
假如你是李华,星期五下午在学校电脑室捡到数学书一本.请你试着为捡到的东西写一份失物招领.词数:40-60请用英语描写 t hank you!_百度作业帮
假如你是李华,星期五下午在学校电脑室捡到数学书一本.请你试着为捡到的东西写一份失物招领.词数:40-60请用英语描写 t hank you!
假如你是李华,星期五下午在学校电脑室捡到数学书一本.请你试着为捡到的东西写一份失物招领.词数:40-60请用英语描写 t hank you!
本人于星期五下午在电脑室捡到一本数学书(可以加上一些书的特征),请失主看到贴告赶紧来认领.本是某年某班的学生李华..你捡到了一个电子词典,为了寻找失主,请写一个失物招领通知.内容应包括:1:the time and piace of your finding.2:the feature of the dictionary.3:your information for cntact._百度作业帮
.你捡到了一个电子词典,为了寻找失主,请写一个失物招领通知.内容应包括:1:the time and piace of your finding.2:the feature of the dictionary.3:your information for cntact.
.你捡到了一个电子词典,为了寻找失主,请写一个失物招领通知.内容应包括:1:the time and piace of your finding.2:the feature of the dictionary.3:your information for cntact.
Lost and Found1.When and Where you find this E-dictionary2.The Brand and Color of the E-dictionary3.Your contact details英语作文,假如你是李华是英国aaa中学的交换生,有人捡到你的钱包写感谢信_百度作业帮
Dear you,a warm-hearted guy:I'm really thankful for you returning my wallet.My name is Li Hua from aaa Middle School in the U.K.The thing goes that:Yesterday I went to buy milk with my wallet ,but when I came home I found that my wallet had gone,What a bad thing,I thought ,But when I went to school this morning I found my wallet from the lost and found ,from where I know it's meritI really want to make friends with you !Please write to me soonYours,Li Hua求一篇约100词左右的英语作文.假如你是李华,作为一名交换生刚结束在英国为期一个月的学习.学习期间...求一篇约100词左右的英语作文.假如你是李华,作为一名交换生刚结束在英国为期一个_百度作业帮
Dear lessor,
Thank you for everything you have done for me,During my stay with your home,I was well looked after you help me with my English and showed me around many places,When I was ill, you sent me to the hospital and prepared food for me ,so I got well soon ,
With your help ,My English has greatly improved and I have learned more about your culture ,Thank you for what you have done .
I would like to keep in touch with you,I would like to invite you to visit my family soon .(1/2)英语作文:假如你叫李华,在英特网上找到了一个叫David的网友,现在请你根据下列要点给David写个E...(1/2)英语作文:假如你叫李华,在英特网上找到了一个叫David的网友,现在请你根据下列要_百度作业帮
Hello, David,How do you do? My name is Hua Li, I found you on line. I'd like to be a net friend with you. We can help each other, you can help me with my English learning and I can help you in your Chinese learning. Will you please?I'm a senior school student, I live in Beijing. I'm 16 years old. I like English very much. But I lack in practicing. Would you please help me with my English learning?Welcome to China! I will show you to some famous senic spots in Beijing then.Look forward to your writing back! Thank you.Sincerely yours,Hua LiMay 25, 2012}


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