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法国) Little Women 《小妇人》(露易莎·梅·奥尔科特,英国) Prometheus Unbound 《被释的普罗米修斯》(雪莱,英国) Resurrection 《复活》(列夫·托尔斯泰,俄国) Rob Roy 《罗伯·罗伊》(沃尔特·斯科特,英国) Robinson Crusoe 《鲁滨逊飘流记》(丹尼尔·笛福,英国) Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(莎士比亚,英国) Sense and Sensibility 《理智与情感》(简·奥斯汀,英国) Sister Carrie 《嘉莉姐妹》(西奥多·德莱塞;s Lover 《查太莱夫人的情人》(劳伦斯,英国) Les Miserables 《悲惨世界》(雨果,英国) the Count of Monte 《基督山伯爵》(大仲马,法国) The Faerie Queene 《仙后》(埃德蒙·斯宾塞;Urbervilles 《德伯家的苔丝》(托马斯·哈代,美国) Love of Life 《热爱生命》(杰克.伦敦,美国) Ode to a Nightingale 《夜莺颂》(约翰·济慈,英国) Ode to the West Wind 《西风颂》(雪莱,英国) Of Studies 《论学习》(弗郎西斯·培根,英国) A Tale of Two Cities( 《双城记》(查尔斯·狄更斯,英国) Anna Karenina 《安娜·卡列尼娜》(列夫·托尔斯泰,英国) Nature 《自然》(拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生. Warren&#92,英国) A Thousand and One Nights 《一千零一夜》 Adam Bede 《亚当·贝德》(乔治·艾略特,英国) All\&#39,美国) Great Expectations 《远大前程》(查尔斯·狄更斯,英国) Jean-Christophe( 《约翰·克利斯朵夫》(罗曼·罗兰,英国) Persuasion 《劝说》(简·奥斯汀,英国) Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》(查尔斯·狄更斯,美国) Tender is the Night 《夜色温柔》(斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,美国) Tess of the D\''s Pilgrimage 《查尔德·哈罗德游记》(拜伦,英国) Crime and Punishment 《罪与罚》(陀斯妥也夫斯基,武器》(海明威,俄国) As You Like it 《皆大欢喜》(莎士比亚,英国) Bel-Ami 《漂亮朋友》(基·德·莫泊桑;'s Dream 《仲夏夜之梦》(莎士比亚;s House 《玩偶之家》(亨里克·易卜生,挪威) A Farewell to Arms 《别了,美国) Mrs,英国) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 《汤姆.索亚历险记》(马克吐温,美国) The Beautiful and the Damned 《漂亮冤家》(斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,美国) The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事》 The Comedy of Errors 《错见错觉》(莎士比亚,英国) Childe Harold&#92,英国) Don Juan 《唐璜》(乔治·戈登·拜伦,英国) Elegy Written in a Country Ch......比较没有那么意义深奥的话《Twilight&&The meanest doll in the world&&Coraline&&Stardust&&Joan of Arc&
《小妇人》;《秘密花园》; 《84Charing Cross Road》BY Helen Haff(...
这是个好办法,那么推荐the call of the wild,the great Gatsby和C...
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MISS Bingley's letter arrived, and put an end to doubt. The very first sentence conveyed the assurance of their being all settled in London for the winter, and concluded with her brother's regret at not having had time to pay his respects to his friends in Hertfordshire before he left the country.彬格莱小姐的信来了,疑虑消除了。信上第一句话就说,她们决定在伦敦过冬,结尾是替他哥哥道歉,说他在临走以前,没有来得及向哈福郡的朋友们辞行,很觉遗憾。
Hope was over, and when Jane could attend to the rest of the letter, she found little, except the professed affection of the writer, that could give her any comfort. Miss Darcy's praise occupied the chief of it. Her many attractions were again dwelt on, and Caroline boasted joyfully of their increasing , and ventured to
the accomplishment of the wishes which had been unfolded in her former letter. She wrote also with great pleasure of her brother's being an inmate of Mr. Darcy's house, and mentioned with
some plans of the latter with regard to new furniture.希望破灭了,彻底破灭了。吉英继续把信读下去,只觉得除了写信人那种装腔作势的亲切之外,就根本找不出可以自慰的地方。满篇都是赞美达西小姐的话,絮絮叨叨地谈到她的千娇百媚。珈罗琳又高高兴兴地说,她们俩之间已经一天比一天来得亲热,而且竟大胆地作出预言,说是她上封信里面提到的那些愿望,一定可以实现。她还得意非凡地写道,她哥哥已经住到达西先生家里去,又欢天喜地地提到达西打算添置新家具。
Elizabeth, to whom Jane very soon communicated the chief of all this, heard it in silent . Her heart was divided between concern for her sister, and resentment against all the others. To Caroline's assertion of her brother's being partial to Miss Darcy she paid no credit. That he was really fond of Jane, she doubted no more th and much as she had always been disposed to like him, she could not think without anger, hardly without , on that easiness of temper, that want of proper resolution which now made him the slave of his designing friends, and led him to sacrifice his own happiness to the
of their . Had his own happiness, however, been the only sacrifice, he might have been allowed to sport with it in what ever ma but her sister's was involved in it, as, she thought, he must be sensible himself. It was a subject, in short, on which reflection would be long indulged, and must be . She could think of nothing else, and yet whether Bingley's regard had really died away, or were suppressed by his friends' whether he had been aware of Jane's attachment, or whether it had esc whichever were the case, though her opinion of him must be materially affected by the difference, her sister's situation remained the same, her peace equally wounded.吉英立刻把这些事大都告诉了伊丽莎白,伊丽莎白听了,怒而不言。她真伤心透了,一方面是关怀自己的姐姐,另方面是怨恨那帮人。珈罗琳信上说她哥哥钟情于达西小姐,伊丽莎白无论如何也不相信。她仍旧象以往一样,相信彬格莱先生真正喜欢吉英。伊丽莎白一向很看重他,现在才知道他原来是这样一个容易说话而没有主意的人,以致被他那批诡计多端的朋友们牵制住了,听凭他们反复无常地作弄他,拿他的幸福作牺牲品──想到这些,她就不能不气愤,甚至不免有些看不起他。要是只有他个人的幸福遭到牺牲,那他爱怎么胡搞都可以,可是这里面毕竟还牵涉着她姐姐的幸福,她相信他自己也应该明白。简单说来,这问题当然反复考虑过,到头来一定是没有办法。她想不起什么别的了。究竟是彬格莱先生真的变了心呢,还是根本不知道?虽然对她说来,她应该辨明其中的是非曲直,然后才能断定他是好是坏,可是对她姐姐说来,反正都是一样地伤心难受。
A day or two passed before Jane had courage to speak of her feelings to E but at last on Mrs. Bennet's leaving them together, after a longer
than usual about Netherfield and its master, she could not help saying,&&Oh! that my dear mother had more
she can have no idea of the pain she gives me by her continual reflections on him. But I will not . It cannot last long. He will be forgot, and we shall all be as we were before.&隔了一两天,吉英才鼓起勇气,把自己的心事说给伊丽莎白听。且说那天班纳特太太象往常一样说起尼日斐花园和它的主人,唠叨了老半天,后来总算走开了,只剩下她们姐妹俩,吉英这才禁不往说道:&噢,但愿妈妈多控制她自己一些吧!她没晓得她这样时时刻刻提起他,叫我多么痛苦。不过我决不怨谁。这局面不会长久的。他马上就会给我们忘掉,我们还是会和往常一样。&
Elizabeth looked at her sister with
, but said nothing.伊丽莎白半信半疑而又极其关切地望着姐姐,一声不响。
&You doubt me,& cried Jane, &indeed you have no reason. He may live in my memory as the most amiable man of my acquaintance, but that is all. I have nothing either to hope or fear, and nothing to
him with. Thank God! I have not that pain. A little time therefore. -- I shall certainly try to get the better.&&你不相信我的话吗?&吉英微微红着脸嚷道。&那你真是毫无理由。他在我的记忆里可能是个最可爱的朋友,但也不过如此而已。我既没有什么奢望,也没有什么担心,更没有什么要责备他的地方。多谢上帝,我还没有那种苦恼。因此稍微过一些时候,我一定会就慢慢克服过来的。&
With a stronger voice she soon added, &I have this comfort immediately, that it has not been more than an error of fancy on my side, and that it has done no harm to any one but myself.&她立刻又用更坚强的声调说道:&我立刻就可以安慰自己说:这只怪我自己瞎想,好在并没有损害别人,只损害了我自己。&
&My dear Jane!& exclaimed Elizabeth, &you are too good. Your sweetn I do not know what to say to you. I feel as if I had never done you justice, or loved you as you deserve.&伊丽莎白连忙叫起来了:&亲爱的吉英,你太善良了。你那样好心,那样处处为别人着想,真象天使一般;我不知道应该怎么同你说才好。我觉得我从前待你还不够好,爱你还不够深。&
Miss Bennet eagerly disclaimed all extraordinary , and threw back the praise on her sister's warm affection.吉英竭力否认这一切言过其实的夸奖,反而用这些赞美的话来赞扬妹妹的热情。
&Nay,& said Elizabeth, &this is not fair. You wish to think all the world respectable, and are hurt if I speak ill of any body. I only want to think you perfect, and you set yourself against it. Do not be afraid of my running into any excess, of my
on your privilege of universal good will. You need not. There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I
and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of either merit or sense. I have met with
one I the other is Charlotte's marriage. It is unaccountable! in every view it is unaccountable!&&别那么说,&伊丽莎白说,&这样说不公平的,你总以为天下都是好人。我只要说了谁一句坏话,你就难受。我要把你看作一个完美无瑕的人,你就来驳斥。请你放心,我决不会说得过分,你有权利把四海之内的人一视同仁,我也不会干涉你。你用不着担心。至于我,我真正喜欢的人没有几个,我心目中的好人就更少了。世事经历得愈多,我就愈对世事不满;我一天比一天相信,人性都是见异思迁,我们不能凭着某人表面上一点点长处或见解,就去相信他。最近我碰到了两件事:其中一件我不愿意说出来,另一件就是夏绿蒂的婚姻问题。这简直是莫明其妙!任你怎样看法,都是莫明其妙!&
&My dear Lizzy, do not give way to such feelings as these. They will ruin your happiness. You do not make allowance enough for difference of situation and temper. Consider Mr. Collins's respectability, and Charlotte's , steady character. Remember that she is o that as to fortune, it is a and be ready to believe, for every body's sake, that she may feel something like regard and esteem for our cousin.&&亲爱的丽萃,不要这样胡思乱想吧。那会毁了你的幸福的。你对于各人处境的不同和脾气的不同,体谅得不够。你且想一想柯林斯先生的身份地位和夏绿蒂的谨慎稳重吧。你得记住,她也算一个大家闺秀,说起财产方面,倒是一门挺适当的亲事。你且顾全大家的面子,只当她对我们那位表兄确实有几分敬爱和器重吧。&
you, I would try to believe almost any thing, but no one else could be benefited by s for were I persuaded that Charlotte had any regard for him, I should only think worse of her understanding, than I now do of her heart. My dear Jane, Mr. Collins is a conceited, , narrow-minded, you know he is, as well as I and you must feel, as well as I do, that the woman who marries him, cannot have a proper way of thinking. You shall not defend her, though it is Charlotte Lucas. You shall not, for the sake of one individual, change the meaning of principle and , nor endeavour to persuade yourself or me that selfishness is prudence, and insensibility of danger, security for happiness.&&要是看你的面子,我几乎随便对什么事都愿意以为真,可是这对于任何人都没有益处;我现在只觉得夏绿蒂根本不懂得爱情,要是再叫我去相信她是当真爱上了柯林斯,那我又要觉得她简直毫无见识。亲爱的吉英,柯林斯先生是个自高自大、喜爱炫耀、心胸狭窄的蠢汉,这一点你和我懂得一样清楚,你也会同我一样地感觉到,只有头脑不健全的女人才肯嫁给他。虽说这个女人就是夏绿蒂&卢卡斯,你也不必为她辩护。你千万不能为了某一个人而改变原则,破格迁就,也不要千方百计地说服我,或是说服你自己去相信,自私自利就是谨慎,糊涂胆大就等于幸福有了保障。&
川普希拉里掐的火热 他俩的女儿竟是闺蜜?!


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