coming soonsoon是什么意思?

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coming soon是什么意思
coming soon是什么意思 coming soon在线翻译 coming soon什么意思 coming soon的意思 coming soon的翻译 coming soon的解释 coming soon的发音
coming sooncoming soon 双语例句1. This will soon be locked in epoxy putty, the bends in the wire will keep the wires from coming loose and turning.&&&&这将很快被锁定在环氧腻子,弯在铁丝网将继续电线从未来的松散和契机。2. A:I don`t knOW. I don`t mind coming out here to veg for a while, butthatwouldgetoldpretty soon.&&&&我不知道,我不介意偶尔来这里逗留一阵子,只不过新鲜感很快就会消失了。3. Well im sending you another card because Chinese New Years is coming. hope you get this one. and hope to see u soon.&&&&好吧,因为春节要到了,所以我又给你寄了张卡片,希望你能收到这张,也希望很快能见到你。4. We`d better wait for him. He is coming soon.&&&&我们最好等他,他马上就来。5. 5. He is coming as soon as he knew his money is in my hand.&&&&他听到他的钱在我这后就马上赶来了。6. 6. April will coming soon, at that time, we will say goodbye to each other. If it's a taciturnity result, please let me know, please give me time to forget you, please give me courage to forget you, even though that is difficult, but I`ll try.&&&&四月很快就要来了,你我将要各奔东西,如果真的是个无言的结局,请让我知道,请给我时间忘记你,请给我勇气忘记你,知道这会很难,但我会努力。7. coming soon在线翻译7. The situation of joining WTO in the face of day by day ripe, normal real estate market and China, The enterprise of the real estate, will bearing the double pincer attack of two whifves of brute force while coming from soon.&&&&面对日渐成熟、规范的房地产市场和中国加入WTO的形势,房地产企业,很快就将承受着来自内外两股强力的双重压力。8. 8. I personally was shocked by the number of people coming past with close connections to the dreaded three diseases, MND heading the list…so I feel confident someone will make the first donation through our Just Giving BB page soon…you can make a little comment with the donation too…so please think about it.&&&&我个人就被那些感染了三种致命疾病的病患者人数吓了一中跳,尤其患上运动神经细胞病的人数更是居于榜首。。。所以,我很有信心很快就会有第一名慈长人翁通过我们的网站页面进行捐款…同时你还可以为捐款作一个简短的评论。。。所以请你认真为此考虑一下。9. 911查询·英语单词9. The Food Section: Appetizers: Mozza Coming Soon?&&&&170食品节:抛砖引玉:mozza即将到来?10. Of course, coming up very very soon will be the release of our company, Wingman`s very first compilation album!&&&&当然,接下来很快要发行的,是我们公司,翼星的第一张合辑!11. Don't worry. The trolley is soon coming. We can buy something to eat.&&&&&&不用担心,手推车很快就来了,我们可以买点吃的。12. But it will soon grow out again, said Beth, coming to kiss and comfort the shorn sheep.&&&&&&不过头发很快就会长出来的。贝思边安慰边走过来亲吻这头剪了毛的小羊。13. 13. So who knows, maybe plaid is coming soon...&&&&&&谁知道呢,可能格子花呢就要来了。。。14. I am going to have a relaxation in Huang Montain since vacation is coming soon.&&&&&&我马上就要休假了。我想我会去黄山放松一下。15. And the railroad line's|coming soon.&&&&&&火车线路马上就要到这里了16. Q. Will your band Gush be coming out with a new CD soon?&&&&&&Q:你的乐队Gush会不会很快发行新的CD?17. I do not begrudge the government a pay rise, but it is coming too soon.&&&&&&我并不羡慕政府涨工资,但也太快了。18. 18. He just wanted to say happy the moon festival day and happy national holiday coming soon. he kindly said my english was well.&&&&&&他只是想说中秋节和即将到来的国庆节快乐。他很善意的说我的英语很好。19. Both are artists, the working mates, as well as lovers. Because of their lovely baby is coming up soon, they need to be off work for a while.&&&&&&两位艺术家,他们是工作的partner,同时也是恋人,在2008年的夏天因为有了新的生命和祝福,需要他们暂时离开忙碌的工作状态。20. 20. I sat down with humility's manner which i always had been. this one is seay too, the procuress told me, yes, quite cute girl i thought, her pink color's t-shirt showed nice figure even though not eract enough, anyway, that seay girl would not coming back soon, ,, , i took my pack, 300 was draw out from wallet to procuress.&&&&&&我赶紧坐下,,大姐说,这个也挺胖的,,我回头看见一个小女子,,,挺可人儿的,粉色低胸圆领杉勾勒出一定的轮廓,,,又打量了几眼后,决定就是她吧,,反正那个胖的也不能马上回来,,,。拿出包包,递上了300。coming soon 单语例句1. The partisan political split isn't likely to subside anytime soon, especially with a debate over the government's debt limit coming next month.2. China's first demographic dividend is coming to an end as the size of working age population is peaking and will soon begin a rapid decline.3. The driver further states that he soon figured out that a train was coming from the opposite direction.4. " The investigation is coming to the end and Li will go to court soon, " said Zhang.5. Frequent visitors to Hong Kong will soon find coming and going from the region much easier.6. But isn't China's ODI coming too soon and too fast, especially because it does not have any experience of building modern businesses in distant lands?7. He said Mehsud would not be provoked into coming out so soon into the open because that would make him a target.8. She published a book on parenting in January and two more books are coming soon.9. As we don't expect exports to recover very soon, the domestic engine has to be the main source of growth in coming years.10. " I know that water is coming down pretty soon, " Li said of the wall of funds expected from mainland retail investors.coming soon是什么意思,coming soon在线翻译,coming soon什么意思,coming soon的意思,coming soon的翻译,coming soon的解释,coming soon的发音,coming soon的同义词,coming soon的反义词,coming soon的例句,coming soon的相关词组,coming soon意思是什么,coming soon怎么翻译,单词coming soon是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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coming soon中文是什么意思
中文翻译不日上映即将上市敬请期待&&&&adj. 1.就要来的,正在来的,来(年),次(日),下 ...&&&&adv. 1.立刻,即刻,马上;一会儿,不久,没多时。 ...&&&&他会马上回来吗&&&&这一天来临&&&&就要到了,将要到的(用现在进行时表将来)&&&&adj. 1.就要来的,正在来的,来(年),次(日),下(月、周)。 2.有前途的,正在崛起的,蒸蒸日上的,(人)新进的。 n. 进来;到达;〔美方〕发芽; ...&&&&进入, 开始&&&&进入&&&&adj. 顺从的。 &&&&有事就要发生了&&&&正如所看到那样&&&&立刻; 一...就...,不迟于; 一就&&&&再也乐意不过地&&&&adv. 1.立刻,即刻,马上;一会儿,不久,没多时。 2.快,早。 3.高兴地,欣然。 4.宁愿,不如〔用 sooner 形,常和 would, shou ...&&&&来引导这类句子&&&&更乐意&&&&来得容易,去得快&&&&忘得快&&&&学得快&&&&早熟早烂&&&&烂得快; 熟得快; 忘得快; 学得快; 早慧早夭&&&&山雨欲来&&&&有一个人正走进来&&&&后退回采; 后退式回采&&&&圣诞节到了
例句与用法I like for him to come soon .我欢迎他马上来。He will come soon , i reckon .我想他会来的。I hope he'll come soon .我希望他快来。Her regular bus had gone. she hoped another would come soon .平时乘座的那一班公共汽车已经开走,她希望下班快点开来。Bear them to the captives in their cells, and tell i shall come soon .把它们拿去给地牢里的囚犯,告诉他们,我马上就来。But if he does not come soon i must go in spite of all orders for i have a report to make now .不过,如果他不马上来,那管它命令不命令,我一定要走,因为反正我现在有东西可交差啦。Yes , and i heard that a typhoon is coming soon是啊!我听说台风很快就会登陆了。 I don ' t doubt that ( 不用 if 或 whether ) he will come soon我毫不怀疑他会很快回来。 I never think of the future - it comes soon enough我从不考虑将来,它来如闪电。 Hold on , keep going , light is coming soon坚持下去,继续努力,光明即将来临。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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