipated of the Week我想,或许很多小朋友会和我一样,最期待的是每周四的奖励之夜和每周五集会上的住宿之星评选。因为这两个奖励是只有那些每天都遵守我们黄金法则的人才有机会获得的。I look forward to “Reward Night” every Thursday and finding out who the Boarder of the Week is on Friday assembly.每年期待之最Most Anticipated of the Year我每年最期待的,也是令走读生十分羡慕的活动——“僵尸追逐战”。老师都会装扮成“僵尸”躲在藏有线索卡的地方“吓”我们。我们需要分组完成任务,才能得到 “僵尸”老师们派发的糖果!不给糖就捣蛋!One of the best events of the year is the Zombie Chase on Halloween eve. Teachers will dress up as "zombies" and hide all over school to "scare" us.We need to work in a team to finish a “task” by finding many clues which are placed at the same place where zombies are hiding. When we finish the task teachers will give us candy as a treat! Trick or treat!在这里,我们可以一起成长,共同进步,可以参与各种精彩纷呈的活动。我们会一起变得更勇敢、更坚强、更独立、更卓越!Here we can grow up together and make progress together, we can do many different activities together and to be braver, stronger and more independent.【关于常州威雅】常州威雅招收3-18周岁适龄学生并对7岁以上学生开放学院制寄宿。学校采用小班制教学,秉承“每一个孩子都卓越” 的教育愿景和全人教育办学理念。不仅重视学生卓越学术能力的培养,更通过音乐、艺术、运动等全方位高品质课外课程以及丰富且有挑战性的研学旅行项目,深入挖掘每一位学生天赋和潜能,全面提升核心素养和全球化视野,帮助学生未来进入世界名校和终身发展奠定坚实的基础。2022年1月8日 分享会·中学专场 Info Session2022年1月15日 分享会·幼小专场 (可约体验课) Info Session预约周一至周五访校 Visit WASCZwww.waiscz.com+86 (0)519 8888 0681No.9 Huanhu North Rd, Economic Zone, Wujin, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China中国江苏省常州市武进区环湖北路9号}
来和小学寄宿生一起“云旅游”吧Have an Online Tour with Primary Boarders【慧聪教育网】大家好,我是常州威雅的一名小学寄宿生,想邀请你们在“云端”体验我在常州威雅的寄宿生活哦。开始前,我要告诉你们一个小秘密:在这里,所有的老师都是我的寄宿老师,因为他们都会照顾我每天的寄宿生活!Hi, I am a primary boarder at WASCZ. I would like to invite you to have an online tour of my boarding life in WASCZ. Before we start our tour, I would like to tell you a secret - all teachers here are my boarding teachers because they are all involved in life in boarding.早上· Morning我们美好的一天从外教老师和中教老师叫醒我们然后和我们说早安开始!于我而言,每天早晨最期待的就是听老师们播报当日天气。如果不下雨的话,我们吃完早饭,就可以和好朋友们一起在操场上踢球、跑步,和老师一起玩游戏、聊天。Our day starts with our western teachers and Chinese teachers’ morning greeting when they wake us up in the morning. For me, every morning, I can’t wait to hear from teachers about the weather of that day, because if it is not raining, after breakfast, we will have a play on the field. I love playing football, running, playing games or talking with teachers.白天· Day Time吃完健康丰盛的早饭,结束晨间活动后,我们就要去教室和班级其他走读的同学会合了,之后我们将开启一天繁忙且充实的学校生活。看到这里,你们是不是以为我的一天就这样结束啦?其实不然。走读生放学回家后,我们寄宿生要在老师监督下完成作业,选修了音乐的同学可以利用这段时间练习乐器。After having a good breakfast and the early morning break, we will go to meet our day students. We will carry on our busy and fulfilling school life together. When you read this, you would probably think that’s my day finished? Our day is not really like this, when day students go home, we complete our homework and the children who play musical instruments have a chance to practice their instruments.晚间· Evening晚饭后,白天给我们上课的老师(也是早上叫我们起床的老师),会带着我们进行一系列不同的晚间活动,包括游泳、无板篮球、足球、橄榄球、羽毛球、艺术以及烹饪。每天都会有不同的晚间活动。此外,老师还会给我们读英文睡前故事。After dinner, teachers who teach us in the morning, actually the same teachers who wake us up early in the morning will bring us to do a series of activities such as swimming, basketball, football, rugby, badminton, art, cooking etc. We have different activities on different days. Moreover, teachers will also read English bedtime stories to us.晚间活动周末· Weekend有时候,我的爸爸妈妈不一定来得及接我回家过周末。还有的时候,我要和同学们一起参加周末的各种体育联赛。在这些情况下,我一般会选择留在学校过周末。每个周末我们都会在学校的图书馆看书,也会有电脑时间。老师还会带我们进行不同的体育运动,像游泳、踢足球、打曲棍球、打羽毛球等。老师还会带着我们玩拼图、拼乐高。Sometimes my parents don't have time to take me home for the weekend or sometimes I participate in various sports fixtures with my classmates. In this case, I usually choose to stay at school for the weekend. Every weekend, we will read books in the school library and we will have computer time as well. Teachers will do different activities with us, such as swimming, playing football, playing hockey and badminton. Teachers will also play puzzles and play Lego.弹性的灵活寄宿制Flexi-boarding对于那些不确定自己是否能够适应寄宿生活和对寄宿生活充满好奇的小朋友们,我们学校提供灵活寄宿制,以帮助他们平稳度过过渡期,更好适应常规寄宿生活。Our teachers have also prepared flexible boarding for some children who are not sure whether they can adapt to the boarding life, as well as children who are curious about life in boarding, which provides a good transition period before pupils join regular weekly boarding.每日期待之最Most Anticipated of the Day老师因为我的优异表现在我的“奖励积分卡”上加分;我在晚上读英语给老师听;老师给我们讲睡前英文故事,是我每天最期待的三件事。I try hard every day to get ticks added to my "tick sheet", I can read English to teachers in the evening, or teachers can read us English stories before bedtime.每周期待之最Most Anticipated of the Week我想,或许很多小朋友会和我一样,最期待的是每周四的奖励之夜和每周五集会上的住宿之星评选。因为这两个奖励是只有那些每天都遵守我们黄金法则的人才有机会获得的。I look forward to “Reward Night” every Thursday and finding out who the Boarder of the Week is on Friday assembly.每年期待之最Most Anticipated of the Year我每年最期待的,也是令走读生十分羡慕的活动——“僵尸追逐战”。老师都会装扮成“僵尸”躲在藏有线索卡的地方“吓”我们。我们需要分组完成任务,才能得到 “僵尸”老师们派发的糖果!不给糖就捣蛋!One of the best events of the year is the Zombie Chase on Halloween eve. Teachers will dress up as "zombies" and hide all over school to "scare" us.We need to work in a team to finish a “task” by finding many clues which are plACEd at the same plACE where zombies are hiding. When we finish the task teachers will give us candy as a treat! Trick or treat!在这里,我们可以一起成长,共同进步,可以参与各种精彩纷呈的活动。我们会一起变得更勇敢、更坚强、更独立、更卓越!Here we can grow up together and make progress together, we can do many different activities together and to be braver, stronger and more independent.【关于常州威雅】常州威雅招收3-18周岁适龄学生并对7岁以上学生开放学院制寄宿。学校采用小班制教学,秉承“每一个孩子都卓越” 的教育愿景和全人教育办学理念。不仅重视学生卓越学术能力的培养,更通过音乐、艺术、运动等全方位高品质课外课程以及丰富且有挑战性的研学旅行项目,深入挖掘每一位学生天赋和潜能,全面提升核心素养和全球化视野,帮助学生未来进入世界名校和终身发展奠定坚实的基础。2022年1月8日 分享会·中学专场 Info Session2022年1月15日 分享会·幼小专场 (可约体验课) Info Session预约周一至周五访校 Visit WASCZhttp://www.waiscz.com}


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