splitfir长城 se 15w 40-40 多少钱

&[1]&& &&&& 跳到12页
UID: 583625
#1 &大家买的壳牌红喜力都是多少钱一瓶?
UID: 650892
UID: 344676
<div id="post_元,4升。
UID: 641739
UID: 583625
&&Quote:Originally posted by 鱼人车手 at
98元,4升。 这么便宜?哪儿买的?
UID: 197678
UID: 685097
&&Quote:Originally posted by 大小也是个人物 at
比爱德王子红牌都贵,快赶上黄牌了,闲得蛋疼。折腾汽油机油有意思吗?又不便宜。 AX3&&红牌, API是SG级别,实际是跟行货&&壳牌白壳HX2 同一个级别的。
& &&&而红壳的HX3 是API SL等级的。
& & 直接比你摩托车的红壳高了两个档次!!& &中间还隔着一个SJ 。
& && &SJ的 磨损保护,已经比SL明显低了一个档次。(SL和SM差距不明显)
& && &遗憾的是,这款软件已经没有SG&&这么低档次的API了。 不能对比
& && &SG被&&SL秒杀的情况。
[ Last edited by 铁碗卤素100W on
at 10:53 ]
( 10:52,&47.93 K,下载次数: 9)
UID: 531083
UID: 197678
&&Quote:Originally posted by 铁碗卤素100W at
& && &&&AX3&&红牌, API是SG级别,实际是跟行货&&壳牌白壳HX2 同一个级别的。
& &&&而红壳的HX3 是API SL等级的。
& & 直接比你摩托车的红壳高了两个档次!!& &中间还隔着一个SJ 。
& && &S ... 越抗摩的机油,对离合片的压力越大。照你这种逻辑,摩托车应该用带节能环保标志的汽油机油,因为那样越能保护发动机。事实上能用吗?
UID: 685097
&&Quote:Originally posted by 大小也是个人物 at
先搞清楚摩托车和汽车的区别再说。 像SJ&&SL这种API等级的机油,&&允许的磷含量是大大的。 这个价位的矿物油,厂商都会大量使用便宜又好用的ZDDP,& &而这种传统抗磨剂的摩擦系数是大大的。完全满足摩托车离合需求。
& &&&抗磨的机油,对离合片压力就大?&&
& &&&300V 摩托机油& &就挺抗磨, UOA数据也很优秀,磨损保护忒好,&&也同样有JASO MA认证,何来对离合片的压力越大之说。
& && &大卡车机油里,壳牌路路达T6,UOA数据也优秀,也有JASO MA认证。
& && &JASO 规定的0.08-0.12的含磷量,&&很多API SM级别的机油也轻松做到啊!
& & 更别说API SJ&&SL的磷含量,是允许达到 0.1 的了。。很多汽油机油没去做JASO认证而已。
UID: 541014
&&Quote:Originally posted by 大小也是个人物 at
先搞清楚摩托车和汽车的区别再说。 事实是,我的125用了剩下的美孚esp 5w-30 ,也没有任何离合打滑的迹象,我甚至觉得油门更灵敏了。
UID: 685097
&&Quote:Originally posted by 大小也是个人物 at
先搞清楚摩托车和汽车的区别再说。 强词夺理的小盆友,你应该多搜搜我的帖子,我给摩友建议使用机油的时候,都是让他们注意,千万别使用带“节能”标示的机油。 (满嘴喷粪可不好,你昨天说我人品有问题,今天我觉得某人品才有问题,特贱你知道吗)
UID: 685097
&&Quote:Originally posted by lz87320 at
事实是,我的125用了剩下的美孚esp 5w-30 ,也没有任何离合打滑的迹象,我甚至觉得油门更灵敏了。 ESP 5w-30 我有这个油的 VOA数据。(新油成分分析)
磷含量确实只有0.07附近,达不到 JASO MA标准 0.08-0.12的下限。
& && &理论上容易造成打滑。(不过那天我看了个钱江龙摩友使用0W-20康菲76的例子,也是节能的机油,貌似离合也没出问题。)
& && &ESP5W-30在磨损保护方面是一绝!(应该有和&&100多的摩托机油PK的实力。下面有图为证,车厂认证太强大了!磨损保护10分)
& &&&就是这个油的TBN不高,跟摩特摩托机油的很多中低端半合成一个鸟样,只有6点几。
& & 你还是3000以内换好。
奔驰的这个证人,要求磷含量比较低。 (我们也看到燃油经济性上去了,排放上去了。奔驰这个指标自身的抗磨能力一般,也不差)
& && &但牛逼的是保时捷C30和大众的VW50400这两个认证,磨损的保护都要求很高!
& &&&其实这个油0.76&&的磷含量,离&&JASO 0.08的下限,差得也不多哈!
[ Last edited by 铁碗卤素100W on
at 11:37 ]
( 11:27,&28.67 K,下载次数: 6)
( 11:32,&65.13 K,下载次数: 7)
UID: 685097
&&Quote:Originally posted by 大小也是个人物 at
先搞清楚摩托车和汽车的区别再说。 而且你对机油显然不熟悉,&&SJ&&SL想节能,想环保还不行呢,压根儿就和“节能” 环保挨不上边。
& && & 你去搜搜, “节能”的机油,都是什么粘度,又是什么API等级的?
& && &就因为我讲汽油机油4L的红壳SL比你摩托机油红壳牌 SG的API等级高,
你就想讲 4L的红壳SL&&“节能”,快把我笑掉大牙了!
& &&&——————& &SL你见过有“节能”的嘛
& && &15W-40的粘度 有过节能的吗?&&
& &&&把无知当个性,卖弄无知却成为别人的笑柄。
UID: 583625
UID: 673903
注册 来自 江西 九江
一直用黄壳喜力 用二维码扫下 便知真伪
UID: 272139
注册 来自 江苏吴江
UID: 538547
#18 &京东,红喜力92块8
UID: 538547
#19 &京东,红喜力92块8
( 17:06,&80.54 K,下载次数: 6)
UID: 611531
注册 来自 伟大的中华民国
&[1]&& &&&& 跳到12页
Date: Fri, 29 Dec :09 -0600
From: BugScan reporter &bugscan@debian.org&
To: debian-devel-announce@lists.debian.org
Subject: Release-critical Bugreport for December 29, 2000
Bug stamp-out list for Dec 29 05:12 (CST)
Total number of release-critical bugs: 490
Number that will disappear after removing packages marked [REMOVE]: 0
Package: afbackup (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christian Meder &meder@isr.uni-stuttgart.de&
afbackup: cartis cannot detect which is the server config file
Package: afterstep (debian/main)
Maintainer: Steven R. Baker &srbaker@debian.org&
afterstep: Pager causes wharf to go wonky
afterstep: Please merge changes from potato version (patch available).
Package: aolserver (debian/main)
Maintainer: Brent A. Fulgham &bfulgham@debian.org&
SECURITY: buffer overrun potential in Ns_DStringPrintf() call
Package: apache (debian/main)
Maintainer: Johnie Ingram &johnie@debian.org&
apache: log file permissions are insecure
cron.daily for apache sends SIGHUP to any process with
jserv: configuring jserv kills libapache-mod-ssl
Assertion `new_opencount[0] == 0' failed
Apache 1.3.12-2.2 returns no data (at least when calling )
apache should include mod_mime module
Apache's mod_auth_db insists existent and world readable file does not exist
apache build on potato breaks woody php4 (DB2 and pgsql)
Needs a recompile against new libc6 (again)
Package: apache-common (debian/main)
Maintainer: Johnie Ingram &johnie@debian.org&
apache-common: undefined symbol shm_ something
Security vulnerability in Apache mod_rewrite (fwd)
apache-common: Incorrect mysql return results
Package: apache-perl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Daniel Jacobowitz &dan@debian.org&
AddDefaultCharset problem
libapache-dbi-perl: @INC problems when starting apache with module AuthDBI
Apache in woody is now 1.3.14, apache-perl needs to be re-compiled
Package: apcupsd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Martin Mitchell &martin@debian.org&
apcupsd: apcupsd doesn't take any action on powerfail
Package: apt (debian/main)
Maintainer: APT Development Team &deity@lists.debian.org&
apt: problem resolver refuses to deinstall obsolete packages
Package: aptitude (debian/main)
Maintainer: Daniel Burrows &Daniel_Burrows@brown.edu&
aptitude_0.0.7.14-1(unstable): error in build dependencies
Package: arpwatch (debian/main)
Maintainer: KELEMEN Peter &fuji@debian.org&
arpwatch: On upgrade /var/lib/arpwatch/arp.dat is cleared
Package: aspell (debian/main)
Maintainer: Sudhakar Chandrasekharan &&
aspell dies, seemingly due to too many Ignores
Package: autofs (debian/main)
Maintainer: Adam Heath &doogie@debian.org&
Package: autolog (debian/main)
Maintainer: Nicol醩 Lichtmaier &nick@debian.org&
autolog: autolog creates endless zombies after upgrade to libc6-2.1.94
Package: barracuda (debian/main)
Maintainer: Arpad Magosanyi &mag@bunuel.tii.matav.hu&
Database code errors during installation.
Package: base-config (debian/main)
Maintainer: Joey Hess &joeyh@debian.org&
passwords entered in base-config are not treated literally
base-config bug
Package: base-passwd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Wichert Akkerman &wakkerma@debian.org&
[hurd] does not compile
base-passwd: update-passwd fails when a group has too many members
Package: bbdb (debian/main)
Maintainer: Takuo KITAME &kitame@northeye.org&
bbdb breaks gnus
Package: binutils (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christopher C. Chimelis &chris@debian.org&
binutils_2.10.0.27-0.cvs(unstable): serious malfunction on m68k
binutils: Strip corrupts static libraries if given the wrong kind of pathname
Package: bock (debian/main)
Maintainer: Charles Briscoe-Smith &cpbs@debian.org&
bock is not installable
Package: bugs.debian.org (pseudo)
Maintainer: Darren O. Benham and others &owner@bugs.debian.org&
static BTS HTML pages not being updated
Package: cdrdao (debian/main)
Maintainer: Martin Mitchell &martin@debian.org&
cdrdao: gcdmaster doesn't work (properly or otherwise)
Package: cdrecord (debian/main)
Maintainer: Erik Andersen &andersee@debian.org&
postinst checks for wrong filetype
Package: chimera (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Debian QA Group &debian-qa@lists.debian.org&
[do not fix, package being removed] segmentation fault with new xlibs
Package: chpp (debian/main)
Maintainer: Darren Benham &gecko@debian.org&
chpp not installable
Package: clisp (debian/main)
Maintainer: Kevin Dalley &&
clisp_-1(unstable): m68k build error [woody]
Package: cocoon (debian/contrib)
Maintainer: Julio Maia &&
ajp12: Servlet Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/jtauber/fop/Version: com/jtauber/fop/Version
Package: colorgcc (debian/main)
Maintainer: Raphael Bossek &bossekr@debian.org&
colorgcc: colorgcc screws up configure (was: Re: I think I'm going
Package: communicator (debian/contrib)
Maintainer: Ryan Murray &rmurray@debian.org&
Communicator missing Calendar component
Package: communicator-smotif-475 (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Ryan Murray &rmurray@debian.org&
Cannot coexist with current LessTif package.
Package: communicator-smotif-476 (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Ryan Murray &rmurray@debian.org&
Communicator 4.5 (Mail) crashes suddenly
Package: console-data (debian/main)
Maintainer: Yann Dirson &dirson@debian.org&
[woody] After update consol unusable because of /etc/console-tools/default.kmap.gz
Package: console-tools (debian/main)
Maintainer: Yann Dirson &dirson@debian.org&
breaks upgrades/installs over serial console/network on sparc
impossible to configure package correctly
Package: cooledit (debian/main)
Maintainer: Tom Lear &tom@trap.mtview.ca.us&
cooledit: Uses 100% processor time when idling
Package: courier-imap (debian/main)
Maintainer: Steve Haslam &araqnid@debian.org&
[woody] depends on libmysqlclient6
courier-imap: depends on non-US package (libssl) but is in main
Package: cracklib2 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Jean Pierre LeJacq &&
/usr/lib/debhelper used instead of /usr/share/debhelper/
Package: craftywatcher (debian/contrib)
Maintainer: Paul Serice &ugs@debian.org&
depends on nonexistent package
Package: cstexfonts (debian/main)
Maintainer: Petr Cech &cech@debian.org&
tetex-base: Won't overwrite csaccent.mf
Package: curves (debian/main)
Maintainer: Oscar Levi &elf@debian.org&
[patch] wrong "needs" in the menu entry for curves
Package: darxite (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben C. Hendrickson &&
Remotely exploitable buffer overflow
darxite packages lack necessary dependencies
Package: dconfig (debian/main)
Maintainer: Michael Bramer &grisu@debian.org&
dconfig: /etc/menu-methods/dconfig has wrong permissions
Package: debbugs (debian/main)
Maintainer: Darren Benham &gecko@debian.org&
debbugs: not truly RFC 2015- ignores MIME-encoding type
bugs.deb.org looses reports ?
Package: debiandoc-sgml (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ardo van Rangelrooij &ardo@debian.org&
debiandoc-sgml: kills it's own doc directory in some cases
Package: debianutils (debian/main)
Maintainer: James Troup &james@nocrew.org&
mkboot lilos to wrong kernel image
Package: device3dfx-source (debian/main)
Maintainer: Zephaniah E. Hull &warp@debian.org&
need cvs sync for Alpha use
When I try to install the 3dfx.o using insmod I get this error and it fails to load: 3dfx.o: unresolved symbol register_chrdev_Re7d40881
Package: dhcp (debian/main)
Maintainer: Eloy A. Paris &peloy@debian.org&
wrapper and init.d scripts broken
dhcp: NMU: Debian-ARM patches
Package: dhcpcd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Dennis Kelly &dpk@debian.org&
dhcpcd makes the parent process lock up in some case
Package: djtools (debian/main)
Maintainer: Debian QA Group &debian-qa@lists.debian.org&
djtools: djtools: Default setup (w/magicfilter) looses lines
Package: dnrd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Thomas Schoepf &schoepf@debian.org&
dnrd: sits in infinite loop
Package: dpkg (debian/main)
Maintainer: Wichert Akkerman &wakkerma@debian.org&
dpkg: installs regular dir when .deb contains symlink !
Apt and dpkg can get confused about package headers
netbase: upgrade uses old version of inetd.conf
Package: dpkg-cross (debian/main)
Maintainer: Roman Hodek &&
dpkg-cross: mon linux specific
Package: dvilx (debian/main)
Maintainer: Gergely Madarasz &gorgo@sztaki.hu&
dvilx: depends on tetex-lib
Package: dvisvga (debian/main)
Maintainer: Gergely Madarasz &gorgo@sztaki.hu&
broken dependency on tetex-lib, and build failure of source
Package: e2fsprogs (debian/main)
Maintainer: Yann Dirson &dirson@debian.org&
[hurd] compilation fails
Package: ecpg (debian/main)
Maintainer: Oliver Elphick &Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk&
ecpg: one include file is missing
Package: eeyes (debian/main)
Maintainer: Dan Nguyen &dnn@debian.org&
--root doesn't work
Package: elastic (debian/main)
Maintainer: Federico Di Gregorio &fog@debian.org&
elastic_0.0.15-1(unstable): build error (sdf2txt)
Package: elm-me+ (debian/main)
Maintainer: John Goerzen &jgoerzen@complete.org&
frm: segfaults in read()
Package: emacs20 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Rob Browning &rlb@cs.utexas.edu&
potato -& woody upgrade broke sending mail
emacs20: [hurd] patch to build on the Hurd
Package: emacs20-dl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Takuo KITAME &kitame@northeye.org&
emacs20-dl: Still does not build on powerpc
apel: Cannot load poe on emacs20-dl
Package: emacsen-common (debian/main)
Maintainer: Rob Browning &rlb@cs.utexas.edu&
emacsen-common: major bug in policy (not RC for potato)
Package: empire-lafe (debian/main)
Maintainer: Drake Diedrich &Drake.Diedrich@anu.edu.au&
empire-lafe: [woody] dependency on non-existant package
Package: eperl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Heiko Schlittermann &heiko@lotte.sax.de&
eperl possible buffer overflow
Package: epic4-script-splitfire (debian/main)
Maintainer: Joseph Carter &knghtbrd@debian.org&
EVIL EVIL on publics
Package: erlang (debian/main)
Maintainer: Samuel Tardieu &sam@debian.org&
erlang: recommends a non-main package
Package: eterm (debian/main)
Maintainer: Laurence J. Lane &ljlane@debian.org&
Eterm race condition.
Eterm segfault
Package: exim (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mark Baker &mbaker@iee.org&
exim: exim won't send email
libdb2 build dep needs to be libdb2-dev
Package: expect5.24 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mike Markley &mike@markley.org&
expect5.24: operates in line-based mode after "interact"
Package: fakebo (debian/main)
Maintainer: Gregory T. Norris &adric@debian.org&
Security problems in fakebo
Package: fakeroot (debian/main)
Maintainer: joost witteveen &joostje@debian.org&
fakeroot self test fails
Package: fetchmail (debian/main)
Maintainer: Paul Haggart &phaggart@debian.org&
fetchmail: fetchmail won't fetch mail, man page info isn't true (security hole)
fetchmail doesn't compile
fetchmail: fetchmail segfaults sometimes when downloading mail via pop3 over ssh, with portforwarding (ssh 2.2.0p1-1.1 2.2.0p1-1.1)
fetchmail dumps core, but not really sure why
Package: fetchmailconf (debian/main)
Maintainer: Paul Haggart &phaggart@debian.org&
fetchmailconf fails to start due to python/tk problem
fetchmailconf should alternatively depend on fetchmail-ssl
Package: fileutils (debian/main)
Maintainer: Michael Stone &mstone@debian.org&
fileutils must not use debhelper to build
Package: findutils (debian/main)
Maintainer: Kevin Dalley &&
Current find does not implicitly -print when appropriate
Package: flying (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christian Meder &meder@isr.uni-stuttgart.de&
flying_6.20-3(unstable): bad build dependency
Package: freeamp (debian/main)
Maintainer: Brian M. Almeida &bma@debian.org&
freeamp won't run on PowerPC
Package: ftape (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christian Meder &meder@isr.uni-stuttgart.de&
raw ftape devices wrong
Package: ftp-proxy (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mike Goldman &&
ftp-proxy doesn't listen on TranslatedAddress
Package: ftp.debian.org (pseudo)
Maintainer: James Troup and others &ftpmaster@debian.org&
Packages missing from woody only alpha-binaries archive
gap4 is missing in woody
[woody] octave-headers is not installable
ftp.debian.org: [woody] Please remove sendmail-8.11.0-Beta1 so I can install 8.10.2
ftp.debian.org: Danish server off duty?
dinstall: does not verify .dsc
binary-powerpc brokenness [pohl@screaming.org: librep5 & sawmill dependencies broken?]
Packages missing from woody
ftp.debian.org: mgetty disappeared
ftp.debian.org: Where is mgetty?
Package ssh listed in three Packages files
ftp.debian.org: omirr is obsolete
one of the (http || ftp).us.debian.org mirrors is down
ftp.debian.org: please remove /org/ftp.debian.org/ftp/dists/woody/main/binary-alpha/graphics/picturebook_0.0pre-4.deb
express package should be removed (unusable and orphaned upstream)
Packages files rebuild when not needed
missing i386 binaries
Package: ftpd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Herbert Xu &herbert@debian.org&
ftpd won't install due to ftpusers.5.gz being in manpages
Package: fvwm (debian/main)
Maintainer: Alexander Kotelnikov &sacha@debian.org&
fvwm_2.2.4-2.1(unstable): Error in build dependencies
fvwm: [hurd] doesn't build
fvwm: many modules are duplicated when fvwm used in multihead X config
Package: gcc (debian/main)
Maintainer: Debian GCC maintainers &gcc@packages.debian.org&
[fixed in CVS ] simple program compiled with o=
Package: gccchecker (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Pfaff &pfaffben@pilot.msu.edu&
libmmalloc should be in a separate package
gccchecker: strdup missing in emulation library
Package: gcj (debian/main)
Maintainer: Debian GCC maintainers &gcc@packages.debian.org&
gcj chokes on mutual dependencies, segfaults (stack overflow?)
Package: gdb (debian/main)
Maintainer: Vincent Renardias &vincent@debian.org&
Looking for gdb-4.18-objc patches....
gdb_5.0-1(unstable): build error on m68k [PATCH]
segmentation fault
gdb: bus error opening an elf file
Package: gdk-imlib1 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ossama Othman &ossama@debian.org&
gdk-imlib1: consumes memory non-stop
Package: gdtclft (debian/main)
Maintainer: David N. Welton &davidw@efn.org&
depends on nonexistent libgd1g
Package: general (pseudo)
Maintainer: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
general: confusion among system log daemons
general: Lack of policy on which files should be owned by which user
Package: genius (debian/main)
Maintainer: Federico Di Gregorio &fog@debian.org&
genius is not installable in woody
Package: gimp1.1 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Gertzfield &che@debian.org&
with LANG=ru_RU.KOI8-R all script-fu dialogs under Xtns shows in '?'
Package: gltron (debian/main)
Maintainer: Raphael Bossek &bossekr@debian.org&
gltron_0.53-1(unstable): non-executable script during building
Package: gnatsweb (debian/main)
Maintainer: Milan Zamazal &pdm@debian.org&
gnatsweb: gnatsweb does not show problem reports
Package: gnomba (debian/main)
Maintainer: Timshel Knoll &timshel@debian.org&
gnomba: Password authentication not work in share mode.
Package: gnome-chess (debian/main)
Maintainer: Vincent Renardias &vincent@debian.org&
gnome-chess: broken dep on telnet
Package: gnome-napster (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christian Surchi &csurchi@debian.org&
gnome-napster: gnome-napster fails to kill all processes when closed
gnome-napster segfaults
[UI] multiple selection lock-up
Package: gnome-print (debian/main)
Maintainer: Vincent Renardias &vincent@debian.org&
gnome-print: not installable for PowerPC; breaks task-gnome-apps
gnome-print_0.24-0.1(unstable): Missing build dependencies
Package: gnome-session (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christian Marillat &marillat@debian.org&
GNOME'e nterm service
Package: gnomehack (debian/main)
Maintainer: Erik Andersen &andersee@debian.org&
Crash when going down to a new level using stairs.
Package: gnucash (debian/main)
Maintainer: John Goerzen &jgoerzen@complete.org&
Bogus requirement of libasound1
Package: gnudip (debian/main)
Maintainer: Randolph Chung &tausq@debian.org&
gnudip: Gnudip prerm script fails with error `groupdel: group gnudip does not exist'
Package: gnumeric (debian/main)
Maintainer: Vincent Renardias &vincent@debian.org&
gnumeric crashes on startup
gnumeric: gnumeric for alpha is linked against libole2.so.0, should be libgnomeole2.so.0?
Package: gnupg (non-US/main)
Maintainer: James Troup &james@nocrew.org&
gnupg: gnugp doesn't know how to make a directory.
New security patch for GnuPG
gnupg: can't encypt w/GPG and decrypt w/PGP 2.6.3a (us or i)
Package: gnuplot (debian/main)
Maintainer: Thimo Neubauer &thimo@debian.org&
gnuplor: build-depends on gnuplot
Package: gphoto (debian/main)
Maintainer: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pen~a &jfs@computer.org&
gphoto: gphoto can't find convert and other unknown problems
Package: gpm (debian/main)
Maintainer: Zephaniah E. Hull &warp@debian.org&
gpm-mouse-test deadlocks after first test
project: task-x-window-system
gpm: gpm segfaults whenever it is run on Mac PowerBook G3
gpm: [PATCH] PS/2 initialization breaks ThinkPad TrackPoint
Package: groff (debian/main)
Maintainer: Fabrizio Polacco &fpolacco@debian.org&
groff: Deprecated app-defaults
Package: grub (debian/main)
Maintainer: GNU GRUB Maintainers &bug-grub@gnu.org&
grub: Error 22: No such partition
grub: grub-install is broken
Build-depends missing and fail to compile because texi2html invalid option I
Package: gstep-base-examples (debian/main)
Maintainer: Matthias Klose &doko@debian.org&
gstep-base-examples need to depend on gstep-base0-dev
Package: gstep-core (debian/main)
Maintainer: Matthias Klose &doko@debian.org&
gstep-core_0.6.6-0.1(unstable): build error
Package: gsumi (debian/main)
Maintainer: Frederic Lepied &Lepied@debian.org&
gsumi: gsumi crashes under XFree86 4.0.1
Package: gtimer (debian/main)
Maintainer: Robert S. Edmonds &&
gtimer updated, all data gone!
Package: gtkbrowser (debian/main)
Maintainer: Robert S. Edmonds &&
gtkbrowser: package severely broken/incomplete
Package: gv (debian/main)
Maintainer: Adrian Bunk &bunk@fs.tum.de&
gv_1:3.5.8-19(unstable): error in build dependencies
Package: hanterm (debian/main)
Maintainer: Chu-yeon Park &kokids@debian.org&
hanterm: needs to move its app-defaults from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 to /etc/X11
Package: heimdal-clients (non-US/main)
Maintainer: Brian May &bam@debian.org&
[potato] No rlogin executable in heimdal-clients
Package: heimdal-lib (non-US/main)
Maintainer: Brian May &bam@debian.org&
heimdal isn't compilable from source (libtool/automake problem)
Package: htdig (debian/main)
Maintainer: Gergely Madarasz &gorgo@sztaki.hu&
if htdig daily cron takes too long, many copies run
Package: http-analyze (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Hanno Wagner &wagner@linux.de&
depends on nonexistent package
http-analyze: source package wrong type
Package: hylafax-server (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christophe Le Bars &clebars@debian.org&
policy violation - h-s plays with other packages files
faxsetup script can't locate /usr/bin/sendfax
Package: i18ndata (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Collins &bcollins@debian.org&
i18ndata: Contains non-free file.
Package: iceconf (debian/main)
Maintainer: Jules Bean &jules@debian.org&
iceconf: iceconf uses old workspace commands
Package: ifhp (debian/main)
Maintainer: Torsten Landschoff &torsten@debian.org&
Tag them as conffiles!! *arg*
Package: inn2 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Bdale Garbee &&
inn2: requires non-US/non-free package to build
inn2: Cannot remove
Package: inn2-inews (debian/main)
Maintainer: Bdale Garbee &&
inn2-inews: Bad permissions
Package: ircii-pana (debian/main)
Maintainer: Daniel Jacobowitz &dan@debian.org&
ircii-pana_1:1.0-0c17-3(unstable): source package contains i386 binary
Package: isapnptools (debian/main)
Maintainer: Frederic Lepied &Lepied@debian.org&
isapnptools: Broken!
isapnp should be in /sbin, not /usr/sbin
Package: jade (debian/main)
Maintainer: Adam Di Carlo &aph@debian.org&
jade: jade doesn't understand SDATA in entity declaration
Package: jadetex (debian/main)
Maintainer: Adam Di Carlo &aph@debian.org&
Error in configuration during install
Package: jail (debian/main)
Maintainer: Jay Kominek &jkominek@debian.org&
jail: connections to nameservers are not dropped
Package: jed-canna (debian/main)
Maintainer: "Kikutani Makoto" &kikutani@debian.org&
Not installable - lacks Provides: jed-ja
Package: jikes (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mike Goldman &&
Jikes segfaults when trying to compile Xerces
Package: john (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christian Kurz &shorty@debian.org&
pb running john as a normal user
Package: jove (debian/main)
Maintainer: Loic Prylli &lprylli@graville.fdn.fr&
jove doesn't work on Hurd. patch included.
Package: junkbuster (debian/main)
Maintainer: Paul Haggart &phaggart@debian.org&
Konqueror loads web pages from the wrong server when using proxy
Package: kaffe (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ean R. Schuessler &&
kaffe: jit3 not supported on sparc build
kaffe does not compile on PowerPC
kaffe: Does not build on PowerPC
[PATCH] kaffe doesn't build on Alpha due to jit3 not being supported
kaffe_1:1.0.6-1(unstable): build error on m68k
Package: kerberos4kth (non-US/main)
Maintainer: Greg Stark &gsstark@mit.edu&
bugtraq posting on kerberos4kth--environment variables and buffer overflow
Package: lcdproc (debian/main)
Maintainer: Brian Bassett &brianb@debian.org&
lcdproc crashes with floating point exception
Package: ld.so (debian/main)
Maintainer: David Engel &david@debian.org&
ld.so_1.9.11-12(unstable): error in build dependencies
Package: libao (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christopher L Cheney &ccheney@debian.org&
libao_0.5.0-1(unstable): libasound1-dev not on all archs
Package: libapache-asp-perl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Piotr Roszatycki &dexter@debian.org&
libapache-asp-perl: no valid request object (Apache=SCALAR(0x82b8fc4)) passed to ASP handler
Package: libapache-mod-dtcl (debian/main)
Maintainer: David N. Welton &davidw@efn.org&
libapache-mod-dtcl_0.8.1-1(unstable): build error (tcl.h)
Package: libapache-mod-ssl (non-US/main)
Maintainer: Miquel van Smoorenburg &miquels@cistron.nl&
libapache-mod-ssl: missing build dependancy
Package: libc6 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Collins &bcollins@debian.org&
textutils: sort problem
libc6: general problems with locales
libc6: special spanish characters (accentuated vocals) cannot print in terminal
base-passwd: PostInst script fails with cryptic message
/etc/init.d/devpts.sh has incorrect grep statements and doesn't work as expected.
add autofs to list of programs needing a restart
Package: libcgi-pm-perl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Piotr Roszatycki &dexter@debian.org&
libcgi-pm-perl: uninstallable - conflict with libcgi-perl ?!
Package: libdb2 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Fabrizio Polacco &fpolacco@debian.org&
perl-5.005-base (base/essential) depends on libdb2 (optional)
libdb2 breaks sendmail and other programs
libdb2: new libdb2 breaks sendmail, exim, postfix, etc.
sucks, eh?
libdb2 causes problems with apache
libdb2: Variable GLIBC_2.0 _at least_ seems missing as an information field in latest libdb2 compilation.
libdb2: exim fails with new libdb2
[unstable] libdb2 2.7.7-2.1 breaks Apache, Exim
libdb2: Seems to be some problem with libdb2.so.2
libdb2 needs to be in /lib, not /usr/lib
Ping & libc6 needs libdb2 - should be in /lib
Package: libdb2++-dev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Fabrizio Polacco &fpolacco@debian.org&
db_cxx.h header file does not exist
Package: libdb2.6 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Fabrizio Polacco &fpolacco@debian.org&
db2.6 source not available
Package: libdbi-perl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christian Hammers &&
undefined symbol Perl_no_modify.
Presumably needs recompile for
Package: libfltk-dev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry &shaleh@debian.org&
depends on nonexistent package
Package: libgeda (debian/main)
Maintainer: Hamish Moffatt &hamish@debian.org&
libgeda_(unstable): wrong build dependency
Package: libggi-target-fbdev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Charles Briscoe-Smith &cpbs@debian.org&
libggi-target-fbdev: does not work properly with non-i386
Package: libggi2 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Charles Briscoe-Smith &cpbs@debian.org&
debian/rules contains bashisms, won't build with /bin/sh == ash
Package: libgmp3-dev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Dale Scheetz &&
libgmp3-dev: trying to overwrite libgmp.a
Package: libgtk1.2 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Gertzfield &che@debian.org&
no security fix for openssh for sparc
Package: libguile6-slib (debian/main)
Maintainer: Craig Brozefsky &craig@&
require.scm is not looked for in the correct place
slib: Doesn't install
Package: libguilegtk0 (debian/main)
Maintainer: James LewisMoss &dres@debian.org&
libguilegtk0: crashes on gnome-init-hack
Package: libhoard1 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Raphael Bossek &bossekr@debian.org&
Version 1.5.2 of libhoard won't compile on Alpha (patch)
Package: libhsync (debian/main)
Maintainer: Anand Kumria &wildfire@progsoc.org&
[PATCH] libhsync doesn't compile on Alpha
Package: libhsync0 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Anand Kumria &wildfire@progsoc.org&
contains no useful files.
Package: libhtml-parser-perl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Michael Alan Dorman &mdorman@debian.org&
man pages gone
Package: libid31-dev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Pawel Wiecek &coven@debian.org&
C header file contains C++ syntax.
Package: libjpeg-progs (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mark Mickan &mmickan@debian.org&
djpeg broken for some jpegs
Package: libjpeg62 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mark Mickan &mmickan@debian.org&
[hurd] update libtool
Package: libmikmod (debian/main)
Maintainer: Joseph Carter &knghtbrd@debian.org&
libmikmod_3.1.9-2(unstable): libasound dependency
Package: libncurses5 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Joel Klecker &ncurses-maint@debian.org&
reproducable segfault
ncurses5 NMU causes segv's on sparc woody
Package: libnewt-perl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Anthony Fok &foka@debian.org&
apt-listchanges: Error: Your vendor has not defined Newt macro Add at /usr/bin/apt-listchanges line 83
Package: libnss-ldap (debian/main)
Maintainer: Davide Puricelli (evo) &evo@debian.org&
libnss-ldap.conf replaced by old debconf answers
Package: libpam-modules (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Collins &bcollins@debian.org&
libpam-modules: Pam can't hanle the expired password.
pam_group fails to set group using new devfs device names
Package: libpam0g (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Collins &bcollins@debian.org&
Build shared libraries with $(CC), *not* $(LD)
Package: libpcap0 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Anand Kumria &wildfire@progsoc.org&
ethereal: Doesn't support tokenring on 2.4.0- but does on 2.2.x
Libpcap filters don't work with ip6.
Package: libpod-parser-perl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Michael-John Turner &mj@debian.org&
libpod-parser-perl conflicts with perl-5.6
Package: libproplist0 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Chris McKillop &cdm@debian.org&
wmakerconf tries rename(2) from /tmp
Package: libquicktime4linux0 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Sudhakar Chandrasekharan &&
libquicktime4linux0: libraries are broken
Package: libterm-readline-gnu-perl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Darren Stalder &&
libterm-readline-gnu-perl_1.07-2.1(unstable): build error
Package: libtext-kakasi-perl (debian/main)
Maintainer: NOKUBI Takatsugu &knok@daionet.gr.jp&
libtext-kakasi-perl_1.04-1(unstable): build error
Package: libtool (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ossama Othman &ossama@debian.org&
libtool does not support interdependencies between un-installed shared libraries.
libtool_1.3.5-1(unstable): wrapping of binaries fails with -D__LIBTOOL_IS_A_FOOL__
libtool: [hurd] drops deplibs
libtool_1.3.5-2(unstable): build-dependency problems
Package: libvorbis0 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christopher L Cheney &ccheney@debian.org&
seg fault in vorbis_book_decodevs
Package: libvorbis0-dev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christopher L Cheney &ccheney@debian.org&
Should depend on libogg0-dev
Package: libwings-dev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Marcelo E. Magallon &mmagallo@debian.org&
libwings-dev has an undeclared dependency on libproplist-dev
Package: licq (debian/main)
Maintainer: Zed Pobre &zed@debian.org&
licq: LICQ can't read files
Package: lilo (debian/main)
Maintainer: Vincent Renardias &vincent@debian.org&
lilo: New lilo renders my system unbootable
lilo: It choked on dos-style config-files
lilo segfaults on bad char
lilo: Version 21.6 is apparently released and needs to be packaged.
Package: lilypond (debian/main)
Maintainer: Anthony Fok &foka@debian.org&
Bad dependency on libguile4 on alpha and newer is uncompilable
Package: links (debian/main)
Maintainer: Peter Gervai &&
Reproducible segfault in links
Package: lirc (debian/main)
Maintainer: Tom Lees &tom@debian.org&
lirc: lircd looping
Package: lm-sensors-source (debian/main)
Maintainer: Joey Hess &joeyh@debian.org&
lm-sensors-source: Doesn't compile
Package: locale-ko (debian/main)
Maintainer: Chu-yeon Park &kokids@debian.org&
locale-{ja,ko,vi,zh} should have depends: libc6 (&& 2.1.94).
locales: locales must conflict, provide locale-ko
Package: locales (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Collins &bcollins@debian.org&
locales: Security upload to stable broke es_AR locale
Package: logrotate (debian/main)
Maintainer: Joseph Carter &knghtbrd@debian.org&
default tabooext must contain .dpkg-new
Package: lpr (debian/main)
Maintainer: Adam Klein &aklein@debian.org&
lpr: uses undocumented internal libc6 function
Package: lprng (debian/main)
Maintainer: Craig Small &csmall@debian.org&
[PATCH] lprng doesn't compile on Alpha...
Package: lynx (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christian Hudon &chrish@debian.org&
lynx: Doesn't warn if there's an error saving a file
Package: magicfilter (debian/main)
Maintainer: David Frey &dfrey@debian.org&
magicfilter apparently requires /usr/bin/djscript but makes no mention of this
magicfilter: should depend on recode
Package: mailman (debian/main)
Maintainer: Gergely Madarasz &gorgo@sztaki.hu&
cron job forking too much
mailman: qrunner creates huge error log
Problem with "HTML Page Editing"
Package: mailx (debian/main)
Maintainer: Loic Prylli &lprylli@graville.fdn.fr&
cat somefile | mail -s teste root@localhost segfaults
Package: man2html (debian/main)
Maintainer: Nicol醩 Lichtmaier &nick@debian.org&
Man2html memory consumption over 400 Megs.
Package: maxima (debian/main)
Maintainer: Camm Maguire &&
maxima_5.4-5(unstable): build error on m68k
Package: mc (debian/main)
Maintainer: Michael Bramer & Martin Bialasinski &mc-debian@internet-treff.uni-koeln.de&
mc_4.5.51-8(unstable): #include syntax error
Package: megahal (debian/main)
Maintainer: David N. Welton &davidw@debian.org&
megahal_9.0.3-1(unstable): error in build dependencies
Package: menu (debian/main)
Maintainer: joost witteveen &joostje@debian.org&
menu: [hurd] locking issue
Package: mesa (debian/main)
Maintainer: James A. Treacy &treacy@debian.org&
mesa_3.2.1-1(unstable): libggi2-dev doesn't exist on all architectures
Package: mesag3-glide2 (debian/main)
Maintainer: James A. Treacy &treacy@debian.org&
Open GL xscreensavers cause X to hang with 3DFX cards.
Package: mgp (debian/main)
Maintainer: Fumitoshi UKAI &ukai@debian.or.jp&
mgp dumps a core for every file
mgp: WARN: cannot generate pnmraw+ file from xxxx.eps
Package: microwindows (debian/main)
Maintainer: Randolph Chung &tausq@debian.org&
microwindows_0.88pre7-1(unstable): uses unportable &sys/io.h&
microwindows: can't build frm source
Package: mikmod (debian/main)
Maintainer: Joseph Carter &knghtbrd@debian.org&
mikmod: With new libmikmod I get a segmentation violation
Package: mlgtk (debian/main)
Maintainer: Sven LUTHER &luther@debian.org&
mlgtk_1.2.1.-7(unstable): doesn't remove debian/files
Package: modutils (debian/main)
Maintainer: Wichert Akkerman &wakkerma@debian.org&
modutils depends on unavailable libc6
modutils upgrade problem (2.2r0 =& 2.2r1)
modutils: modules.conf parser bug - "quotes"
Package: mount (debian/main)
Maintainer: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry &shaleh@debian.org&
mount reads fstab in single-user mode
Package: mozilla (debian/main)
Maintainer: Frank Belew (Myth) &frb@debian.org&
mozilla: Mozilla hard-codes display DPI, and any value is wrong
[potato and woody] Does not build
Package: mozilla-dev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Frank Belew (Myth) &frb@debian.org&
mozilla-config gives bogus output
Package: mp3info (debian/main)
Maintainer: Pawel Wiecek &coven@debian.org&
mp3info: mp3info replaced by completely different program of same name
Package: mpg123 (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Tommi Virtanen &tv@debian.org&
failure to open appropriate device under 2.4.xx w/devfs
Package: mrtg (debian/main)
Maintainer: Michael-John Turner &mj@debian.org&
mrtg: Permissions for /etc/mrtg.cfg and mrtg.ok too generous
Package: mtools (debian/main)
Maintainer: Adrian Bunk &bunk@fs.tum.de&
mtools doesn't work on Debian/ARM 2.2r2
Package: mutt-ja (debian/main)
Maintainer: Kikutani Makoto &kikutani@debian.org&
fcc-save-hook behavior seems to be broken
mutt-ja: Cannot install bug
Package: mysql-server (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Christian Hammers &ch@debian.org&
setting up fails on PowerPC
mysql-server: mysql-server doesn't include 'czech' charset.
mysql-server: several time functions broken
Package: navigator-smotif-475-libc5 (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Ryan Murray &rmurray@debian.org&
Can't run netscape: 'Bus error'
Package: nedit (debian/main)
Maintainer: Erik Andersen &andersee@debian.org&
nedit_1:5.1.1-1(unstable): Error in build dependencies
Package: net-tools (debian/main)
Maintainer: Bernd Eckenfels &ecki@debian.org&
net-tools: ifconfig tr0 hw tr 40:00:de:ad:be:ef
doesn't work on 2.4.0-testxx kernels
Package: netcdf (debian/main)
Maintainer: Brian Mays &brian@debian.org&
netcdf_3.4-9(unstable): Typo in build-dependencies
Package: netpipe (debian/main)
Maintainer: Camm Maguire &&
[PATCH] Netpipe compilation fails on Alpha
Package: netscape-base-4 (debian/contrib)
Maintainer: Ryan Murray &rmurray@debian.org&
netscape-base-4: wrapper script and session management
Package: newscache (debian/main)
Maintainer: Debian QA Group &debian-qa@lists.debian.org&
newscache: Newscache corrupts its own database
Package: newsclipper (debian/main)
Maintainer: John Goerzen &jgoerzen@complete.org&
newsclipper no longer works with the handler server
Package: nmh (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ruud de Rooij &ruud@debian.org&
Install does not update path
Package: nscd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Collins &bcollins@debian.org&
nscd: nscd goes infinitely slow with heavy DNS traffic
Package: nvi (debian/main)
Maintainer: Steve Greenland &stevegr@debian.org&
[PATCH] nvi: undo breakage due to i-/
Package: oaklisp (debian/main)
Maintainer: Barak Pearlmutter &bap@cs.unm.edu&
oaklisp_1.3.1-2(unstable): no config for m68k
Package: oidentd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry &shaleh@debian.org&
Error: initgroups(nobody, 65534):
Operation not permitted
Package: onshore-timesheet (debian/main)
Maintainer: Adam Di Carlo &aph@debian.org&
onshore-timesheet: Can't install!
Package: openssl (non-US/main)
Maintainer: Christoph Martin &christoph.martin@uni-mainz.de&
Split openssl to get a package without patented algorithms
Package: opustex (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Anthony Fok &foka@debian.org&
(musix|opus)tex fail on woody
Package: pam (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Collins &bcollins@debian.org&
pam_0.72-11(unstable): build error
[hurd] patch to build
Package: passwd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Collins &bcollins@debian.org&
passwd: [hurd] control.hurd -& control.gnu
Package: pcmcia-modules-2.2.18pre21 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Brian Mays &brian@debian.org&
[i386] pcmcia modules w/o symbols not found
Package: pcmcia-source (debian/main)
Maintainer: Brian Mays &brian@debian.org&
pcmcia-modules-2.2.17 does not work with Lucent Orinoco card
Package: perl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Darren Stalder &&
perl getpwnam function fails to get shadowed password
Package: perl-5.005 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Darren Stalder &&
A dreaded Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop with perl-5.005
Package: perl-tk (debian/main)
Maintainer: Stephen Zander &gibreel@debian.org&
perl-tk: .pm-files corrupted after upgrade
Package: perlmagick (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ryuichi Arafune &arafune@debian.org&
perlmagick needs libbz2
Package: perlsgml (debian/main)
Maintainer: Susan G. Kleinmann &sgk@debian.org&
perlsgml_1:(unstable): error in build dependencies
Package: pgaccess (debian/main)
Maintainer: Oliver Elphick &Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk&
pgaccess: pgaccess 6.5.3-23 conflicts with tkstep 8.0p2-3.3
Package: pgapack (debian/main)
Maintainer: Andreas Franzen &anfra@debian.org&
& pgapack programs give gmentation fault after compiling when run.
Package: php3 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Petr Cech &cech@debian.org&
php3: Causes Apache to segfault
php3: php3 script segfaults
Package: php3-cgi (debian/main)
Maintainer: Petr Cech &cech@debian.org&
php3-cgi sends non-compliant X-Powered-By tag
Package: pilot-link (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Darnell &bgdarnel@debian.org&
pilot-link and 'Weird packets'
pilot-xfer can't restore more than 256 files
Package: plotutils (debian/main)
Maintainer: Rob Browning &rlb@cs.utexas.edu&
Package: plum (debian/main)
Maintainer: GOTO Masanori &gotom@debian.or.jp&
plum: Unterminated && operator at
Package: postgresql (debian/main)
Maintainer: Oliver Elphick &Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk&
postgresql: postgresql 7.0 nukes previous installation
postgresql loses user information during upgrade
Broken permissions required with foreign keys
Package: postgresql-client (debian/main)
Maintainer: Oliver Elphick &Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk&
Looking in the wrong directory for socket
Package: postgresql-dev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Oliver Elphick &Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk&
libpq.a is a malformed archive
Package: postgresql-test (debian/main)
Maintainer: Oliver Elphick &Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk&
postgresql-test: [woddy] I can't run test
Package: pppoe (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christian Hudon &chrish@debian.org&
no )#(*$# documentation
rp-pppoe-2.3 is available
New upstream version of pppoe available
Package: prc-tools (debian/main)
Maintainer: Stephen Zander &gibreel@debian.org&
prc-tools: Wrong symlink
PalmOS SDK license
Package: procmeter3 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Joey Hess &joeyh@debian.org&
procmeter3_3.2b-1(unstable): missing xpm on build
Package: proftpd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Johnie Ingram &johnie@debian.org&
proftpd_1.2.0pre10-2(frozen): Missing build dependencies
proftpd: Problems with multiple user/group settings in proftpd.conf
LIMIT LIST doesn't stop MGET * (security hole)
[PATCH] proftp compilation on Alpha fails
Package: proxy-suite (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mike Goldman &&
proxy-suite_1.7-1(unstable): build error on m68k
Package: pvm (debian/main)
Maintainer: Drake Diedrich &Drake.Diedrich@anu.edu.au&
pvm breaks with fresh potato installs
Package: pybliographer (debian/main)
Maintainer: Paul Seelig &pseelig@debian.org&
pybliographer_1.0.7-1(unstable): typo in Build-Depends
Package: python-base (debian/main)
Maintainer: Gregor Hoffleit &flight@debian.org&
Python tempfile module uses insecure tempfile!
Package: python-imaging (debian/main)
Maintainer: Matthias Klose &doko@debian.org&
python-imaging: JPEG problems on Alpha
Package: python-pam (debian/main)
Maintainer: Gregor Hoffleit &flight@debian.org&
[woody] python-pam segfaults with new woody
Package: qcad (debian/main)
Maintainer: Fernando Sanchez &fer@debian.org&
qcad could not be installed on woody, shares file with xlibs (XFree86 4.0.1)
Package: quake-svga (debian/contrib)
Maintainer: Joseph Carter &knghtbrd@debian.org&
quake-svga refuses to run
Package: realplayer (debian/contrib)
Maintainer: Debian QA Group &debian-qa@lists.debian.org&
cannot find required realplayer version on real web site
Package: reiserfsprogs (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ed Boraas &ed@debian.org&
[PATCH] reiserfsprogs doesn't properly compile on Alpha
Package: routeplanner (debian/main)
Maintainer: Chris Lawrence &lawrencc@debian.org&
routeplanner should not depend on python-glade and python-gnome
Package: samba (debian/main)
Maintainer: Eloy A. Paris &peloy@debian.org&
README.Debian should comment on 2.0.x kernels
Package: samba-common (debian/main)
Maintainer: Eloy A. Paris &peloy@debian.org&
samba-common: nmbd's spawning until system runs out of resources with 2.2.17
Package: sane-gimp1.1 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Kevin Dalley &&
sane-gimp1.1: Network protocol broken
Package: satan (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pen~a &jfs@computer.org&
Satan hangs
Package: sather (debian/main)
Maintainer: Eray Ozkural &erayo@cs.bilkent.edu.tr&
sather_1.2.1-2(unstable): Bad dh_testroot
Package: screen (debian/main)
Maintainer: Juan Cespedes &cespedes@debian.org&
screen: writebuf causes screen to die
screen: Screen doesn't work if i specify any options
Package: sendfile (debian/main)
Maintainer: Martin Schulze &joey@debian.org&
Multiple local root compromises and other security issues in sendfiled
sendfile: notify called with GID 0.
Package: setiathome (debian/contrib)
Maintainer: Gopal Narayanan &gopal@debian.org&
setiathome: Doesn't install on i686 architecture
Package: si (debian/main)
Maintainer: Dr. Guenter Bechly &gbechly@debian.org&
si does not show Parallel Port and Sound Information with kernel 2.4.0
Package: slang1 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Jim Mintha &jmintha@debian.org&
slang1: [hurd] update host detection and linker option
Package: slocate (debian/main)
Maintainer: R Garth Wood &rgwood@debian.org&
Package: slrnpull (debian/main)
Maintainer: Joey Hess &joeyh@debian.org&
slrnpull: Debian's setup of slrnpull seems to be unsafe.
Package: snap (debian/main)
Maintainer: Dr. Guenter Bechly &gbechly@debian.org&
command /help does not work with Perl-5.6 in unstable
Package: snort (debian/main)
Maintainer: Christian Hammers &ch@debian.org&
snort: install barfs
snort won't install
Package: solid-pop3d (debian/main)
Maintainer: Steve Haslam &araqnid@debian.org&
solid-pop3d doesn't grok `:' characters at the end of APOP secrets
Package: splay (debian/main)
Maintainer: Zed Pobre &zed@debian.org&
[Sparc] [HELP!] Bus error/bad buffersize
description error in control file
Package: spruce (debian/main)
Maintainer: Cody Pisto &&
spruce crashes, creates "Temp3" mailbox
spruce crashes while trying to recreate mailbox index
spruce crashes while trying to recreate mailbox index
Package: ssh (non-US/main)
Maintainer: Philip Hands &&
ssh: can't handle expired passwords
53783 scp does not handle spaces in file names
ssh: Ssh: enforces duff configuration options
sshd ignores ListenAddress for X11Forwarding
ssh: sshd corrupts utmp and cannot log in when run from inetd
OpenSSH and libc6-2.94
point of difference between ssh (potato) and ssh (slink)
Servers can force client to do X/agent forwarding
sshd gets stopped and not started when upgrading without tty
[potato] sshd 1.2.3-9.1 (sparc) refuses login w/password
ssh: default configuration breaks IPv6
Package: stat (debian/main)
Maintainer: Michael Meskes &meskes@debian.org&
stat: Can't stat files larger than 2G in size.
Package: stunnel (non-US/main)
Maintainer: Paolo Molaro &lupus@debian.org&
Multiple security problems, please package 3.10
Package: suidmanager (debian/main)
Maintainer: Adam Klein &aklein@debian.org&
suidmanager: breaks when upgrading to perl 5.6
Package: svgalibg1 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Andy Mortimer &andy.mortimer@zetnet.co.uk&
svgalibg1: All svgalib applications segfaults with the woody version
Package: swat (debian/main)
Maintainer: Eloy A. Paris &peloy@debian.org&
swat: Broken help file symlinks
samba-doc directory changed: removed htmldocs from path
swat: Wrong symlink
Security holes in swat
Package: sxid (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Collins &bcollins@debian.org&
crashes when it is running from root
Package: sysklogd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Martin Schulze &joey@debian.org&
sysklogd breaks and hangs system
security fixed sysklogd is not in unstable!
Package: syslinux (debian/main)
Maintainer: Juan Cespedes &cespedes@debian.org&
Syslinux boot fails on Industrial Computer Source boxen
Package: syslog-ng (debian/main)
Maintainer: SZALAY Attila &sasa@debian.org&
syslog-ng: Cannot upgrade 2.2r0 syslog-ng nor install 2.2r1 syslog-ng fresh
syslog-ng: requires impossible dependencies
Package: sysvinit (debian/main)
Maintainer: Miquel van Smoorenburg &miquels@cistron.nl&
sysvinit: Should do "swapon -a" even if resyncing RAID
Package: task-devel-common (debian/main)
Maintainer: Debian GCC maintainers &gcc@packages.debian.org&
description says I get things which are not depended on
Package: task-gnome-desktop (debian/main)
Maintainer: Martin Bialasinski &martinb@debian.org&
task-gnome-desktop: dependancy errors
Package: tcl8.0-ja (debian/main)
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi &taru@debian.org&
[woody] not installable any more
Package: tcl8.2-dev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mike Markley &mike@markley.org&
while upgrading from potato to woody, tcl tries to make an alternative and fails
Package: tex4ht (debian/main)
Maintainer: Andrew Gray &ajpg@debian.org&
tex4ht: depends on tetex-lib
Package: tgif (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Adrian Bridgett &bridgett@debian.org&
Japanese resource file is placed in obsolete directory for X 4.
Package: tiff (debian/main)
Maintainer: Josip Rodin &jrodin@jagor.srce.hr&
tiff: [hurd] DSO for Hurd
Package: timidity (debian/main)
Maintainer: Martin Mitchell &martin@debian.org&
timidity recently began exiting with FPE when trying to play any file
timidity: Includes non-free file utils/nkflib.c
Package: tin (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Paul Haggart &phaggart@debian.org&
Package: tix41 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Eray Ozkural &erayo@cs.bilkent.edu.tr&
tix41_4.1.0.7-4(unstable): non-executable script during building
does not compile
Package: tk8.0-ja (debian/main)
Maintainer: Masato Taruishi &taru@debian.org&
depends on nonexistent package
Package: tkrat (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mark Baker &mbaker@iee.org&
tkrat: Hangs while quiting
tkrat Y2K bug
Package: umich-ldap (debian/main)
Maintainer: Dermot Bradley &bradley@debian.org&
ldap: needs to be removed, it is unmaintained and wont build
ldap: can't build
Package: umich-libldap-dev (debian/main)
Maintainer: Dermot Bradley &bradley@debian.org&
umich-ldap: implicit declarations and no return types
Package: userv (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ian Jackson &ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk&
userv_1.0.0(unstable): build error (non-extisting debiandoc2ps)
Package: util-linux (debian/main)
Maintainer: Sean 'Shaleh' Perry &shaleh@debian.org&
cfdisk bugged and wiped partition
cfdisk message is confusing
cfdisk: attempts to second guess the kernel
Package: vgagamespack (debian/main)
Maintainer: Robert S. Edmonds &&
Bad dependency on libc6 (alpha)
Package: vim-rt (debian/main)
Maintainer: Wichert Akkerman &wakkerma@debian.org&
vim-rt: doc/tags broken
Package: vivid (debian/main)
Maintainer: Charles Briscoe-Smith &cpbs@debian.org&
vivid doesn't actually function
Package: w3m-ssl (non-US/main)
Maintainer: Fumitoshi UKAI &ukai@debian.or.jp&
[woody] w3m-ssl should be linked against libssl095a instead of libssl09
w3m-ssl: powerpc: fails to build
Package: watchdog (debian/main)
Maintainer: Johnie Ingram &johnie@debian.org&
watchdog upgrade still imperfect
Package: whowatch (debian/main)
Maintainer: KELEMEN Peter &fuji@debian.org&
whowatch segfaults on powerpc
Package: wmaker (debian/main)
Maintainer: Marcelo E. Magallon &mmagallo@debian.org&
Windowmaker crashes on exit after upgrade
Windowmaker crashes on startup
wmaker: woody wmaker doesn't pass left click to apps
Package: wmcpu (debian/main)
Maintainer: Darren Benham &gecko@debian.org&
wmcpu: wmcpu causes XServer to crap out after running a while (session lost)
Package: wn (debian/main)
Maintainer: Jean Pierre LeJacq &&
wn: cron.daily/wn recurses infinitely and gives a segment violation
Package: wterm-ml (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mark Triggs &mrbump@debian.org&
wterm- under wmaker, wterm does not start
Package: wu-ftpd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Chris Butler &chrisb@debian.org&
wu-ftpd: wu-ftpd segmentation fault
Package: wxgtk2.1 (debian/main)
Maintainer: Ben Darnell &bgdarnel@debian.org&
[PATCH] will not build. Urgent!! Please test and evaluate this patch!!
Package: xawtv (debian/main)
Maintainer: Gerd Knorr &kraxel@debian.org&
xawtv calls xset in postinst, x may not be running
Package: xbanner (debian/main)
Maintainer: Stephen Zander &gibreel@debian.org&
xbanner: violates policy by messing with xdm's conffiles
Package: xconq (debian/main)
Maintainer: Peter Crystal &darke@debian.org&
FWD: xconq7.4.1 exploit.
Package: xcopilot (debian/contrib)
Maintainer: Gene McCulley &mcculley@debian.org&
needs recompile to fix xpm4g dependancy
Package: xearth (debian/non-free)
Maintainer: Atsuhito Kohda &kohda@pm.tokushima-u.ac.jp&
xearth: Xearth segfaults w/latest X
Package: xfstt (debian/main)
Maintainer: Stephen J. Carpenter &sjc@debian.org&
xfstt: Using xfstt makes Eterm startup slow
Package: xlockmore (debian/main)
Maintainer: Michael Stone &mstone@debian.org&
xlockmore: Locks up screen and keyboard completely
Package: xmcd (debian/main)
Maintainer: Adrian Bridgett &bridgett@debian.org&
doesn't complain but also doesn't play
xmcd: obsolete /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults directory used
Package: xmltex (debian/main)
Maintainer: Steve Dunham &dunham@debian.org&
xmltex: cannot configure because texlinks fails
Package: xscreensaver (debian/main)
Maintainer: Larry Daffner &&
xscreensaver: xscreensaver-demo dies with fp exception on alpha
Package: xscreensaver-gl (debian/main)
Maintainer: Larry Daffner &&
includes deprecated directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults
Package: xtux (debian/main)
Maintainer: Samuel Hocevar &sam@zoy.org&
xtux segfaults on startup
Package: yiff-server (debian/main)
Maintainer: Raphael Bossek &bossekr@debian.org&
the yiff-server init script does not start the server
Package: zope (debian/main)
Maintainer: Gregor Hoffleit &flight@debian.org&
zope: Upgrade to 2.2.0 from 2.0.x breaks ZPhotoAlbum
no management screen
Package: zope-siteaccess (debian/main)
Maintainer: Mike Goldman &whig@debian.org&
Doesn't install in zope (no help dir)
Package: zope-worldpilot (debian/main)
Maintainer: Behan Webster &&
install stop with a syntax error reported
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