
FML,即 FXXk my life的缩写,直译的话就是“草,我的生活烂透了……” 在你感到不舒心的时候去这里,你会顿时发现生活原来没有最倒霉,只有更倒霉。 地址:
3、 今天,我听见了我的姐姐在她的房间里面ZW。为了逃出去,我带着狗出去遛了遛。我回来的时候正巧碰见她出来,手里拿的东西是——我的电动牙刷。FML
4、 今天,一个我认识了很久的很性感的女人跟我说,如果我能站着和她做,她就和我做。我残疾坐轮椅。FML
5、 今天,我在和我的男朋友OOXX。当他要丢了的时候,他突然声嘶力竭地大喊“太棒了Brittany!!”我的名字不是Brittany.Brittany是他的妹妹。FML
6、 今天,我老板叫我去他的办公室,要给我看一个可能成为我们的商业伙伴的公司的网站。当他在谷歌里面打“Virginia”这个词的时候,网站把他的搜索自动补完成了他最近才搜索过的词条——“小处男的菊花”。我明天就要和他一起出差。我是个年轻男人。FML
7、& 今天,我发现我怀孕了。我已经和老公试了很长时间,所以我等不及要把这个好消息告诉他。当我推开他的办公室的门准备给他一个惊喜时,我看到他和一个男的在亲热。FML
8、 今天,我的女儿问我我是什么时候破处的。当我告诉她是22岁时,她立马大喊道:“我赢喽!!”她今年才13。FML
9、 今天,我结婚9年的老公告诉我说他是搞基的。他甚至还暗示我说,他和我在一起的时候能硬起来,是因为我长得比较爷们。FML
10、 今天,我发现我女儿在模仿很奇怪的、听起来像我老婆在OOXX时发出的声音。当我问她你在干嘛的时候她说“我在学我妈咪昨晚的声音”。我昨晚出差。FML
11、 今天,我老婆要和我离婚因为她想和她的狐朋狗友们多玩一玩。一年前,我跟着她来到了她老家挪威。我离开了我的朋友,家庭和一份很好的工作,就是为了和她一起住。现在我TMD在一个马场铲马粪。FML
12、 今天,我接到一个电话说我的未婚夫被送进了急救室。当我赶到急救室的时候,他们告诉我说原因是他在和某人OOXX的时候心脏病发作了。FML
13、 今天,我交往了三年的女友离开了我找了个新男友。她的理由是她需要找一个可靠的未来的经济后盾。没错那个哥们确实是有一个卖手机的亭子。但是我就要在医学院就读了。FML
14、 今天,我老师要求和我爸谈话因为她认为我爸没给我起到一个好的榜样作用。我告诉她我爸在05年就死于癌症。结果她说我的谎言很粗鲁,没人性,不害臊,然后把我留校了。我爸是真的死了。FML
15、 今天,我有个做张家庭族谱的作业。当我在做的时候,我意识到我的父母的姓其实是一样的。所以我去问他们这是不是个巧合,结果他们告诉我说他们实际上是表亲关系。FML
16、& 今天,我第一次和这个男生出去约会。我们去了星巴克,聊着天,很愉快。突然,他把他的手放到我肚子上说:“不久之后,这里就会被我的种子灌满”。FML&
17、& 今天,我打算打个盹。我男朋友给了我一些安眠药但是我最后没决定吃。我迷迷糊糊地醒来的时候发现他在亲我的脖子,解开我的衬衫。我闭着眼睛低语道:“嗯……真是浪漫。”他震惊道:“啊。你醒着呢?!”FML
18、& 今天,我做公车去上班,后来旁边坐着个慈祥的老奶奶。公车到一半的时候,她睡着了,脑袋枕在了我的肩膀上。为了做个好青年,我在我的车站到之前才轻轻地打算弄醒她。实际上,这一路上她根本没在睡觉。也就是说,我让一个死人在我身上躺了30分钟。FML
19、 今天,我以为我听到了我的小妹妹在玩我的新的大钢琴。我十分生气,跑下楼去制止她。结果我发现声音的来源是我父母在我的新钢琴上OOXX。FML
20& 今天,我给我男友发短信说:“Hi”。他的回复是:“我把你最好的朋友肚子搞大了”。FML
21、 今天,我上交了我的博士论文,我花了半年的时间做调查来写这篇论文。昨晚,我的室友在微软WORD里面的“自动更正”里面把“也不是(neither)”这个词全改成了“黑鬼(nigger)”。我一直到交了论文以后才发现。更糟糕的是我的教授就是个黑人。FML
22、 今天,我男友和我决定试试X菊花。当他结束了以后,我转过身来,发现他面带微笑地拿着一个绑在腰带上的橡胶JJ,对我说:“现在来X我。”FML
23、 今天,为了给我哥们庆祝生日我们第一次来到了脱衣舞俱乐部。我也发现了我的女友的工作是什么了。FML
24、 今天,我发现因为我的血压太高,我一个月都不能OOXX。我的婚礼是下个星期,然后接下来的两个星期是蜜月。FML
25、 今天,我去牙医那里洗牙。我抬头看着他,发现有鼻涕往他的嘴唇上滴。我试图慢慢地挪开,他告诉我“别动!”结果他说话的动作导致那大块鼻涕径直掉进了我嘴里。FML&
26、 今天,我发现我已经怀孕三个多月了。孩子他爸现在已经和我最好的朋友订婚,在我怀孕的时候他一直和她有一腿。我将会是他们婚礼上怀着新郎的孩子8个月的伴娘。FML
27、 今天,我和我的祖父母睡在一个屋子里面。他们先是来确认我睡没睡着。为了不被责怪成熬夜,我就假装睡着了。结果,他们是想要OOXX,所以才来确认我是不是睡了的。我亲眼目睹了两个70岁老头老太太在我旁边的床上OOXX的情形。FML
28 今天,我在外面吃饭的时候,饭店经理来找我谈话。他说虽然他很尊重我的个人选择,但是他的顾客们对于一个“曾经是男人”的女人用女卫生间感到非常不舒服。也就是说,他们以为我是个变性人。而我是个天生的女人。FML
30、 今天,我自己一人来到了我和我男友第一次约会的地方:一个孤僻的山上。我注意到有另一对情侣藏在灌木丛中亲热。于是我打电话给我男友,想要告诉他说有人找到了属于我们的秘密幽会地点。然后我就听到了我男友手机的Bob Marley的彩铃声从那堆灌木里飘来。FML
今天谈了两年的女友和我分手了。真TMD悲伤,我把自己的网站的主题改成Blue October 的歌词‘恨我自己,永远恨我自己,后悔我自己没有为你做到的事’。我女友评论:‘给我一次GaoChao吧’。我所有的朋友包括我老妈,都喜欢这个评论。
【这贴会很长 看不光的可以分享了改日看 :)】
31 我今天去了趟警察局 把我42岁的爹从里面弄了出来 为啥?因为他偷糖吃 FML 32 我今天错过了医学院的考试——一辆SUV翻了我忙着救里面的病人~~~病人送到医院了 我想我一年的准备也白废了 什么?你问我考什么?考试科目:紧急救援 FML 33 我今天像往常一样送包裹 我把一个大包裹送给一个辣妹后 她好像有话要说——果然 她张嘴了 然后吐了我一身~~这是我今天第一个包裹~~我要回家~~FML 34 我今天告诉我妈 我有个朋友 今年要去中国呆一年 不去上大学了 我妈说要不你也去?后来我告诉我妈 去中国一年的费用要比大学贵 我妈说:“没事 单程就便宜多了” FML 35 我今天蹑手蹑脚地去我女朋友家 我给她发了条短信:“怪叔叔要来找你玩了”当我靠近窗户的时候 她爸用球拍给了我全力一击~~我把短信发给她妈了~~~FML 36 我今天要和暗恋已久的一个男生出去玩 他告诉我在家等他的短信 ~~几个小时之后我终于收到了短信:“猜猜我在干什么?我刚完事!”——他忘了约会 跑去和女人上床了 更囧的是我居然恭喜他~~ FML 37 我住的楼今天起火了 我当时在5楼 正在洗澡 由于起火点就在隔壁楼层 我只好拼命冲下来~~~事后我得了一张五百美元的罚单——公共场所裸奔罪 FML 38 我今天醒来发现我儿子不见了 我想他失踪了 就报警 还发动所有亲戚朋友找 过了三小时我儿子自己回来了——我TM昨天把他落在他朋友家里了 我儿子对我说:“爹 别再喝伏特加了 人都傻了“ FML 39 今天有个人买了好多值钱东西 用的是现金 我和经理一起数钱 事后他给了我一张100美元的钞票当小费 我多想满心欢喜地收下啊——可是我经理在旁边 我们规定不准收小费 FML 40 我今天和朋友去滑冰~~滑到半截溜冰场清人了 因为要上溜冰课 我TM不会滑冰 我朋友还先走了 我是最后一个离开溜冰场的——在众人的嘲笑中爬着离开 &FML
今天,我自己一人来到了我和我男友第一次约会的地方:一个孤僻的山上。我注意到有另一对情侣藏在灌木丛中亲热。于是我打电话给我男友,想要告诉他说有人找到了属于我们的秘密幽会地点。然后我就听到了我男友手机的Bob Marley的彩铃声从那堆灌木里飘来。FML
35、Today, my boyfriend and I decided to have sex at his house. When we
got there, he checked his mail box first and noticed that his Wii game
arrived. He sent me home so he can play. FML
36、Today, I asked my parents to sign for me to enlist in the military.
They asked me how much money the government gives them if I die. FML
37、Today, I went over to surprise my girlfriend of two years with
flowers and dinner at her apartment. After i knocked, a handsome young
man answered the door. Thinking I had the wrong apartment, I apologized
only to hear my girlfriend’s voice call from the background: "Baby,
who’s there?" FML
38、Today, I decided to surprise my boyfriend at his college and when I
walked into the dorm he was lying in his bed with another girl. When he
saw me he simply said, "April Fool’s!" It’s March 19th. FML
39、Today, I sent an email to my best friend, telling him that I’m gay.
When I was typing the email address in the "to:" field, it
autocorrected the address to my mother. She just responded: "you filthy
faggot". FML
40、Today, my tampon string was hanging from my bathing suit. My
boyfriend thought it was a thread hanging from my bikini bottom. He
publicly pulled out my tampon. FML
Today, I texted my boyfriend of 6 months saying that I was in the mood,
and that I was in bed, and naked. He texted back saying "U got fingers,
use them, im going to bed xoxo". FML
42、 Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. After what
seemed like an eternity of waiting, he finally entered me, then paused
and asked me, "what do I do now?" FML
Today, my son looked out of the window and said "what’s that piece of
shit doing on our driveway?" It was the new car we were trying to
surprise him with on his 16th birthday. FML
Today, I texted my boyfriend to see if he wanted to finally have sex
today. His response was "Can’t, Platinum just came out." I didn’t know
what that meant so I searched "Platinum 3-22-2009" on Google. I found
out he’s talking about a new Pokemon game. FML
46、 Today, for the first time ever, a woman saw my penis. I am 30 years
old. The woman was my doctor. She snorted to cover a laugh and
apologized. FML
47、 Today, I turned 18. Nothing was said at breakfast, but I figured
they’d remember and we’d have cake at night. I came home and there was
cake, but not for me. My sister got her period for the first time
during the day and they were celebrating. Apparently, a vaginal
discharge was more important. FML
48、 Today, I saw the blueprints for my family’s new house. My room is
half the size of the room next to it. The room next to it is my step
mom’s walk-in closet. FML
49、Today, I was feeling sick and having trouble breathing easily. I
decided to take a nap and apparently ended up sleeping with my mouth
wide open since breathing was an issue. I woke up to my boyfriend
trying to put his penis in my mouth. FML
50、 Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. All of a sudden he
jumped off of me, going "shit, shit!". Worried, i asked him what was
wrong. He shouted "I forgot to set my TiVO!" FML
今天,我在和我男朋友OOXX。突然,他从我身上跳下来,大喊:“该死,该死!”我很着急,问他怎么了。他大吼:“我忘了设定TiVO了!”(一种电视录像装置). FML&
【喜欢这个帖子的 赶紧分享给朋友 一起开心吧】
51、 Today, I went to meet my girlfriends parents for the first time. I
accidently drove past their house the first time, but saw the whole
family outside waiting to meet me. I pulled a U-Turn and heard a thud.
The whole family watched me run over their dog. FML
52、 Today, I was having sex with my girlfriend of nine months when she
gets a phone call and decides to answer it. It was her fiance that I
knew nothing about. She told me she was engaged while I was still
inside of her. FML
53、Today, I went to get a condom because my boyfriend and I were going
to have sex for the first time. When I opened the drawer, I saw that
every single condom had a Jesus pin stabbed through it, and a note on
top of the box: "love mom." FML
54、Today, my girlfriend told me she was pregnant. We haven’t had sex yet. FML
55、 Today, I was on the bus going to formal for my sorority. I was
sitting in the 5th row of the bus when I felt raindrops on my face
coming through the open window. I then realized it wasn’t raining, but
the girl in the 1st row was throwing up out her window and it was
coming back in through my window. FML
56、 今天,我父母不停地吹嘘说我妹妹正在和学校美式足球队队长约会。(却完全无视了)我刚刚被法学院录取。FML
57、 今天,我们要从学校拿毕业纪念册。我翻到了我的简历那一页,发现他们把我的名拼错了。我的名是James(詹姆斯)。他们拼成了Lames(烂透的)。FML
58、 今天,我第一次和我的新男友一起淋浴。昨天晚上是我们一起度过的第一晚。我在洗头的时候,我向下看去,注意到了有“黄水”。也就是说,我的脚一开始感觉到的温暖的水不是从喷头里出来的。FML
59、 今天,我被逮捕了,因为我6岁的儿子打电话叫pol.ice,说我把我的妻子打得哭了。我和我老婆当时在OOXX。FML
60、 今天,我提前下班回家,买了辆新的山地车来给他个生日惊喜。为了让他吃一惊,我蹑手蹑脚地来到了他的房门前。我一开门就听到他对他压在身下的女孩说:“哦,天哪,我要S了。”他才刚14。FML
61、 今天,我去医院做运动体检。我的护士肥的要死而且非常难看。她说她会检查所有单子上写的部分。她做了一切她能做的,甚至包括检查我的JJ部分。体检结束以后,我看了看那张单子。里面没有生育器官检查。FML
62、 今天,我打开电脑查看我的AV收藏。但是,文件夹除了“我的最爱”文档以外全都空了。我以为是病毒删了所有的东西,但是很庆幸“我的最爱”文档没被删。我打开了以后,看到里面是一个我父母的录像教育我说“SY是不对滴”。FML
63、 今天,大概晚上十点多我在道上开车。我前面车里的乘客向窗外扔了什么东西。拿东西径直打在了我的挡风玻璃上。那是个TT。用过的TT。而且用完没系。JY在你开快车的时候散开得很快。FML
64、 今天,我搭我新男友的车。他有“很重要的事”要告诉我。然后他多愁善感地向我讲述了他如何对SY上瘾。细节具体生动。行程是两个小时。FML
65、 今天,我才发现我的新学生宿舍的墙,是多么的薄。它们如此之薄,以至于我能听到我隔壁那个恶心的哥们一边一遍又一遍地念叨着我的名字,一边大力SY的声音。FML&
66、 今天,我在和我的小弟弟打篮球。在开玩笑般地阻挡了他一下之后,他转过来跟我说“你TM的婊 子。”他才6岁。我问他他是在哪里听到这个词的,他回答说:“爹地在你不在的时候这样叫你。”FML
67、 今天,我裸身躺在床上,被蒙上了眼罩。我告诉我的男友他把我怎样都行。30分钟以后,我下了床发现他在电脑室打魔兽。他队友需要他。FML
68、 今天,我在学校表演戏剧。在我的独角戏闪亮登场之前,我注意到了有几个女孩在后台换衣服——于是我小弟弟high了。那场戏是《耶稣基督超级巨星》,我就是演耶稣的。我身上只穿几块布。于是乎,所有观众都看到了:耶稣在被钉上十字架的时候可耻地硬了。FML
69、 今天我在和一个刚认识的女孩OOXX,大约5分钟之后,她说她想上厕所,所以我们被迫停止。大概等了10分钟,我决定进去看看她怎么样了。进去一看,窗户是开着的,她逃走了。FML
70、 今天,当一个正妹进电梯的时候电梯里只有我一个,当时她正在打电话。她和她朋友说:“我得挂了,电梯里有个帅哥~~”在我有任何反应之前她说:“对不起,我撒谎了,我只是真的很想把那个电话结束”。FML
Today, I went to a fast-food joint and ordered off of the $1.00 menu to
save money. Five hours later I go to the hospital with food-poisoning.
After a whole day of not eating, crapping, puking, having tests, and an
bunch of IV fluids, my $1.00 burger ended up costing me $24,000 in
bills. Really. FML
72、Today, one of the psych patients I work with on a locked unit looked
into my eyes and told me lovingly that I reminded him of his sister.
The sister he killed after he raped her. FML
73、Today, I called my fiance and found out she is 9 weeks pregnant. I
had been in Iraq for over 6 months. I also found out her and her new
boyfriend already spent most of my $30,000 re-enlistment bonus on a new
car and a trip to Las Vegas. FML
74、Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. He knows that I love when
he breaths on my neck. When I was about to finish he put his lips a
millimeter away from my neck/ear and breathed, "I love how you smell
like my grandmother’s house." FML
75、Today, I saw a lenbian couple walking through the mall. One of the
ladies walked up to me in the middle of the busy mall and started
screaming at me about how rude it is to stare, and how we are all
equal- straight or not. I was only staring because I’m a lenbian too,
and they were hot. FML
76、Today, was the first time I had sex with a guy I really like. I took
off my shirt and my bra and he said "wow, that’s disappointing." FML
77、Today I went to a bar with two guys I was interested in. The first
I’d been trying to go out with all semester. The second I had gone to
dinner with and he seemed nice. I was the designated driver, they drank
too much and on the way home hooked up in the back seat. FML
78、 Today, I was talking to my mom lamenting the fact that none of my
few relationships seem to last longer than 2 months. She asked why and
I said, "because I’m paranoid, obsessive compulsive, judgmental,
defensive, and stubborn." Instead of encouraging me, she said, "Well,
at least you’re honest." FML
今天我和老妈感慨事实上和我发生过关系的男的都不超过2个月,她问我为什么,我回答:因为我偏激,强势,保守,还有顽固。为了鼓励我,她说 至少你还是诚实的 FML
79、Today, I was walking around in a park when I pass some kids playing
soccer. One of them kicks the ball as hard as he could at me. Luckily I
catch the ball. Then I drop kick the ball, intending to say "go get
it." Instead it ricochets of a nearby tree and hits my face. FML
今天我在一个公园里散步,看到一群孩子在踢球, 其中一个把球踢向了我,很幸运的是我把球接到了。 然后我把球丢下踢回去喊到:“接好了” 球打到了一颗书上弹回来,命中我的脸 FML & 80、Today, I finally figured out who has been stalking me for the past 5 months. And we’re related. FML
今天我才发现谁在过去5个月里面一直跟踪我 , 我们是男女朋友关系。 FML (意思是我的男/女朋友跟踪了我5个月
81、Today, I was taking a shower when my boyfriend suddenly hopped in
with me. We were getting a little frisky when my mom’s hand
unexpectedly came through the curtain, and dropped a condom in the
bottom of the shower, all the while saying, "Keep it safe kids!". FML
今天我在洗澡的时候,男朋友忽然跳了进来,我们有一点点小兴奋地时候 老妈的手穿过了帘子 把套套丢在了浴池里,说:注意安全啊孩子们 FML
82、Today, I set up a camera in my kitchen to see who was stealing my
小甜饼s. Turns out my mom had her boyfriend over. Good news, the 小甜饼s are
safe. Bad news, I now have something recorded that I never wanted to
see in my life. FML
今天我在厨房里安装好了摄像头想看看谁偷了我的饼干, 结果我看到了老妈和她的男朋友,好消息是饼干很安全,坏消息是 我看了一些我这辈子都不想看到的事 FML
83、Today, after my girlfriend of 2 years left me for another guy, I got
stuck in an elevator for 3 hours. With both of them. FML
今天和我相处2年的女朋友离开了我和另一个男人好了, 然后我在电梯里面卡了3小时,和他们2个一起 FML
84、Today, I met a really hot guy at a bar. We talked for a while and
really seemed to hit it off. We ended up going to my apartment. He
stopped and said, "Clean up this mess and maybe we could do something
another time." I am a complete neat freak - my apartment had been
robbed and trashed. FML
85、Today, I was leaving to go over to a friend’s and my parents
suddenly ask if I’m gay. I reply that no, I’m bisexual. My mom then
asks if I’ve ever made out with someone of the same sex and I say yes.
She turns to my dad and says ’I told you so. You owe me $20’. My
parents bet on my sexuality. FML
86、Today, I caught my little brother peeping at my friend getting
dressed in the bathroom. When I asked him what he was doing he said
"I’m just doing what Ray does to you while you’re in the bathroom." Ray
is my new step dad. FML
87、Today, I went out with this girl I really liked and she came back to
my place. Things were heating up and we ended up having sex and I was
on top. I was really into it and in the middle of it she held up her
wrist and said "oh, look at the time, I gotta get home". She wasn’t
wearing a watch. FML
88、Today, I was running late for work so instead of walking the ten
minutes to the office, I took a taxi. The driver took the opportunity
to share the story of his first sexual experience with a man. In great
detail. FML
89、Today, I was walking from my office to the place i had parked my
car, a distance of approximately three blocks. As I was about to round
the last corner I was forced to dive out of the way of a speeding car.
As I looked up, I noticed that it was my car. FML
90、Today, the C-train was packed and I was stuck with a homeless man
pressed up against me. He was staring at me intently, and two minutes
into the ride he got an erection, which was rubbed against me at every
single bump and turn of the train. FML
Today, my girlfriend decided to strip me naked and blindfold me, then
told me I’d get a reward if I caught her. So I ran around naked and
blindfolded till I caught her, and then I yelled, "I want my prize on
the kitchen table!" It was her mom who’d just got back from work. FML
92、Today, my mom’s will was read to the rest of the family. I helped my
mom write it a couple years ago, and I was to get funds to pay off
school loans. She revised it and put in a note saying I was to get
nothing because I was gay. The 执行utor read it out loud. My mom was the
only one who knew. FML
93、Today, I found out that just because your boyfriend asks you to
marry him doesn’t mean that he will show up at the wedding. FML
94、Today, my mom talked about how it’s interesting how there’s so many
different size of penises. She also told me that since she’s doing
hormone therapy she’s able to orgasm a LOT more. We were stuck in stop
and go traffic for 3 hours. When I turned on the radio, she turned it
off and talked more. FML
95、Today, was the first time my boyfriend slept over. He was hard, so I
woke him up by whispering in his ear, "If you could get me to do
anything right now, what would it be?" His response, "Can you get me a
bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream?" He was hard, for ice cream. FML
96、Today, my boyfriend and I were at his house having sex. After about
30 minutes, his mom came home and was knocking on the door asking "What
are you doing?" Thinking I might have a chance to sneak out, I got
dressed real quiet. Then my boyfriend answers, "Zoe. I’m doing Zoe." FML
97、Today, I got a $200 ticket mailed to me for drunk driving in
Maryland. I have never been pulled over for drunk driving and I have
never been to Maryland. FML
98、Today, I woke up to find that my dog was missing. I spent about an
hour searching for him when my psycho ex-girlfriend texted me his
photo. She’d kidnapped him. After driving over there, she shot
paintballs at my car. Now I have no dog and a colorful car. FML
99、Today, I asked my boyfriend of almost ten months who his top five
women to have sex with would be. I was third. My mom was second. FML
100、Today, my cat was in the bathroom with me. I was getting undressed
to get into the shower. My cat looked at me after I undressed and then
proceeded to throw up all over the rug. FML
Today, I got into a huge fight with my boyfriend. I called him and
started yelling at him over the phone. He told me that if I wanted to
end the relationship I should just hang up the phone right then. Before
I could say I still love him and don’t want to break up, my phone
battery died. FML
102、Today, I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and his parents. It
got to an intense sex scene. I felt grateful when I saw his father
reaching for the remote to fastforward past the scene. He put it into
slowmotion. We watched in silence for about 3 minutes before he managed
to fix it. FML
103、Today, I was cuddling with the guy I like. I looked into his eyes
and said, "Your eyes are so blue, like the ocean." He replied by
saying, "Your eyes are so brown... like my shit". FML
104、Today, my hunband of three years told me he only proposed to me
because his favorite football team was winning and he had been drunk. I
had our second child three days ago. FML
105、Today, an ant bit my penis. That was the first ’mouth’ to ever touch it. FML
106、Today, I flew into New Zealand to surprise my girlfriend on her
trip. In the New Zealand Airport I recieved a text message saying she
wanted to break up with me. I live in Michigan and just spent $1,500
for this romantic surprise. FML
107、Today, I celebrated my 21st birthday. My boyfriend of almost 3
years gave me a big pink vibrator. Thinking it was a joke I said: "I
won’t need this as long as I have you!" His reply: "That’s what I
wanted to talk to you about." FML
108、Today, my wife has been singing "I can’t get no satisfaction" by
the Rolling Stones, all morning. She started singing it right after we
had sex. FML
109、Today, I went to my son’s soccer game. I cheered his name at the
top my lungs and waved with a grin on my face. I saw him whisper
something to a team mate so I watched the film my hunband took later
that night. His friend asked, "Who is that?" and my son replied, "I
don’t know some fat bitch." FML
110、Today, I decided to introduce my girlfriend to my parents by
telling them that we were gonna have a very special guest for dinner.
While my mom was preparing the meal she asked, "What does he like?" I’m
straight. My parents thought different. FML
111、Today, I was fired because a patron complained that she didn’t like
the way I kept staring at her kids. I was a lifeguard. FML
112、Today, I came home a day after my birthday, and was greeted by my
mother who told me "oh I have birthday present for you." She explained
that she and my father went on a hike, and handed me my present. I got
a f***ing stick for my birthday. FML
113、Today, I found out my girlfriend is pregnant and then decided to break up with her. Why? We’re lenbians. FML
114、Today, I was petsitting for my neighbor’s new puppy. A huge
thunderstorm came, and the puppy started whining and shivering
violently. I pulled it into my lap to try and comfort it. One loud clap
of thunder later, and the puppy had explosive diarrhea all over me. FML
Today, I heard my daughter scream at my son through the bathroom door
"Are you jacking off in there or something?!" and him scream back at
her "Shut up you f***inag cunt!" My daughter is 7 and my son is 8. FML
116、Today, my 6 year old daughter asked me, "what would happen to me if
you and daddy died?". I told her that she’d probably live with her
Uncle Ant and Aunt Ilene. She looked at me and said "You guys can die.
I won’t cry. I get everything I want over there." FML
117、Today, my girlfriend’s friend told her she had seen me shopping
with a cute girl. When I came back home my girlfriend punched me in the
face and asked who the girl was. Apparently her friend didn’t tell her
the cute girl was my three years old niece. I lost a tooth because of
that punch. FML
118、Today, my boyfriend was in the shower, and I decided to go join
him. I took all my clothes off and stepped into the bathroom. I slipped
on some water, and ended up hitting my head on the toilet and passing
out. When I came to, I saw my boyfriend’s dad looking over me in his
towel. Wrong person. FML
Today, I was working as a swim 包含uctor for kids. Teaching them not to
be afraid of the water, I put my face in the water and blew bubbles. I
asked them to try it. All of them did, except for one. I went right to
him and blew bubbles again. He then said to me, "but I just peed in
that water." FML
120、Today, my girlfriend of 2 years and I decided to have sex for the
first time. When we were in the room, finally ready to start, she
confessed that she had never seen a penis before. To make her more
comfortable, I showed her mine. At the sight of it, well, she actually
fainted. FML
今天,我交往了两年的女友决定和我第一次OOXX。我们在房间里的时候,终于决定要开始时,她向我坦白她从来都没看过J J。为了让她放松一点,我给她看了看我的J J。当她一看到……这个嘛……她晕倒了。FML
Today, I was running on a soccer field and accidently dropped my gum
from my mouth. No one had noticed so I picked it up and started chewing
again. It was a different flavor. FML
122、Today, my town had a carnival to raise money for cancer. I ran a
kissing booth, when a really cute guy came up paid his $20, looked at
me, and said "not even for cancer." He took his money and left. FML
123、Today, I met a guy at a bar and we went back to my room. We start
having sex and about 30 seconds in he stops and says it’s not right -
he likes me too much for a one night stand. He gives me his number, a
kiss on the cheek and leaves. Turns out he already came. I call his
phone - wrong number. FML
124、Today, I was at
a Chinese restaurant, I’d forgotten my glasses and had a migraine. I
was straining my eyes, squinting and rubbing my temples to alleviate my
migraine. I was kicked out of the restaurant and banned henceforth
because my waitress thought I was mocking her eyes. FML
125、Today, I walked into the kitchen and accidentally broke my mother’s
vase. I said, "Accidents happen." She replied, "Yeah, like your birth."
126、Today, my boyfriend and I were laying naked in my bed making out.
All of a sudden, we hear "pop goes the weasel" outside my house. My
boyfriend stops, looks directly at me, and excitedly says, "ICE CREAM
MAN!" and proceeds to flip me over, grab his clothes, and run out of my
127、Today, my daughter walked in on me taking a shower. She said, "Hey,
yours is the same size as Dylan’s!" My daughter has seen Dylan’s
peni/s, which apparently is the same size as mine. My daughter and
Dylan are 7. FML
128、Today, I looked down to see a tiny spider crawling on the inside of
my leg, very close to my crotch. When I tried to brush it off, it only
flew a couple inches because it was making a web between my legs. Even
a spider knew that it’s been awhile. FML
129、 Today, I was nude modeling for the first time for a life art
class. The only criteria for the class was that I not move at all while
being observed. After a few seconds I noticed a really hot girl drawing
me. I got a hard on. FML
130、Today, my very religious grandmother walked in on me masturbating. She’s sending me to bible camp. FML
今天,我那笃信教的祖母正巧碰到我在ZW。她准备把我送到圣经夏令营里去。FML (基督教认为ZW是罪)131、
Today, I snuck out of my house in the middle of the night. I ran into
my dad carrying wine into another house. I didn’t assume he was
cheating until he saw me and said "I won’t tell if you don’t tell,
please don’t tell your mother". FML
132、Today, I found out my mom paid my best friend $20 to be my friend when we were 10. FML
133、Today, while working on a medical school application, I asked my
mom what she thought my greatest challenge in life had been. She
replied : "Trying to lose your virginity." FML
134、 Today,when I had a masturbating I saw that my sister was having a sex with my brother.FML
135、Today, I finally got up the nerve to ask this really cute girl out
I’ve had a crush on for over eight months. Turns out she isn’t a girl.
136、Today, I was out with my friend. My six year old daughter was also
with us. While we were walking through the parking lot, my daughter
asked me in a very loud voice "Mommy, does a blow job taste bad?" FML
137、Today, I got hypnotized at my school’s variety show. Apparently,
when asked to do something I enjoy doing, I began to violently hump the
floor. FML
138、Today, I was going on a plane to Chicago. My passport picture is 6
years old, and back then I was a beautiful model. Now, I gave birth to
a child and gained 50 lbs. When I showed my passport to the airport
atendents, I got arrested for stealing someones passport. FML
139、Today, my mother called me downstairs to give me what I assumed was
going to be "The Talk" (About four years too late). So she sits me
down, holds my hands, and with the gentlest, most motherly expression
on her face tells me, "Honey, if you ever come home pregnant, I’ll kill
you and the baby." FML
140、Today, my parents were taking a tour of my apartment when my bird
started making noises. It was mimicking my moans from when I was having
sex yesterday. It was screaming in my voice, very noticeably. FML
Today, I was at the mall with some friends. In the food court we passed
by this creepy pervert feeling up a woman. I take a closer look and
realize with horror that the guy is my dad in sunglasses and a hat. The
lady he was with was not my mom. FML
Today, my mom came to wake me up because my alarm didn’t go off. She
brought my dog in to wake me up and he came and laid on bed. I started
to rub what i thought was his neck and playing with a random tuft of
fur. I soon realized that it was his penis. I gave my dog a handjob. FML
今天,我妈来叫我起床,因为我的闹钟没响。她让我的狗来把我叫醒,于是狗进到屋子里来,躺倒了床上。我开始抚摸我认为是它的脖子的地方,也玩了玩一团不知是它身上哪里的毛。然后我意识到了,那是它的J J。也就是说我帮我的狗打灰机了。FML144、
Today, I had a terrible dream where my boyfriend cheated on me with his
ex. I woke up almost crying and called him just to tell him how much he
means to me. Turns out my dream gave him that little extra push he
needed to confess he’s been cheating on me. With his ex. FML
145、Today, I had dinner with the girl I thought I would end up
marrying. Everything was going well and after I had payed the bill, she
said she was a lenbian. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse,
she challenged me to see who could hook up with a straight girl first.
I lost. FML
146、Today, I overheard my parents having sex. Trying to be the
reasonable person I was, I dismissed it, realizing that sex is just
normal. I quickly walked past their room when my cat ran past me into
their room, cracking open the door. Now my parents think I was peeping
and need therapy. FML
147、Today, at the rehearsal for my wedding, my mother told my bride’s mother to f*** off. FML
148、Today, I used the bathroom on a bus from New York to Boston, and
carefully covered the seat with twenty of the single-square toilet
paper rations. As I was peeing, the bus flew over a bump and swerved
sharply, and my entire naked bottom was splashed with urine and poop.
It wasn’t my own. FML
149、Today, I was walking up to girlfriends house when her terrifying
Marine Corps dad threw a football at me. Not being very athletic i
surprised myself by catching it. He gestured for me throw it back and i
watched it spiral wildy to the left and hit my girlfriends mom in the
150、Today, I woke up happier than I’ve ever been because last night I
hooked up with the girl I have loved for almost a year and I thought I
would never get with her. This morning I saw that her status on
facebook was FML. FML
Today, I was on a 3 hour plane ride. An elderly man was sitting next to
me and before the flight took off, he fell asleep on my shoulder. I
decided to be kind and let him sleep. When the flight was about to
land, I tried to wake him up. He wouldn’t. He died on my shoulder. FML
153.Today, I had my car stolen. When the police found it, pretty much
everything inside was missing. For some reason, I had left 6 pairs of
shoes in my back seat. Whoever stole my car thought it would be funny
to take one shoe from each pair. I now own 6 unmatched shoes and my car
smells like sex. FML 今天我的车丢了.当警察找到它的时候车里面的东西基本上都被拿光了.出于某种原因我拉在后座六双鞋.偷车的人可能觉得拿走一双鞋里面的一只是一件很好玩的事情,于是我就HLL的有了六个单只鞋而且我的车有股子做过的味道.
Today, my friend called to say my boyfriend was at a diner with another
woman. I immediately went and caught them in a deep conversation. I
slapped him and yelled "Who’s this bitch!?" It turns out she’s his half
sister. FML
155. Today, I was at a party at the house of the guy I really like. We
were talking when he pulled me into his room. I was excited he was
finally taking our friendship to the next level, until he handed me a
stick of deodorant, saying "I didn’t wanna tell you in the hallway, but
you really need this." FML
156. Today, I asked the girl I am in love with out on a date. She asked me for my name. FML
157. Today, my best guy friend set me up on a blind date. Almost
immediately after the guy and I sat down, he excused himself to make a
call. A couple of feet away from our table, I heard him say, "Come on,
Justin, this is the best you could do??" Over the phone. Justin is the
guy who set us up. FML
158. Today, my boyfriend of two years proposed to me. Less than two
minutes later, he decided he wasn’t ready for the commitment. After I
had already said yes. FML
159. Today, I paid $80 to change my cell number because my
ex-girlfriend had been stalking me. To inform all of my friends of the
change, I sent a mass text message to everyone in my phonebook.
Including my ex. FML
160. Today, my boyfriend called me to break up with me. Immediately
after we hung up, I started crying hysterically. I thought I dialed my
best friend, and as soon as the line picked up, I yelled, "That
motherfucker broke up with me!" My now ex-boyfriend replied, "Yeah, I
know I did." FML 今天我的男朋友打电话给我说分手.一挂掉电话我就开始痛哭.于是我就打电话给我最好的朋友,一接通我就喊:"那个混蛋甩了我."我的男友,准确的说是前男友回答说:"是的,我知道我甩了你."161.
Today, my boyfriend broke up with me in my front yard. As I stormed off
in my dramatic exit, I realized I had locked myself outside. I had to
ask my now ex-boyfriend to borrow his phone so I could call my mom. FML
162 Today, I was looking at my friend’s dad’s Facebook pictures because
he recently posted a status update. I saw him at a bar with some ugly
hooker that he was feeling up in almost every picture. After about 10
minutes of ridiculing and laughing at this ugly woman, I realize it’s
my mom in a wig. FML
163 Today, my boyfriend of 4 years told me he was leaving me because we
haven’t slept together in a few weeks. I just gave birth to our first
child and am still recovering from my c-section. FML
164 Today, my girlfriend broke up with me and refused to give me back
the condoms I’d just bought. Why? Because she wants to use them with
the guys she’s been cheating on me with. FML
165 Today, I was going to propose to my girlfriend of 3 years. I got
reservations for a romantic dinner, and at the end, fireworks would
spell out my proposal. The whole thing had taken weeks to plan out and
had cost me a lot of money. She proposed to me at a subway station
first. FML.
166 Today, I thought my boyfriend of 6 years was going to propose to
me. We’re highschool sweethearts and he was my first. Just when he was
looking into my eyes he says, " I’ve been seeing someone else for 2
years and I’m choosing her over you... it was a tough decision". FML
167 Today, I gave the option to my boyfriend of 5 years to either quit
World of Warcraft of lose me. He said WOW makes him happier. FML
168 Today, I got a call from my parents that they have decided to get a
divorce. My brothers and I just shelled out $5,000 each and spent
months planning their 50th Anniversary party that was supposed to be
next month. FML
169 Today, I found out that my girlfriend of two years broke up with me
because she wants to become a lesbian. I also learned that she’s coming
to my house for dinner tonight. My sister is her date. FML
170 Today, my friend told me that she gave my number to a guy I’ve
liked for a while. I asked why and she just said "He’s just going to
have to tell you himself." I got hopeful and really nervous. A few
hours later he calls. Turns out, he’s called to try and get a date with
my gay friend. FML
Today, I called back a number I recently missed a call from. To my
surprise, it was the number of my boyfriend’s fiance (I had no clue).
I’ve been with him 4 years, he’s been with her for 6. Turns out, not
only is he a cheating jerk, but technically *I’m* the other woman! FML
今天,我给最近的一个未接电话回电话.结果让我大吃一惊,她是我男朋友的未婚妻(我不是故意的..) 我和男友一起4年了 而她和我男友在一起6年.因此不止是我的男友是一个烂货,而且从技术角度来说我才是那个小三.FML
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&2015 开心网}


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