英语版新型冠状病毒的英文名是什么手抄报 英语版新型冠状病毒的英文名是什么手抄报画法

可以尖叫,可以呼喊,但绝不让您放弃。You’re Allowed To Scream, You’re Allowed To Cry, But Do Not Give Up.希望是战胜恐惧的唯一力量。Storms Makes Trees Take Deeper Roots.疫情手抄报句子1、这一切终将过去---钟南山“This too shall pass.” ? Persian Sufi Poets2、With so many people sticking it out, why wouldn't we try.有这么多人都在坚守,我们有什么理由不去努力。3、No party this year, double love next year.今年不聚会,来年双倍情。4、All over China is waiting for you to recover. We will meet you in spring to watch the cherry blossoms!全中国等你痊愈,我们相约春天观赏樱花!5、Having a meal together will not break the family relationship; eating together will add chaos to society.少聚一顿饭,亲情不会断;聚一起吃饭,给社会添乱。6、Tribute to the most beautiful retrograde! This is the role of medical workers! Come on!致敬最美的逆行者!这就是医护工作者的担当!加油!7、Isolate viruses but not love, because love is the best bridge.隔离病毒但不隔离爱,因为爱是最好的桥梁。8、The epidemic is ruthless, and I believe that spring will always come!疫情无情人有情,相信春天总会到来!9、The epidemic is an order, and we are determined to guard you!疫情就是命令,我们坚决为你守护!10、Since then, as long as you are safe, even if you do n’t see it every year.此后,只要生生平安,即使岁岁不见。抗击疫情手抄报英文版About the choice of mask, there has been a lot of popular science recently.Medical masks can be pided into three types: 1.2.Medical surgical mask; 3.Medical protective mask.1.General surgical mask: the texture is relatively thin, which conforms to YY/ t0969-2013 standards, and its protection against pathogenic microorganisms is not exact.The lack or filtration requirements for particulate bacteria are lower than those for surgical masks and respirators.Can be used for general medical activities, as well as when you have a respiratory infection.2.Medical surgical mask: the standard medical surgical mask has an inner layer of hygroscopicity, a middle layer of filtration and an outer layer of water resistance, which conforms to yy0469-2011 standard and can prevent the spread of blood, body fluids and spatter.It is suitable for contact with diseases spread by droplets and for invasive or respiratory operations by medical personnel.3.Medical protective mask: it conforms to the gb19083-2010 standard and is pided into N95 and N99 levels.It prevents airborne transmission of an infection smaller than 5 microns in diameter or close contact with a droplet borne disease.Suitable for air isolation protection in medical environment.The mask cannot be used all the time.The following situations suggest that it needs to be replaced:1.When the mask is contaminated (blood, body fluids, droplets, etc.);2.If the mask is damaged;3.When the mask cannot fit the face;4.When breathing resistance increases;5.After use in the isolation ward or after close contact with patients;6.if the activated carbon mask, when the mask odor.同心战疫作文新型冠状病毒还在肆虐地狂舞,开学只好延期,但停课不停学,上级教育部门安排我们运用_的_平台进行网上教学。几天来,一直在注册、培训、学习,终于拿到了数字化教师证书。2月x日晚上,我班开始试课。第一位试课的是班主任x老师,我准时等候在手机前。8点钟,有同学焦急地问怎么还不开始,看来,大家都在等待。其实,这时,已经能听到x老师的声音了,只是不够连续和清楚。x老师不停地问,能听到吗?不一会儿,屏幕上一下子出现了x老师的画面,连接上了!她和同学们一个个打招呼,祝贺新年好。轮到我了,连接到直播课堂,脸印在屏幕上,居然这么丑陋!满脸的皱纹和胡子,真有点尴尬和羞愧。我急忙和同学们打招呼,我听不见声音,但他们用文字告诉我,可以听到。怎么回事呢?手机问题还是网络问题?我急忙找来耳机插上,又把无线路由器检查了一遍,没问题呀。这时,x老师提示我,退出重新登录,要么检查连麦设置。想起来了,培训课上讲过,直播时先要设置连麦,慌忙中竟忘了。重新登录,设置了连麦,一个一个和同学们连接,终于接通了,同学们还是那么可爱,完全没有被疫情影响,开心地打招呼,互相祝贺新年。李彦祖的妈妈是老师,趁机询问他直播时能不能一次接通全体同学,彦祖说不能,只可以一个一个连接。全部连接上了,我提醒同学们,上网课没有了老师的监督,全靠自律。我想试试讲课的效果,就给大家讲了一段书法课。??里??索就耽误了英语老师的试讲。结束试课后,我急忙回放,听到自己声音沙哑,语无伦次,还夹杂着许多阳城土话。没想到我上课时竟是这种形象,直播课让我自以为是的满意打了大大的折扣。网络真好,让天涯变成咫尺,宅在家中依然可以享受教育。一次疫情,促进了网络飞速进入教学。我们老师如何做好直播教学,恐怕还要有一个过程。直播课是解决孩子们居家学习好的办法,但没有了教室的氛围,缺少了同学的监督、小组的讨论,老师又难以及时了解教学的效果。对于自律的学生,直播课有更多的空余时间可支配,严以律己,博览群书,成长更快;对不自律的学生,可能就是放任自流,得过且过,虚度年华了。希望家长们能配合老师管理好孩子,让防疫的日子过得更有价值,等开学相见时,人人都长大了。以上就是高考网小编为大家介绍的关于英语疫情手抄报的英文内容精选问题,想要了解的更多关于《英语疫情手抄报的英文内容精选》相关文章,请继续关注高考网!}
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